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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  The Brujah Thread with lots of sex and violence.. aight well

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 11:12 pm Reply with quote
His steel toed boots thudded heavily on the asphalt as he moved towards a familiar section of town. The faded neon signs cast a hellish glow into the warm night air, as the man walked boldly down the middle of the street.

No cars traveled the dark roadway, for good reason. Word about this part of town had spread even to other cities. Barbaric. Chaos. Lawless. Just some of the words used to describe this beaten down section of Cascadia.

The police had tried many times to quell this neighborhood, each time ending in failure. Finally it was decided to leave them be, shut them in together and God willing, they'd kill themselves off. It didn’t work.
The neighborhood flourished with its newfound anarchy. Men and women from all walks of life descended nightly, to fill their vices without fear of repercussion.

At the sound of booted feet walking down the darkened street, two burly men, both empowered by the mixture of narcotics and alcohol running through their veins stood from the curb and moved to intercept the lone male. They stood shoulder to shoulder, blocking the lanky mans path.

“Gimme yer fuckin wallet ya lil bitch” said the bolder of the two, looking down at the loner before him.

“Ah fuck it man, lets just stomp his ass and take it” said his partner.

The stranger looked up at the two men in front of him, a thin smile forming across his mouth.

“I think ya ought to take this elsewhere boys”

The bigger man with the dark and shaggy hair laughed aloud and moved a step closer to the smaller man, bumping his chest against the smaller man, clad in black.

“And what the fuck you gonna do lil fella?” he turned his head to his partner, laughing.

The laughter turned quickly into a gargled cry as the smaller man brought the palm of his hand into the others larynx, crushing it instantaneously. The big man hunched over, cradling his neck in his palms, water forming in his eyes. The small lanky man, seamlessly sidestepped the man, setting into a spin and sweeping the others legs out from under him. The force of the kick buckling the mans leg underneath him as he fell to the pavement.. The smaller man rose from his low spin and swiftly kicked once at the side of the prone mans head, the hard steel of his boot crushing the mans cheekbone, and rendering him unconscious.

The dark man walked calmly towards the other man, still hunched over holding his neck, gasping for breath. He lowered his head so he could speak softly into the mans ear.

“ This is MY town, and the sooner you learn it, the longer you live”

The thin man rose from his bend and continued his trek down the street. The pale neon lights shimmering off the fine silver chain running from his nose to his ear.

He pushed open a battered door, the sounds of loud rock music filtering off into the night. A few people noticed him as he entered and fell silent. Soon the entire club was deathly quiet and everyones gaze fell upon him. He walked slowly up to the steel cage surrounding the “Pit” as it was called and brushed his hand against it lovingly. His steel blue eyes turned their gaze up to the DJ booth. The man behind the microphone let out a cry of disbelief

“THE MASTER RETURNS! The baddest mother fucker to ever grace these four walls!”

Chaz grinned widely at the recognition, sending the chain on his face to dance in the clubs light.

((sorry, a tad long, but there will be more to come..

It's said that death is the final truth.....[i:6428891ffd] They lied.[/i:6428891ffd]

[ This Message was edited by: Chaz on 2002-01-13 17:14 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Chaz on 2002-01-15 01:02 ]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 11:37 pm Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
She looked at the scrawled note, grinning. Something snapping into survival mode in her head, thought flashing like lightening "DFM", "Kenny", "Jnco's", "FiGhT."

She knew no one would understand her like she had been... except for the writer of that note. He's believe anything. She grinned, running to her chest, pulling out some clothes, a pair of scissors, and hair die.

She died her hair bleached blond first, then brick red, grabbing the scissors she chopped at her hair artfully, knowing how she wanted it. Her hair was done in about 30 mins in all. She loved it. Grabbing some gel she spiked her hair into triangles on her head, her hair only about 4 inches high now.

She ripped at her clothes, throwing on a black sports bra, a white guys undershirt, and baggy black Jnco's. ((big ass skater pants if ya don't know)). She grinned widely into the mirror.

