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Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 10:13 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
She nodded, walking back to her haven. Her mind full of questions and unanswered misteries that may soon come to a close for her. Before leaving she dropped a rose on the grave she had been staring at, a tear falling down her cheek as she rushed to go back to the haven.
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2002 6:16 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 7Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 10:44 pm
After what seemed like an eternity, Jade stirred a little, some of the false colour returning to her cheeks. She did not open her eyes, but she did move, so Rhiannon knew that she would eventually be alright. Looking up at the waning moon, she decided to figure out where she was going to seek repose for the evening...especially now burdened with Jade, who was in no condition to move through the city.
She looked around the cemetary, and spied a mausoleum in a far corner. "Well, it will have to do for now," she thought to herself with a grimace, as though the last few months of living in solitude, sleeping in crypts, and feeding off nature had never happened. She was back in the city, and the Toreador graces that ran through her blood bubbled to the surface.
She easily lifted Jade, who cradled herself against Rhiannon's neck, and Rhiannon made her way to the crypt. Settling Jade down as comfortably as possible, and securing them into the cold, stone building, Rhiannon leaned against the wall, suddenly exhausted. She slowly closed her eyes.....and dreamt of serpents.
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 4:56 am |
After getting out of the circle of Elders meeting ... Valek tought about what he heard from the Toreador Primogen ... she said that someone named "Rhiannon" was back and in the Cascadia cemetary .... Valek looked surprised at first when he heard it ... and he then smirked ... not really believing it ....
-Hours later-
Valek went outside of his haven ... and went to the Cascadia cemetary ... he wanted to make sure that IF really Rhiannon was back .... he wanted to make sure it was really her ... and not an imposter ....
-Minutes later-
Valek took out his sword and pushed open the gate of the cemetary ... as Valek stepped in the cemetary the sound of Death itself entering the cemetary could be heard .... non stop tortured whispers could be heard as Valek's eyes turned white and his voice changed into one of a demon ....
Valek looked around ... noticing the grave of Jade Laveigh ....... now empty ...Valek looked down at the earth ... she came out of the grave digging with her own hands .... Valek smiled evily ....
He then heard the sound of a door banging against the crypt wall .... Valek then smiled evily again ... as he went toward the door ... already tired of hearing the door knocking against the wall ... Valek ripped it off .... and he went down the crypt ....
As he arrived down ... he saw a women standing .... Valek was seeing her from behind .... Valek then said in a demonic voice
"If YoU aRe WhO i HeArD yoU aRe ..... ReVeAl YoUrSelF .... If YoU aRe ... aN ImPoStEr ... EtErNaL pAiN aNd ToRmEnT's Is WhAt AwAiTs YoU .... "
Valek eyes where still white ... his voice sounding like millions of demons talking at the same time .... Valek waited for this women to turn back ... wanting to see if it was really her or not ....
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 6:58 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((Great way to get her to show herself... scare the living crap out of her... or as those who speak French among us,"Merde!"
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 4:34 pm |
((LOL !!!!
Valek's always been like that lol ... and he's just not so sure it might be her sooooooo thats what he does lol . ))
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 11:24 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Location: U.S.A.Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:54 pm
(( I never said Karl was at the same graveyard. He sensed her he didn't see her. Karl could have sensed her during a bath it has to do with her making an action, not being close by.))
Sir Jeromiah
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 4:42 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:43 am
Trawsmar lay quietly in the grass and admired the stars in the vast sky. His thoughts jumped around in his head like nervous fleas. They varied from his first memory of creation in the late 1800's, to the night he had to say goodbye to the only person he ever truly cared about.
Whenever it was that she came to his mind, and it was very often, he always felt the need to visit the place that he had saved her, the same place that also took her from him years later, the cemetery.
Trawsmar was a very unique and lonely creature. He was made by man and brought to life by magic. Only this wasn't the stolen magic of the Tremere. Trawsmar was a true and pure Gargoyle, and the only one still left to his knowledge. He had heard of others, but never had he seen one. He was a unique design as well, not half lizard half lion or half dog half cherub, he was mostly human with dragon features designed to scare away the ones who dared to venture toward his makers land. In his original creation, he stood atop a large pedestal that met the only gate leading in to his domain. In truth, that was all he knew of his birth. He didn't know who his maker was or why he had even come to life that one cold night in November.
