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PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 9:45 pm Reply with quote

The phone case shattered as it struck the wall sending bits of various electronics flying across the room. Raising his hand in the air in preparation of striking Kathy across the face he spoke.

" I don’t normally hurt women… but your not exactly a normal women are you? "

His hand begun its journey down towards her face. Before it made contact the Garou suddenly lost balance as he felt himself flying across the room, his back hitting hard against the wall winding him slightly. Looking down he saw Mark holding him in a rugby tackle.

Mark felt the brutal impact of the werewolf’s elbow on his back. His journey towards the floor was interrupted by a well timed knee to the face on behalf of the Garou. Falling to the ground the Malkavian activated his obfuscate powers before he hit the floor vanishing into darkness.

The startled beats eyes darted around the room in search of its now hidden prey. Realizing that its visual senses would be no longer of any use it began to take several long deep breaths into its nose sniffing the air. Taking advantage of his momentary upper hand Mark brought into play his Malkavian powers.

The Garous senses ran rampant as the overpowering stench of vampire filled the room entirely. His head moved back and forth as he tried to locate the invisible prey. His frustrated movements became quicker as his sense of smell lied to him.

A gentle whisper spoke in the back of his mind in a dark tone of voice. "Where am I wolf man?". A fleeting image of a dark man flashed passed him as he turned round rapidly to face it. Before he could focus on the image it had disappeard.

He was rewarded by the firm implantation of a lampstand base across his face. Blood spewed out of the corner of the garou’s mouth as he flew back once more against the wall. The wounded and winded man stood dazed against the wall.

Dropping the metalic object to the floor Mark approached the beast dropping his cloak.

"Didnt you hear me? I told you to leave!"

Planting a firm punch in the stomach of the Garou it bent over in pain as more blood exited his body via his mouth. Gripping his hand firmly around its neck he pinned the beast against the wall raising it several feet from the floor.

A Smirk crossed Mark’s face as the lupine struggled to free itself from the ever tightening grasp around its neck. The struggle to breath was obvious as its eyes rolled back slowly into the back of its head.

Marks victory was cut short when his smile began to fade. His grip loosened as his vice like hand was being pushed apart. The neck he was holding was growing thicker and becoming covered in a layer of fur. The beast was changing into its wolfman form. Its muscles bulged out shredding the clothes that were stretched over them. Its fingernails lengthened into deadly claws ands its fangs protruded from its snarling mouth.

A horrified and shocked looked engulfed Marks face. Lowering his eyes down he caught a glimpse of the beasts gigantic claws embedded in his chest, traveling inside his body and rupturing out of his back imapling several of his organs on there journey.

Blood dripped slowly from the corner of his mouth. His eyes narrowed into a evil glare. " that was my… favorite…. Shirt" Marks voice was resonating with pain , his sentence broken up by whimpers as the claws moved around inside his body.

Retracting its claws sharply Mark fell to the floor on his knees. Looking up in awe of the beast he let out a little laugh as he quickly regretted not bringing any form of weapons. So much for fair play. Pulling himself up to his feet slowly he glanced in the direction of Kathy.

