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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 4:36 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((::finishes reading Lady C.'s last two posts.... :shock: :shock: :shock: now THAT is some writing!!! ::breaks into applause::

P.S. Don't take offense if you don't see an abundance of posts from me in the next few days. I have a Statistics Final on Monday and I've got some SERIOUS studying to do. But I will attempt a post tonight if the Muse feels inclined.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 6:26 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
((I should point out that whilst Lady C and Elzbet are closely linked, they are not the same person... no and not me either.

Nicely done, Sugar! :wink: ))

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 10:21 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 234Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:11 pm
Kathy watched as porter carried the now calm and sleeping Julius to his room and turned towards the figure that lay slumped on the floor, with Gabriel stood by her side looking slightly bemused and baffled over who she was and indeed what she had done to calm Julius so.

[i:efae96cab6]"She's Salubri, a healer and visionary, feared by some, heralded by others as the bringers of salvation"[/i:efae96cab6]

Kathy said as she stepped forward and smiled, finally relieved that Julius seemed to have found some sort of peace and release for his grief.

[i:efae96cab6]" If you would be so kind Gabriel as to lay her on the sofa, perhaps she will regain her composure quicker and then maybe provide us all with answers, that we no doubt seek from her"[/i:efae96cab6]

Gabriel nodded and lifted the slight frame of Elzbet and gently placed her on the couch as Kathy fluffed up a cushion and placed it behind her head.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 1:08 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Serai paced the carpeted expanse of the plane's floor for what felt like the millionth time, worrying the bottom of her lip with perfectly even white teeth. It had seemed like days...weeks...months since Lady Cyrilynn had left the plane, it's hanger and her ghoul, to meet with her client. The servant flicked a glance in the direction of the hidden compartment and wished devoutly that they'd never taken this commission. She'd had a bad feeling about it from the moment her mistress had smiled so smugly and claimed it as hers.

The hour for her contact call had come and gone more swiftly that Seria could bear and it was with a heavy heart that she ordered the plane skyward. Sitting, buckled in, as take off was achieved, she shivered in dread. For just a minute of two, she had consciously tried, on an extrasensory level, to reach her beloved down the blood bond they shared. She wasn't sure if what returned to her was real or just a product of her own imaginings but she barely managed not to hurl herself, screaming in grief and despair, from the airborne craft.

Now, several hours later, she was at a loss. Burgeoning dread that her lady was gone, for she would have phoned by now, and the uncertainty of where she could bury that crate deep enough to hide it from those who sought it. Given her own preferences, she'd have simply pushed it out one of the windows and been done with it!

The handmaid stopped in midstride, stunned by the sheer simplicity of the answer. Of course! Drop it out of the plane at ANY altitude and she wouldn't have a clue as to where it landed. She couldn't be forced or coerced into revealing the information easily. Serai took two steps to the nearest port hole and glanced out, noticing they were passing over solid ground. She shook her head. Having the item come to rest upon earth would not be the perfect solution. Too easy for [b:be64c99ec1]anyone[/b:be64c99ec1] to find and she'd have landmarks from the terraine firmly visualized in her head. Even one glimpse would be enough.

She stiffened suddenly as the answer appeared in the form of a passing lake below. [b:be64c99ec1]THE OCEAN![/b:be64c99ec1] Deep enough, wide enough and [b:be64c99ec1]no landmarks[/b:be64c99ec1]!! She smiled in sad satisfaction at the thought that her lover would have been proud of her conclusions. She hurried forward and instructed the pilot to head out to sea and then inform her when they had reached a point where there was no land around to be seen.

Once she'd left her orders with the man, she hurried back to the cabin where several hours before, she'd spent a delirous time with her mistress. Laying her self fully naked on the bed, she recalled everything they'd said and done as she'd finally lain sated and content in the embrace of Cyrilynn's arms. Now the tears could fell freely and she knew she would die happily content when she stepped through the hatch with the crate in her hands.

Last edited by Lady Cyrilynn on Thu Aug 14, 2003 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 2:30 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
Porter dutifully carried the unconscious form of Julius over to the bed. He let the wizard fall onto the quilted surface with a muffled plop, then turned his attention to that of the boy Julius had attacked.

[i:457e62bacc]“We should move that...thing too.”[/i:457e62bacc]

He pointed a taloned finger at the figure that lay in such apparent, silent torture.

[i:457e62bacc]“But don’t touch it. Those abberations are full of tricks.”[/i:457e62bacc] He motioned to Tyler.

