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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Those who have always been.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 2:06 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
( great stuff..."(Again)" who are you? and do i know you? ...your writing is great stuff...did i ever tell you that?very long though so i jumped around a bit, but great stuff. :lol:

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 2:24 am Reply with quote
((yup...have to say it....that's a fine, fine post right there :smile:

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 2:35 am Reply with quote
((I have to agree, incredible writing there wow!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 2:35 am Reply with quote
(( Yep great post :smile:

EVIL RULES OVER ALL!! :smile: ))

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 3:32 am Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
((Yeah, excellent again :smile: lol.... ::knows who it is::

erm... ZOINK
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 3:57 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((I feel lazy after a long post like that I am going to bed....

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 10:10 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
what can I say ??????? except....

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 2:16 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:47 am
Elam rolled out of Kaniel’s reach, his claws hissing the air as he tumbled to his feet, the spear tip Kaniel thrust forward failing to skewer the cloth of his tunic. He whirled again, landing facing Kaniel side on.

“Damn Kaniel! You trying to piss Korred off?”

It had been almost three years since Elam had been embraced, he had met Korred last summer. He could hardly believe he’d never noticed her among the others. She was older than he was by far, but from the first few tentative, and even furtive glances they shared they soon became close friends. That friendship rapidly became more passionate and soon he shared her den with her, hunted with her and shared a bond much stronger than the bond Shiloh held over him. She was his mate and she made the hackles on his neck stand on end with just a whisper.

He shook the thoughts of Korred from his mind as Kaniel drove the spear into the ground, tackling the foolishly distracted pup to the ground.

“Keep your mind on the present pup! Maybe that way Korred will have a young buck between her thighs tonight, not under her nurse-cloth.”

Kaniel chuckled as Elam went red, pushing the lithe frame of his tutor away as he climbed to his feet. He grabbed the spear spinning it in an arc towards Kaniel, the blow, had it been intended, would have given the warrior a new scar. But as with Barghest, Kaniel’s mastery of Protean was exceptional. Where the spear tip should have struck flesh it struck air, Kaniel’s body flexing as his legs folded under him becoming lupine allowing him to duck suddenly with exceptional grace. As Elam brought the spear back, Kaniel thrust up with his wolfen legs, throwing himself clear. Elam cursed himself as Kaniel suddenly returned within range, winding him with a carefully aimed kick to the chest. He coughed as the air left his lung. Although he knew air was no longer a necessity he still preferred to carry on the charade.

Kaniel smiled down at him, pulling him to his feet.

“Up pup! Lessons over for tonight. Now go, let that young woman of yours replace your bruised ego.”

“You’re too good Kaniel, I just can’t keep up.”

Elam looked downhearted. Kaniel tutted audibly.

“No Elam! You may not now, but I’ll kill you if that’s what it takes to make you a fighter.”

The joke made Elam’s face beam again. Kaniel patted his shoulder as they walked back into the entrance to Shiloh. Kaniel lighting a pipe as they entered the warmth and firelight of the great tunnels.

Two hours before dawn Elam lay on his bed, Korred soothing his bruises with the brush of her flaxen hair. Reaching the small of her back, her hair hung black and glinting in the torchlight. She cooed him off to sleep as her caresses became more tangible, her fingers tracing his muscular outline as his mind drifted into darkness.


Elam awoke dreamily. He felt the coolness of Korred’s skin against his, the softness moulding her around him as she pulled him closer.

“Not yet Elam, not yet. It’s too early..Mmmmmm....Oh..Elam..”

Her words suddenly fell into murmurs as he slid himself down her body, his fangs penetrating her breast as he fed not out of need but of sheer lust. The sensation sparked through her, writhing under his kiss now, her mind reduced to mere abandon, her moans and whimpers urging him on. He slid back up to her mouth, biting his own lip drawing blood as he kissed her, her tongue lapping, flicking at his mouth as her own lust was sated. The feeding was not frenzied, maintaining instead a sensual sharing. As her lust increased he pulled back, tracing a claw down between her thighs, cutting her thigh as his mouth followed the blood-scent.

As the moon rose to it’s fullest her cries echoed through the halls.

Two more years had passed. Barghest followed Elam as they set off on a hunt. Elam far from capable of adopting an animal form trotted as low to the ground as he could. Barghest caught the scent of a deer a few kilometres into the woods. Quickening the pace the great dog and his friend ran towards the scent, both growling as the scent grew stronger. As they came closer Elam’s face wrinkled, he sniffed the trail as they slowed to a crawl.

He whispered gruffly, his animal side coming to the fore.

“Barghest? Something smells wrong, be careful.”

