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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Bar Scene

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 3:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 2Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:04 am
(Allow me to start off saying, DO not jump in on this one, I'm normally not greedy but please do not jump in character, if you do you risk final death. This is the warning.

Bar Scene- down town Cascadia Tuesday the fifth of February - A very well known kindred bar. This bar is classy yet not so much to keep away the Brujah…

Jake, An Brujah Ancillae, He is a Handsome "Jock" who stands at a whopping Six foot Seven Inches, this Brujah could very well bend steel with his bare hands, even before his embrace. He wears his broad shoulders like a general parading around in full dress. He sits quietly with his coterie at the bar.

The Coterie consists of his blood mates, Razor and Squid, who are both total opposites. Hot blood runs through the veins of Razor, for the most part, it clouds his judgment. Then there is the "Brainy" Squid, Cautious and a tad Jumpy.

Razor was running off at the mouth all night long, the alcohol no dought clouding his mind and boiling his blood. "This is the most Backwards City in all of Kindredom!" He screamed out. His multiple peirceings dangling from his face. "We Even have a Cappadocian Prince? I thought they were all eaten up by the Giovanni!" He Complained, most of the other kindred ignoring him.

"Be quiet, someone might take offense at that…"Sniveled Squid

"Who cares! Let'm Hear Me! What are they gonna do? Tell the sheriff! He's been missing for the longest of time!" His long red Mohawk radiating under the red light of the bar.

"Settle down Razor." Spoke the Large Jake, his voice soothing and calm. Amazingly the young Neonate Sat down and returned to his drink. The three remained silent.

On the otherside of the bar.

The Sorry sight of a Saddened Ventrue was not such a rare event on these 'Eventful' nights.
Enron Stocks have fallen down lower than a penny, those that relied on that cash now had nothing. Sad indeed.

Darien Goversfield was a CEO and Stockholder of Enron, just a year before he was worth billions, now -nothing. The poor basterd now sat at the bar-day in and out, drinking- spoiling his blood with the Browning alcohol. The Ventrues Casual Wear Suit was faded and covered in filth. He didn’t wear a tie, or cufflinks. All 5'11 of the ventrue sat hunched over, drowning in his Tequila.

Just Across the room, a Ravnos Entertained a group of three Toreadors. He created Roses out of thin air, and pulled cute kittens out of hats for them, they loved everyminute of it, and meanwhile he looted their wallets and pursebags.

The Tories loved the young Ravnos's Antics. He created a Rose that hovered about the floor, and a kitten that seemed to jump right out of the air and into the young Brunettes arms. The three were dressed in a Casual/Formal wear, obvious victims of the Ravnos.
A soothing Music radiated about the room,[the air in the night-Check the audiogalaxy] A strong voice spoke softly. The atmosphere of the room was good and 'pure'.

((ok valek- i know you didnt ok the list of npc's i sent you...but...well im bored so im posting this..ill hold off on the other...although its written up

[ This Message was edited by: Bar Scene on 2002-02-02 22:11 ]

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 7:04 pm Reply with quote
((hey man! this post RULES! this is what we need man...more insight on the background of Cascadia. we get so wrapped up in our char's lives that we forget that their are a million things goin on in Cascadia in the seedy underbelly of things! there are neonates in every clan that never reach the stardom that our chars do. this is what we need MORE OF PEOPLE! :smile:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 2:29 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((the scene is going to get extremly heated in moments, [after i write the post] :smile:
thank you gabriel

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 3:42 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 13Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:21 pm
The Atmosphere was calm and somewhat peaceful, which in its self is quite strange in this part of Cascadia. All that was about to change.

The black Hum-Vee's sped quietly down the various blocks of cascadia until they reached their final turn. The crept around the last bin in the road and came to an abrupt half. The driver of the first one gave a reassuring look to the driver in the second, and with that they revved their engines and Sped Quickly down the block with a squeal. Faster and faster, they moved until finally ramming through the wall of the small corner building.

The wall-collapsed inwards and the hum-vees drove right inside. Quickly the inhabitants in the first jumped out, two men armed with flamethrowers and another armed with a large machine gun. The large man with the machine gun sprayed a furry of bullets around the room, the other two seemingly defending the large Cannon [Vulcan Cannon].

The inhabitants of the bar jumped in panic…

This thing I am, it's all I know.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 4:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 2Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:04 am
It was Calm and quite, The ravnos had settled down and sat at one of the tables tossing cards into a hat, the Toreadors were about to leave, and the Brujahs were also equally as quite, enjoying their beer. That was all about to change…

A screech followed by a loud crash could be heard for a few block radius. Two large hum-vees came crashing through the walls of the bar, instantly killing the Toreadors who had been by the door. Three men had jumped out, one with a Vulcan Cannon, the others with Flame-throwers. The Bullets of the Vulcan seemed to burn through the chest of the Ravnos before he turned to dust. The Brujah Jake jumped over the bar counter, as did the Ventrue, Darien. Squid and Razor moved to attack the assailants- a bad move.

Squid was turn apart by the furry of bullets, Razor Scorched by the duel Flame-throwers. Jake and the Ventrue exchanged glances-they were in serious trouble, but who were their assailants?

The Calm music of the bar suddenly became drowned out by the Gangster music playing in the Hummers. The cannon fire stopped- was this all over? The two couldn’t bear to look up…

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 4:41 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 13Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:21 pm

The Bar looked clean, but there were still Vamps hiding. IT was time to call in the clean up.

The four men in the other hummer jumped out, they were armed with various weapons, but none as strange as Husky's. Basically his weapon is a Panel of wood with spears attached to it, which he lifts up infront of himself and runs at the vamp, penetrating his body in multiple places. Dee was armed with merely a glock with the bullets soaked in holy water. John Henery had a blessed Sledge hammer. Kizito Kujam however, had an amazing Katana, made by the finest Japanese crafts men. The men made their way towards the bar.