Wincing in pain he spoke" Kathy go…" the blood dripping from the five large wounds in his chest. Before he could turn to face the beast once more he felt the back of its hand impact across his skull sending him flying across the room. In a vain struggle Mark stood once more using the wall for support. Stumbling towards the towering beast he was stopped in his tracks by another blow.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 10:51 pm Reply with quote
The door shook violently at the blows delivered upon it. Outside Fredrick O'Reilly, Gabriel's head of security, thrust his heavy shoulder into the door once more. The final hinge gave way to his strength and the door toppled over, opening his way to the VIP room.
Fredrick's stout, thick body filled the doorway, as he surveyed what he saw. In the corner Kathy edged herself along the wall towards his position. On the opposite side of the room, amidst overturned chairs and shredded pillows, the Malkavian he had noticed earlier that night was receiving a brutal beating from a Garou in full cryno form.
Taking advantage of the Garou's apparent distraction, Fredrick ran towards Kathy, stopping to help her up and led her towards the door.
"Fredrick...thank God..." she gasped, relief fully apparent in her eyes.
"Ms. Belvadere...leave quickly. Tell Mr. O'Brien I've got things under control...I'll take care of this discreetly." he said, his thick Irish accent calming her slightly. He led her to the door and lifted it off the floor, replacing it as he left. It wouldn't stop exit or entry, but it would block the view to any passerby's.
Turning around Fredrick produced a small rectangular box from his inner coat pocket. The box held a dial with a switch on it and a small speaker on the end of it. Fredrick flicked the switch on, moving towards the Garou cautiously.
Several yards away the Garou stood, claws raised, ready to strike the final blow to the Malkavian, who lay motionless below. The cyno's eyes filled with pain and shock as the small box projected a high pitched squeal only audible to lupines. The Lupine threw his claws over his ears and yowled in agony, retreating across the room.
Since his employer had become hunted by Garou, Fredrick and his staff had become quite adept at handling Garou. There was no question they were deadly, and he still lost many guards every night...but he had always managed to get the upper hand. If not by luck then by dirty play....
The Garou shifted out of it's cryno form, it's fur diminishing and a bulk of muscle disappearing. The man stood naked, shaking his head clear of the pain.
"You're dead fat man..." he said in a wolf-like growl to Fredrick.
"You pathetic puppy..." Fredrick crowed back. The Garou leapt forward, arms extended. From a holster on his back Fredrick swung a small crossbow out and directed it's aim towards the Garou. There was a twang of wire and a woosh as the stake cut through the air, embedding itself into the Garou's hand.
The Garou, shocked by the pain, shifted off course and landed next to Fredrick, who stepped aside easily enough, brandishing a large knife as he did so.
The nude man lay there, screaming at the top of his lung and gripping his hand in a mixture of misery and rage.
Glancing over, Fredrick noticed the Malkavian slowly get up and begin to blood heal, his wounds gastly. He stumbled his way over to where the Garou lay and began to brutally kick him.
"You FUCKING wolves!!!" he shrieked as the sound of ribs cracking and splintering rang out. The Garou groaned in agony, finally shooting one hand up to grip Mark's shin and hurl him across the room.
Mark's body struck the wall, shattering the plaster, then slumped to the ground. With a quickness unexpected for a man of his size, Fredrick leapt onto the Garou's chest, straddling him with his legs. He raised the knife high and plunged it into his chest, cracking the sternum.
The Garou yowled out in pain and slowly fell motionless, his gnarled hand falling softly to the floor.
Just then the door fell to the floor, several figures appearing in the doorway...

((sorry guyz, don't mean to kill your's just Fredrick is a professional and i can't see him really losing to just one Garou....he protects Gabe from them for a living. besides we don't wanna turn Isis's club into a warzone...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 1:01 am Reply with quote
((well i obviously had everything under control before freddy showed up...:: tries to look convincing:: honest :P))

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 1:29 am Reply with quote
((hey, if any nasties are going to break into my story, could someone ask me first. this is my plot! DAMMIT!!!!! :evil: nope, no werewolf attack. i don't care. besides the second the garou got there they'd smell the wyrm. they never attack setite places because they are crawling eith the wyrm. so, nope it wouldn't happen. and i can get absolute confirmation that they wouldn't. plus it's a city the only garou that would attack... would pretty much be the glasswalkers... most garou will only do covert ops. so an all out attack is out of the question. you wanna garou attack, not in my post please, write it else where. they would never touch the setite operations... the wyrm taint is too strong...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 1:49 am Reply with quote
The garou walk in. They sniff about, and realize that this isn't there target. There's no scent of the wyrm. They walk back out the door and head off back into the woods.

((don't do that again thorp :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 7:54 pm Reply with quote
User avatarCappadocianPosts: 1Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 3:14 am
orion looked about. he noticed valek's face changing into something that looked like a worried expression. whoa.
[i:e061ccc530]"ahn... is there something wrong??"[/i:e061ccc530]
((sorry for the post, really late, gtg))

The story behind the painting I drew is already told. No more tearstains on the pages of my diary, only withered orchids.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 8:43 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((well I did wonder about the garou Isis...nm though no harm done :smile:
Kathy stood outside the door where frederick had left her, her arms wrapped around herself.
As she saw gabriel approaching with two others, she ran towards him.
"a in there...with frederick and mark...what the hell are garou doing in the club?"

