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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 7:46 pm Reply with quote
(( Very nice posts everyone ... :smile:

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 7:53 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 4Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Apr 10, 2003 5:04 am
(( HOly Apples !
::sounds nice and if my imagination is OK, this makes whole thing Exciting!

"Fortune favors the brave"

-Terence, Phormio (161 B.C.)
Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Sorenti looked at his watch as he sat back in the limo, he drained his glass of brandy and realised Imo-rah was staring at him,

"What? what is it?" Sorenti asked

"You need to feed sir, the necklace remember? besides, it's a while since you did anyway" Imo-rah said quietly

"Ok, but I don't really want to leave that lot in there without being able to supervise them, you know? In case of mishap, this has to be kept clean"

"Of course sir, so why not send in someone to errr...keep an eye on things, added security on your investment if you like, not that you actually invested anything, but you know what I mean?" Imo-rah asked quickly, not liking to see Sorenti without the marvellous gifts and abilities he had almost grown used to.

"Hmm not a bad idea young one, not bad at all, let me see, who do we have?" Sorenti thought about his guards, but decided he would rather not be without them until he had fed and was strong again. His eyes searched around as he thought, he saw the driver of the limo, then the one next to him,
"Hmmm a Ventrue, he would do well and it would give him a chance to prove his worth, don't you think Imo-rah?"

"If you think so sir, his name is Alex, or Alek or Alekz.or..."

"Enough, I don't really care, at least being Ventrue he should be smart enough not to get himself killed, he'll do fine"

Sorenti leant forward and touched the figure in the passenger seat on the shoulder,

"I have to go for a bit, you any good with a weapon?"

The figure turned and nodded curtly "Yes sir, what did you have in mind?"

"I need someone to go in there and make sure things turn out well, if you follow me?"

"Not a problem sir" Alekz smiled slightly and somewhat coldly, relishing the thought of active duty again.

"Excellent, glad to hear it. There are weapons in the back of the limo, get the driver to pop the trunk, then take what you need. I will be back in about an hour, plenty of time to get you out before dawn hits and do be careful!"

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 11:56 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
Rea watched as the head fell onto the dusty cracked floor and kicked it, grinning as it rolled and landed face down in the dust.
"perhaps you can be some use to me after all traitor" she muttered as she looked at the headless corpse.
working quickly,her nimble fingers undid the buttons on his leather trenchcoat,smiling as she saw the pockets that had been sewn to the inside of the jacket.

slipping the jacket on she turned back to the corpse and noticed his duffle bag laid on the desk. She emptied it out and slipped the ammo that she found into the pockets of the coat. next she turned to the large pistol laid on the desk.Picking it up in her delicate hands she examined it closely, smiling to herself,at least something was on her side, it was the same gun that alek had trained her with, a desrt eagle, about 8" long with ahell of a recoil, but enough power to blow chunks out of someone.

A darkness flickered across her eyes briefly as she remembered him.

No time for brooding about the past she thought as she put the pistol down and continued looking through the bag, sighing she dropped the bag back on the desk, nothing else but a few personal posessions.
The wind had begun to blow harshly through the ceiling, making her blonde her fly across her face,damn she thought, trying to tuck it behind her ears.

Looking over at the head that lay on the floor,she walked towards it and picked it up by the hair.seeing the hair band wrapped tightly around the hair, she pulled it off and pulled her own hair into a tight bun, securing it with the band.

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 12:22 am Reply with quote
He had sat in front of Sorenti in the limousine as the driver drove to the “arena”. His back to his “master” as the car engine purred. The one called Imo-rah sat directly opposite Sorenti, and as he listened he could sense a genuine fondness of a sort from Sorenti for the dark youth. Sorenti grew impatient, reluctant to leave the soon to be massacre.

“I don't really want to leave that lot in there without being able to supervise them, you know? In case of mishap, this has to be kept clean"

"Of course sir, so why not send in someone to errr...keep an eye on things, added security on your investment if you like, not that you actually invested anything, but you know what I mean?"

Imo-rah asked quickly, not liking to see Sorenti without the marvellous gifts and abilities he had almost grown used to.

"Hmm not a bad idea young one, not bad at all, let me see, who do we have?"

Sorenti thought about his guards, but decided he would rather not be without them until he had fed and was strong again. His eyes searched around as he thought, he saw the driver of the limo, then the one next to him.

"Hmmm a Ventrue, he would do well and it would give him a chance to prove his worth, don't you think Imo-rah?"