With no purpose, he roamed the land, quickly learning on his own his abilities and the effects of the sun on his being. He would also meet the ‘others’ he shared the night with. These others, he would also learn, were not monsters like him but also not human. In the beginning he spent a lot of time with them learning of their own immortality and ways of what they called ‘the unlife’ and aiding them in their attempts to rid themselves of the dog-men who lived in the forests around them. These were his first encounter with humanoid creatures who did not shun him and run screaming. These were his first friends.
It was within this first year of his life that he had met a young girl. He, at first, was afraid he would scare her away, but he didn’t. She was too young, about the age of 8, to understand what it was she was looking at. She was more interested in him then frightened. This young girls name was Rhiannon Mitchell.
Rhiannon and Trawsmar, who she nicknamed Connie, became good friends and met on many occasions to play. Though he appeared to be an over 7 foot grown man, he was just a child and cherished the time he spent with her. Over the next 8 years he watched her grow and bloom into a beautiful, intelligent young lady, while she only watched him become a man in his actions and over-protection of her.
When her parents fell ill and perished to the plague that had spread through the land, Connie became her only protector and when he watched her fall ill, he became frightened that he would lose who he now considered one of his own and called upon one of the ‘others’, the same others he had never told Rhiannon of as she had never told anyone of him. The one he had called on, Margrus, was hesitant to help. He had no intention of making a childe, but after listening to Trawsmar plead his case and the situation, promising that he would take care of her, releasing any responsibility to Margrus, he agreed. They met at a crypt in the town’s only cemetery where Connie watched as Rhiannon died. And as Margrus agreed, he disappeared soon after requesting that Trawsmar never seek them out again.
For the next few years they struggled with Rhiannons new unlife but she soon developed quite an amazing ability to hunt. Their lives together were changed forever, but somehow he felt closer to her. She was now something other than human like him.
They had existed happily together, experiencing adventures and traveling, for close to 10 years before a figure reappeared in his life. A figure he thought, according to their agreement, he would never see again. Margrus told Trawsmar of the danger she was facing. He had stated that others new of her and that she was now in danger. That it would be best for Rhiannon that Margrus took her to the new world and that he not attempt to follow. After a few days of argument, Trawsmar noticed how she looked at Margrus., the connection that she had with him and had been missing over the last 10 years, and agreed to the request for Rhiannons sake. That day was the last he had ever seen of her.
Trawsmar looked around and felt the wind as he started down the grassy hill he had just been laying on. He opened his wings and allowed the wind to lift him as he glided to the place of memory and loss. He landed on the hill above the cemetery, closest to the crypt and noticed a solemn figure kneeling in front of it. His first reaction was one of anger knowing that the occupants of the crypt had been removed long before his own creation, there was no reason for anyone to be there. He squinted and focused on the being and noticed that is was a female. The figure was not familiar to him. She had short hair and a scar on her arm and looked to be in her mid twenties. As the figure stood slowly and glanced around, he realized that he did recognize her. His mind reeled; it couldn’t be her, not with short hair and a scar. That wouldn’t be possible from what he knew of them. She had even aged it seemed. How could that be? But it was, it was Rhiannon. She had returned.
He wanted to go down there and wrap himself around her. What he felt for her was a love, but a love like a father would feel. He was unsure of what love she would have for him after all these years and the danger she might still be in. He decided to not go to her, as much as it broke his heart. Instead he would watch over her. During the day he would either post himself on the crypt or cover her with his wings as she slept, always waking as quietly as he could and removing himself to a safe distance.
One night as he stood on the hill watching her emerge; there was another figure that seemed to be waiting for her. This was no one he recognized. He opened his wings and got low, in ready for a strike. He was surprised when she wrapped her arms around him. Trawsmar stayed low and watched as they seemed to talk. The stranger took off his coat and wrapped her in it and began to lead her from the cemetery. There was a burst of anger and jealousy that flowed through his veins. He had her back, even in it’s limited way, but still, he didn’t want anyone to take her from him again. As he caught his breath and calmed himself, he knew that he was the only one to blame for his loss. This time however, it would be different, he would follow her.
