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< Ancient Tomes ~ A visit to the lasombra haven |
Marley Brennan
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 12:41 am |
MortalPosts: 1Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:22 am
"Um excuse me please, I am going to wash my hands they seem to be a bit dirty." He winked at Adrianna. Before he got up he quickly reached into his bag and grabbed the ring. When he got into the bathroom he put the ring in the medicine cabinet washed his hands and returned to the party. When he sat down he tried to catch Adrianna's eyes and when he did he tapped his finger and tilted his head towards the restroom.
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 3:11 pm |
I am afriad I don't know Mistress. I do have an assortment of rings downstairs which would look great with your outfit?
(( Has no idea :cry:
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 3:22 pm |
(( Hmmmm I guess its a good thing Cain is out of town at the moment. No I wont come back in town just to deal with this, but fair warning Rea better be out of town befor he gets back or its on heh heh. Sorry nothing personal its just Cain dont like her IC. As most of ya know. See ya'll later
Cain ))
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 3:25 pm |
GangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
" the primogen ring of our clan?" Rea frowned .
"No, I mean the ring that I had made out of one of the diamonds that Gabriel gave me "
((soz its a short post lol
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 3:50 pm |
Im afraid I dont know Mistress. Do you know Adrianna?
(( Isn't scared of Cain's threats. Kind of feels there inappropiate here. ))
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 5:47 pm |
(( Ohh btw nice posts all ))
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 9:21 pm |
GangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
((hi cain I mailed you back :smile:
"Gabriel may know where it is" rea said
"he's in the city mistress" calvin replied as he walked across to her and sat at her feet.
"I could go call on him if you like tell him that you wish to see him" calvin said looking up at her,his eyes full of devotion to her.
Rea touched his face softly " do you need to feed little one?" Calvin nodded vigorously,wanting to taste his domitors sweet blood once again.
"first an errand for you to do" Rea stood up and reached into her jean pocket and pulled out an envelope.
"I need you to go to that address and ask to speak to the manager, and give him the letter,the box is under another name, so dont mention my name, he will admit you to the safe deposit box,take all the documents
out and you will also find a small blue velvet pouch" she said quietly.
Calvin nodded as she dropped the key into his hand.
"shall I go now mistress, the bank may still be open" he asked
Rea smiled "yes please calvin the sooner I get what I need the sooner I can finish what I came to do"
Calvin frowned slightly at her words, not knowing what she was trying to do.
He stepped towards her and kissed her hand making her smile widely.
"and when you come back you may feed" Rea watched him as he walked out of the door and turned back to face billy and Adrianna.
Adriannas blood tears now drying on her face, her eyes seemed sad and empty.
"hun....you may stay in the haven as long as you like you do know that dont you...whats mine is yours...just remember that "
Adrianna nodded and Rea watched as billy looked at Adrianna and she wondered if there was something between them.
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 9:57 pm |
GangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
Rea sat in her old room leaning back into the chair, the leather creaking(? as she did.
Calvin had been gone awhile now and she was beginning to worry about him.
Adrianna and Billy sat in the other room, Rea felt detached from them somehow, they were her clan ,that was true but she had not been around for Adrianna when she had needed help and that hurt Rea somewhat.
Rea's eyes drifted over to the window and she smiled at the moonlight cast shadows into the room, her eyes closing slowly as her mind drifted.
Yes maybe this haven was indeed the haven of the clan of shadows and it should remain so, she thought.
calvin stood watching his mistress, having just returned from the bank,he had crept silently into the house by the back entrance to avoid the guards, wary of them and frightened that they may inform someone that Rea was in here.
"mistress?" he said as he stepped into the room, a large brown manilla envelope in his hands.
Rea's eyes opened slowly as she sat up in the chair.
"calvin your back I was beginning to worry" she smiled at him as he dropped the envelope on the desk.
Her slender hands took the envelope and her nails slit it open cleanly.
Rea tipped it up and documents fell out over the desk.
Calvin looked and picked some of them up, his eyes scanning the details of them.
Rea watched him and grinned " fortunes amassed calvin and hidden away carefully, its wise to always be one step of everyone else"
He sat down as he flicked through the rest of the bonds, his eyes widening.
"a third will go to the clan, which includes you, for whatever they wish to use it for, the other two thirds go to a friend, who was there when I needed someone the most"
calvin looked at her confused..
" I have no need of the money, ive learned that theres a lot more to unlife than riches and trappings" Rea said , her voice distant as she thought of the valuable lesson she had learned.