The Ventrue ghoul and serf to Gabriel merely nodded briskly. He looked at Gabriel, but found no objection in the shocked face the Ventrue wore. Tyler looked reluctant, but even he daren’t disrespect a Gangrel as old as Porter.

He left the room, returning moments later wearing thick gloves and carrying a window pole. Using the pole he manoeuvred the body into another room before shackling it to a radiator. A coarse blanket completed the transition from visible to out-of-sight. Porter nodded with jaded approval before turning his attention to Gabriel.

[i:457e62bacc]“Gabriel? Let’s take a walk.”[/i:457e62bacc]

Kathy moved to object, but the defeated glance Gabe threw her made her stop. If nothing else would work, maybe the harshness Porter spoke with, would. Either way, she [b:457e62bacc]had[/b:457e62bacc] to have the Gabriel she loved back. She restrained her concerns, watching with furrowed brow as Porter led Gabriel out into the corridor.

The two Kindred walked out onto the night scarred street outside

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 10:46 pm Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
The movement of shattered and broken bones dragged Cyrilynn part way up from velvet oblivion to an eerie world of senses with no sight, no pain and the revelation that she wasn't dead......yet. She still wept tears and shuddered with the grief layered upon her by the mage, nor could she manage to stop it. Every time she attempted to marshall her thoughts and skills, she was swamped with a new wave of sorrow that swept all away before it.

Then, for a time, there was a blessed peace in that no man's land of the mind. She stood, mired in confusion and echoing madness, until she thought to find a way out of her prison. Beginning in a random direction she walked a short way and gradually made out a pinpoint of light ahead. As she neared it, she heard distant footfalls and saw an indistinct form approaching. Definitely male but she couldn't see the features.

Stopping in her tracks, she puzzled over the familiarity of the movement and the silhouette until the figure was within touching distance. Then the scent hit her nostrils and they flared like her storm-grey eyes. She watched as the hand reared back and then struck her cheek full force before he bit into her neck with a savagery she'd only known once before. Cyrilynn shuddered in delirousness and tunneled sharpened nails into his thick mane of hair murmurring words of encouragerment.

Having sated his need, he pulled back and looked searchingly into her eyes, then shook his head, [i:f727bde5d4]"I'm deeply disappointed in you, my precious Venus."[/i:f727bde5d4] Shock at his condeming words bit deeply into Lady Cyrilynn's already battered emotions and she reeled. [i:f727bde5d4]"You have seriously overstepped yourself and your abilities and played with forces you have no inkling of. To further your sin, you now owe a blood debt to a Tremere. I thought I'd taught you better than that!"[/i:f727bde5d4]

Cyrilynn's face became a set mask of anger, [i:f727bde5d4]"I'd have made a bargain with the devil if it would lead me to those who took you away from me!"[/i:f727bde5d4] He reached out and clasped a crushing grip on her upper arm, [i:f727bde5d4]"You little idiot! You're about to lose the one thing that will be your biggest aid in doing so! Now get that crate back here before Serai dumps it in the ocean!"[/i:f727bde5d4]

Stunned surprise had her blurting out an objection, [i:f727bde5d4]"I can't reach her! I don't know where I am."[/i:f727bde5d4] Awe touched her lined face. [i:f727bde5d4]"Nor why I should see you, even tho' you've been dead these last 100 or so years."[/i:f727bde5d4] She lifted a wrinkled hand to touch the middleaged seams around his arctic blue eyes but he stepped back and away from her. Suddenly, a cold wind blew down the back of her spine. She whimpered at it's icy cascade.

He gestured to a thin river of burgundy that she was standing next to, but hadn't seen until now, and she followed it with her gaze as it vanished into that pinpoint of light, always at his back. [i:f727bde5d4]"There is your answer, childe. Follow it, wallow in it, and she will be found. Your Mr. Darrant has given you an undeserved opportunity, use it!"[/i:f727bde5d4] He snarled then turned and walked back toward the radiant beacon, Cyrilynn unable to move so much as a step to follow. She called out in anguish, [i:f727bde5d4]"Toisol, don't leave me! I couldn't bear it again!"[/i:f727bde5d4] She held out both arms, pleading in every line of her body.

[i:f727bde5d4]"I"ve never left you, little doll!"[/i:f727bde5d4] He hissed his displeasure at her obtuseness, [i:f727bde5d4]"I've been there from the moment you took me into your body and your soul. I cannot leave you, nor would I wish to! [b:f727bde5d4]NOW GET THAT CRATE[/b:f727bde5d4]!"[/i:f727bde5d4] She hung her head at his disappointment of her and when she lifted it to watch him fade from sight, he was already gone. The loneliness pierced her undead heart anew.