"If you think so sir, his name is Alex, or Alek or Alekz...or..."

"Enough, I don't really care, at least being Ventrue he should be smart enough not to get himself killed, he'll do fine."

Alekz listened intently, hearing his name being mentioned.

Sorenti leant forward and touched the figure in the passenger seat on the shoulder...

"I have to go for a bit, you any good with a weapon?"

The figure turned and nodded curtly. "Yes sir, what did you have in mind?"

"I need someone to go in there and make sure things turn out well, if you follow me?"

"Not a problem sir.”

He smiled, although devoid of any true feeling he knew that many among his kind clung to their emotions, and instinct had long since taught him that sometimes just masking yourself with false emotion was enough to make them react more favourably. The reaction it created was as expected. Sorenti nodded, seeming to see a glimmer of excitement in the young assassins eyes.

"Excellent, glad to hear it. There are weapons in the back of the limo, get the driver to pop the trunk, then take what you need. I will be back in about an hour, plenty of time to get you out before dawn hits and do be careful!"

Sliding out of the car he waited as the driver popped the trunk, and lifted it clear. Pulling his own equipment from the car his eyes fell on a long, large case. He clicked it open revealing the gleaming, murderous form of a Barret M95 Sniper cannon. His eyes widened as he lifted it from the car, even fitted with a suppressor the gun would make some ears pop. He made the decision easily, dropping the Springfield into the case in it’s place. As he reached to close the trunk his eyes caught the shape of a belt holding flash fires. Pulling it free he fastened it around his waist. They’d come in handy if another sniper was using a starlight scope. Pushing three of the high calibre clips into his hip pouch he slammed the trunk door shut. Nodding to Sorenti before trotting towards the gates. The rifle swinging from his shoulder, the various short-range weapons jumping in their straps as the guard opened the gate.

“Good luck in there kid.” The guard looked amused, clearly expecting noone to walk away before dawn.

Alekz turned to him, his face empty, his eyes hollow.

“Luck is not a factor. Lock the gates behind me.”

The guards eyes widened at the cool rebuffal. Nodding he watched the young Ventrue sprint towards a pile of rubble, dropping to one knee as he scanned the scene with the riflescope. As the Ventrue stood and disappeared around a derelict building he locked the gates, walking back towards the limo.

Alekz came to a halt alongside the ruined husk of a soon to be destroyed tenement. Scanning the dark interior he stepped in, his booted feet expertly making little sound as he began to haul himself up towards the unstable roof. Once there he scanned the area with the scope. As he watched he saw two figures skulking two hundred yards to the west of his location. Zooming in he saw two men carrying automatics and wearing headsets. He stayed stone still as they crept across open ground, covering each other with the standard “Over watch” procedure. Pulling a round into the chamber he took careful aim, waiting until both backs were turned before firing at the brownstone they passed. The sound of the rifle a harsh, throaty cough as the heavy bullet span towards its target. The impact sent splinters of stone, shards of concrete into the air. The bullet burying itself into the wall, almost breaching the reverse side.

The two figures dropped at the sound, dragging themselves under cover. By the time they looked up to try and locate their attacker Alekz was already on the move. He circled ahead of them, placing a series of convoluted tripwires connected to three of his flash fires. As they warily moved towards his location he sank into a hollow, possibly a collapsed basement, and watched.

"True nobility is exempt from fear."

[ This Message was edited by: Alekzandre Thain on 2002-02-25 18:25 ]

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 1:23 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
Rea walked to the door carrying the pistol resting it in the crook of her arm, the long trenchcoat wrapped tightly around her lithe body.
She whirled around as she heard the crack of a rifle been shot breaking the silence of the night.
she clung to the wall in the corridor and slowly made her way down to the far end, pushing open doors as she did, checking that noone was hiding in them.
She walked into a large empty area and after investigation figured it was the mess hall, the tables that had once been used for dining on now littered with rubble from the decrepid ceiling.

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 6:36 am Reply with quote
User avatarUnknownPosts: 2Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:21 pm
The courtyard lightened slightly as the moon's supple rays emerged from behind a lone cloud. Through the artifical sight of her binoculars, the Assamite watched the Brujah pair turn with concern at the sound of silenced gunfire. So, they could hear it to, they weren't complete amateurs.

She had watched him come in, watched him slither his way past the gates and take shots at the human. She wondered if he had missed on purpose or not....she hoped secretly it had been an accident.

