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Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2002 7:42 am |
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2002 8:35 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2002 5:49 pm |
GangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
The shops and bars of the city passed by the window quickly as the driver picked up speed, heading out fo the city.
Rea watched out of the window and frowned slightly, as the car turned down what looked like a road that led to nowhere.
"just where are we going ?" she asked impatiently, tired of the drivers unresponsive behaviour.
He looked back at her and pointed with his finger to a large building looming in the distance.
"we are having dinner there....its an abandoned building...isn't it ?" Rea looked closely as the building came into view, its large grey walls dominating the landscape.
AS the car slowed down , she saw Sorenti stood waiting,his hands behind his back.
((Bring it on ray!!!!!!!! hehehehehehehe
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 2:39 am |
As the car pulled, Sorenti hurried over to open the door for Reannag, a look of almost genuine warmth on his face, outguessing her premonitions of the place,
"My dear, how lovely to see you again, I do hope the drive wasn't too bad for you? And yes, I know this is not the best place in the world to dine, but then we are hardly going to really have dinner now are we?" he laughed lightly and continued before she could answer,
"I did say it would be in the open air, I do so love the stars as they shine and twinkle......." Sorenti drifted into a slight dreamlike state before snapping back to reality, "It might seem a little distasteful too, dining in an old prison, but the charm of the place allures me to it, all the souls of those who died here, almost as delightful as a graveyard...Oh come now, don't tell me you are so pathetically ensnared by mortals that these places repulse you now? These places are our friends, our allies, if only for the reason that they do repulse mortals...we are safer here than some havens I have been to...come, won't you allow me to escort you in?"
The guards opened the great gates as Sorenti held out his arm for Reannag to put hers through and the two slowly walked into the compound. As they entered the remains of the building and its main room, Rea gasped at the freshly cut roses hanging on the walls, with an exquisite table neatly set for two, lit by soft candles in the middle of the room. Sorenti smiled as he spoke,
"Not quite what you were expecting is it my dear?"
"Well, you always did like to be unpredictable and surprise me" Reannag answered feeling slightly more at ease
"Ahh yes," Sorenti said as they sat at either end of the table, "I was coming to that, but do have a glass of wine, I am sure it will be to your liking." He paused as a guard dressed as a waiter served the deep red wine into their glasses, then continued as the waiter backed away.
"When we met earlier, you mentioned we had been in some sort of relationship....well...it seems I have lost my memory, or had it wiped, either way I sought answers which I found. You were quite right I believe, I found a few things which led me to think we did indeed have something between us....so...I fully apologise for my behaviour earlier tonight and would like to offer you a gift by way of showing I mean you no harm." Sorenti stood and walked to her end of the table, producing the box from his pocket on the way. Reannag looked at him, still partially in disbelief as she shook her head,
"No, please, it's not necessary, I am just glad that we can talk civilly"
Sorenti put on his most hurt looking face and deliberately stammered,
"b..but..I have to, I owe it to you..after everything you say I put you through, the heartache, the torture, the pain....please I beg of you...just allow me to give you this gift that would redeem some small part of my honour" With that he flipped open the box and smiled inwardly as Rea's eyes sparkled and grew large at the sight of the necklace. Sorenti lowered his voice to a seductive whisper,
"Please my dear Reannag....here, let us see how it looks on you" he stepped behind her, slowly lifting the necklace around her slender neck, trailing his fingers up the nape until he fastened the catch.
"There, how it lights up your beautiful face, it looks like it was made just for you, I will not hear of you not accepting it. Do you like it?" he asked
Reannag looked down and ran her fingers lightly over the glittering jewellery, slowly she smiled, though she tried her best not too. She couldn't help it, the gems caught every speck of light and danced them all around in a shimmering myriad of colour. She looked up at Sorenti, her eyes with almost the once permanent look of emotion for him, she nodded in answer, but could not speak as her brain would not let her believe this was all real and not a dream.
"Good, then it is yours" Sorenti said as they toasted each other with their glasses. They sat together, chatting over many trivial things, laughing now and then, but in total ease. After about an hour, a guard knocked lightly on the wall and Sorenti looked up,
"Yes, what is it?" he asked
"Err...sorry to disturb you sir, but you have a phonecall"
"So? it can wait, I'm not finished here, go away and do not disturb us again"
The guard shifted uneasily and then coughed out an answer which he knew he would get punished for,
"I err...I.errr...I can't sir...it's the..errr...Prince of North Carolina for you...says it's urgent" he stumbled out, fearing the onslaught from Sorenti, but Sorenti went silent and closed his eyes.