A slight tremble in the fabric of her world, brought her from her paralyzing reverie and she scanned her surroundings once more. Only the pinprick of brightness and the string-like river of red was all that she could still see. She stooped to touch the flowing shiny stream and felt that tingling jolt she'd received from the crate before. Not only that, but the texture was like of a plastic rope, only more fluid and flexible. Some impulse had her winding the skinny rope around her wrist and it began to pulse as if attuned to a beating heart. That of Serai's lifeforce.

With that image building in her mind, another form appeared from that winking hole and softly stepped in her direction, completely naked. This time, she instantly recognized the sculptured form of her ghoul. The handmaid stopped within arm's length of her mistress and stood, awaiting instructions, eyes closed, breathing even, as if sleepwalking. Cyrilynn grasped the vein she held in a punishing grip as she uttered Serai's name. The eyes fluttered open and her lips parted in a gasp, her attention centered on her mistress.

[i:f727bde5d4]"Yes. It is I, little bitch, and you will do well to heed what I instruct you to do upon awakening. [b:f727bde5d4]DO NOT[/b:f727bde5d4] cast that crate in to the sea! Instead, return to the hanger and bring it to [b:f727bde5d4]me[/b:f727bde5d4], at Mr. Darrant's penthouse. And be quick about it!! To ensure that you are not simply dreaming this, I will etch a rose, in a permanent bloodstain, above your heart."[/i:f727bde5d4] She laid her hand there and called up the necessary changes. [i:f727bde5d4]"It will be my promise to you, that I will make you my childe, when my mission is fully accomplished. This I swear on the soul of my undead sire. Now go, and come back to me! Swiftly!!"[/i:f727bde5d4]

Serai pivoted on her heels just as a bigger tremor shook them both. The Tzimisce lost her hold on the lifeline and watched as it fell away, thinning even more and then was gone from sight. Looking up, her ghoul was also gone and her sight was darkening, along with an increasing awareness of pain and an inability to cope with it. She fell, writhing, to the floor of her now completely blackened cage as more and more quakes shook her frame, stirring up injuries she'd thought long healed.

She cursed whomever had disturbed her illusionary world and opened eyes to darkness again. A panic spread and, battling tears and more cries punctuated with tiny whimpers, she tried to arise. Only to discover herself shackled to an object and a scratchy cover over her frame. Her battered body needing healing, soon and, most importantly of all, she required blood.

Until this spell of the wizard's left her and she was able to shapeshift out of her bonds, she was forced to wait until Serai arrived. Then she could feed enough off of her to be able to function fully again. That is, if the Tremere didn't return to finish what he'd started. Lady Cyrilynn sank back into unconsciousness, a blessed relief from her condition and no more visions of the past, the present or the future.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 1:39 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
[i:c4f0d55f38]"Wake up, lover."[/i:c4f0d55f38] Said Eve. [i:c4f0d55f38]"You have to carry on."[/i:c4f0d55f38]

Julius awoke from his dream to muted daylight, a chink in the protective drapes at the windows causing a ray of sunlight to slowly trace it's way up one wall as the sun proceeded downwards towards the western horizon. He felt drained and disoriented as though a great weight had been lifted from his soul. The last few days were blurred, something was missing. He couldn't quite place what.

Eve must have already arisen, her side of the bed was occupied by Measha, her warm furry body nestled up against his own cold dead one. Julius reached a hand and ran it through her fur. Measha stretched and rubbed against him purring deeply. There was something on her collar. Eve's ring. Why was Measha carrying Eve's ring on her collar? That didn't make sense... except...

In a flood, the memories returned. Eve was gone, Ali had escaped, the overpowering grief that had almost crushed his soul into dark oblivion. The hallucinations, he had seen Eve several times. Yet... Julius frowned. Khemintiri. She had come, apparently for no other reason than to tell him that she too had seen her. Julius wondered why.

The desperate, overwhelming pain at Eve's loss was gone now. He still grieved, but it was softened, bearable. The healing process had begun at last. How had it happened? A woman, dark hair, tawny light. She had taken the pain from him. Now it was time for him to start again. The others were in disarray, he needed to pull himself together and take charge. Get things moving. Retrieve Goratix's book.

The book. Shit. That Tzimisce, the "Scorpion". Julius hoped she had survived. Getting the book without her, would be difficult. It could be anywhere. And Morathi, the answer to the Riddle Phantastique. Julius wondered how she was getting along in the world of the Fae. She wouldn't yet even know of Eveshka's death. It would hit her hard, he knew.

