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< Ancient Tomes ~ This place of forgetting... |
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2001 7:54 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
Peering into the darkness he strained to look upon the two cloaked figures that paced back and forth, each taking bold and commanding strides, their long cloaks flapping in time with their steps.
The rank, pungent stench of his prison, a wet cold unforgiving oubliette, filled his left nostril as he snorted hard trying to fill his lungs with the stale air. The metallic arroma of blood greeted him as he choked back a small clot of blood from his right sinus, his chest heaved with great pain causing him to cough and splutter. His legs again buckled beneath his own weight, the chain dangling from the ceiling catching him roughly, the iron cuffs cutting further into his bruised and swollen wrist.
Submitting to this torturous pain, William fell into the relative comfort of unconciousness, his limp form covered in dirt and dried blood swayed from side to side like a pendulum, his slacks and collared shirt torn and encrusted with filth, his feet bare and grotesque.
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2001 8:56 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
Time had become irrelevant, his captors denied him all means of judging this unseen force. No sunlight penetrated the trapdoor's surrounds, no watch nor clock visable and no routine to his interrogation.
The eternal darkness of this hell enveloped William like liquid night, dark as new black polished obsidion. William peered into the distance and saw nothing, no walls nor ceiling. The floor beneath his feet felt cold and rough against his bloodied, pusstial riden soles, but like all else it was hidden from sight.
William spluttered as he came to, his mouth dry and parched save for the trickle of blood that stemmed from his lip.
"Who is thy master?"
A commanding voice spoke softly from behind him, the sound echoing in the accoustic chamber reaching his ears with a thunderous clap.
"I have no master."
William whimpered in reply as he had done so many times previous, his spirits sinking lower still.
"Dare you deny your lord and sire? Dare you reject he whom has bestowed such gifts upon you?"...a moments silence follows..."Speak!"
The interrogator was no longer as he was. He paced now with heavy foot his calm authoritive nature lost and now replaced with rath. William dangled like a worm upon a hook, his lips pleading his case in silence, fear gripping tightly his every word.
The interrogator settled his voice as he commenced his prayer, the nightmarish words echoing throughout the emptieness of the chamber filling William ears and conjuring scenes of torture and blood thirsty mayhem in his mind. Tears of sorrow and of fear swelled in his eyes, the uncertainty of his predicament calling forth unconciousness...
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2001 9:20 pm |
((Very cool posts man :smile: ))
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2001 10:44 pm |
(( Wow ... You writing is awesome. Damn I wish I could write like that ... :( lol
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 2:46 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((you can just re-type what he wrote :smile:
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 5:48 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
The agony was evident at a glance, his limbs bore horrible wounds, some still bleeding or seeping, his facial features twisted and evil, a rictus grin the only sign of emmotion.
With head cocked to one side, life suddenly returned to William's eyes.
William's voice was but a whisper and yet it was a desperate plea to the visage that ever so gently cut a radiant path through the boundless dark.
Again William called out with all the strength he could muster, the words barely escaping his mouth. William watched in awe as the image of his long lost love danced and frolicked, the beauty of the moment enthrawling him and bringing him peace. She did not speak, nor acknowledge his presence, she continued her angels dance without sound or disruption to their surrounding, she mused in circles around William bringing him hope. Coming closer still she danced, twisting and turning, and then she was gone...
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 4:53 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
The following days' interrogation began as it had for days and weeks before. Prayer after prayer, tales of necromancy and a seemingly endless barrage of questions.
William hung still, his ears unable to block out the voice that cut like an ice covered blade into his heart. The voice of the interrogator continualy shifting in the darkness for long hours without cease. When the voice did finally cease it was for only a moment, then came the questions again, this time however they called for an answer.
"Have you seen now the truth?"
"What truth?"
William's hoarse voice cracked in sheepish reply.
"Life is no more for you William."
The use of his name shocked Will for a moment,
"You have a choice. Follow in the path of your brother, join us as he did, or, you may go quitely into this good night. Choose!"
The interrogater's face was now only inches from William's and he could feel the coolness or each expelled breath against his face.
"I will not go quitely into this night..."
William's voice trailed into a terrifying scream as he felt the embrace, the interrogater's teeth sinking into his flesh.
His scream died on his lips as unconciousness took hold of him.
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 7:25 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
Tired and weary William collapsed into his armchair. The answering machine adjacent to the chair flashed it's red LED in proclomation that the tape was at full capacity. The decanter of sweet rum was held tightly in one hand, a glass of ice in the other. Staring straight ahead William took long draws from the bottle, disregarding the glass which he continued to tighten his grip upon. His blood trickled through his fingers as the glass shattered and cut his hand. Staring still, he supped from the bottle as though it were his only source of life.
The soft material of his neatly pressed business shirt felt good against his chest and skin. With his free hand he loosed the knot in his tie and undid the top button, smerring blood across his collarbone as he did.
William remained in his chair until after dawn, the shutters drawn tight to maintain complete darkness, his mind grappling with the thought of what he had become.
Within him a battle raged, pro's and con's, morality and practicality.
he thought as he shrugged his shoulders,
"beats being a ghoul for all eternity."
His mind tracing back to the time spent captive as a ghoul, interrogated until he proclaimed Cain his lord and proved himself worthy of full embrace in the eyes of his Giovanni sire.
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 6:01 am |
((nice one bruva!! welcome to the world of darkness :grin:
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