"Forgive me my dear Reannag, I must take this, the Prince is Ventrue and it must be important for him to call me on my cellphone. Don't move, I'll be right back" Sorenti stood swiftly and hurried out, following the guard as Rea sighed softly and nodded, returning to sipping her wine.
Sorenti kept up the brisk walk until he was outside the compound, he slid the money box just inside the gates and then stopped to grin hellishly as the streetlights lit up his eyes, making them yellow and feral. The amassed "guests" stood waiting and Sorenti ushered them in, quietly telling them to keep silent and wait for his signal. When they were all inside the compound, Sorenti locked the huge, solid gates and pocketed the key. He got into his limo and pulled a small microphone from its socket. The speaker on the table in the prison building, that had been playing soft, semi-romantic music now crackled making Reannag stare at it.
"Miss Reannag of clan Lasombra, yes it's me Sorenti...phonecall? I hear you ask...nope, no phonecall. BUT, if you wish to have any chance of survival, I suggest you learn to fight and extremely quickly. I guess by now you are surrounded by enemies, good luck to you and take comfort in the knowledge that you are one of the few who now fully understands why never to threaten me. Ciao bella...Oh...just so you know and in case you do get out of this...NEVER FUCK WITH A VENTRUE!"
The speaker hissed and whined as Sorenti slammed the microphone down, pouring himself a glass of brandy as the great car pulled away from the area.
"Well Imo-rah," Sorenti said smiling, "I guess now we will see what happens." Sorenti's laugh was so full that it made Imo-rah giggle, he was glad to be on the right side of The Great One.
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 6:15 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 11:22 am |
GangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
Reas eyes widened as she heard his harsh voice drifting to her from the speakers.
The fragile crystal goblet that she held in her hand dropped to the floor as she stood up quickly, the thousands of shards of glass scattering over the stone floor.
"you bastard sorenti" she shouted, her lips curling back over her pure white fangs, the anger in here making her eyes flash darkly.
" you think you could win me over with your trinkets do you ? you dont listen to me at all do you? IM not the same Rea that you knew,no what you did changed that"
her voice rang out arond the empty room.
"this is what I think of your trinket! " viciously she grabbed the necklace and tugged at it hard, the fine wire holding the diamonds toghether broke as her slender fingers yanked on it harder.
As it broke she flung the necklace along the table, watching as the diamonds glittered in the moonlight.
((damn i have no time to post much today grrr okies just be good with her lol...
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 7:17 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 56Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:13 am
Arnen and Piotr crept inside the prison compound and immediately put some distance bewteen themselves and the other "guests". They circled the main building and ducked behind a low wall, left standing from an outhouse. They began making their equipment checks, both their weapons and the headset radios they wore. While Piotr double checked everything, Arnen kept a lookout for the others. He watched as the Lasombra male slid from shadow to shadow, slowly making his way across the ground in the general direction of the central structure.
The two Brujah made Arnen smile a little, their bold progress along the far wall making them plain as day. Arnen mused how good it would be to see the sun's rays cut holes in them both so they looked like Swiss cheese. His slow scan of the area continued and then swept back again as he could not spot the one they were most worried about, the Assamite female. He nudged Piotr and whispered his concern through the headset, Piotr began to search out his side of the low wall. They knew her black garments would make her hard to see, but it seemed as if she had vanished, everywhere they looked were just shadows, nothing more.
Settling in slightly, with the hope she was on the opposite side of the main building, they readied their weapons and began thinking tactics. The sun was their ally, if they could last until dawn, the others would be dust, then they could hunt down the organiser too, just for good measure. Piotr had said it would be as easy as taking candy from a baby, but Arnen was not so sure, something troubled him deeply about the vampire organiser, as if he could almost feel some immense power in the demon. Still, they needed to concentrate on here and now, the organiser they would deal with later.
_________________ I'm what you want, when you want it. I'll do the things you can't or won't, I'm everything you need, right when you need it. Take my deal, accept my terms. Give me your problems and I'll make them mine. All you have to do is play by the rules... |
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 10:21 pm |
UnknownPosts: 2Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:21 pm
The cursed moon! Once again, it's luminance would present a constant threat. There would be no thick blanket of night to hide her as it shone brightly overhead. It was no matter, she thought as she followed the others casually through the large front gates, they were pushovers. She was far more concerned with getting to the prize first.
