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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 12:17 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
"over ?" she frowned not sure what he meant,her voice trailed off as Isis walked over to them.
Mark bowed his head as Isis spoke not wanting her to see him upset. Kathy smiled at isis.knowing that her and mark where friends." yes the club is great isis,perhaps a bit too noisy, we are going to go upstairs,for awhile, but please dont let us take you away from your guests" Kathy whispered to Isis as she passed her" hes so upset Isis I dont know why though I think it may be him and karl "
Isis watched as kathy took marks hand and led him away towards the stairs.Kathy looked around as they pushed through the crowd,ah there he is she thought as she caught sight of Gabriel, she waved and he waved back and kathy pointed upstairs.
As they walked upstairs kathy stole a look at mark and saw the blood tears pouring down his cheeks, squeezing his hand a little hard she took him to the VIP room and sihed as she saw that it was quite busy.
"this way here .." kathy pushed open the empty office door and sat mark down on the sofa.sitting next to him she watched his face crumple and he sobbed like a child.
"oh my poor pineapple" kathy hugged him tightly.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 12:30 pm Reply with quote
((Sorry I can't post, I'm totally confused now regarding the Garou segment...


PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 2:50 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((well the way i see it it never happened so me and mark have just gone back to the ic post that we posted before the garou walked in:)

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 2:56 pm Reply with quote
Mark leaned his body against Kathy resting his head on her shoulder as she hugged him. His sobs slowed as he relaxed under Kathy’s calming touch.

"Its over Kay."
"Between... "

Breaking free from her arms Mark sat up straight interrupting Kathy, cutting her off before she finished her sentence, His eyes staring into nothingness , a blank emotionless look drawn across his face.

"I mean its all over"
" Please Mark… What do you mean?"

Standing, Mark took a few steps towards the middle of the room. His back facing towards her he spoke again.

"I think I’m at the end. I don’t think I can…"

Stopping mid sentence he ran both his hands through his hair and down the back of his neck where he entwined his fingers and pushed his elbows towards each other making a protective shield around his head against the outside world.

sighing heavily a deep pure red blood tear trickled down the side of his face.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 7:03 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((confused as well...would it be ok if instead of a garou, a vampire hunter came in? A known vampire hunter? (I don't mean Buffy...duh)(altough Buffy's hot). I'm asking before bringing anything in...(*thinks of buffy*)))

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 7:18 pm Reply with quote
Gabriel exited the VIP room, to find Kathy outside in the hallway, carefully primping her hair. He strolled casually up to her, hands in pockets.
"Evening Miss," he said in his lowest tone, "can a fella buy you a drink?" Kathy looked up from her golden hand mirror, a grin spreading across her face. Gabriel stepped forward, sliding one arm around her torso and pulling her close.
The two stood in the empty hallway staring into each other's eyes. For a moment he was lost in the depth's of her soul...his body warm and numbed. He leaned in and kissed her deeply, his body tingling with excitement. When their lips parted she pulled back slightly.
"Gabriel!" she said with a giggle, "We're in PUBLIC!"
"Who gives a damn?" he whispered coarsely, pulling her back to him for another kiss.


The two Kindred emerged hallway, stepping out onto the gate-like platform that transformed into the circular staircase to the floor below. Gabriel smiled slightly, glancing to the throbbing Kine below, his senses picking up Kindred like bleeps on a radar.
"What are you smiling about Gabriel?" Kathy asked curiously, tenderly placing a hand on his woolen sweater.
"I had a dream Kath," Gabriel said over the music, "a dream that my Sire was alive."
Kathy's face lit up.
"Do you think it's true???" she said gripping him tightly.
"I do." he said, he turned and looked at her. Her eyes were wide and bright, even in the dim lighting. "I also think I love you Kathy."

((okay i'm ready for wherever your plot line is taking us Isis. count me in :smile:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 7:28 pm Reply with quote
((ahhh Gabriel youve gone and totaly made me confused with your jumping Kathy trick lol. hmm lets see how i can work my way round this one lol....ohh maybe i have an idea. lol

:: sets his one brain cell into action ::

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2002-01-11 13:29 ]

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 10:30 pm Reply with quote
Wiping away the tears Mark moved towards the exit of the room. When he reached the door he turned round to face Kathy, smiling weakly he spoke.

" I have to go now."