“Yeah kid, ah smelt it back a while, din’t want to put the shits up ya.”

The great dog sniggered, the sound more a wheeze than a distinct laugh. He sank to his belly, dragging himself forward with his vast paws. Disappearing into the brush he suddenly growled.

“Damn poachers! No fucking respect!”

Elam trotted to his side. “What is it? Ahh shit!”

In a small clearing a deer lay, her front leg trapped and broken irreparably, the hoof caught at an unnatural angle in a snare. She whined as the two vampires moved closer. Elam’s eyes glowing amber as he scanned the rest of the site. Just out of sight a young fawn sat dazed with shock and whimpering in the brush from fear. Elam stepped closer, it was unharmed physically and although young it looked strong.

He turned to Barghest and soothing the fawn with his mind he lifted it, carrying it away from the sight of it’s mother. Barghest, long a hunter and killer, felt no rush as he ended the suffering of the mother. The death was mercifully soundless, Elam sighed his unbeating heart suddenly heavy. He “told” the fawn to stay away from things that smelled alien, feeding it with some fresh grass shoots before he patted it’s rump, breaking the bond and sending it bounding into the forest.

The two headed back to Shiloh, although they had failed to feed the hunger was suddenly muted. Barghest nuzzled Elam’s hand as they walked heads lowered.

Three days later the dawn sun shone down on the torn bodies of three hunters. The rounds still chambered in their rifles. Whatever had hit them had done so quickly and without warning.

Korred had fed well that eve, hunting had been good since the forester companies the humans ran had driven the winter game further east. She stepped into Laban the shaman’s room. As was typical of the old albino he sat on the floor, casting stones and scattering pebble fragments trying to uncover what the spirits held in store for the commune.

“Ahh dear Korred.” He looked up.

“You seem troubled Heart-daughter...”

Korred sat slowly. Her face paler than usual, making her black raven hair that much more striking. Her elfin face unblemished as she pulled her bottom lip with a fang, her soft voice wavering.

“Yes Father Laban....Its Elam, his dreams are getting worse. He keeps saying things....terrible dreams they are....”

Laban looked concerned. She told him of his nightmare of Shiloh burning. Of the sanctity being destroyed. Once she was finished he put her mind to rest letting her return to her mate believing the dreams meant nothing. Once clear of her view he gathered some stones and went outside. Communing with the spirits however revealed nothing in Elam’s future, just a tenebrous blackness. This in itself was strange. Yet he knew Bram had enough to consider with the human encroachment on their hunting grounds drawing ever nearer.

When people have power, they seek to use it.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 5:17 am Reply with quote
((simply splendid!! a true joy to read. lookin forward to more. :grin:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 2:14 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:47 am
((Ok finito, this is a bit weaker than the last two parts, but it says what needs saying.

The world above had undergone grievous changes. War raged in Europe, and home in America the depression struck morale and purse with equal ferocity. Yet even in the deep, dark places the surface conflicts sent tremors of unrest into those that dwelled below. Elam had grown much stronger than his years. Sahnan’s pride in his childe was higher than ever. Korred more in love than a kindred should ever be. Yet below these feelings of warmth a cold, icy finger crept. The long forgotten childe of Kalsi, Charab, had arrived in Shiloh, the crimes of his sire suddenly washed aside as he gained the favour of the others. Laban, and strangely Elam, however had one thought in mind. Like father, like son.

Charab had begun to create feelings of tension among the Nuhnehi, feelings grown so tumultuous that Bram couldn’t vanquish them. Elam grew ever wary with Charab, Barghest had taken it under his wing to watch Charab’s every move however unimportant they seemed. Charab it seemed was working towards some diabolical scheme.

The long forgotten date of Kalsi’s destruction came fast, and with it came his childes vengeance.

As the Nuhnehi retreated into Shiloh Charab’s plan came into full effect. Groggy from the filtering sun the commune couldn’t possibly have known the hunters had breached the outer walls. Elam awoke with a start to the sound of screaming and gunfire. Dragging Korred out of their den he ran to face the source of the sounds. They reached the room of Laban staggering as they saw the ashen skeleton of their shaman and friend staked to the earth. More gunfire bellowed out as they reached the great hall. Barghest now standing on his hind legs tore into a group of five human hunters, even with their technology they had no chance. His massive jaws crushing arms as he gutted them one by one. As he reduced the last one to a red smear he looked over at Elam.

“Took ya long enuff pup! Thought ah was gonna do this all on my ownsome.”

Elam nodded as the great hound shook his head free of frenzy and the trio ran towards the screaming. An explosion rocked the halls, sending Elam flying into an alcove, Ohdow’s!