As she stepped onto the cracked and aging cement of the prison courtyard she stopped. The various hunters followed the Ventrue, but silently and fluidly she slipped backwards, pressing herself against the cool touch of the stone prison wall. Damndable Ventrue, always watching others for sport.
She surveyed the surroundings carefully, taking in the advantages and disadvantages of the terrain. The thick, powerful walls of the prison stretched endlessly in the moonlight, shadows creating a blue and gray landscape for the hunt. Her crisp black eyes followed the client as he made his way through the prison gates, several guards in tow.
The Assamite moved briskly towards the far left corner of the prison, all the while keeping her eyes on the other hunters and their progress. Quickly she formulated a plan, her eyes snapping back and forth with the reflexes of a viper. First the competition goes and then the job gets done. The Brujah would be simple enough to take care of, if the victim had any vampiric skills at all she could escape them easily enough...
The humans, although well armed, were still just that, humans. They wouldn't present much of a fight....the Lasombra would be the biggest challenge, he'd have to go first. A wry smile crackled across her face as she reached the metal rungs that ascended the vertical wall to the guard tower.
The entire corner was cloaked in shadows, so she would not be seen, but she wasted no time nonetheless. Moving quickly, she climbed the rusted rungs to the guard tower, ducking low when she did.
She took a moment to peek over the walls and get an overview of the courtyard. The humans had themselves tightly pressed against a wall about 20 feet from the center building, where the subject was located. The Brujah strode foolishly across the courtyard, each brandishing melee weapons. The Lasombra crept quietly along the outer wall, making slow but steady progress.
Swiftly, she removed her dress, revealing a black, elastic undergarment, similiar in appearance to a wetsuit. From her belt hung various weapons and contraptions, all with one deadly purpose in mind. Well, might as well keep them on their toes. She snatched several pieces of metal off of her belt and placed them on the wooden floor of the guard tower, and quickly began assembling them.
When the pieces were at last put together, she picked up the sniper rifle and rested it upon her shoulder, taking careful aim towards the Lasombra.
The bullet whizzed through the air silently, darting across the courtyard, and harmlessly striking the wall just in front of the Lasombra who stopped mid stride as several pebbles sprung from the bullet hole. She watched through her scope as he waved the dust away and shot an eerie glance around for his attacker.
Reaching into her side satchel, the Assamite produced a thin piece of cardboard in the shape of a human torso and head. Glancing at the position of the moon, she knew it would appear silouetted easily enough. She placed the dummy against the wall and balanced the rifle carefully against it.
Taking a step back to admire it, she nodded and stepped towards the back window of the guard tower, opening it with a bit of force. She crept silently onto the roof and removed a long curved dagger from her side sheath and waited patiently, knowing that no matter who killed the Lasombra woman, she would reap the benefits......
"Shhh now, I am here to release you, to cleanse your sins. A bit like a priest but with lots of sharp edges!"
[ This Message was edited by: Assamite Female Guest on 2002-02-23 17:01 ]
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 5:03 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:59 am
"So I'm in the compound…" The Lasombra had been camping out in what looked like it could have been an office at one time, it was now strewn with graffiti. He knew the Assamite would be looking to kill them all, and soon. He didn’t trust the brujah all to well either, but at least they would fight somewhat fair-and on his terms. He didn’t give any thought to the humans. Hopefully they would all kill one another, but for now, he would remain in the office and wait until the competition thinned out a bit.
"hopefully I will be able to devour the Assamites soul…She is the strongest kindred out of the three.Moreover, she definitely shot at me earlier this evening...but how to get to her? Perhaps a trap?" He thought, sitting at the desk in small office. He looked about the dark room, the desk had termites and was withering away, a few feet away the remains of what appeared to be a file cabinet, graffiti everywhere. How he hated to be in places such as these, but as duty demands.
The prize of this game wasn’t much, but he hoped it would prove to be EXTREMLY fun. He rested a Desert Eagle [with laser sight] on the decrepit desk. He reached beside him into a small duffel bag and pulled out a Magazine, he opened it and began to read.