Measha gave him a shove. He smiled and swung his legs around to sit on the edge of the bed. He was a mess. His hair was all over the place and frankly, he stank like a pig. First port of call, the shower. Then to start picking up the pieces.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 9:18 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
Measha slinked along the edge of the balcony at Julius' haven. The fluffy Norwegian kitty sat down on her haunches and let the moist Mediterrenean breeze tug gently at her fur. The lights of Marseilles glinted beautifully in her green eyes. Her little nose pulsated as she sniffed the air, catching a faint scent on the breeze.

Julius had stepped into the shower to make himself presentable for his new mission. As he left the shower and walked back across to the bed room to get dressed he was greeted by the sounds of Measha howling mournfully into the wind. The large feline had perched herself on top of one of the finial pieces on the stone balcony rail and was facing straight south east. Julius walked over to her and touched her fur. Measha turned and with a "Meh.. meh.,, MMMMRrrrrrrooOOOOOwwwl," looked up at Julius with icy blue eyes. She turned her head back to the south-east and resumed sniffing.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 12:29 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Measha was behaving oddly. Then again, who wasn't. He hadn't exactly been himself over the past couple of days. In fact, something was nagging in the back of his mind. The clues to something were there, laid out in clear sequence, but he just couldn't get it. Measha continued to sniff the breeze, casting him a brief, almost exasperated glance as his mind shunted the information to his subconscious and started processing. With a puzzled look in his eyes, he wandered out of the bedroom.

An odd scene met him. Crashed out on the sofa was the strange woman with the dark hair. Someone had draped her cape over her, she seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Curled up in one corner, was the foetal shape of an older woman, silver grey hair. Her rocking, sobbing form was crammed into the ill fitting clothes of a young man. What was the matter with her? Again, a trickle of memories returned, pain and sadness and very nearly death visited upon a courier who picked the wrong day to play games with a truly powerful magus. The other members of the coterie were elsewhere, probably for the best, while he started cleaning the mess.

He could see the signature of his style in the magical currents of the spell upon her. It would wear off by sunrise, but she had suffered enough already. With a wave of his hand, Julius dismissed the spell. He watched for a moment, then fetched a goblet of vitae.

[i:77bbe67a9f]"Drink this."[/i:77bbe67a9f] He said to the slowly uncurling form. The woman's blood covered face looked slowly up at him, then turned away in refusal. Julius moved to stare her in the eyes and dominated her weakened will. [i:77bbe67a9f]"Drink it. Now."[/i:77bbe67a9f] He commanded. A hungry hand grabbed for the goblet and the woman drank greedily, the vitae restoring enough of her strength to shake Julius' hold on her mind.

[i:77bbe67a9f]"Your strength returns."[/i:77bbe67a9f] Said Julius cooly. [i:77bbe67a9f]"Good. We have much to discuss."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

The woman shrank back into the corner. [i:77bbe67a9f]"Leave me be."[/i:77bbe67a9f] She whispered. [i:77bbe67a9f]"Just let me go. You can have the stupid crate."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

Julius shook his head. [i:77bbe67a9f]"It's not that simple."[/i:77bbe67a9f] He replied, slightly sadly. [i:77bbe67a9f]"I can't let you leave, not just yet. You see, you know too much. You could have simply fetched the crate and delivered it, per your instructions. Unfortunately, you decided to delve into my affairs. You know I've been working with a certain magus and I need to know how much you know and where you got your information."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

[i:77bbe67a9f]"I will tell you nothing."[/i:77bbe67a9f] Replied the woman.

[i:77bbe67a9f]"Yes."[/i:77bbe67a9f] Answered Julius with an air of certainty. [i:77bbe67a9f]"Sooner or later you will. The scorpion has lost it's sting."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

[i:77bbe67a9f]"I only wanted to know if he was Sabbat."[/i:77bbe67a9f] Said the Scorpion, slowly and fearfully.

[i:77bbe67a9f]"Why?"[/i:77bbe67a9f] Pressed Julius.

[i:77bbe67a9f]"Because I have sworn to destroy all Sabbat."[/i:77bbe67a9f] Said the Scorpion, surprisingly forcefully.

[i:77bbe67a9f]"Well, you missed your chance with this one long ago. He's no longer Sabbat and in any case, I can't afford to have him destroyed. He's too valuable to me."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

The Scorpion looked genuinely surprised. [i:77bbe67a9f]"But... he killed Eveshka, you fought him."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

Julius blinked. He had assumed the Scorpion had been talking about Goratrix. Rather, it was Ali she wanted. Julius burst out laughing.

