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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 3:48 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 13Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:21 pm
[Ghetto life blazes over the radio, so loud the speakers almost pop]

"Fuck nigga turn it down turn it down," A very tired over weight man cries out. "I'm try'n to sleep up in hea!"

[The music is turned down to a low rumble]

"Why you always try'n to sleep when I wanna listen to my shit?" Laughed an overly happy large man.

"Yo Sampson, you just listen to ya shit when I'm tired, man what's white-Te got FO us Tonight?" Queried the Overweight man.

"Husky hes got us doin a mission tonight, didn’t you go to the Meeting last night?" asked Sampson

"FUCK MAN! I knew I fo-got somethin man…shit nigga…." Replied Husky.

"Man, you really got to get yo act together." Laughed Sampson

A Man with a very muscular physic walks in. He is wearing only a pair of Black Pants, on his Right Forearm is a Tattoo of a Cocker [dog] with its head propped back.

"Yo! Kizzy wants us right now. Hurry up." Stated the Man flat out before hurrying off.

"Shit what how?" Whined Husky

"Probably mission parameters, and shit."

The two quickly exit the room and hurry down the hall

[ This Message was edited by: Dogg House on 2002-02-02 22:14 ]

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 4:15 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 13Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:21 pm
A very muscular middle aged man stands over a table of various weapons, a little distance away, bathtubs filled with water, different weapons soaking in there, as well as other things. Two white guys stand next to the muscular man. The first is Extremely short, standing at a mere 4'11"- yet also extremely overweight weighing over 190 lbs. -a great deal for his height. The second, the very opposite, Tall and akward. Looking through his Glasses, he examined the various weapons. The Muscular man turned around. His small Afro never faltering with his movements. The man is wearing a Black Muscle Tee shirt, reveling a Tattoo on his right forearm of a "Gray wolf".

A few minutes pass before various people begin to enter the room. The first were the twins- Dee and Wah. Both stand at 6'3" but other than that, they are completely different [minus their appearance…].
Dee is Strong and Proud, While Wah is Spunk and weak.

The next was John Henery, not wearing a shirt reveling to all his Muscular Physic and Cocker Spaniel Tattoo [Right Forearm]. Shortly behind came the Short and Stout "Husky", who is called so not because of his weight but simply for the Tattoo on his right arm of a Husky. And behind his Followed Sampson, Who also sports a Tattoo of a Beast, his of a Mutt.

The last Man to enter was Earl Simmons [No Relation to my Ex-Ghoul Character >=-)]. Simmons is shorter than most every except Husky, who stands at a mere 5'7'. Simmons stands 3 inches taller, at 5'10.
He sports a Tattoo of a Pitbull. [On his right forearm] He stood behind the others. He remained silent as the others chattered about different odds and ends.

"Everyone be quiet." Asked the middle-aged man. "Mr. Erelous, Mr. Stewards, and I have decided tomorrow night will be the best time to attack the Bar. I want you all to Get prepared, remember, they are not human like you or I, they are scum. We are to turn them back to the dust from which they came…{Everyone: sudden Laughter} Yeah, yeah, But just remember not to have too much fun killin those damed Vamps."

"Yo Kizzy! What the plan, how are we gonna get in the bar?" Asked Husky.

The middle aged mans name is Kizito Kujam. His Black and silver Goatee moves up and down as he answers Husky. "Well…Whit-Tee here is going to answer you." He turned and faced Sydney, who nervously replied.

"Y-Yes, of course. We have fixed the Hum-vees so they can act as a Battering ram, of sorts…in otherwords, were just going to ram through the walls."

"But wont that summon police attention?" Asked one of the twins.

"Yes, of course, that is why we must be quick, and then flee."

"What kind of weaponry are we using?" Asked Sampson.

"That’s really up to you…but I would like to show you all something…" He fumbled with a bottle of some kind, it resembles a Molatav Cocktail. "This, is my new Holy Molatav Cocktail. It acts just as a normal Cocktail, but it damages the vampires with a little extra dose of gods power." He smiles smugly.

"That’s all great…but I'm tired, we done here?" Moaned a very Fatigued Husky.

"Sure…I suppose so…" Sydney glances at Kizzy "anything else?"
"No, no…. I'm good, get your rest…. You'll need it."

And with that, everyone left the room, except Kizzy, Simmons and Mr. Erelous and Mr.Stewards…

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 4:23 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 13Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:21 pm
((didnt get the go ahead...but ive already waited 24 hours, and there is absolutly noone online im bored..and i posted this stuff...expect more unless i get introuble...>=-)


This thing I am, it's all I know.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 5:25 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
"Are you sure about this? I don’t think the men Are Ready!" Cried out an irritated yet concerned Millionaire Mr. Erelous.

"My men are always ready. We've trained for well over three years for this type of thing." Snapped Kizzy

"Indeed. I believe your men are in fact ready to invade the princes Mansion, with my weapons of course anyone could." Bragged an over eager Mr. Stewards

"Simmons. Your opinion?" Kizzy questioned

"Mans gotta do what a mans gotta do, just let a dogg do his job and hell do it, you know? Wether were ready or nor, I don’t think anyone can ever truly be ready for a job like this."

Kizzito smiled "You'll never change Simmons. Now for the plan… I would like you to relay it to the others as soon as were finished here. Ok. We've fitted the hummers with a reinforced blockade Busters…basically 3 rows of 3 large wooden spears, 3 feet in diameter, stretching 5 feet away from the front of the hummer. Anyway, you are two assign two teams, load them into the two hummers ram through the walls, exterminate all in side- Vampire or otherwise. Then you're going to nuke the place using the new Holy Cocktail's. Understand [Earl nods]? Good, tell them to arm themselves heavily, you and I will be on separate teams…which I will leave to you to arrange."

With that earl nodded and Exited the conference room.

(damn wrong log in...guess its alright...

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 5:40 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
Simmons walked into the Food hall only to be greeted with many questions by various people. He raised his hands to quell the crowd, and only once all was silent did he open his mouth.

"We are to use the Hummers as a battering ram to bust through the bar wall, then we kill everything that’s inside. Afterwards we burn it to the ground. Simple as that, just remember the Vamps do fight back."

The others returned to eating and Simmons walker to an empty table and sat down by himself. He began going over in his head the teams.

"Kizzys team is running clean up…Huskey, Dee, and John Henery…then there's my team running the first encounter…Sampson…and Wah…sounds good…weapons…we have Wah with the flamer thrower…Sampson on the Vulcan Cannon…and ill use a flame thrower also…Cleanup team …Husky, will use that stupid weapon of his…Henery will want to use that Sledge Hammer…Dee will use his glock…and ill give him a few steaks…Kizzy…never know what that old basterd will use…hope its effective…" he thought to himself.

Simmons Sighed stood up and went through the list of teams with everyone else, then went through the list of inventory. Making a note to everyone to bring whatever else, they think they need.

They were ready. Tomorrow will be a good day.

They attack shortly after sunset.

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 5:41 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
[this topic is up the rest (if anyone is even reading this topic) at the "Bar Scene" that is where this will conclude. :roll:

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 4:45 am Reply with quote
((yo, I read it :grin:


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