The Brujah pair scanned the courtyard, their shadows seemingly elastic in the moon beams, stretched across the cement. She watched silently, confident in her position. Here she was enveloped by darkness, the relative safety of the shadows shielding her from sight. A thin trace of a smile appeared, as she saw them glance at the dummy in the room below her.

The duo pressed themselves up against the wall and began the slow trek towards the guard tower. She hunched herself over, balancing tenderly near the edge of the roof. As she waited, she let her thoughts drift to those many years ago, when she had felt the same breeze whip through her clothes.

Her Sire had been a strong man, in will and mind. He had abused his body however, and could no longer perform his duties as an Assamite. He had taken her in Crete in the early Spring of 1914, she was just an average girl, neither spectacular in beauty or strength. Yet he chose her all the same, and trained her, and even loved her.

For some time she ran tasks for him, killing various military officials, or running personal vendettas. Yet she watched as he grew weaker and weaker.

One night, as that Mediterranean breeze crept through her open bedroom window, she emerged from her bed. The cold touch of the clay floors was still fresh in her mind. All around her, the salty aroma of the sea circulated.

She stepped on the patio, the sky still orange with the last rays of the sun. Although it burnt, she savored it all the same, how the the sky turned a beautiful violet hue, and lingered on the soft waves of the ocean in front of their manor estate.

Gently she slipped the straps of her nightgown from her ashen shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Her naked body relaxed, as the sun disappeared and the cool hand of night took over. Carefully, yet gracefully, she climbed onto the railing of the patio.

Casting her gaze skywards, she estimated the distance to the patio that was positioned directly above hers, the patio of her Sire. Allowing her blood majik to take effect, she bounded upwards, taking a firm grasp of the cool metal. She hauled herself over it with ease, landing mutely on the patio floor.

In front of her, through closed doors, lay the bedroom of her master, where he lay no doubt sleeping still as the sunset was still fresh. She stood, feeling that sweep of cold air on her naked flesh once again, and unlatched the simple mechanism that locked the doors.

As the doors drited open, and soft radiance arched through the room, she could see the sleeping face of her master behind the translucent veil of the canopy bed. She approached slowly, taking careful mouse-like steps, until at last she was at his bedside.

As always, his Prussian Military sword lay at his side. She took it gently in her hands, feeling the frigid steel's weight. His eyes fluttered briefly and then opened, as he turned his aging head towards her.

"No my dear....not tonight....I am too weary for such games...." at the last moment, his eyes filled with sorrow, not shock as he saw the sword clenched in her hands. He raised his weary eyes to her soft face, and his lips drew slowly into a frown, and for a moment the world stood still.

In one solid stroke, she arched the sword high above her head, bringing it down swiftly on his neck. The sword buried itself deep within his throat, thick rivers of blood emenating from around it and seeping into the white silk sheets.

His hands shot to his neck, each gnarled into a wretched claw. The room echoed with gurgling as she raised the sword once again high into the air, trailing thick black blood through the space. She brought it down once more and the job was finished.

Covered in blood, and her mentor dead, she dropped the sword to the cool clay floor and made her way onto the patio, where once again the cool blanket of night caressed her body and drowned her sorrows.

"What the fuck? A fuckin DUMMY?"

She snapped back to reality as the rough voice bellowed from the room below. Damn, she had been distracted! Gripping the knife tightly, she shot her other hand to the roof's edge and held tight. Kicking her feet high into the air, she momentarily paused perfectly vertical, a one handed handstand on the edge of the roof.

As the momentum grew she swung her body to outer side of the roof but held strong, eventually curving inwards towards the open window and her adversaries within.....

"Ex medias flamma salus - From fire comes salvation."
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 7:45 am Reply with quote
(Errr sorry to post OOC here and all but ummm errrr if the Assamite female guest could e-mail me and all please I would appriciate it. No problem with the posts but as I am the only Assamite around well heh heh you get my drift. Above all nice posts guys I like this thread)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 1:25 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
((damn it cain,I thought you had posted ic on this thread, Rea was getting ready to dig herself a big hole :grin: :grin: :grin: lololol

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 10:13 pm Reply with quote
The two Brujah were sitting in an area of the Prison that appeared to be the infirmary. One of them was sitting in a dentist chair putting together a long, sleek jet black rifle, the other was pacing around the room holding a cigarette.

"God-fucking-damnit Sol would you put that thing out?" he asked his counterpart, "If we run into that Assamite she'll smell it for sure."