[i:77bbe67a9f]"Go ahead and mock me, then."[/i:77bbe67a9f] The Scorpion scowled.

[i:77bbe67a9f]"My dear Scorpion. The one you think you would hunt is known as Ali. In a few short seconds you would have met final death at my hand with the least effort on my part, with but a wave of my hand, you would have been dust. Yet, against this Ali, with all my powers, I fought only to a draw. I would even be dead now, if it weren't for my associate Porter. And you would hunt him and all Sabbat. Your Sire taught you poorly I think. There are powers in the world..."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

[i:77bbe67a9f][b:77bbe67a9f]"How dare you speak ill of..."[/b:77bbe67a9f][/i:77bbe67a9f] Interrupted the Scorpion savagely.

[i:77bbe67a9f][b:77bbe67a9f][size=24:77bbe67a9f]"NO! How dare you!"[/size:77bbe67a9f][/b:77bbe67a9f][/i:77bbe67a9f] Screamed Julius. [i:77bbe67a9f]"Stupid insignificant kindred. You think yourself clever, you think you have the poison sting of the scorpion. Wake up, see the world as it is, lest your body be crushed beneath the heel of someone with real power. You have placed yourself into a world of antidiluvians and methusalah. You are nothing to them, no scorpion, but a house fly, to be swatted if you become an annoyance."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

The Scorpion blinked as Julius' words sank in. She was, she had already realised, way out of her league, but only now did she realise just how far and how deep the trouble she was in.

[i:77bbe67a9f]"I ask you again. How much do you know about Ali?"[/i:77bbe67a9f] Asked Julius.

The Scorpion looked at him. [i:77bbe67a9f]"You would hunt down my sources to learn what they know, wouldn't you."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

Julius nodded slowly. [i:77bbe67a9f]"I have to. You see, in the quest I persue, anyone with any information presents a danger to me and those around me."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

The Scorpion sat in silence. [i:77bbe67a9f]"Fine."[/i:77bbe67a9f] Said Julius. [i:77bbe67a9f]"You will not leave here until I have answers with which I am satisfied."[/i:77bbe67a9f] He whispered something in Hermetic Latin. The Scorpion flinched.

[i:77bbe67a9f]"If you want to find out what spell I've just cast, try leaving the apartment."[/i:77bbe67a9f] Said Julius coldly.

The Scorpion looked at the door, but stayed rooted to the floor.

[i:77bbe67a9f]"Good. When you have something to tell me, let me know."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

Suddenly Julius took on a distracted air. [i:77bbe67a9f]"I'll be back."[/i:77bbe67a9f] He said, as though in some kind of daze, making a bee line back to the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Measha paced back and forth. At his entrance, she sprang back up to the balcony, staring once again to the south east. Julius placed a hand upon her and those icy blue eyes stared once again into his. [i:77bbe67a9f]"Okay."[/i:77bbe67a9f] He said slowly. [i:77bbe67a9f]"I'll take the hint. Where are we going?"[/i:77bbe67a9f]

Julius' feet left the ground and he hovered in the air, waiting whilst Measha sprang into his arms. [i:77bbe67a9f]"South east. Tell me when we get there."[/i:77bbe67a9f]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:05 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 234Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:11 pm
The email Kathy had received was very civil and polite but it still made her wonder why she was been summoned before him, as she read it she wondered if it was Connor's way of protecting her and her fingers dialled his number on her mobile.

[i:9b04eb6edb]" Ma cherie, what a delight to hear from you so soon, is all as it was before?[/i:9b04eb6edb]

Kathy listened for any slight hesistance in his voice as he spoke to her and found none, but then again he hid things well, too well at times.
As she spoke to him Connor flipped the pages of the file that lay on his desk,his curiousity always got the better of him, but he wished that it hadn't done this time, things were getting far too complicated and this is why he had asked Francois Villon, the prince of paris, to summon Kathy to her home city.

[i:9b04eb6edb]" I'm sure there is no reason , you know how much he adores you and it has been a long time since he enjoyed your company and dont forget it is the chanel fashion week and you do so love to attend the shows"[/i:9b04eb6edb]

As kathy sat on the bed she sighed, how could she up and leave when she was needed here so, but then again Julius seemed to have regained something of his former self, Gabriel was....well was been Gabriel, he was ventrue after all and failed to see what was right under his nose at times, but still, something bothered her and she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

[i:9b04eb6edb]" very well, although I'm reluctant to leave , I will after all it's not often one gets an invite from Francois"[/i:9b04eb6edb]


Kathy paced the floor of the bedroom they shared, what could she say to him to make things easier.
He had gone out earlier to talk to Porter, but then wasn't that always the way these days, everyone came before she did, he shut her out constantly from his thoughts. As she paced her thoughts became more resolute, no she would tell him she was going away and there was to be no arguement about it.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:34 am Reply with quote
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The two soared out over the Mediterrenean in a blur. Traveling unspeakably fast they rocketed over Italy, across the Crete, only to come ashore back in Egypt. Egypt again. The land correctly known as Khem in ancient times, but known to the antedeluvian precursors of the Sumerians and Babylonians collectively as Cush.