He shook his head clear, rubbing grit from his eyes as he looked around. Something wet dripped to his left, hidden partially in the gloom he focused his eyes, the amber glow reflecting of something dark, wet and dark. Blood!

He scrambled to the shape that lay broken in the corner, pulling it over he coughed down old blood as Ohdow’s now faceless, shattered head lolled into view. The beast roared in him as he stood on his feet, his hands curling into the gleaming sickle claws he wore.

“Korred! Barghest! Ohdow and Laban are gone! Let’s make these bastards pay!”

Barghest howled long and low the sound awoke fears of the night on some of the hunters as they came down the hall towards the trio. Elam tore thoughts of glory from the shoulders of one, beheading him as Barghest destroyed his companion. Korred pulled the gun from Elam’s victim’s fingers. As they ran forward, Barghest and Elam cutting them down, Korred sprayed the oncomers with bullets from the gun. The trio got separated as the fighting intensified, Korred ran towards Sahnan’s chamber, killing a hunter as he reached Sahnan’s archway. She ran in, slapping the bearded, now cat-bodied, gangrels rump affirming the hope he had in him. The blast threw them both against the far wall of his chamber as an explosive collapsed the archway, trapping them inside. A small opening bolstered them as they scrambled to pull the fallen rocks away. As Sahnan climbed to the opening he fell back shrieking, a gout of flame arcing into the “trap”. Korred screamed as the fire reached her, sticking to her as it burned. The beast arose in both as the fiery assault continued. She felt her skin blackening, her jaw cracking and popping from the heat as she roared.

Elam rounded the corridor as a hunter carrying some sort of flame-throwing weapon filled what looked like Sahnan’s chamber with burning death. He heard Korred’s shrieks and leapt at the hunter, by the time the hunter had struck the ground his throat bubbled with blood. Elam rolled with the inertia, scrambling to pull the rocks away in a vain effort to save his love. He was too late.

As he dragged himself through a gap he saw her, still burning, blackened and truly dead. Her face ruined by the flickering heat. He sobbed, blood smearing his cheek as he cradled her, his fingers tracing the lines of her face, now papery under his touch. His sobbing became a moan, then a dirge as he roared a challenge to the remaining hunters. He kissed her one last time before bursting through the rubble, driven by hatred as he began to slash and scythe his way through the halls. Those hunters foolish enough to open fire met their makers before their guns clicked empty. The beast drove him on, wounds healing as they appeared. A hunter tripped over a fallen comrade into his grasp, as he ripped and shredded the human a heavy hand grabbed his shoulder. He spun to see Barghest standing at his back.

“Let ‘im go Elam, ya can’t kill ‘im any more. Now c’mon the others need your wrath.”

The two friends nodded then ran to repel the last of the invaders.

Elam began driving them out of the commune, as he entered the bolthole tunnel he saw Charab. The gangrel stood directing a hunter. Grabbing a pistol from a dead hunter Elam ended the conversation, spraying the humans head over the stone wall. Charab spun in shock as Elam drove into him. The two spun to the ground, claws flashing against claw as they rolled. Charab was older, superior in terms of power. But he lacked the training Kaniel had given Elam. He drove his fist at Elam’s nose shattering it, the pain blinded the young gangrel, enraging his beast further. He dragged Charab to his feet, and pulled him outside into the sun. As Charab’s body caught aflame Kaniel rammed his spear into him, pinning him to the sun-scorched soil. The two Nuhnehi watched as Charab writhed and bellowed in agony, his flesh crisping and dripping to ash.


Elam spat, his mouth drooling with blood as Charab met final death.

Kaniel stood now, his face still, impassive as he patted Elam’s shoulder.

“Come brother, it is done. Time to mourn.”

He stepped into blackness as Elam followed a distance behind.

Barghest growled as he gathered the bodies of the hunters, those still living he embraced leaving the others to bind them for staking the next dawn. Bram paced the hall, blood tears on his face as he watched Barghest take revenge. His vampire heart aching with thoughts of killing and grieving. That night they buried their dead.

Two weeks had passed since the “Fall”. Shiloh now felt more charnel house than hearth-home. So many friends dead, and Korred gone. Elam gathered his belongings, what few he had. Taking some clothing from a dead hunter. Bundling them together he walked to the Great hall to say farewell. Some of the others had come to curse his name, calling him the destroyer. Spitting on the day he came to Shiloh. He knew now he no longer had a place among them. He summoned everyone to the hall.

Bram silenced the accusers with a glance, bowing as Elam entered the chamber.

“I........I came to say goodbye Bram. Too much has happened, Shiloh is destroyed....and...”