The two kindred leaped out as the crew creaped closer. The one dressed in a Tuxedo moved after Kizito, who simply raised his sword and loped off his head, another pile of dust on the floor. Husky charged at the large Vampire, who was taken back by the strange contraption. He was forced back against the wall. He let out a large scream before turning into a pile of dust. Their job was done.

The crew moved back towards the van, grabbing the Cocktails and throwing them about the bar, which quickly erupted in flames. The crew jumped into the hummers and darted off just as the sound of police sirens drew close.

This thing I am, it's all I know.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 5:07 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 2Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:04 am
They were left with no option; they must act while the enemy had halted their attack. The Bujah looked at the Ventrue. "We need to attack now if we want to survive." To which the Ventrue nodded. The two jumped over the bar and charged forward, expecting the original three, but instead four new individuals, armed with close range weaponry met them.

The Ventrue went after the man with the Katana; he was quickly cut up and turned to dust. The Brujah didn’t notice however, he had his own problems. A man was charging at him with a wall of spears, it caught him of guard and he was thrown back into the wall. The spears moved through his undead body like a knife through butter. His ice blew eyes caught their last glance of the world before his body faded and disintegrated.

The bar was now on fire, but none of that mattered. The Hum-vees zoomed off with the attackers safely inside. Both the police and the fire department were on their way, the sirens could be heard all over the city, smoke plumed up and into the sky.

All was now dark in the eyes of the kindred with in the bar, but they had only begun their journey- into the abyss.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 7:35 am Reply with quote
The plain blue Honda Civic pulled away, it's passenger now standing on the street corner, his eyes ablaze with the reflections of the inferno. Slowly but deliberately, Gabriel walked across the street, ducking under the newly strewn police banner.

A short stout gentleman approached him, chewing on the end of a wet cigar. His hair was thinning on top and his beard was growing in. It was obvious that it had been a long night.

"Mr. O'Brien." the man said, taking stride with the Seneschal.

"Thank you for calling me Mr. Brady. What seems to be the cause?" All around them, firemen scrambled about, firing their massive water spouts into the air, in a vain attempt to douse the fire. Brady sighed and bit down on his cigar once more.

"We're not exactly sure at this point."

"Any survivors?"


"Any bodies?"


"Alright, then call me if their are any further developments." Gabriel turned on his heels and started walking back towards the curb where he had been dropped off. He could see the periodic flash of the siren's blue and red lights against the wall of the building. From behind him, Brady struggled to keep up, his detective badge reflecting the flickering lights.

"Oh yeah yeah...sure thing. So uh...Mr. O'Brien, will uh you be making another donation to the police department?" Gabriel stopped as he reached the sidewalk, turning around to face Brady, who stood in the street rubbing his dirty brow.

"As long as you keep certain facts no more than rumors, you'll get what's coming to you." The headlights of the blue Civic washed over Brady's dingy trenchcoat as the Honda came screeching to a stop mere inches from him. Brady lept out of the way, dropping his cigarette in a nearby puddle. Gabriel stepped into the car and shut the door. The tires screeched as it pulled off into the night. Brady stood watching it's tail lights burn into the night.

"Yeah you got it Mr. O'Brien."

((okay, hope this is okay Rof, i know you said no joinin in, but i figured the Seneschal would check it out considering four or five Kindred were just killed. if not i'll erase it.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 8:06 pm Reply with quote
Frank watched the moniters closely ... being sure that every scrap of what happened was being recorded. The faint voice of Frank echoed from the room, "Uuuuuhh ... Ms. Kiya?"
She set her book down on the table and walked towards the room. She peeked her head around the corner ... looking from the moniters to Frank.

"Yes?" A slight look of annoyance crossed her face.

"I think you might be interested in what's going down." He turned a couple of the screens to face her. The camera was too far back to get a good look at exactly who or what was going on ... but it without seeing the details it was quite obvious what was happeneing. The cameras followed the cars as they sped away, zooming in on the license plates.

Kiya sat there for a moment ... starring at the screens ... seeing what was going to happen next. Shortly after emergancy crews covered the area. Firefighters ran into the building just as quickly as they exited, nothing in there arms. Did that mean there was no body in there? That couldn't be ... she saw people in there ... and from what she could see they never left. Gabriel pulled up in, quickly surveying the scene. He spoke briefly with what looked to be the police chief ... and left.

"HHHhhhhmmmmmmm ... I wonder if he would like a copy of this video?" She looked at Frank who seemed as responsive as a doornail. She picked up the phone while she fumbled with the papers on the desk. She pulled a small piece of yellow paper from beneath the mound and quickly dialed the phone. She hung up before it had a chance to ring. No ... she wasn't going to give him this video. If he wanted it he could ask her, but did he even know she had these cameras all over the city? It didn't matter, she was pretty sure that Valek did ... There was no need for anyone to know right now.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 9:15 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((sounds good, and by jumping in, i meant in the acctual bar, everything after is fair game as long as you dont take it into your hands to kill the people, hunting them is fine...just be sure to let me know, and you have to be able to [b:c3a0da9cdf]Find[/b[ them, if your iterested just tell me and ill give you the layout of who what and where they well gaurded and all that other good stuff.

[i:c3a0da9cdf]"If you love something let it go, if it
comes back to you it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was... I sold my soul to the devil, and the price was cheap, And yo it's cold on this level cause it's twice as deep..."[/i:c3a0da9cdf][b]-Earl Simmons[/b:c3a0da9cdf]

[ This Message was edited by: Rofellos on 2002-02-05 15:18 ]

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