"Where are you taking us Meash?" asked Julius softly as he craddled the feline whose little nose pulsated as she sniffed again. "Mrrrpph," she cooed looking in a direction that took them down the Nile towards...

"Luxor," Julius muttered. They came to rest at the top of one of the cliffs overlooking the many tombs. Some three hundred yards away burned a fire. Sitting before the fire was the form of the Anathema, dressed in the garb of an Egyptian Queen.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:48 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 5:11 pm
The raven haired Egyptian Goddess looked up as Julius came into view.
Measha squirmed a bit, hopped down from Julius' arms and trotted over to Khemintiri. She mewled around in and out of her legs for a bit before springing lightly into Khem's arms.

"Good morning, Pontifex," said the beautiful woman. "Why are you here?"

A group of Setite followers came out from the shadows followed by the unmistakeable and completely out of place arrival of the Ventrue Justicar. Julius raised an eyebrow briefly in thought. He felt sort of silly coming all this way without any real idea of where he was going or why. It seemed odd to follow the wills of a cat. Perhaps he should have considered the ramifications of following the temperamental whims of a toreador ghoul cat.

"Is that not the cat of the Toreador Harlot?" asked Lucinde in an icy tone.

Measha hissed at her. Lucinde took a step forwards as if to do something to Measha. She was cut short by both Julius and Khemintiri. "Do not touch her," ordered Julius, his eyes angry. Khemintiri merely dominated her with her mind and walked her back into the shadows with eerily jerky steps. She then said, "Silence, Lucinde," and she was heard from no more that day.

"She brought me here for some reason," said Julius, looking back at Khemintiri. He then looked down at Measha who lay on the ground in between them. She looked up at him with her emerald eyes and narrowed them while purring.

"Perhaps we should figure out why," said Khemintiri amicably. "We are, afterall, all tied up in this together."

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 10:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Mr. Darrant's departure left Lady Cyrilynn with much to think on as she sat on the carpeted floor and contemplated the tangle she'd gotten herself into. She'd been beaten and overcome as if she were a kine toyed with by kindred and her humiliation knew no bounds. She sat there swallowing her vaunted pride, casting her mind back to the moment she'd awakened anew.

She opened red-rimmed eyes to a silent room except for her own sobs and no one in attendence. She struggled to heal her tortured body but couldn't seem to focus long enough to manage it, instead curling into as small a ball as her body and clothing would allow. She noted, in an odd detached way, that she had not been able to maintain the urchin's form, instead reverting back to what the body had been used to for so many years.

Then the Tremere wizard had stalked his way to her side, looked her over and swept the spell aside. The sudden cessation of pounding emotions left her as limp as a rag doll. She knew if she ever got up the energy to start feeling like herself again, she'd not be able to stop the frenzy that would descend upon her. If only her handmaid would arrive in time [b:8184fffc4a]and[/b:8184fffc4a] he allowed her to feed.

She didn't realize he'd left and come back until he thrust a glass of vitae at her. She turned her head in disgust at the smell, preferring her own type or Serai's but he moved and, in doing so, she had jerked her head back to see if he would throw another spell at her. Instead, he'd caught her eye and [b:8184fffc4a]FORCED[/b:8184fffc4a] her to swallow it! And her body had welcomed it, desperately eager to begin repairs. Her shame was to continue.

[i:8184fffc4a]"We have much to discuss"[/i:8184fffc4a] He began in tones that brooked no arguement from her and she pulled in on herself, begging release, offering the crate with no strings whatsoever. All she wanted was to await Serai and her precious burden and then to be gone from this den of treacherouness. To slink home and lick her wounds. But his next words reverberated through her head with all the force of a death knell, [i:8184fffc4a]"It's not that simple."[/i:8184fffc4a]

It galled that he pointed out no more than the truth to her. [i:8184fffc4a]"The Scorpion has lost it's sting."[/i:8184fffc4a] Her career was finished at last, one less reason for her existence beyond her Sire's demise . And then to find out that what she had started to plot and plan for was about as far away from her as the stars. Ali, the killer of Comtesse Eveshka, Antideluvians and Methusalahs, what nest of snakes, in Caine's name, had she stumbled onto!??