"Fuck yes, she's still here."

She trompped down to the bad side of town, people looking at her. She had put her peircings back in, somewhere about 8 on each side, one in her nose, two in one eye brow, nipples both sporting curved barbels with spikes on the tips poking out enough to be seen through her guys undershirt. Her hair spiked high and she stuck her tongue out through her red lips, three bars in a vertical line up her tongue. She was ready to go.

She walked into the club, eyeing the scene, people staring at her in disbelief. She rocked her head to the loud metal music, grinning widely as she walked up to the guy who was announced as "The Master". She looked up at him, licking her ruby lips then grinning.

"Don't you recognise me?"

Her voice had lost its sweet New Orleans drawl.. she was speaking in a harsh Detriot accent. Her eyes sparkling as she looked up at Chaz.

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 3:41 am Reply with quote
Chaz locked his gaze upon the woman, scanning her from the bottom up, finally resting on her eyes. A hint of recognition gliimered in his Ice blue eyes and he spoke hesitantly...


The woman laughed and began to speak, but as the words came out of her mouth the crowd erupted in a tremendous roar as the PA system began to belt out the first notes of George Thorogoods "Bad to the Bone"

Chaz grinned, the fine chain on his face flashing in the red lights. Seemed they remembered his song.

The crowd began to cheer wildly as Chaz dropped his vest and t shirt and handed them to a purple haired woman who had elbowed her way through the crowd to get to Chaz.

"Just like old times eh Martha?"

The purple headed woman accepted Chaz's things and nodded her head. She had to raise her voice to be heard over the crowd as she and Chaz moved towards the chain link gate.

"Good to see ya boss. I'll get Switch to get yer shit back in order."

Chaz nodded his head, his spiked black hair shining greasily in the light of the flames suspended on the cage. Martha pressed the button which unlocked and opened the gate into the "Pit" Chaz stepped in and turned to face his purple headed assistant.

"Good luck boss" she shouted as she release the button, bringing the gate back down, sealing Chaz in the ring.

"Luck?" Chaz's eyes flashed in amusement. " When have I ever needed luck?" He stood in place and absorbed the atmosphere around him.
The music continued to blare harshly in his ears almost drowning out the cheers of his fans chanting his name..

The smell of human sweat and fresh blood was filling up his nostrils, awakening the beast that lay within him. A single, barely audiable growl escaped his lips as he looked up and saw Diam.. the new Diam standing next to Martha, bloodlust in both of the females eyes. He turned to face the other side of the ring, staring through the last section of barbed chain link fence that separated the two combatants.

The music had now changed from the hard rock of Chaz’s theme to a harsh Asian sound. The crowd let up another roar as they recognized the music of one of their latest favorite fighters. A thin Asian man bounced his way into the ring and ran around his half with his arms raised above his head. The fires around the edge of the cage flared once brightly, and the crowd hushed.

The man on the PA system made very brief introductions, the crowd watching intently as each man stepped into position. The announcer started into a loud countdown, the crowd joining in until is was a deafening roar all around him

“ 3, 2, 1 SWITCH!!!”

And with that, the switch that controlled the last gate was released and the heavy chain link wall came crashing down into a specially constructed slot in the floor, leaving no obstacle behind. The two men were free.

((Fight scene next, I gotta go drink beer now.. kiss ya love ya bye bye))

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 8:27 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((Chaz, you owe me))

Diam stood, near the fence of the pit. Her heart pounding because of the look she saw in Chaz's eyes. She breathed in heavily, her eyes wide.

Chaz looked at the guy, beckoning him with an evil grin on his face. The Asian guy rushed at him full speed, running up his chest and kicking him in the face. Chaz grabbed the foot as it struck his face, hanging the Asian from the foot. Chaz's fist pounded into the guys chest with full force as he let the guy go, the Asian guy flying across the pit. The guy looked up at Chaz in disbelief then ran at him again, his fists pounding against him. Chaz laughed like it tickled, he sent his fist against the guy's solar plexis, as he doubled over Chaz sent his elbow into the guy's back, knocking him face down on the floor.