“I understand Elam. But know this. You did not destroy our sanctuary. There will be those that believe otherwise but Shiloh was destined to fall. We have grown arrogant in our safety, we thought ourselves kin to the humans. But that we can never be. No Elam. You are not the destroyer.”

Elam sighed as the crowds muttered.

“ gone. The others distrust me. I am the Oren in their eyes Bram.”

“No, you are no longer Elam of Shiloh. You gave us back our place in things. You will carry the hearth wherever you walk. No Elam, you are not despair. You are hope. You are the Þrá.”

Elam looked up at Bram, his face red with tears. The title Bram had given him made him stumble inside.

He stepped out into the night, sleet whipping his face as he began to walk. From deep below in the earth a low howl crept out. He stepped onto the highway, turning back once before hiking up the highway.

A few miles up the road he heard a familiar wuff. Turning with a strained smile he nodded at Barghest.

“Think ah would let ya go off alone?”

The great hound barked at his friend, nudging each other they faded off into the night.

When people have power, they seek to use it.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 2:25 am Reply with quote
(( sorry, gimme 2 secs to pick my jaw up off the floor.... aight...

In-frickin-credible man. Cant say anything more...


PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 3:15 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((I almost typed "ohmygod" in as my password.. that was amazing... you gangrel?

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 3:44 am Reply with quote
(( Woah ... damn cool writting :smile: ))

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 5:22 am Reply with quote
(('s awesome. just awesome. :smile:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 6:06 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:47 am
[b:c95389eaf8] Elam’s History [/b:c95389eaf8]

1109-Bram arrives in the Americas.

1307- He gathers a number of Gangrel together, preaching the concept of Shiloh to them. The shaman Laban agrees. Together they create a society based on one defining law. Kine are not food. They befriend a number of local tribes, in particular the Cherokee. The Cherokee or Tsalagi name these powerful creatures the Nuhnehi, believing them to be spirits.

1432- Laban embraces a young native woman called Ohdow, she becomes the Suckle-Mother, a sort of nurse for the colony. Bram names the underground cavern as Shiloh, his race’s word for “Restful Place”.

1789- Sean O’Leary is embraced becoming the Gangrel Barghest. He encounters Bram and after hearing of Shiloh he joins the growing community.

1899- Richard Magellan is born into poverty, his father Marley is killed in an industrial accident. His mother is later placed in a home for the mentally ill. Richard is raised by foster parents then placed into care.

1913- Richard begins a series of runaway attempts. Failing he bides his time, waiting until he is deemed old enough that he can leave freely.

1925- Richard Magellan is killed by the Gangrel traitor Kalsi whilst travelling into the Appalachians. The wise Sahnan embraces him bringing him into the fold of the Nuhnehi.

1945- Shiloh is betrayed by Charab, Human hunters enter the commune killing almost two thirds of the Nuhnehi within. Elam, Barghest and a few others resist the attack, defeating the hunters and destroying the traitor. Korred, Elam’s lover, is killed. As is his sire, Sahnan.
Elam leaves the shattered safety of Shiloh, now bearing a “messianic” title of Þrá or “Hope”, accompanied by Barghest he heads East.

1948- Elam arrives with Barghest in Chicago. Russia, under Stalin, declares an end to peace between themselves and the Western world. Barghest slays a number of Sabbat ventrue plotting to assassinate the mayor. He disappears without Elam soon after. A year later Elam hears news of Barghest’s involvement fighting anarchs alongside Justicar Petrodon’s archons.

1955- The Camarilla manipulates the election of Richard J. Daley as Mayor. He holds the position for over 14 yrs as a result.

1967- Elam travels north, passing through New York.

1983- Elam runs with an old gangrel who he calls Malsum. They return briefly to Chicago then separate. Malsum travelling to New Orleans.

1995- Elam kills another of Kalsi’s childer. As a result he is pursued by Gangrel Antitribu for 6 months before he vanishes from sight.

2001- Elam surfaces in New Orleans.

Elam Þrá has lost a great deal of his former naivete. He has learned much of Kindred society, but in all his time he is still determined not to feed from Kine. Frequently protecting them from predation.

He bears the appearance of a 50’s drifter. Often seen in a leather biker jacket and jeans, or on occasion sporting an old 30’s style cheap suit and hat. He carries a .38 revolver and little else. Although he is usually very approachable and even warm to others, he carries a great deal of rage inside. Those that cross him, or offend his tastes tend to leave minus a body part.

Deep inside he longs for the peace he felt in Shiloh, and woe betide the one who awakens that sorrow.

"Don't trust your mind, just believe."

[ This Message was edited by: Elam on 2002-01-23 12:07 ]

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