She closed her eyes in despair at the fact that Toisol's untimely death had not given him time to teach her much of what she'd needed to know once he'd embraced her. Most of her information regarding mortal/kindred society was garnered through a thorough information network that she'd built painstakingly over the years and through her varied contacts. She'd been so proud of having lured Julius Darrant into her list of clients. He was the first high placed kindred to have used her exclusive services.

His repeated demand broke into her reverie, [i:8184fffc4a]"I ask you again. How much do you know about Ali?"[/i:8184fffc4a] Not enough, she wanted to tell him, not nearly enough. But then it dawned on her that to reveal to him what he wanted to know could very well cost her, Serai, and all those connected to both of them, their very lives. Before she could stop herself, she'd blurted out the thought on the tip of her tongue. [i:8184fffc4a]"You would hunt down my sources to learn what they know, wouldn't you."[/i:8184fffc4a]

His answer was nothing more than she, herself, would have given. The stark realism of it struck hard and she grouped for a suitable answer. None came and the wizard growled his frustration at her, claiming her as a prisoner of his own. Then he cast another spell and Cyrilynn's body clenched in remembered horror of what he'd already done to her once before. Nothing seemed to happen, but he warned her in regards to the folly of escape, as she glanced fearfully at the door, in a reversal of her earlier anticipation, hoping Serai would hold off her arrival a bit longer.

The magus's face took on a far away expression and he abruptly left her to her own speculations and Cyrilynn couldn't help the shudder, followed by a swallowed sob, that shook her frame as she relaxed at last. Placing her back against the wall, she drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, then laid her head upon that improvised pillow and let her mind drift.

She supposed she could ask for a mind wipe in exchange for what he sought but she doubted that either she or Serai would withstand such an onslaught. There were simply too many little pieces to chase down and erase and so many of them were bound up in who and what she was and what she'd created Serai to be. She gave a sigh. Venisi was also a creature of her own creation and would be just as vulnerable. She hated to think of all the work, effort and years given over to their molding and training having been in vain. Well, not entirely in vain but then, the price she was going to pay was not worth the cost.

She let further thoughts and half-formed ideas drift until a sudden movement from the settee in the middle of the salon caught her attention. A young, lovely woman with blue-black hair nearly to her waist stood up from her original prone position and, having caught sight of the Tzimisce caged in her corner, had asked if she was alright in soft, gentle tones. Cyrilynn felt like laughing in hysteria as answer after answer bubbled up in her throat. [i:8184fffc4a]"NO!"[/i:8184fffc4a] Was what she managed to snarl out and she dropped her head back to her arms in the hopes the creature would take the hint and leave her to her misery.

Last edited by Lady Cyrilynn on Fri Aug 29, 2003 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 12:03 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Julius, a generally observant fellow, a man with a special reason for following the temperamental whims of a toreador ghoul cat, didn't feel silly at all. In fact, under the circumstances, he had half expected to end up here and so his meeting with Khemintiri came as no great shock to the dashing Tremere wizard (( :P ))

[i:80d0be4539]"Yes."[/i:80d0be4539] Replied Julius with no small hint of irony his voice. [i:80d0be4539]"Funny how these things work out.".[/i:80d0be4539]

Khemintiri gave him a sidelong appraising look. [i:80d0be4539]"Come, Julius."[/i:80d0be4539] She said, looking from the corner of kohl drenched eyes, before turning to head into the temple.

Measha started to follow, then turned to look at Julius. [i:80d0be4539]"Mrrph?"[/i:80d0be4539] She said, holding his gaze for a moment before trotting off after the ancient Setite. [i:80d0be4539]"Coming, dear."[/i:80d0be4539] Said Julius with a fatalistic tone to his voice.

[i:80d0be4539]"So, little one. Why did you drag Julius all the way out here?"[/i:80d0be4539] Said Khemintiri in gentle tones to the furball on her lap. [i:80d0be4539]"That's a nice ring you have."[/i:80d0be4539] She burbled on, reaching towards it. Measha hissed and batted Khemintiri's hand away, jumping to the floor.

[i:80d0be4539]"What's that ring, Julius?"[/i:80d0be4539] Asked the raven haired Setite in dry tones.

[i:80d0be4539]"I made it for Eve. It was supposed to warn me if there was trouble. I have it's partner, here, on my finger."[/i:80d0be4539]

[i:80d0be4539]"Didn't work very well. Did it?"[/i:80d0be4539] Observed Khemintiri. Julius looked like he'd been stabbed.