"Whispers that befall your mind, tell you I have killed another of your kind"
[ This Message was edited by: Lasombra Guest on 2002-02-23 23:06 ][ This Message was edited by: Lasombra Guest on 2002-02-23 23:10 ]
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 11:45 pm |
The scattered layers of dust added an unexpected, but strangely calming hue to the room. As he opened his eyes and looked to the ceiling a faint, yet pervasive memory repeated on itself, filling his head as he tried to focus his thoughts.
He didn’t know how he came to be here, for that matter he knew not how he even came to be. The strange primordial hunger he felt deep in his belly spurned him to sit up on the crudely sprung mattress, his unseen benefactors had comforted him with. He felt twinges in his sides, his fingers finding calloused, shark-hide scars. He moved to stand, the low gaslight proving little use in his half-blind fumblings. The loose, cotton leggings hung from him, tattered and stained as he walked to the doorway. Taking hold of the knocker, pulling the crude wooden door open he stepped from the rooms dusk into the next ones dawn. Harsh light filled the room, coming down invisibly like a photonic drizzle.
“Ahhh you are at last wakened dear boy?â€
He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the brightness.
“And you might be?â€
“I dear boy am Ammon. I trust you find our hospitality acceptable? I know you are more accustomed to more, shall I say, luxurious surroundings.â€
“The bed was sufficient. Now answer me this. Who and where am I? Who do you serve and why am I here?â€
“Time enough for questions boy. Come let us find some clothing more suited you. Follow me.â€
The tall nubian stepped out of the second chamber, ushering him through. He pointed out a rack of clothes of various types, ranging from a few well pressed but well worn suits that seemed to be his size, as well as a neat collection of more casual garments. He looked carefully at the collection before pulling a pair of black slacks and a skin-hugging sweater from the pile. Dressing quickly he pulled his unwashed, sleek hair back tying it in place as the nubian Ammon looked on smiling. He didn’t return the gesture finding it unnecessary. Dropping the leggings in a heap he followed Ammon into a fourth room. Here the dark stranger offered him a clay cup, the copperish scent that rose from its lip made his belly snarl. The sound of said making his lips curl revealing milk-white fangs, curving inwards so as to hook and grip their prey.
“I see you are hungry boy. Drink deeply, I trust it will meet your particular “needsâ€? â€.
He sipped then, at first instinctively wary that it would be “wrong†then gulping as his body reacted favourably to the mucinous, cloying liquid as it passed his throat, the redness of it spreading through him as his cells absorbed their fill. Gasping with the influx of power he stretched his legs and arms before nodding his thanks to Ammon. His ghost-like memory offering another sliver as he stepped forward, his thoughts arcing out like a searchlight.
“It does me proud to see you feeling so much better.â€
“Enough.†He slapped the nubians mind as he spoke.
“If I am to be held here I require a name other than “boyâ€. And if I am to wear a name I also require a reason why I should not kill you and leave.â€
His voice had remained calm, impassive. This in itself had alarmed Ammon. In his years of service to the “Great One†he had been privy to many a cold-hearted vampire. But rarely had he met one with no feelings at all. Stuttering he stepped back.
“Ahhh well....uhhh...Your name is.....Alekzandre Thain..we also know you as Grendel....as for a reason...well we took you from your resting-place and revived you here....â€
“...you see...we are the Alf Asuad Sheta, the Thousand Black Winters...it suits our needs to retrieve the fallen among the kindred...we “re-educate†them and they join us in our quest to revive the “Great Oneâ€...â€
Alekz furrowed his brow as he listened, certain words furrowed it further. Grendel? Great One? He listened on as Ammon continued.
“..you were defeated by an elder...your clansmen of the Ventrue left you in the earth, believing you truly dead, they were wrong. After they left we took you, and well here you are....â€
He nodded, remembering at least in part something of the clans, of his kind the kindred. That at least made his powers over the mind make sense, the Ventrue were masters of mentalism.
“So you have re-activated me? To serve this “Great Oneâ€? And this name you used..Grendel? What does that refer to?â€
Ammon continued refreshing Alekz’ memory. Two hours had passed since he awoke. Ammon led him to the others. He saw none of them as his master, adopting the role of a mere cog in their machine. Months had come and gone as the day of the “Great Ones†rebirth came closer, discipline and caution kept him silent and safe in their midst as the day finally arrived.
The sight would have been breathtaking, had he drawn any. As he stood watching the proceedings the others around him gasped in awe as the “Great One†emerged, dust and sand littering the temple floor as he appeared in front of them.