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 12:58 am |
VentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Adrianna didn't like the settie guards looking at her. they were always under foot watching the things that were going on with their snakie eyes, and that bugged her.
one by one, she went to them and kicked them out of the haven. They protested, even threatened to tell on her, but at the moment she didn't care. This was the Lasombra haven and while Rea was here they could just wait outside.
"i'll be out in a minute, so just chill k."
when she had them outside protecting the grounds she returned to billy.
"did you get my stuff?"
"right here." he picked up the package and set it on the couch.
she opened it and looked inside. The portrait, the log book, but no ring. she let out a gasp and went through the package again.
"ah, the ring is in the bathroom cabinent," he said.
"i thought you needed it for Reanneg"
She smiled at him. "thanks billy, i owe you big, but I'm gonna need you to do one more thing for me..."
((more later))
_________________ Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies. |
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 3:35 pm |
GangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
Calvin out the bonds down and reached into his coat pocket and pulled out an ivory handled brush and stepped behind Rea and began to brush her hair.
"mistress, you are staying aren't you, your not going to go and leave me again are you?!
Rea's eyes closed and she sighed softly, her hand reaching back to touch his.
"I will stay for as long as my presence can be tolerated,Ive encountered valek already, and ive no wish to anger him" she answered as she opened her eyes ,calvin frowned as he continued to brush her hair.
Her slender fingers picked up the fountain pen and she sat thinking what to write.
"calvin,you did say Gabriel was in the city didn't you?"
"yes mistress"
"good " she answered " you need to feed calvin, put the brush down"
calvin didnt need asking twice and nearly dropped the brush in his haste.
"lets do this in comfort shall we ?" she smiled at him as she led him over to the bed and sat on it curling her feet under herself.
Calvin scrambled onto the bed bedside her and watched as she ran her nail along her slender wrist and offered it to him.
His eyes seemed to glow as he saw her blood seeping from the slit.
"go ahead" rea said softly .
Calvin took her wrist in his hand and placed his lips on the gash moaning as her blood scoured through his veins.
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 6:08 pm |
The car door was flung open, a dark figure emerging from within the depths of the Rolls Royce. He was of average height and thin frame, long golden hair glinting in the waning moonlight. Steam jutted from his nostrils as he took an unnecessary breath. The door shut behind him and the car pulled off, leaving it's passenger on the sidewalk in front of the Lasombra haven.
The dark silhouette shyed away from the halos of light that poured down from the street lamps along the sidewalk, rather choosing to stride down the lawn towards the doorway. He wore his usual wear this night, a dark business suit with a heavy overcoat that flared as he rapidly moved towards the door.
"Stop..." the guards feeble protest came forth, and he stepped forward in a vain attempt to enforce it. The figure complied, and took a slow step into the light. The guard narrowed his eyes.
"I am the Seneschal, and I wish to see Ms. Reannag." he said quietly. The guard squinted for a moment, and then stepped back.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Reannag is not here." Gabriel's eyes flared with dominance as he stepped forward. The guard stepped aside, his mind awash with the Seneschal's orders. The Ventrue stepped into the house, sliding his coat fluidly off his arms as he did so....
((Lucy i'm HOOOOOME!
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 10:10 pm |
GangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
Rea stretched lazily on the bed,her blonde hair fanned out on the pillow, and carefully moved calvin's hand off her wrist and licked the wound closed.
Her eyes glanced at the large ornate clock on the desk and she got up from the bed smiling.
The car would be here in a few hours to pick her up and take her to sorenti, although she had been worried at first at the way he had reacted to her, maybe that was a facade and he did really remember her.
She walked over to the chest of drawers and pulled a drawer open, smiling widely as she saw calvins sweaters folded up neatly.
Rea picked a blue polo necked jumper and tied it around her shoulders.
AS she sat down at her desk, putting the bonds into two envelopes she heard heavy footsteps upstairs in the lounge. Rea sealed the envelopes and wrote on them both before she reached into her cape and pulled out the knife . standing at the doorway she stood listening as the footsteps stopped.
"Rea are you in here?" the voice drifted down the stairs to her.
she dropped the knife on the floor and ran up the stairs quickly.
" gabe is that you ?" she said as she reached the top step.
He turned around and Rea smiled warmly as a smile spread across his face.
"I heard you were back I thought I'd call in and see you , since you hadn't called on me" he said his voice sounded a bit hurt.
" I was going to I swear I was" Rea walked towards him and hugged him close to her.
" I have something for you,wait right here" she whispered as she let him go and walked back down the stairs quickly.
