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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 12:14 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Location: U.S.A.Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:54 pm
Moonlight was streaming in through the window when Karl opened his eyes. He turned his head away from it, towards the wall, and stretched out, trying to remember why he was lying on his stomach in the bed, why there was a knot of pain in his left shoulder. When he tried to get up and realized that he was stuck to the sheets, it all came back to him, instantly. Karl stood up from the bed, white silk bed sheets wrapped around his slender frame. He began studying the tattered road-map on the empty half of the table, while Mark waved from the table across the room he had ordered an Ice cream dessert. the mint green and chocolate covered his muzzle. He looked like a little innocent kid who had trouble getting the ice cream anywhere but in his mouth. "We could go back up North," Karl said. "Try New England, maybe?" Karl was in search of a special relic hunter, someone who held the manacle of Aphrodite the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty. "I was thinking, because it was the part of the country that was settled first, maybe there's some old myths or legends or whatever there, that's sure to conjure up a relic hunter" He looked up. hoping that the desperation didn't show in his eyes or his voice."I've been thinking, too," Mark said, casually. "What about heading back towards Florida?" Karl was surprised. "Okay, sure. For any particular reason?" Mark shrugged, stirring bubbles into his flat Coke with the straw. "Because it's the pineapple county?" there was a brief silence and then Karl placed his head into his palm "That's orange county not pineapple" Mark sorta frowned "Wait, why?" "I dunno. Maybe because there's more oranges there then pineapples?" Karl's voice was perfectly calm and reasonable. Only, this wasn't a reasonable discussion, it was more or less the usual malkavian morning babble, It was amazing how Karl stayed calm in these situations, it was like talking to a brick wall, better yet it was like talking to a pineapple. With that Mark took off out the frame of the window, Karl walked into the bathroom to get dressed and fix his hair.

Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 12:15 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Location: U.S.A.Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:54 pm
Mark was gone for eight hours by the time Karl was finished hunting by himself, He finally gave up waiting for him to come back and went to bed. For some reason he wasn't worried about not seeing him again, because they just needed time apart and he was almost, sort of, a little glad for the extra space. He slept fitfully and yet was awakened not by the door opening or the feel of eyes on him but by a heavy weight that covered his entire body. He tensed, still half-asleep, even though he knew who it was, who it had to be. It was dark in the room and he could see the dull glow of the white pillowcase pressed under his face and nothing else. He didn't know how Mark knew when he opened his mouth, but he did. Fingers curled around his face, the palm cupping over his mouth. "I love you" Mark breathed into his ear. Mark's breath was warm and clean, no blood tinge, no taste of smoke, nothing that might explain away what he was doing after the fact. Karl stilled a moment and then nodded his head. He could feel himself growing harder, body pressed flat against the mattress, suddenly glad that he was on his stomach and not his back. Mark pulled his hand away and then the only sound was the point-counterpoint of their breath, Karl nearly panting in stale air. Mark was breathing hard, too, and it wasn't until Karl shifted a little underneath him, not trying to get away but to relieve some of the increasingly uncomfortable pressure on his groin, that he realized why.The heat and pressure seared him, even through the sheet and his shorts and Mark's trousers. It was unmistakable, and it made him moan, swallowing down the sound when he felt Mark start to pull away again. Karl was nearly helpless to stop him, but he twisted his left foot, hooking it around Mark's ankle and keeping him down, finding his hands twisted in the sheets and knitting their fingers together. Then, even though he was the one on top, Mark was the one who was trapped. He didn't protest, though, and when Karl started to move again underneath him it was the heated groan of breath that Mark gave against his neck that spurred him on. Karl was awkwardly fucking the mattress, trying to find a rhythm that would get them both off. He knew what he really wanted. He thrust down and then pushed up into Mark's hard cock, settled against the crack of his ass. It was more satisfying then he expected it to feel, and that made him even hotter and unbearably sad at the same time. It didn't take long before it was over; when Mark came, he pulled his fingers away from Karl's and got off the bed, leaving him there, sweaty and panting and still hard. He waited until Mark was in the shower before he gripped himself, still face-down against the mattress, and jerked himself quickly off, feeling dirty and needy and pathetic as he did so. He didn't even bother to clean himself up afterwards, preferring to lie there and gasp in air until he fell asleep.

Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 12:18 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Location: U.S.A.Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:54 pm
Karl probably should have been a little taken back that his entire life necessities fit with relative ease into one battered leather bag, but the only thing he could think when he finished putting everything in was 'Good,' because he knew he wouldn't have to figure out what to get rid of or try to get another bag somewhere before he left. He looked around the room one last time and then patted himself down, finding the keys to the car in his left pocket. He dropped them down on the round, chipped table by the window and picked up his bag. The door opened before he could reach for the handle, and he wasn't upset at not making a clean getaway. He wasn't resigned. He wasn't anything. "Where are you going?" Mark asked him, like Karl might just be taking his luggage for a walk to go get food, and could he get Mark some, too? "New England" Karl said. Mark nodded, and frowned when he saw the car keys on the table. "You walking?" "Bus," Karl said, pulling out a ticket he'd gotten at the station two blocks from the motel."Oh," Mark said, scooping the keys up and jangling them in his hands. "You should take the car," he said, holding them out. "It's yours." Karl shook his head. "If I never spend another minute in that stupid car." "Yeah," Mark agreed. "Okay.""Bye," Karl said, and this time he made it all the way out the door. The sun had just set, walking towards the bus stop. The bus wasn't due for another half-hour, but it might come early and he didn't want to stay back there and stare at Mark for another thirty minutes without explaining why he didn't want Mark to come with him. No, he did, he wanted to explain that the relic hunter was dangerious and even though Mark was more powerful in a fight then himself he didn't like getting Mark into danger. It was going to be a two-day trip there, and he wasn't looking forward to spending that much time in a cramped baggage room that was located on the right side of the bus, but at least he didn't have to drive the damn thing. If he was lucky, he might just be able to sleep through the next forty-eight hours. He wasn't entirely sure what he'd see there, He didn't have an apartment, his job, his friends - all were left behind when he moved back in with Mark, his whole singing career was on hold.

