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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 5:20 pm Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
((One long and probly boring post commin up...this will lead into another thread that will most certianly be quite hold on!))

After his arrival into the great City of Cascadia, the Caitiff known as Marcus Fidelitus spent the majority of time studying the history of the world, more or less from his Embrace onward. He was now a variable vault of knowledge regarding anything from both the kine and kindred worlds. Knowing this would help him to act in a manner that would prevent his entrance to final death. The twenty-first century was a dangerous place, and the odds of survival are low, not to mention when one angers another.

For the first few weeks in Cascadia, Marcus did nothing except take in vast amounts of knowledge from as many books that he could get his hands on. He would leave his temporary Haven only to feed, and when he did so, he made every effort to make sure that he spent as little time outside as possible.

After taking in the information from the literature he had collected, he then began his training for the unlife. He had no Sire, as far as he knew, and had met very few people so far, so with the money he managed to scrounge from the various people he fed upon, he sent a small boy to the hardware store. When the boy returned with Marcus' money, he also had the items that were on his list. A small truck had delivered a large quantity of drywall. He had it loaded into his Haven, then bid the deliveryman away. He used the drywall as crude opponents. It was set up in various places around his Haven, and Marcus would use it to break through. The body strength he had when he was a Mortal was immense, but it was nothing compared to what a kindred would possess. He would punch and kick his way through as many drywall as he possible could. At the end of each session, his knuckles would be terrible bloody, but stamina is as important as strength, when fighting.

After a few weeks of this training, Marcus decided that it was time to go out and explore the City of Cascadia for the first time. One of the first places he came across was a pawnshop...which intrigued him. He entered the shop; there were used goods all over the walls. Televisions, Radios, Gold Clubs…. but there were also weapons, swords, knives, guns… Marcus walked around the shop; there were two men standing inside already, one behind the counter, and one in front. They were doing some type of a business transaction. They were bartering at a price for what appeared to be a piece of medieval armour. Marcus pondered this…he had armour somewhat like this, only much, much older and in better condition. He also had many artefacts from the Era in which he was born. With that thought he left the store. Some 30 minutes later, Marcus re-entered the shop carrying a large burlap bag. The man with the medieval armour had gone, but the shop owner was still standing behind the counter. He looked at Marcus and his large bag, "Can I help you there, Sir?" he asked Marcus as he heaved the heavy bag onto the counter.

"That depends," Marcus replied, then opened the bag, "Authentic Roman era clothing, armour, jewellery…. any of this of any interest?"

The clerk widened his eyes, Marcus was not sure whether is was voluntary or involuntary, the clerk then managed to stammer, "L-l-l-let me ma-a-a-ake a phone ca-ca-ca-call."

Marcus nodded, "Alright then." At which point the clerk turned around and walked to the back room.

He re-entered the shop a few minutes later, he seemed to have regained his composure, and said "My colleague will be here in a few minutes If you would be so good as to wait for him, I am sure he can offer you a most excellent price for these items here."

"Excellent," Marcus replied. He waited no more that 3 minutes, when the bell for the shop binged, the door opened and a man who was at least as wide as he was tall entered. He was panting as if he had never ran for so long in his entire life. "Are….you….the….one….with…"

"Yes, Ean! This is the one I told you about!" the clerk interrupted. He then hopped over the counter and walked quickly to the door. He turned over the closed sign, and locked the door. He quickly walked back, and then opened the small door for the counter. He stepped through and waved for the two others to follow him. Marcus and the one called Ean both stepped through the small door, and walked into the back room. In the center of the room there was a small table and 4 chairs. Each of the men sat down in one of them, and Marcus set the bag on the tabletop. "I take it you have some interest in what I have in my possession…Ean."

The large man nodded quickly, "Yes…yes…I collect Roman artefacts, for a private museum I run. I can pay you a pretty penny for your items I'm sure."

Marcus grinned slightly, then nodded and replied with, "Alright then. I suppose we get down to business." He then proceeded to open the bag and remove the items one at a time. After a minute or so, a fair number of items were set on the table, the burlap bag discarded.

"My my my…you have some excellent things here my boy! Where did you get all this?"

Marcus cleared his throat, "My sources will remain secret."

The fat man nodded again, "No matter…may I?" He motioned towards one of the large swords.

Marcus chuckled lightly, "Of course."

The fat man took the large sword in both hands, he removed the sheath and swung it around slowly, "This is absolutely amazing," he managed to gasp.


"I can offer you over $100,000 for this sword alone I'll have you know…."

Marcus looked at him, smiling thinly, wondering why he was offering such a high price for the sword, he then replied with, "That sounds fair to be Ean…what about the rest of these?"

He looked them over quickly; there were Gauntlets, Shields, Helmets, Rings, Daggers and some other things. "For all of this…?" he loosened his tie, sizing up Marcus, "How does…" he cleared his throat, "I cannot afford to simply buy all of this from you, it is too old and is in too good condition…but I can offer you $50,000,000 for all of this…and my house. It is a rather large manor…worth over $10,000,000."

Marcus smiled again, still not showing his teeth, "$50,000,000…that sounds to me a VERY reasonable price." He wondered if he would be getting such a deal if he did not appear to be very strong, "I accept…$50,000,000 and your manor." He stood up and outstretched his hand over the table.

The fat man stood up a few moments after and took Marcus' hand firmly. After withdrawing his hand, he reached into his coat pocket and took out a pen and a chequebook. He proceeded to write up a cheque for the desired amount.

Marcus cleared his throat loudly, "Cash, if possible?"

The fat man nodded feverishly, "Yes…yes…of course. I'll be back!" he then waddled off quickly. He returned 15 minutes later, looking even more out of breath then before. He was carrying a black leather briefcase, "$50,000,000…in small bill," he then reached into his jacket and took out an envelope, "The property deed for my mansion…just give me 2 days to clear it of my possessions."

"Certainly…." Marcus then opened up the briefcase and quickly counted its contents, "Everything seems to be in order here," he then snatched the deed for the mansion from Ean's hands with his left hand, then shook Ean's hand once again, with his right. "I'll leave you to your items then, Ean…" and with that, Marcus strode across the shop, and out the door. He wondered to himself how the fat man had gotten through the door while it was locked…he must have a key, he thought.

Marcus narrowed his eyes as he watched the small rays of light begin to appear along the skyline. He rushed himself to his Haven before his body could be kissed by the lethal rays of sunlight.

erm... ZOINK
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 10:45 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((yup long and boring ;)
no was great.

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 6:16 am Reply with quote
((yep good post :smile:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 5:39 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
:smile: :smile: :lol:

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 6:45 pm Reply with quote

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 10:05 pm Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
((Why thank-yoh :smile:

erm... ZOINK
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