Gabriel watched her as she walked away, the scars on her back clearly showing, he shuddered as he thought of the mess she was in when he took her in.
Rea walked back up the stairs smiling, a heavy manilla envelope in her hands.
"what you got there Rea?" Gabriel asked.
" come sit down gabe" Rea walked to the sofa and curled up on it.Gabriel nodded and sat on the soft leather chair to the side of her.
Rea looked at him, he hadn't changed a bit.
" how are you gabe,unlife been good to you ?" she asked inquisitively.
He smiled widely back at her and told him about what had been happening to him,his eyes kept straying to the envelope in her hand.
" Im glad that are your are ok gabe, but maybe this will make things easier for you, her soft laughter filled the room as she passed him the envelope, but not letting it go.
"before you take it promise me one thing, you will not refuse what is inside it, and dont ask where its from" she said quietly.
Gabriel nodded slowly and Rea released her grip on the envelope.
Gabriel slit it open with his nails and peered inside it, his hands slid into it and pulled out the bonds.
He leaned forward as he flicked through them.
"Rea I cant..." Rea put her finger to her lips.
"you promised me, I have nothing else to offer to repay the debt that I owe you, what you did to help me cost you dearly,I know it did, you have my friendship as always but I want you to have those too"
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 4:30 pm |
Gabriel's blue eyes flickered from the envelope to Reannag's soft, yet aged face. She had been through so much. Gently, he pushed a blonde strand of hair from her eyes, letting his hand rest on her cheek. She smiled in return, her vampiric cheeks doing the best they could to blush.
"Thank you Reannag." the Ventrue said, his voice wavering somewhat. He set the envelope down on the lounge couch and turned his attention to her. "Reannag, I've heard that you've come back to Cascadia to take care of unfinished business."
Reannag nodded slightly, her thoughts elsewhere. Gabriel secretly willed his blood to circulate through his hand, warming it's flesh. He let it fall over Reannag's own. Her attention flickered back to him.
"Reannag...." he said quietly, leaning in slightly. "Please, I know what you've come back to do." She looked slightly offset.
"Do you?"
"Aye, be careful. He's not the same." Gabriel whispered. Outside, amid the cool winter's air, a horn blared, breaking the pristine silence. Reannag's eyes lit up slightly.
"Oh dear," she said, standing and adjusting the sweater wrapped around her slender white shoulders, "I'm afraid that's me. Come Gabriel, I'll show you out."
Gabriel grabbed the envelope from the cushions as he took his heavy hand in hers and led his past the guards and to the door. They stepped over the thresh hold together, wordlessly. Reannag took a deep breath and held it in, looking at Gabriel. A thin smile traced her ruby lips.
"Well," she said, "wish me luck. I'll call on you when I return."
"Good-bye Reannag." Gabriel said softly, running his fingers down her cheek once more. She cupped his hand once more with her own and held it to her cheek.
"Good-bye Gabriel." She mumbled. She turned around and strode towards the waiting car.
Gabriel watched in silence, as she cut across the dewy lawn, a winter's mist settling over it, and stepped into the car. The stars speckled the sky and twinkled brightly, bathing everything below in a faint glow.
The Seneschal stood, silently, in his heavy overcoat, a supposed symbol of strength and power. And yet for all the influence he had, he could not stop her. The window of her car rolled down slightly as it pulled off, and she waved to him.
Gabriel O'Brien raised a solemn hand in return and she disappeared down the street, and from his life forever.....
"Good-bye Reannag."
((buh bye Reannag :(
Some of us are destined for higher purposes. Things not of this plane, missions you cannot fathom. My purpose is clear, and no one will stand in my way.
[ This Message was edited by: Gabriel on 2002-02-08 10:31 ]
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2002 1:20 am |
VentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((bye? great post by the way :grin: but, bye?))
Sits in the main room waiting for reanneg to return. She hears something, voices in the hall near the main entrance, then the door shutting.
_________________ Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies. |
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 9:39 pm |
GangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
Rea smiled as she waved at Gabriel as the car pulled away from the kerb.She was so pleased that he had accepted her gift,but the way he spoke to her when he said goodbye gave her the impression that he wouldn't be seeing her again.Her brow creased into a frown and she wondered if he was leaving the city and he didn't want to tell her.
He had looked concerned too when he told her to watch out for sorenti, yes she knew he was different, but Gabriel looked like he feared for her wellbeing.
((adrianna....lol gabe pushed me out of the haven a bit too quick lol okies hun theres an envelope on the desk,bonds etc to the value of ...(see your private messages
to be used for the clan as you all see fit :smile::)
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