Diam's eyes widened as she smiled, her smile widening as Chaz sent a boot into the middle of the guy's back. He stood, one foot on the guy, the guy didn't even try to get up.

The DJ ranted about "The Master" calling him many great names and great things, his music playing again loudly as Chaz left the pit, Diam standing leaned against a wall.

[ This Message was edited by: DiamBloodstaff on 2002-01-14 02:51 ]

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 6:55 am Reply with quote
Chaz exited the steel cage and brushed off the pats and well wishes of those who just wanted to touch him. His sweat covered chest glistened in the orange glow of the room. Diam and Martha stood with thier backs against the wall, both regarding him with admiration.

Chaz looked at Martha and asked

"How long?"

Martha checked her watch and replied

"Switch has two more tonite, but after that" She nodded her head towards the ring " I dunno if anyone'll come out."

Chaz nodded and took his clothing back from her.

"Lets go to the back" He motioned with his head for Diam to follow. Martha used her lithe body to weave in and out of the crowd ahead of the two vampires. The crowd parted like a wave as Chaz walked through. His steel blue eyes focused only on his path. Martha pushed open a heavy oak door near the entrance to the club and held it open for Chaz and Diam to enter. She let the door close slowly behind them.

The room they entered was lit with the same gas lamps that adorned the ring. Diam stood silently as Chaz and Martha talked about the buisness of the fight club, getting their signals and strategies aligned once more.

"Its good ta have ya back boss" the purple headed woman declared "I'll let Switch know your up for another go tonite"

Diam stepped in front of Martha as she was turning to leave "I'll take one too" she said, in her newfound harsh Detroit accent.

Martha grinned and looked over her shoulder at Chaz, who simply nodded. The purple haired woman turned and exited the room.

Diam looked at Chaz, her eyes sparkling in the torchlight. "Now I see what you do for fun..."

Chaz nodded and pursed out his lips. "Ya, keeps my edge on. Some of the little juice bags can fight. The biggest thing for me is to keep my head. Cant let the rage take control... it gets ugly."

Diam let out a chuckle. "A Brujah learning to control himself, will wonders never cease." She moved her lithe body next to Chaz, her eyes sparkling. "And how much have you learned?" She put her small hand on his bare chest, her face twisted into a devilish grin.

Chaz looked down at her, his eyes showing his amusement. "Enough" he said. He slid away from her touch and moved towards a speed bag mounted in a corner. The Brujah began to beat out a rythym on the bag, starting slowly, but soon moving his hands in such blinding speed that he was landing two punches in succesion before the bag travled back once. A knock sounded on the oak door and Marthas voice echoed into the room.

"Shes up Boss."

Chaz dropped his hands and turned to Diam.
Her excitement was visible in the depths of her eyes. "You all set?" He asked.

"They'll never know what hit em."

((Aight next is a chick fight WOOHOO!!!

It's said that death is the final truth.....[i:97c970dbc1] They lied.[/i:97c970dbc1]

[ This Message was edited by: Chaz on 2002-01-15 01:34 ]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 7:46 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
Diam peered up at Chaz, her face distorted by the torchlight.

"Wanna see how it's done?"

Chaz nodded, walking out to the pit with her, she jogged up to the DJ and spoke into his ear over the music. The music broke out into the chorus of "Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol as she slid off her tank top, wearing only a sports bra and baggy black jeans, her make-up on dark as she walked into her side of the pit.

She cracked her neck, then her back, then her knuckles quite audibley over the music.

The place went silent as the 5th best female came out to "Baby Hit Me One More Time" By Brittany Spears. Diam laughed at the blond chick entering the pit in a pink skin tight dress. Diam was laughing almost too hard to hear the announcer speak out.