As he was lifted to his feet Alekz’ mind froze....a single word hurtling up from the depths of his consciousness.....â€Beowulf?â€
He didn’t understand why, at least not clearly. But Alekz felt more drawn to the “Great One†than he could explain. He never spoke so out loud, but in his head he referred to him as Beowulf. A word that he guarded with mental barriers weak in comparison to many of the others but sufficient to convince them it wasn’t worth the effort.
And so he stayed invisible, always ensuring his place in the “Great Ones†entourage, especially since they had travelled to the “Waterfall†city, no that wasn’t it. Cascade..Cascadia? The heat of the southern city was clearly irritating some of the others. The few Garou that served the “cause†muttered constantly as the humidity got under their fur. He watched as they went about their duties, if he possessed the ability to, he would’ve admired their simplicity. Instead he merely carried out his own, monitoring the “Great Ones†chambers, guarding against the unlikely threat of attack by his enemies.
It was a matter of weeks after his arrival in Cascadia that he witnessed the “Great Ones†dealings with those outwith his influence, a young Lasombra, barely older than himself befouled the entourage with her presence. Even the weaker mentalists read the irritation and dislike the “Great One†held for the female. As the limousine drove off Alekz tapped in on the conversation between the “Great One†or Sorenti as he was now known and his companion. To avoid detection by Sorenti he had to flitter his “readingâ€, only picking up choice phrases. However he read enough to understand that Sorenti had something planned for the future.
A week or two later he sent Ammon, who now served as his assistant on a shopping trip. Ammon returned late in the afternoon as Alekz awoke, washing in an ice cold shower he dressed in a black bodysuit, he walked into the main room of his apartment. Ammon had placed the results of his shopping trip on the polished stone floor in a concentric circle, the list he’d given him being their common centre. He began re-reading his list, occasionally uttering out loud as changes, unavoidable considering the time limit, made him examine the items Ammon had been able to acquire.
In front of him lay three guns and an oily bundle. Two were twin pistols, the other was a brand new Steyr TMP, the machine pistol had proven an exceptional killing tool, with a high cyclic rate of 800 rounds/minute, and an almost preternatural ability to stay on target even on full auto. Alekz’ mind lightened, for such a compact design the weapon would prove ideal. He rested the three clips of 9mm rounds next to the TMP and turned his attention to the others. He lifted the two pistols, hoping for Glock 9mm he nodded imperceptibly as he tested the twin Ruger P-89’s in each hand. His legs tucked under him as he inspected the pistols inside and out. He nodded to the waiting Ammon his satisfaction, deciding the weapons would be sufficient. Next he unravelled the oily rags that protected the relic within their folds. His eyes narrowed as he pulled the .03 Springfield rifle from it’s covering. It was an excellent rifle in its day, and with a night of effort it could be again. Placing it opposite the pistols he unpacked the starlight scope he’d ordered, clicking it into place on the rifles spine before removing it for later cleaning. Two boxes of ammo for the pistols and two for the rifle sat side by side on his left. Tapping the edge of one of them he unsheathed the cruel, specially made dagger, slashing the air in slow motion as he got a feel for it. At four inches long from hilt to tip, and three inches at its base it was an ideal slashing weapon, designed to disembowel not skewer. Pushing it back into the sheath he again nodded to Ammon.
“That will be all Ammon.â€
“Yes sir.â€
As Ammon left the room he slid the collected weaponry into a corner before falling into a silent, dance like kata. Clearing his mind for the coming evening.
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 11:52 pm |
((exxxcellent...then all is going to plan....
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 3:11 pm |
GangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
Rea looked around the courtyard, the bright moonlight casting shadows around her.
"enemies....I guess I have a few of them" she muttered under her breathe.
she reached for one of the silver fine bladed serving knives on the table and looked at it closely,hoping she could sharpen it up.
Rea walked quickly to the wall closest to the central building, turning around warily as she did, trying to watch in all directions at once.
" I swear sorenti, if I get out of this ..you will pay .." her voice said harshly as she stood against the wall, looking around for any sign of movement. Her body side stepped slowly along the wall, until she reached the door to the central building.Its hinges where worn and rusty, and not wanting to make any unneccessary noise, she slipped through the small gap silently.
As she stepped inside she looked at the debris and rubble scattered over the corridor floor, and then to her boots.
Damn it she thought, the noise her heels would make on the stone floor would give her away.