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 11:50 pm Reply with quote
((thanks kathy. the garou was never discussed with me, so they no longer are apeearing in this post, unless SOMEONE discusses it with me first.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2002 7:02 am Reply with quote
Isis slips back behind the bar. It's been a while since she's seen Mark. She figures that she'll find him later. Converter blasts through the speakers. The distorted noise that is "Coma" fills the room. The crowd starts jumping.
Isis finds another young man hanging by the bar by himself. She licks her lips as she sees how attractive he is.
"You want a drink?", she asks seductively.
He looks at her. He look her up and down. He licks his lips.
"You gonna make it?", he asks her suggestively.
"Of course.", she answers, "What do you want?"
"I'll have a vodka and Red Bull.", he tells her.
He looks at her body as she turns her back to him. He stares at her ass.
She finishes the drink with her special touch and hands it too him. She watches him hungrily as he drinks his drink.
"You wanna dance?", he asks as the song fades into :wumpscut:'s "Sag Mir Jetzt". She nods and walks out from behind the bar.
She smells the blood in his veins as they grind each other. She feels the beast rise within her.
"You wanna go somewhere more private?", she asks.
He nods and Isis leads him to a room in a quite little alcove. SHe opens the door and follows him inside.
She closes the door behind her and looks at him hungrily.
"Come and get it.", he tells her.
She appraoches him slowly. She pushes him down on the ground. She rips off his shirt and begins kissing his chest. She straddles the poor mortal.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2002 8:51 am Reply with quote
The mortal's hand fumbled over Isis's body. She could feel his manhood stiffening between her legs. She smiled seductively at him.
She raked her nails a long his chest. She went down and tore at his trouser buttons with her teeth. She made short work of his pants. She yanked them down.
"Impressive.", she said as she cocked an eye.
Her lips played on his member. She left it and cut herself on her breast.
She palced herself on top of him. His eyes widened at the feel of her. He looked at the blood on Isis's breast hungrily. She helped him up. His mouth went directly to her bleeding breast. She rocked back and forth as he sucked at her breast. She bit his neck and fed. And when he was finished Isis licked the wounds closed.
She smiled seductively and said in a deep voice, "Mmmm... you might want to get dressed. I hope you come back here more often."
"I hope to come back here too.", was his only reply.
Isis shut the door behind her. Her skin blushed with the newly acquired blood.
She went back behind the bar.
She saw another lonley goth boi and offered him a drink while "Retribution" by Frontline Assembly plays.

"Moo, Moo, Moo, I'm voodoo cursing you."

[ This Message was edited by: Isis du Mare on 2002-01-07 02:52 ]

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 7:03 pm Reply with quote
After she hands him the drink, she notices Ryan trying to dance with the rest of the children of the night. She giggled at the sight of him. She shook her head and approached him.
"Enjoying yourself Ryan?", she asks with a big smile on her face.
She then joins him, dancing in time to "See You In Hell" by Suicide Commando. She keeps looking at the door to see if Jensill will walk in. She knows he's been looking forward to seeing the opening of her club. Her big night. But she continues to dance with Ryan joyfully. She also looks around to see what the other Cainites doing.
"Hmmm... Perhaps I should have a meeting... Something. Gather them all together, but how would I get that together without raising suspicion... Ahhhhhhh... I have an idea.", she thinks.
She looks to ryan and says, "Ryan, meet me in the VIP rooms in and hour."
She dances away from him and tells everyone else the same message.
"Hopefully this will work.", she thinks.
Ryan approaches her again and asks, "Where are the VIP rooms?"
She smiles and answers, "I'll show you."
She leads him across the dancefloor and to the stairwell that leads down to the rooms.
"Thy're down there. See you in an hour.", she says, blowing him a kiss.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 8:03 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((Hey, sorry, didn't know about the wyrm or whatever....just thought the thread could use a little violence...sorry, but I'm kinda used to EVERYONE inputting something to the thread.
Gabe, wouldn't that sound emitting thingy affect Thorp as well, or any Gangrel for that matter....maybe not as much as it would a Lupine, but still...anyway, seems like the garou didn't even enter the place, so nevermind.))

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 8:55 pm Reply with quote
((np. but another problem is garou would not attack a crowded building. it would kill too many mortals, which it's their job to protect. not even bsds would. both of them need mortals... but like i said that's ok... but it is something that would've totally destroyed the club and killed many mortals... that's the only thing i had a problem with. it really was something that i should've been asked about first. it's ok... just enjoy what we have now. :smile: :cool: :lol: ;)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 10:47 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 0Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:26 pm
Raithor walks down the street, hearing the music before he even sees the entrance to the club, his haggard expression turning into a smile for a moment, for the first time that evening. He strides down the street, stepping through the line of people waiting to get in, flashing his invitation to the large fellow standing at the door.
"I was invited her tonight",
the large man nods and swings open the door, letting the music spill out even louder onto the street.
He makes his way through the crowd of gyrating bodies, heading over to the bar, asking the bartender for a beer, then heads over and finds himself a table a bit away from the main mass of dancers. Running a hand through his hair, to restore some order to his haggard appearance, he looks around the room.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 11:42 pm Reply with quote
((Ok heres the deal... The garou thing never happened so im going to take us back in time a few posts while i repsot this so kathy can either carry on or ill do somethign when i have time but i thought maybe a remphasis on time fram would get everyone else a foot hold to post on.))

Taking a seat at the empty table Mark propped his head up in his hands. His eyes closed tightly as he tried to block out the sound of music that was playing loud in the background. The look of concern etched on Kathy’s face deepened.

"Please Mark… talk to me?" Her soft and caring voice was reassuring to Mark. Placing a hand on his shoulder she gave it a gently squeeze "Mark will you…"

Before Kathy could finish her sentence Mark interrupted her. A tear of blood trickled slowly from his left eye as it ran down his cheek,

" I think its over Kay"

Marks face scrunched up clenching his eyes tightly as he tried to hold back tears.

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