[ This Message was edited by: {SoC} Karl Aensland on 2002-01-14 06:20 ]

Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 12:21 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Location: U.S.A.Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:54 pm
[more to come when I continue writing I wrote the three paragraphs at the same time and then posted them in three posts so they would look pretty lol]

Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 12:59 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((you want a lift karl? hehehe give kay a call :smile::) if you like lol

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 1:06 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Location: U.S.A.Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:54 pm
He woke up when the bus stopped to let the driver and any passengers who were awake stretch and refuel. They were at a truck stop with a diner and a convenience store and a quick glance at his watch told Karl that they'd been on the road for a little less than six hours. He'd fallen asleep shortly after the bus started to move, lulled into sleep by a combination of the movement of the bus and a desire to shut his mind down and just not think for a while. He wasn't hungry but went into the store to see if there was anything edible for later, cramped and stretched out his body, bending back and forth a couple of times to pop joints and vertebrae, happy yet again that he didn't have to stay awake to drive and think of blood. He wasn't angry even though he thought he should have been; he wasn't much of anything besides sad and disappointed and lonely. The bored-looking cashier handed him his change and didn't return his half-smile, calling out "Next" to get him to move it along. He shoved the stuff into his bag, the bottled water and trail mix sure that would tip the people off that he wasn't something odd, I mean none of them even saw him on the bus anyways he was hiding in the little baggage area but since it was so dark on the bus and so full no one noticed he slipped in and out at every stop. Just as he was walking out the door he came face-to-face with Mark. There couldn't possibly have been any color in his face. There wasn't any in Mark's, and Karl felt like he must look at least as bad. He stayed immobile in the doorway until Mark pulled him forward, out of the path of the irritated young woman with black hair, humming tunelessly to the goth music playing in her headphones."What are you doing here?" Karl asked, the first thing that came into his head, even though it was a stupid question because it was patently obvious what Mark was doing here."Following you," Mark said, seemingly resigned to being equally obvious. He handed over the car keys to Karl and took his hand. "I hate driving," he said, pulling Karl away from the bright glare of the convenience store and the pumps, further towards the parking lot."Wait, no, wait," Karl said, hanging back. "You can't come with me." Mark looked at him. "Why not?" "Because - " Karl couldn't think of a reason, despite the fact that he felt like it was wrong of him to just expect Karl to leave him behind for a reason and then follow his whims and moods. Of course, based on their relationship thus far, there was no reason for Karl not to expect that. But Karl couldn't tell Mark it was too dangerious for Mark too come, Mark knew he was stronger in combat and he would consider this a suicide misson for Karl and he's follow anyways. "Because," he repeated, shrugging and feeling foolish. Mark turned around; he was still holding Karl's hand. "Say no to me," he said, after a moment."What?" "You think you can't," Mark said. "You think you can't say no to me, and that means that you're weak, or something. So do it. Prove it to yourself. Say no to me." Puzzled, Karl said, softly, "No." Mark immediately let go of Karl's hand. "Okay," he said, nodded, and walked away."Wait, Mark - " Mark stopped. When he turned around, he shook his head. "Do you want to come with me?" he asked. "Do you want to be with me? Because, it took me about half an hour without you - not just being away from you, but knowing that you were gone and you might not be coming back - to figure out that I want you with me." He smiled, although Karl would probably have called it a smirk. "You know what I think?" "No," Karl said. "What?" "I think you're too hung up on thinking that you can't say no to me, when the real problem is that you can't deal with the fact that I'm just always right." Karl opened his mouth, closed it, and then burst out laughing. He laughed so hard he doubled over with the effort, the bag slipping from his hands. When he finally stopped laughing, he was breathless and tears were streaming down his face, and he was kneeling on the ground in the middle of the parking lot. Mark had squatted down in front of him, a bemused grin on his face."You going to be all right?" Mark asked. Karl nodded. "I think so, yeah," he said, taking a deep breath."Come on, then," Mark said, taking Karl's bag in one hand and pulling him to his feet with the other."Wait, where are we going?" "I don't know. I'm thinking, motel, we aren't going to make it to New England tonight." Mark shrugged. "Frankly, I'm good with just finding the nearest flat surface to push you down and fuck you on." Karl flushed, instantly aroused. "Uh - " Mark leaned in closer. "Ever do it on the counter of a diner?" His breath was hot on Karl's ear. "Mark - ! " he said, swallowing and trying not to shift in a way that made it too obvious that he was hard in his leather trousers."Come on," Mark said, again. "There's got to be a bed around here somewhere."

Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 9:35 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Location: U.S.A.Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:54 pm
[ people can join in and write soemthing ]

Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 9:44 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((ummmm i offered you a lift lolololol i dont know where you are karl i think your well out of the city :smile:

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