[i:b0be86194e]Sol[/i:b0be86194e] turned around and looked at the man who was sitting, then sighed, and then dropped the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it with a large black army boot, "Yeah yeah yeah..." was his only responce.

"Honestly Sol, honestly..." he said then stood up and gently placed the rifle on the table, "Anyway, where is that case that you brought in?"

"Which case was that Lukeus [pronounced Lu-ke-e-us]? You only made me bring in 4..."

"The long thin one, I need it for a moment."

Sol sighed, then picked up the case, placed it on the table and opened it up. 5 shiny silver swords lay on the inside.

((I'll post more later tonight))

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2002 10:32 pm Reply with quote
User avatarUnknownPosts: 2Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:21 pm
((remember, you have to end up in the guardhouse....that's where you die :smile:

"Ex medias flamma salus - From fire comes salvation."
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2002 12:03 am Reply with quote
He had watched as two more males appeared, slipping into a cat-like crawl as he followed them.

“It’s a fucking dummy!”

He froze at the shout. There he lay, flat on the ground behind the remains of a wall. The two kine had elected to stay hidden after their “scare”. He listened as the two inside the ruins argued over a weapon, if he’d been capable of the thought he would have smiled at the idiocy of their quarrelling. Instead he lay stone still waiting for signs that they were moving on. It didn’t take too long before they moved off, heading for another ruin. As he started moving again he noticed the kine had begun moving also. Deciding to leave the other figures to advance, he turned back jogging through the ruined buildings, empty hollow shells that once bustled with life. One of the kine moved forward, he heard the crackle of the headgear, his scope raising to bring the heavy cannon to bear.

“<< Hiss >> Piotr, cover me. I’m heading over to that brownstone. I’ll secure it before I signal you to move on. << Hiss >>“

Alekz rested the cannon on the dust and rubble strewn concrete. Drawing the dagger from it’s sheath he slid, fluid-like into the shadows behind Piotr. A scraping sound made Piotr turn his head round, looking behind him. Seeing nothing but blackness and....wait is that?

Before he could act, Alekz had reacted, blocking Piotr’s clumsy attack he slashed the broad blade across the humans throat, blood sprayed out in a mist. As it struck the wall Alekz had stepped clear. Grabbing Piotr before he fell, he slashed two more times, sending his bowels unravelling onto the concrete. As he finally left the body to collapse he pulled the headgear from its head, lifting the assault rifle, shouldering it he attached a small simulator charge on the clip. A small copper wire feeding into the inside of the ammunition clip, upon detonation the gun would discharge, destroying the weapon but creating the illusion that someone was firing. Pushing the head receiver over his head he lifted the Barrat and lay the assault rifle on the wall near Piotr’s corpse. He scanned the area the second human had entered and trotted towards it. As he settled in what looked like a crude first aid room the radio crackled into hissing life.

“<< Hiss >> Piotr, area is clear. I repeat area is clear, move forward. << Hiss >>“

Alekz pushed the microphone to his lips....

“<< Hiss >> Affirmative. << Hiss >>“

“<< Hiss >> Piotr? Is that you? << Hiss >>“

Alekz scanned the area ahead, seeing a faint silhouette under the cover of a collapsed doorway. A burnt out car sitting twenty feet from it. His steely eyes gazed on unblinking, seemingly hollow.

“<< Hiss >> Affirmative. << Hiss >>“

"True nobility is exempt from fear."

[ This Message was edited by: Alekzandre Thain on 2002-02-26 18:20 ]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2002 12:49 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
Rea looked up at the window,the glass now all but a few lone shards clinging to the frame.Rea put her pistol onto a table , the dust scattering as she did. spreading her arms wide she lifted the table and carried it over to the wall,setting it down on the floor, beneath a window.
Picking the pistol back up and placing it in the crook of her arm again, she put on hand on the table and stood up on it .

Rea looked out at the courtyard below,looking for any sign of she heard what sounded like the crackle of the radio she heaved her body onto the small window ledge and looked downwards.
A figure dressed all in black was sprinting from one side of the courtyard to the other, making for the buildings to the right of her.

Damn she thought too close for comfort, there was no way she could get a clear shot of them neither and the last thing she wanted to do was forewarn them of where she was. She watched as the figure disappeared into the other builing.
"time to move i think" she muttered to herself as she lowered herself off the ledge and back onto the table.
AS she jumped down the pistol fell from the crook of her arm. Rea shut her eyes tightly as the noise of it hitting the floor echoed around the room, the sound bouncing of the walls.

