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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 8:44 am Reply with quote
User avatarMortalPosts: 1Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:22 am
He awoke from his sleep and looked around him. Ahhh he inhaled the air. California, he had missed the smell of this place. He looked at the coffin next to his, Raithor was just now waking up. He wasn't sure how to act around Raithor, he wasn't that sure about the different kindred clans, he hadn't heard much about them but Raithor was apparently Assamite. He was told, "Don't make any quick moves around him, don't fuck with him, just be careful." He got out of the crate, and walked out of the train. He shook his head, he knew that Adrianna told him that the travel would be covered, and that it must be hidden, but still a train?? Oh well who was he to complain. As he breathed in the cold night air, Raithor walked past him. He thought to himself, I guess that means he's ready. They walked into the city, and Raithor headed off in one direction.

"Ok," he yelled "Um... I guess I will just go look for her over in this direction, don't forget her name is Zoe."

Not even a nod from Raithor, well I guess he wasn't being payed for friendliness. Billy shrugged and walked down an Alley. The last time he was in LA he was scared of being mugged, now he was almost excited at the offer. As he walked he saw a cab. The cabbie called out to him, he walked up to him.

"You want a ride?" the cabbie asked.

Billy reached into his pocket and felt five singles. "All i got is 2 bucks."

"2 bucks huh, well you like a guy who is looking for some, uhh entertainment. Maybe I can help you."

"Well I am looking for this one girl a special girl her name is Zoe."

"Ahhh hell no not that bitch, she is fucking loco, she thinks she's like a vampire or something." The cabbie said as he rolled his eyes. "Anyways you can find her at the club Tenebre in West LA."

"Thanks man." Billy said as he headed for West LA. He looked around for the fucking club, now he remembered why he hated LA he always got fucking lost. As he rounded the corner he was gonna go into the next building to ask for directions. When he got to the door, he saw the sign, Club Tenebre. He smile cool he found it, than he spotted the bouncer. He reached in his pocket and felt his 5 bucks, shit he thought. He pushed up against the wall and slid into the door throught the shadows, he loved that trick. He went throught the bar straight up to the bar. There was this crazy red head standing at the bar next to him, and he smiled at the bartender, "I am looking for a girl named Zoe." As he spoke the girl at the bar looked at him, "Why?" she asked.

"A friend asked me to find her, can you tell me where to find her?"

"Maybe whats in if for me" she asked?

Oh shit he thought to himself, I'll tell you what's in it for you, how bout i drain you bitch. He held back that thought and said, "How bout I buy you a drink? Whatdlle you have?"

"Um a blood", she smiled as she relpied.

"Ok, barkeep two bloods." He said non-chalantly. The bartender rolled his eyes and made two Bloody-Mary's. "Ten bucks please." Billy handed his credit card to him, God I hope that he doesn't check that. The barkeep handed him a receipt and Billy signed it.
"Lets go over here and talk." Zoe told him.

"So can you help me find her?" Billy asked.

"Maybe, who sent you?" she asked.

"Adrianna" he answered, but before he finished the name. She said.

"Oh no that bitch, the one that hangs out with Jules, I hate that bitch. She sent you??? Are you also working for Jules?"

"Um... yeah sure I am, yeah. Adrianna said that you could help me."

"You don't know me."

"Well I kinda figured out who you were. It wasn't hard Zoe." He smiled.

She laughed, "Well your kinda cute, I guess I will help you. "

"Thanks her she gave me this to give to you."

Zoe read the letter that Billy gave to her and led him out of the bar and through the city, one their way they ran into Raithor silently he joined up with them. Zoe looked back and said to Billy, who is he?

"Oh he is my friend Raithor he is ok."

She shrugged and led them to a new building. "Before we go in maybe you guys could help me with a problem, there are a couple of guys who keep bothering me, maybe you guys could take care of them."

Billy looked at Raithor and than back at Zoe, "Um lets see what happenes and we will talk later." She shrugged and brought them into the building. There was a man sitting at a computer in a small room. "This is Dev, he will help you." And with that Zoe left. Once she was gone, Dev looked at them and said, "Well what are your names?"

"I am Billy and this is my friend Raithor." Raithor nodded.

Dev looked at them both and said "Kindred right?" They both nodded and told Dev what they were there for. When Dev heard Adrianna's name he light up and agreed to help them. He led them into a secret passage and down to a haven and gave them some blood and $500 dollars for their expenses. He gave them a key to the Haven and told them of some others to find to join their fight. They thanked him and went on their way. One of the address he gave them led to a wharehouse where a man named Heavy G agreed to join their battle, if they didn't recruit the last name on their list.

