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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Dark Angel

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2001 5:44 am Reply with quote
Standing in the middle of the Cappadocian's graveyard in Cascadia ... still wearing her long black ... dark cloak as always .... Rain falling heavily ... Angelica was staring at the statue's of Batgirl and Valek in the graveyard ... Valek was behind his sire ... kneeling on one knee listening to her talking ....

"You've achieved more then i expected Valek,as she did too" Angelica said as she looked at the statue of Batgirl ....

-Angelica-"But it is not the reason why i required your precense here tonight .... You do remember my date of birth Valek?"

-Valek-"Aye sire ... i remember .... "

-Angelica-"There was a meaning to it .... just like yours have a meaning as well , i was born in year 333 on December 25th .... born in the same date as Christ himself ... "She .... the one who shall come to life in the same date as the Christ .... shall become *THE* Anti-Christ" those are the words of the black bible ....

You were born in year 666 , and one of the seven "Son's of Lucifer" you are .... but you already knew that dont you?"

-Valek-"Aye sire .... "

-Angelica-"You are not without knowing that December 25th is coming soon .... 2 nights away to be exact .... what im about to tell you might surprise you Valek .... "

Valek listened ....

-Angelica-"Long ago .... in year 444 i received a curse .... this curse is the body i am in now .... i didn't always looked like a 16 years old girl .... this is a curse i received from "Andarielle" for fighting the so called "sister's of light" ..... i fought the Angel's and killed them .... like they all deserved .... burned to death was their torments .... "

Angelica looked at Valek straight in the eyes .... "Listen carefuly to the next part .... "

Valek noded

-Angelica-"Year 2002 ..... take the first and last number 2 of this date ... it will give you the number 4 ....
put against each other the two zero's .... it will for the number 8 .... 8 + 4 equal 12 .... divide the number 12 in two ... it will give you 6 .... the number of the beast .... you now need to try and put them back together which will look like "66" as you can see it misses one 6 .... the other number 6 is carved in my hand .... which is the symbol of my curse .... "live by evil .... die by evil" those were the words of Andarielle .... before i killed her .... this whole things mean ... if in year 2002 i am not inside my original body .... which lies where i used to live in my mortal days .... There is an abandoned mansion ... that haves my name .... inside this eternal place lies my true body .... as i can't enter it myself due to this curse .... i ask for you to go and learn about my past ..... in this mansion lies ALL of my past events ... as well as my mortal past .... find the body ... which still lies intact in the mansion .... find the "Ripper" which is a pendant .... you will have to put it around
my original body's neck .... only then i will be able to regain my true form .... Even tho i am quite powerful as it is .... my strenght will be twice as powerful than the one i have now when i finally get back in my original body .... "

Angelica handed Valek a map made of human flesh ... the path drawed in human blood ....

"You know what you have to do ..... "

-Valek-"Aye sire .... i shall not fail ..... "

Angelica started to cough blood .... the crucial date was coming .... Valek NEEDS to restore her to her original body ....

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2001 10:12 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
(( :grin: if you take 2 and add it to 2 and then subtract 2 you get 2, now listen this is the hard part, you take another 2 and you add it to the first 2 and you get 4, now subtract an even 4 and you get 0. now 0 really means 0.0, take the first 0 and put it over the .0 and you get 8, take the 8 and plae a ) under it and you get :cool: , now this all means that the 8 is now happy, and so am i. the 8 also loves music and long walks on the beach...oh and he likes valeks latenight and early night postings to.

-=the malk at heart never grow olde=-
-=i think im turning malkinese, i think im turning malkinese, i really think so.=-
-=beer its whats for dinner=-

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2001 10:01 pm Reply with quote
((You sure are a malkavian alright man lol.))

PostPosted: Tue Dec 25, 2001 8:28 pm Reply with quote
As Valek followed the instruction on the map his sire Angelica gave him .... Valek finally arrived in front of Angelica's mortal residence .... even for Valek the sight of this place was strange .... hell and this place were looking the same .... An old , cold and dead looking castle it was ... dead bodies hanging on trees ... animal's dead on the ground .... the water was bloody red , the sky pitch black with what seemed like waves of blood in it .... Valek walked toward the castle entrance gate .... On the gate there was a carving ...
Angelica and the archangel Andarielle fighting each other .... the sight of this picture was quite surprising .... Valek looked up at the gate .... pushing it open slowly ....

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 6:39 pm Reply with quote
As Valek opened the gate .... he saw some more images of Angelica fighting this archangel Andarielle .... He looked at what seemed to be an entrance to a dungeon .... he slowly entered it .... Whatever Valek saw and did in his unlife could NEVER prepare him to what he was about to see in this place .....

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2001 2:24 am Reply with quote
(( Very nice posts .. :smile: Now ... TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!!!! LoL

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 5:44 am Reply with quote
((Thanks :smile: ))

As Valek continued to walk in the dungeon which seemed more like a cave now ... it seemed not to go deeper in the earth ... but to go upper like if it was inside a mountain .... As Valek got at the end of this cave ... there was an exit ... leading outside ... Valek arrived outside ... the mountain was about 100 meters high ... Valek smirked as he looked down ... seeing a lake .... a lake of blood .... Valek looked at some more images on the cave's outside rock wall .... Angelica and Andarielle falling down this cliff to the "Lake of Torments" .... expression of EXTREME pain were on their face on the next image seeing them bathing in the lake .... Valek looked at the lake and then at the image again .... on the next image was the Archangel Andarielle getting out of the lake ... Angelica was sinking .... then after there was nothing .... MILLIONS of questions was passing trought Valek's mind ... Valek looked at the bloody lake as if he was about to jump in it .... As Valek got closer to the edge ... he looked again at the lake of torments ....

PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 7:57 am Reply with quote
Sweet keep them comming ;)

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