He turned to face the door and placed his hand on the handle. He turned it in his hand and started to pull the door open. Kathy stood from her seat. Stepping through the door he swiftly moved into the crowded area of the dance floor.

looking up he noticed Kathy confused by his sudden disappearance. Pulling out a golden mirror she started primping her hair

Bringing his head back round his eyes scanned over the crowed. Once more he didn’t recognize any familiar faces. Glancing down at his still slightly wet silk shirt that was now carrying the smell of the drink had been spilt over him he smirked.

Unsure of what the time was he made a move towards the exit of the building. Not wanting to be caught in light of day on his way back to his haven.

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2002-01-11 16:32 ]

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 10:49 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
kathy smiled and looked down to the mass of people dancing to the thumping beat of the music.Then slowly turned back to Gabriel, her eyes widening as she realised what he had said.."You love me ?" her voice said softly.
Gabriel nodded as he cupped her delicate face in his hands kissing her deeply, she returned the kiss and sighed as there bodies pressed together. they broke the kiss realising where they were, and looked around slightly, smiling at the people stood next to them.
Kathy's hands brushed his blonde hair from his face.
"I dont know what to say Gabriel, we haven't known each other long but in the short time we have , I have come to feel like I have known you for an eternity, we seem to belong together" kathy smiled widely at Gabriel as she wrapped her arms around his neck whispering three little words.

((heheh gabe I just jump onto the mb for a few mins b4 spending time with hubby and look what I find lol sorry its not much of a

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 5:05 pm Reply with quote
The cold darkness of the night was a stark contrast to that of the crowded atmosphere within the club. The silence was a strange relief. Maybe some time alone would be the cure to everything. Shrugging heavily he sighed as he started to walk away from the crowd outside the club. His arms folded in front, hugging himself in a futile attempt to resist the cold wind.

His strides were long but slow. His head looking towards the floor and his eyes scanning the path he had chosen. Humming softly as he walked he started to sway slightly as he walked. One of the catchy tunes from the club left his mind as quickly as it entered leaving him annoyed and frustrated as he tried to recall the words.

His train of thought was interrupted as he heard a muffled scream emanating from down the Dark ally he was standing outside of. He took a step into the Darkness activating his vampiric ability to Heighten his Senses.

Smiling he recognized the face of the young man he had seen Kathy talking with earlier that night in the club. Cringing as his eyes glanced around Mark noticed a hand gripping over the mouth of the young man. The hand belonged to a tell muscular man who had a slight layer of animal fur covering his body. His ears were pointed and his eyes looked feral.

In a deep husky voice he growled the words out of his mouth. "Keep still and I promise it wont hurt… much."

A look of horror filled the young mans eyes as the thought of what was to happen was obviously not a good one in his mind . Gripping onto the beasts behind him arms he tried to break free from his grip. He bit hard into the beasts hands causing blood to free flow.

Wincing slightly the beast snarled exposing his fangs. " There isn’t anyone here to even hear your screams pathetic human." He placed his mouth over the squirming human.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 10:14 am Reply with quote
((thorp if you want to write a hunter in, do it... but i can guyarantee they'll die quickly...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 10:16 am Reply with quote
Isis walks down to the VIP room escorting Raithor with her. She smiles and opens up the same room they were in before.
"Make yourself at home. I'll start as soon as everyone joins us down here.", she says taking a seat on the couch and puts her head back.

((sorry raithor, i just wanted to get everyone together in one room... and thorp if you play a hunter specify which type, that way i know what sort of personality we're dealing with.
Yesssssss... Sssuch a beautiful thing corruption isss. How I long for Ssset to sssssee what thisss world hasss come to. Now may I offer you sssomething...

[ This Message was edited by: Isis du Mare on 2002-01-13 04:17 ]

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 6:34 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 0Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:26 pm
Raithor smiles, sitting next to Isis on the couch, wondering whether or not he'll see Adrianna here. He looks around the VIP room, noting just how comfortable everything looks. He then turns to Isis
"what exactly are we all here for? i got the invitation, but it didn't quite explain everything.."

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 11:58 pm Reply with quote
"well, I have an announcement to tell everyone. It's kinda important to me, and to someone else, who isn't here at this moment.", she says smiling.
She looks around seeing that everyone hasn't arrived yet.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 12:02 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((I was thinkin a never before seen type of hunter..stronger, faster..and we'd later find out sunlight's deadly to him...yup, a Kindred Vampire Hunter...And Thorp hasn't been invited or told to go to any room so...))

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