((ok obviously I am getting tired of writing so I am gonna finish this later. Bye Guys. :grin:

[ This Message was edited by: Billy Blade on 2002-01-23 23:00 ]

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 8:24 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((nice post, very nice post. :smile:

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 4:20 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((good post waiting for more so I can add something too. :cool:

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 8:12 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMortalPosts: 1Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:22 am
Billy thought about it and agreed, knowing that Raithor didn't give a fuck anyways since he was getting paid. So he gave Heavy G the address and he told them how to get there. So they set out. Billy was nervous about this. His whole unlife he had been running away from battle, and now his dumbass was running right into it. He knew that if he admitted this to his party or to his clansmen they would laugh at him, so he pushed the thought back and decided to go to battle. As they entered the high rise, Billy laughed to himself at the size of this building. If the ventrue lived here, Billy thought it isn't hard to figure out their clan. It looked oddly familiar though, but he pushed that thought to out of his head. As they stepped in the elevator, he looked at his battle party. When he agreed to this mission, he in no way thought he would be incharge of the invading party. But suddely he realized these people were fighting because he asked them to, the particulars of the mission were left to him, the shopping list as it were was his to collect. Finnally the elevator doors opened. He didn't think about any of his actions, nor did he notice any of the other peoples actions, they just fought, and they fought and they fought. They exited the elevator and opened the doors to the entry way. Right away they noticed the fake walls to the sides, that pulled aside like a door. Raithor opened it, and quickly dispensed witht the ventrue inside. He put his gun up to the vampires head and pulled the trigger very non-chalant. Billy opened the other door, and walked inside. He took the kindred inside off guard, and walked up and hit him across the face, he had time for a long arching punch, and he hit him square in the cheek. He felt the jaw break under his fist. Than fluidly he dropped down to the floor and swept the legs out from under the stiff. He got up walked to his head and kicked it. He knew this one was staying down. They walked into the next room there were about 7 vamps in here, not for long. Heavy took two of them out with his shot gun and hit another one across the face with the butt of his gun. Two of them circled around Raitor and smiled evily at him. He didn't even blink. He shot his boot into one of their chests and knocked him across the room. He hit the wall hard and before he finished sliding down it, his friend was on top of him. Raithor didn't even break stride, he just walked toward them and staked them both with one stake, right through both of their hearts at the same time. The other two in the room cornered Billy. One of them hit him in the face and Billy dropped. The other one started kicking billy in the stomach. Billy could feel his world going away, like when he died, but different, the world turned red and he could feel himself shaking with anger. He grabbed the foot of the one kicking him and picked the man up from the floor and tossed him into the ceiling. He stood up and pushed the other ones head into the wall. Together the group entered one of the two unopened doors in the room and walked through. It led to a hallway, which was empty, and another door in it. They walked into the room and there were 4 male vamps and 3 females. This was a fight. Heavy G locked eyes with two of the males, and ran out into the hall. They laughed thinking they had scared him. They chased after him, Billy smiled. Two shot fired and Heavy walked back into the large room. Billy took two of the females and fought with every ounce he had. They hit hard, and he felt his ribs crack as they punched him in unision. Hey took out his pistol and fired a clip into each of them until they stopped moving. Raithor and Heavy were fighting the rest, Billy looked up at the fight, and than started to look around the room. The floor was covered with grey dust, and bones and skulls. He wasn't sure what was going on. When he looked up Heavy and Raith were looking at him smiling. He could tell by the blood splattered on their arms and faces they were enjoying this, they other vamps in the room were on the ground. They walked out with out saying a word, and walked back into the large room. They walked across it to the other door, Billy opened it and 4 ghouls poored out. Raith and Heavy took these guys, while Billy ran down the hall way to the last room. He threw open the door and thanked god that there was just one kindred in here. He pointed his gun and squeezed the trigger... Shit no more bullets. He put the gun back into his holster and pulled out his sword. He advanced on the vamp and sliced through the air, he strengthed his grip on the hilt, awaiting the feel of the other body. But nothing was there, he looked around and saw that the vamp had moved. Hi changed his strategy and swung the sword around in a circle sideways and this time hit flesh. He heard something hit the ground but than swung the sword down in a vertical arc where he knew the flesh would be. He hit paydirt and the other vamp hit the ground. He was feeling tired, he felt weak. Raithor and Heavy entered the room and Raithor walked to the back side of the room and found a book on the desk. He handed it to Billy and they all walked out together. Billy used his blood to heal himself and drank a bottle of vitae. They entered the other room and killed the vamps in there. Heavy ran up stairs followed by Raith and Billy took up the rear. By the time Billy was up stairs Heavy and Raith had already started on the vamps in the room. There were only two left for Billy he walked up to them and took them quickly. They all ran for the door. and when they were inside they were in the large room but up on a balcony. There was were only two vamps up here, Billy ran past one fo them to take the other one on, Raith took the first one on while, Heavy fired his shotgun at the other on across the balcony. When they were both dead Billy looked around the balcony there was a painting and a door. Billy opened the door and the entered the room. It was a viewing room it looked like. there was a glass wall looking down on the room with the dust on the floor. For the first time in what seemed like hours Heavy spoke.