The new world was nothing he had seen before. It was somewhat difficult to traverse un-noticed unlike in his home land. He followed Rhiannon into Cascadia and watched her stroll the streets. The way she looked around with an odd smile, he realized that this must be where she had come from. He sat himself on a large crypt just out of her site and watched as she was confronted and then seemingly attacked from underground. He was about to move towards her when he saw her dig in and help the figure out. His mind reeled again with what a life like that must be to live. He watched as Rhiannon lifted the other and start to walk his way. He could not move now without being seen. He become one with the crypt and hoped that she did not see him, not yet. As he had hoped, she entered without noticing him.
A few hours had passed as he stood
watch. A new figure had now entered the cemetery, pulled his sword, and walked to the crypt. Trawsmar new that he had no choice this time, this was not a normal act for the others. He listened to the stranger as he started to enter the crypt. His voice seemed to scream with thousands of others. Trawsmar slowly and silently lowered himself from the roof of the crypt down behind the stranger.
_________________ im hott and u know it |
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 5:14 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 7Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 10:44 pm
Rhiannon abruptly awoke to the sound of Jade screaming. She did not immediately realise that she too had been screaming, from the dreams she was having, so repoccupied was she at Jade's uncertain, fragile state. Before even fully cognizant, she scrambled over to Jade to soothe her with nonsensical murmurings, much like a mother would to do a newborn infant. Jade's eye's flew open, terrified, not registering anything immediately. "It's me, Jade, it's Rhiannon..shhhh...," she murmured softly, as Jade began to calm down after a time, Rhiannon comfortingly stokring her face and hair. Once calmed, a stange, booming voice echoed through the chambers of the crypt. It's devilish unearthliness cause Jade's eyes to open widely, and she was about to scream when Rhiannon slapped a hand over her mouth, and shook her head violently. The voice, demonic and devoid of anything save evil, was familiar to her. She had encountered the voice on her night in the catacombs with Valek. She jumped up, and motioned for Jade to stay where she was. She headed up into the hallway. Jade, being Jade, decided to ignore her request, and was soon right behind her, her hand firmly on Rhiannon's waist, her head peeking out from behind her shoulder.
Rhiannon squared her shoulders, and walked toward the voice. Within a few turns toward the surface, she came upon a shadowy figure, one whose lines she recognized well.
"Valek.....there is no falsity, no imposter..it is truly me. Break through those who hold you to say hel...." Her voice trailed off as another shadow showed on the wall heading down, a huge shadow, yet making no noise. Suddenly, the shadow came round the corner, and facing her was...no it was unthinkable...was it??? Her eyes widened and sparkled, and she emitted a cry of delight as she heard Jade's body slump to the ground, fainted dead away........
Breathe,breathe in the air
Dont be afraid to care
Leave but dont leave me
Look around and chose your own ground
For long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
is all your life will ever be.
[ This Message was edited by: Rhiannon on 2002-01-13 23:38 ]
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 8:48 pm |
((Good post :smile: ill reply tonight when i get back from work lol ))
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 1:23 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Sir Jeromiah
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 8:17 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:43 am
[ This Message was edited by: Trawsmar on 2002-01-16 12:14 ]
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 4:20 pm |
(( Sorry :smile: sorry for the problem :( ))
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 4:33 pm |
Valek narrowed his eyes and sheeted (sp) his sword , looking at Rhiannon Valek said " ThEsE dEmOnS aRe StAyInG ... " Valek smiled evily ...
Valek looked behind Rhiannon as he noticed another figure fell on the ground , Valek raised an eyebrow , and looked at Rhiannon , her face changing to some sort of a worried one,Valek smirked and turned back , as he noticed the gargoyle Valek said " Fuck ... "
Valek took out his sword again ... standing in front of Rhiannon ... looking at the gargoyle.
" What the fuck is that doing here ... " Spat Valek.
We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..
[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2002-01-16 10:34 ]
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