Rea leaned against the wall and bent down,pulling her boots off in turn.Looking around she saw a large metal trunk,lifting the lid she placed the heel of her boot in it,then closed it, leaning on it with her body, she pressed down on the boot with her hand, until the heel snapped off.doing the same with the other one she put her boots back on and smiled as she walked along, not making a sound.
Rea froze and stood in the alcove of a doorway, there was one of her clan up ahead of her, that would figure she thought, wondering what sort of bounty sorenti had put on her unlife.
she pushed the door she had her back to open, and stepped inside the room, looking around it,making sure she was alone.
The moonlight cast its eerie light through the now decaying roof.rows of shelfs filled the room and Rea walked over to one of them, her hands lifting lids of the musty boxes that lay there.
Files...nothing but files ...damn she thought.
As she turned to go back into the corridor her eyes rested on roll of electrical wire that lay on the floor.
perfect she thought as she unrolled a length of it, her nails slitting the plastic covering on it, she then wrapped it around both her hands forming a garrot((sp?
Rea stepped back into the corridor, still sensing the lasombras presence,she slipped along the walls,keeping to the shadows.
[ This Message was edited by: Reannag (npc) on 2002-02-25 09:42 ]
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 3:39 pm |
GangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
ah there you are rea thought to herself as she looked around the door of an office,its walls scrawled with graffitti. Rea could just make out the dark hair of the lasombra above the porn ((lol)) magazine that they were reading.
Rea backed away from the door, no chance of getting into the office that way she thought,the desk was facing the door.
Unwrapping the wire from around her hands, she walked carefully back to the other room and looked at the shelving.
Stepping carefully onto the first rung, she pressed her weight onto it and frowned as she heard the rotten wood, splintering. Biting her lip, hoping the wood would hold, she reached up and gripped the top shelf,using her arms to heave herself up she scrambled up the shelves quickly,whincing as one of the nails from the shelves snapped and dug into her thigh, ripping her jeans.
cursing she rested on the top shelf, and leaned on what was left of the roof of the room.she looked around for any sign of anyone and reassured that noone was there she pulled herself up. The roof was crumbling in places and she decided to crawl along rather than walk. working out where abouts the office that the lasombra was in she crept on her knees silently, stopping every few yards to look over her shoulder, she was too much in the open out here.
Looking down through the ceiling she saw him...still reading his magazine.
shifting her body weight,she unravelled the wire that she had slipped into her pocket and formed the garrot once again.
positioning herself so that she would land directly behind him she closed her eyes for a brief second,hoping that this wouldn't go badly wrong.
Rea froze as he looked up from his magazine, his head cocked on a side as if listening.
oh god please go back to your magazine ..
As he returned his gaze to the magazine Rea made her move, if felt like she was fallen forever, the rubble that she had disturbed as she jumped through the gap in the ceiling, lookedlike a cloud in the moonlight. she landed loudly on her two feet behind the lasombra and her slender hands went either side of his neck, pulling the garrot tight.
"come hunting one of your clan would you .....tut .tut....now thats not very nice is it ?"
The lasombras hands grasped at the wire that tightened slowly around his neck, his mouth opening as he tried to speak.
"stupid lasombra bitch...you deserve to die" his voice rasped out as Rea increased the tension on the wire, as it beagn to cut into his neck.
"bitch am i huh? I'll show you what a bitch I am" she whispered harshly in his ear.
Putting her knee against his back she yanked sharply on the wire, as it cut through his neck,his eyes widened in shock and his hands clawed at his neck frantically as blood began to bubble out of his mouth.
"rest in peace" her hands pulled harder on the wire,as it cut through the last sinew and skin on his neck she released her grip.
((dont know who you were lasombra male,......but think your dead now ......1 down 5 to go :smile::)
[ This Message was edited by: Reannag (npc) on 2002-02-25 09:45 ]
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 6:43 pm |
((great posts Rea :smile: :smile: :smile: Oh and btw..it's garrotte ;)
[b:a9d3b10290][i:a9d3b10290] "Be careful who you're talking to....they might just have the upper hand and Evil will always triumph, because Good is dumb!" [/i:a9d3b10290][/b:a9d3b10290][url]http://sorenti.homestead.com/main.html[/url]
[ This Message was edited by: Sorenti on 2002-02-25 12:44 ]
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2002 7:35 pm |
((woo hoo! kill them all lol!
((Note there are no malkavians there cus we all want the guests to die and the lasombra gal to kick ass! lol
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