[i:80d0be4539]"I thought we just called a truce."[/i:80d0be4539] He replied in even tones.

[i:80d0be4539]"Well, there's something about that ring."[/i:80d0be4539] Khemintiri went on. [i:80d0be4539]"Magic, I'm not sure I understand it. Well, wizard? This is supposed to be your area of expertise."[/i:80d0be4539]

[i:80d0be4539]"It's ok Measha, let me look."[/i:80d0be4539] Said Julius reassuringly. Slowly Measha lifted her head for Julius to examine the ring. [i:80d0be4539]"Intellego vim."[/i:80d0be4539] He whispered, making a mystical hand gesture over the ring.

[i:80d0be4539]"It's not Hermetic."[/i:80d0be4539] He finally pronounced. [i:80d0be4539]"My original enchantment has been altered. I don't recognise this at all. You see how there is a connection between the ring and Measha."[/i:80d0be4539]

[i:80d0be4539]"Yes."[/i:80d0be4539] Said Khemintiri.

[i:80d0be4539]"Yet at the same time, it doesn't seem keyed to her."[/i:80d0be4539] Julius went on. [i:80d0be4539]"Look, follow the lines of force. I'm not good at this kind of delicate stuff."[/i:80d0be4539]

Khemintiri picked up Measha and exerted her own power upon the ring. [i:80d0be4539]"Julius. Did you know that this cat has the wrong heart?"[/i:80d0be4539]

[i:80d0be4539]Excuse me?"[/i:80d0be4539] Replied Julius, somewhat confused. [i:80d0be4539]"Define [/i:80d0be4539]wrong heart[i:80d0be4539] for me."[/i:80d0be4539]

Khemintiri looked at Julius with wide eyes. [i:80d0be4539]"Julius. Measha is carrying the heart of Eveshka."[/i:80d0be4539]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 4:17 am Reply with quote
User avatarSalubriPosts: 14Joined: Mon Aug 04, 2003 11:18 am
Elzbet was floating on a ocean of blue. It was calm and peaceful. It had taken a lot of energy to heal the half-mad mage. Almost more than she had, that was certain. The Salubri knew that had she not found Mr Darrant when she did, and poured her power through him, it would have been too late.

Suddenly, the blue bled to red and she was thrown from that safe place into violence. Someone was yelling and from the feel of the anger it was Julius again. This was just plain rage, not destructive. No need for her skills to pacify him this time as it was part of his nature. She had learned that much when she linked to him before to exorcise the anger and hatred that was surging through him, when all of Marsailles wept. There was alot that she had discovered from that merge.

The crimson pools faded back to cerulean once again and Elzbet realized that she should probably join the unliving now. She sent her spirit upwards, but stopped as the image of a beautiful cat came to herand was somehow tied to Julius. Storing the information in the back of her mind for the future, she continued to rise to wakefulness.

She stretched her aching body and felt her cloak covering her up. Obviously, someone cared enough to pick her off the ground when she collasped. Opening her eyes, she looked around and sawa older woman sitting,braced against the wall on the floor. There were blood-tear tracks tracing her cheeks. Looking further she saw that the room was empty. Elzbet threw the improvised blanket aside and stood up. Her legs were shaky, and she would need some vitae soon. She was okay for awhile as she'd been practicing some of the more difficult Trainings, that of staving the hunger so that she would need to feed less often.

The strange woman had been staring at the doorway to the sleeping rooms with a perplexed look. Now with the sense of movement, her head swiveled towards the couch.

[i:20f3118e75]"Are you all right?"[/i:20f3118e75] asked Elzbet, tones still husky with exhaustion.

The snapped negative response should have stopped her, but behind the anger she felt the pain and Looked as deep as she could go without touch. And gasped. The woman's body was a mass of broken bones and internal injuries. Although there was enough vitae in her to heal the worst of them, it wasn't able to complete all repairs. Elzbet noticed that her emotions were a chaotic mess and knew that unless the turmoil was dealt with, the woman would not be able to heal the major wounds herself. So she did what comes naturally . She sent out soft waves of comfort and calm. The diminuative woman sat up straighter and Elzbet Felt the stranger begin to reknit the damage as the last of the churning drifted away and her influence calmed the worst of the physic overload.

[i:20f3118e75]"I am Elzbet, and you are..."[/i:20f3118e75] she left hanging hoping the woman would provide a name.

She was due for disappointment as the doorbell to the suite chimed.

Perfection of spirit can only be reached with the attainment of Golconda. That is the reason that we still exist.
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