"READY? 3,2,1, SWITCH!!!"

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 6:16 pm Reply with quote
((Chaz and Diam Power!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 11:42 pm Reply with quote
Diam was still laughing uncontrollably as the gate dropped. Her opponent started to race across the ring, her tight pink dress stretching to accomadate her movements. As she closed on Diam she brought her feet off the ground and swung upwards mightily with her booted foot.

The crowd surrounding the pit let ouch a collective groan as the black leather boot connected solidly with Diams jaw, splitting open her delicate chin. The force of the blow sent Diam sprawling backwards into the cage, but she did not fall.

"Brittney" stood staring in amazment at the redheaded woman, who was now shaking her head to clear the cobwebs. "That shoulda taken her fuckin head off" she thought to herself.

Diam leaned against the cage, the metal feeling cool on her skin. She brought a hand up and brushed her chin, feeling the slight trickle of blood flow from her. She stared at the crimson stain on her hand, facinated by the look of her own blood.

"Britney" let out a high pitched scream and launched herself at Diam, running towards her at top speed. Her pink dress rode up on her shapley thighs as she crossed the ring. Once again she lept up and launched a flying side kick at Diams head.

Diam, still gazing at the blood on her hand, sidestepped quickly, and thrust her other hand up underneath Britneys opposite leg.
Caught off balance, Britney fell, landing heavily on her head and neck. Diam lashed out with her foot, striking the blond woman in the head once, And then moved off, her eyes never moving from the blood on her hand.

A great purple welt was already beginning to form on Britneys face, the swelling allready threatening to rob sight from one eye. She picked herself up off the floor slowly, the room spinning around her. "BITCH" she screamed and took off after Diam once again. Having learned from her mistake allready, she kept both feet on the floor and lunged at Diam with her fist.

Diams eyes flicked up once to see the great pink mass throwing a fist at her head, and with lightning quick actions launched her own punch. Only this punch was not aimed at Britneys body....

Thier fists met in mid air, the sickening sound of crunching bone was heard throughout the club, and a wail of pain escaped Britneys lipsticked mouth. She cradled her arm to her body and sunk to her knees, tears of pain blinding her

Diam looked down calmly at the weeping girl, her blues eyes glowing orange in the light. She began to walk calmly towards her gate, brushing Britney on the way by. The girl whimpered once as Diam lifted a foot and smashed it into the back of her head, sending the broken woman into oblivion.

The crowd stood silent around the ring. amazed at what they had just witnessed. With all eyes on her Diam gave a little girl smile and exited the ring.

The PA system erupted into "Rebel Yell" once again and the crowd erupted into a deafening roar.

Chaz watched Diam as she drew near, Mouthing the words "Nice Show" over the roar of the music and hum of the crowd. The two gladiators slipped into the crowd, moving towards the bar..

(Aight, theres the chick fight for ya :smile:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 2:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
(( ::claps:: Encore!

erm... ZOINK
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 7:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
As she and Chaz walked to the bar, she wiped her hand on her chin, then the blood on her pants, grabbing the tank top and tucking it into the back of her jeans.

"Beer, anything cold."

The bartender chick grinned, "Its on the house."

Diam only nodded, chugging the beer, then looked at Chaz.

"I lost my edge out there man... how depressing. 5 or so years ago I would have never let her even leave a speck of dirt. Uh... I need to brush up."

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 2:19 am Reply with quote
User avatarSkald of NarvikPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:20 am
((hope ya dont mind me coming in chaz))

He knew now..what he was...what he could do..what he intends to be once again.

The books had proved very useful..awakening a part of him that laied dorment for so long.

For to long now he had lived the soft life, ate in the nicest restuarants, fed from those thaat he deemed worthy, a life lived in luxery and slept in soft beds. Tonight was the night to meet the concrete test himself.

He looked in the mirror and saw a reflection of a man that had tunred soft..he was BRUJAH for fucks sake..not some namby pamby Toreador.