"So this is the sun room."

Billy felt the anger swell up inside him. He didn't hear anything else, this is where they had tortured Adrianna, this is where they had laughed as she screamed for help. Bastards He wished they were there so he could kill them. Lucky for him they weren't he couldn't take them if he wanted to. They had searched the whole haven. They still didn't have the other two items on Billy's list. He led them back out onto the balcony. Billy walked past the painting and felt a breeze of air as he did it. He looked at the painting and pushed it aside. There was a wall behind it, but it looked like the walls from downstairs he pusehd it with all his might, and it gave way. There was a rest room behind it with three sarcoughagesses((sorry if I murdered that word)). They spread out and looked around the room, but found nothing more. They were about to give up when Raithor found another door. As he pushed it aside, and entered Billy saw the last two items on his list. A painting and a ring. He gathered them up and they all left. There wasn't a word exchanged between them, they just left. Heavy went back to his haven, and Billy and Raithor went back to the train. Billy laid down in his box and fell asleep quickly. When he woke up they were back in Cascadia. He felt relieved. As he got off the train Raithor muttered something about going to the haven later to get paid. Than he was gone. He buttoned up his jacket, took out a cigarette lit it and headed for the haven.

(ok finished it, it sucks but its done sorry.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 9:56 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:47 am
[quote:47db3b3228](ok finished it, it sucks but its done sorry.[/quote:47db3b3228]

Ummmmmm no it doesn't. At the risk of sounding like a shit if you divide the larger paragraphs up it'll read much easier and you can create miniature moments of tension between them :grin:

Ignoring that though it's cool :grin:

"Don't trust your mind, just believe."

[ This Message was edited by: Elam on 2002-01-23 15:56 ]

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 10:59 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMortalPosts: 1Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:22 am
((thanks man, yes usually I would divide the paragraphs up but today is a lazy day. And I couldn't bring my self to go back over it and proof read or divide. But thanks.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 2:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Roxanne was glad to be home from that ghastly party. It took up to much of her precious time and didn't accomplish a thing. But still as one of the most powerful kindred in LA, she was expected to go to these things, meet young vampires, and speck encouraging words to the other elders, who like her were looking for allies agianst the growing Sabbat menice.

The doors slide open and she stepped off the elevator with a gasp. :eek:

What's this the doors to the haven wide open?
the guards...there were no guards, only a thin residue of dust showed where they stood and died.

"Alarm!" shouted her personel valle, sending the other body guards scurrying through the haven looking for either survivor or the perpetraitors.

Roxanne was too stunned to comment. Who?... no she had a good who, but she lacked proof. It was clear the party was nothing more then a rouse to get her and the other elders out of the ventrue haven, question was why?

"is anything missing? check everything, quickly. i want to know what these theives have stolen, it may lead us to a swift retribution." she walked in and plopped down on the couch near the fire place. She was trying to remain calm, even though her every fiber was screaming for vengeance.

"yes My lady, not much is missing, some money and it looks as if your office and secret room have been ransacked."

She got up and ran to her office. Not much had been touched in that room. But she saw that the book containing Jule's ship manifests was missing. That book she had hoped would lead her to apprehending him once and for all.

"Jules... Damn you," she looked to one of her guards and bid him to come closer.

"pick up anyone who has had dealings with Jules or the Lasombra, regardless of their loyalties to us or any other clan."

"Yes, my lady"

She went to the secret room next. The portrait of Jules and that Lasombra Primogen ring of Cascadia were both missing. The ring means nothing to Jules she thought and it being taken made her wonder.

"my lady we have the theives on video."

"Show me at once."

Moments later she was watching the play back of two males moving around the Ventrue haven firing shotguns at the guards. One she recognize ameddiatly, the other she had never seen before.

"have someone find that ghoul HeavyG and pick him up, and... can you zoom in on the vampire with him?"

the ventrue working the video froze the frame on the single Vampire caught on film. He ran it through filters and enhancers until Roxanne saw something that caught her eyes.

"what's that?"


"that thing around his neck, it looks like a neckless or locket?"

"Hang on." The ventrue enhanced the image some more, until the image was clear. The neckless clearly displayed the emblem of a kindred clan.

"An Assamite," she began to laugh.

"Make a hard copy his picture and circulate it to all our contacts in other cities. He shouldn't be too hard to find, but if I were to guess, a good place to start the search would be Cascadia."

((Pictured for all to see is the very handsome Assamite Raithor.))

The less i give them the more they want 8P

[ This Message was edited by: Adrianna on 2002-01-23 20:50 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Adrianna on 2002-01-23 20:57 ]

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 4:54 am Reply with quote
User avatarMortalPosts: 1Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:22 am
((whooo hoooo very nice, we pissed off LA. Go Us.

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