"oh just great" Rea dusted herself down and picked up the pistol checking the catch on it. satisfied that it would still work ,she ran to the far corner of the room and ran quickly up the steps to what looked like an office that overlooked the whole of the room.

Putting the weapon down she looked around the room. nothing was left there but a desk and a chair.using a old piece of newspaper rea rubbed at the grime laden glass,making a small gap that she could see out of.

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2002 11:48 pm Reply with quote
Lukeus looked down at the 5 shining silver swords. One of them was very long and very thin, and was completely straight. The secord was shorter, only about 24 inches long, but it was thicker than the other. The third was even shorter, the blade was only 18 or so inches long but had a long curve at the top, and on the inside where were 10 or 12 inch long serrades. The last two were a pair of ideanticle swords, designed for double handed combat. Each was about 36 inches long and both blades were tinted an icey blue colour.

The face that appeared on the head of Lukeus could very well be compared to that of a 5 year old on Christmas morning. His eyes widenned and a sinsister grin spread across his unshaven face.

He looked over each of the 5 swords, apparently looking for the one that would accompany him. He spent 3 or 4 minutes doing this, and then rested his hands upon his choice.

He sheathed what he would take with him, then turned around, "Alright, now I just need my guns..."

"Yeah yeah yeah, give me a minute, I'm fixing something," Sol responded.

Lukeus sighed a heavy sigh then strode across the room. He picked up a black breifcase from the ground and set it on a table. He cracked open the case and propped it open on the table. A small assortment of weaponry was present inside that case. 3 pistols in total, along with 3 aimers and a few ammunition clips. There were 2 standard aimers and 1 laser aimer, each was fitted with a digital range finder. Lukeus picked up one of the pistols, a Smith & Wesson 22A. Lukeus then loaded the pistol with an ammunition clip then fitted the laser aimer onto the top of the gun, and placed it in a holdster on his thigh. He was dressed in black leather pants, black army boots, a black tee shirt and a long black trenchcoat. Over top of his tee shirt he wore a thin yet strong peice of body armour.

After fitting the pistol into it's holdster he took the next two firearms. They were a pair of Desert Eagle .45's. He smiled as he looked at each of the fine weapons, and then began to fit one of the aimers onto the gun barrel. He looked at the gun, and took off the aimer. The Brujah took both of the guns and held them out in front of him as if he was going to fire at something. As he did this he looked at the aim on both of the guns, then sighed. He twirled the guns around on his trigger finger then placed them firmly inside the twim holdsters that hid beatheath the long black trenchcoat.

"Sol! We're going!" Lukeus said to his partner.

"Good timing, " he muttered, "I've finished what I needed to get done."

"Excellent," Lukeus chuckled, as he picked up the newly assembled Rifle and tossed it to his partner, and with that he grabbed 6 clips of ammunition from the table and stashed them inside his trench, "Alright, we're off."

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 2:08 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 56Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:13 am
<<Hiss>> Piotr, you sure everything's alright? <<hiss>>

It wasn't like Piotr to say "affirmative", of course being of Russian descent, his usual answer was "Da" or just a throaty growl. Arnen frowned, peering back towards Piotr's position, he started to move back when the sharp, echoing clatter from the main building made him dart back into hiding. It sounded like someone had dropped a handgun, but surely none of this lot would drop their weapons, unless they were dead, or they were the target, Arnen thought.

At the latter thought, his ears strained in the silence....footsteps, rapid, on metal....stairs! The target must have found a way up to the next floor, or what little remained of it. From their cursory scan of the territory, it seemed the entire roof and the vast majority of the two floors in the main building had caved in. Thinking that could make access to her difficult, Arnen began to look for another way up. His eyes roamed the outside fire, too noisy, too open and probably rusted so bad he wouldn't make it anyway.

Suddenly realising Piotr had still not answered, he tapped his headset, sending a piercing electronic whine to the other, inaudible to anyone not wearing a headset. As he waited for the code signal to come back, he rolled smoothly and easily behind the burnt out car. He lay still for a few seconds and then rolled to his right and backwards to an empty oil drum. Watching the ground carefully, he inched his way back to a group of five sycamore trees that had grown up over the years of dereliction. Sliding confidently behind the second from last, he dug in so that he could see out without being seen himself and waited.

I'm what you want, when you want it. I'll do the things you can't or won't, I'm everything you need, right when you need it. Take my deal, accept my terms. Give me your problems and I'll make them mine. All you have to do is play by the rules...
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