He pulled out the black combat pants and docker boots and changed his shirt for a white vest. quite a change from the welld ressed man just a few moenmts ago.

he rememberd hearing of a place..a club. He wasnt ready for it yet but soon..first he needed to test himself and he kenw just wehere.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 4:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
She sat at the bar, choking down her 3rd beer when Martha walked up.

"Miss... you are requested at the DJ booth... Switch wants to talk to ya..."

"Yeah.. I'll be there in a minute."

She looked at Chaz and he nodded. Getting up Diam wove through the crowd, she bumped into Martha.

"Hey... could you get me a shirt to throw on that is a little more decent?"

"Uhh... sure.. gimme a second..."

Diam leaned back against the chain link fence lightly, it was between fights. Martha came hurrying trough the crowd with a black sleeveless shirt with a hood.

"This okay? Its all I could find"

"No, that is perfect. Thank you sooo much."

Diam flashed a grin, Martha grinned back.
Diam headed to the DJ booth now...

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 6:58 am Reply with quote
the Brujah in this city are Hardcore!

fa Real

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 1:48 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((I feel sooooo lonely all on my owwwwnnnn.... getting told that only the Brujah are cooooooool... okay.. I think I'm done.))

She walked into the DJ booth, expecting to see bouncers and people crowded in. She only saw the DJ, sitting there and smiling, she shut the door behind her, leaning against it.

"Yeah? What'd need?"

The DJ grinned. "If you want another switch tonight you have to earn it..." He leaned back in his chair, grinning at her. She only shook her head.

"Naw, I'm not a cum guzzling gutter slut like that girl in the pink dress. You wouldn't be able to handle me anyways... your head would prolly explode or something."

Diam then laughed cruely, turning to the door.

"Wait... I wanna know your name."

She looked at the DJ, eyes sparkling, "I have so many... I am "da ghetto dona" and I am "Magickal Merlin" I am known as "Pipe" and you... well I guess you can just call me Diam. If that suits ya..."

He nodded, mouthing her name. "Diam.. You have earned my respect more than most of the male contestants have. You wanna go up against the number one female here?"

She shook her head. "I'll work my ass up from the bottom like everyone else. And if you wanna gimme a real challenge... Put me up against the best male here." She grinned, wanting to know how he'd respond.

"Umm.. you can't go against Chaz, you wouldn't make it five seconds."

"We'll see."

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 2:11 am Reply with quote
User avatarSkald of NarvikPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:20 am
Valley looked about the area..the signs were here..he could see them..he was missing something though..something so obvious and so blatent.

He quickly turned around, his eyes fixated on an alley way. nothing special about it..except for a cop walking from it.

He looked the man up and down from over the street. mmm...weird he thought...why would a Cascadian cop be in this area at this time of night..more importantly..why is he wearing steel toe capped boots and carrying a knuckle duster. Valley could smell the blood on the boots and the duster...mortals..some vamps he thought...gotta be a gahering somewhere.

slowly he walked over to the "cop" and before the cop saw what was coming Valley punched him on the jaw..sending him to the floor.

"OK FREEZE" shouted the cop

"i think not" Valley laid a boot into the side of the mans head.

"Now you can tell me what i want to know or you can in thie alley"

the cop looked up at Valley with a blooded face and slowly nodded

"ok...ok ...what..what you wanna know"

"theres a club..a bar ..a place hell i dont know where...but all sorts of folks go there to i see those boots arnt police know its around here somewhere and your going to tell me where"

the cop looked back at Valley..hesitant at first and then sighed heavily

"what the fuck ....its about 2 blocks down from here , near a chinese take out"

"thank've been most helpful"

Valley knocked the cop out and walked off in the directions he was given.

the cop awoke hand cuffed to a street light, his wallet missing and his gun taken and there was no sign of the man that had laid into him.

people dont much like cops around this area. thought Valley. oh well

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