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Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 2:04 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
Rofellos had gone to the cemetary, he had been in cascadia for two days now, he had been yearning for the cemtary in hopes to continue his research on the afterlife. He walked through the dark cemetary on this, the longest night of the year. the cold wind blew through his long jetblack hair and his green eyes radiated under the cresent moon. The stars glistened over head and and the trees rustled in the breeze. oh Rofellos did so enjoy these winter night.
Rofellos entered the gates into the oldest secton of the cemetary. the grave stones were beutifuly made, they ranged from ancient Crosses to beutiful Angelic Figures. The atmosphere in the burial grounds made him feel overly exhilorated. He reached into his coat and removed a black rose, he proeeded to walk untill he reached a small crypt, it was old, very old. he removed a small dagger from his boot.
He placed the rose before the crypt, he placed the dagger on the hinge of the small door, he struck the hilt with his fist. a loud lang could be heard as the door fell off its hinge and plumited to the ground, norrowly missing his foot.a large black cloud formed before him, he picked up the rose and entered the crypt through the black mist.
Before him lay 2 Stone Coffins, on with an unknown flagg over it, it appeared as if it was one gray with red stripes. Rofellos removed the dusty cloth and carfully folded it and placed it into his pocket. Rofellos carfully and with ease removed the lid of the stone coffin. inside was a beutiful yet strange wonder.
The mumified remains of what appeared to be a soldier. the airtight coffin had preserved his clothing and preserved his flesh for all these years, beside the body lay what might be an old rifle. Rofellos raised the knife and with one quick slash removed the head.He placed the head into a small duffle bag back pack he had brought with him. He placed the rose of the soldiers chest, as if it was a trade of somesort, or perhaps a final gift for the dead. Rofellos replaced the lid. the dust cloud had now dissapated and he could now see more clearly. the coffin had a plauqe on the lid, it read "Lt. Robert F. Johnson beloved Husband and Father of three" next to it there was a piture of him with his wife[on the plauqe], who rofellos presumed was in the next coffin.
Rofellos smiled and the moved quietly out side. he lifted the door and placed it back onto the crypt. he banged on the door once, it was in place and would hold up now for sometime. Rofellos walked back down the rows of marble headstones. "Beutiful" he thought... :smile:
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 6:04 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
HEad in his bag and wind in his hair he began to walk bak to the Cappadocian monastery. suddenly a feeling ovewhealmed him, he had a vial look on his face. He looked for a victim.
He found her. she was a small bridge almost just before the monastery. he walked up behind her and scoped the area, noone around. He grabbed her, she tried to scream but his hand covered her mouth. her muffled rys filled the quiet night. Rofellos looked around, still noone. he hit her over the head. she fell to the ground. he tossed her over his shoulder and moved quikly to the monastery (right around the corner). He brought her into the cattacombs and chained her to the wall of the torture chamber. he had plans for her..
(morelater, im too tired for torture right now....
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 6:24 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
-=one hour later=-
he unshackled her, she was now awake. she stood about 5'3, he hair was brown, her eyes the same. she wore a black dress with a gold nameplate. her silky white skin had been turned a dark brown from the dirt in the cattacombs. he threw her over his shoulder and moved her into a small steel cage. he raised a finger and said as if to warn her,
"i shall be right back."
He left her and a few moments later returned with a luke warm bath (its a bathtub old fashioned one that could be moved, no plug no drain..you know what im talking about right?) he opened the cage and took the girl by the arm. he slowly began to undress her.[wont go into detail due to censorship on the messageboard] she cried as he ran his cold fingers over her body.
He lifted her up with ease and slowly placed her into the water. he slowly began to wash her body [again i will not go into detail, use you imagination] he lifted her out of the water and plaed her onto the floor. he shook his head. He lifted her once more and brought her to a table, this table was in a vertical position and could be rotated to a horizontal position, on eah corner there was a shackle. he locked her in and reclined it. "Comfortable?" he asked her. she didnt answer but he could tell she was cold. "Good."
This woman was special. in fact she was hardly a woman at all, she was only 15 years old. she had a very nice body for someone of that young age. shock must of set in on the girl beause she stoped crying. Rofellos removed a small knife from his pocket. he brought it up to the girls belly. he began to cut her, but only so much as to make her bleed a little. he licked he wound as the blood dripped down her naked body. she did taste ever so delicious.
he kissed her, she didnt fight him, he had broken her, and not much effort at all too. what a pity. but what a lovly ghoul she would make for him. he would leave her for now.but he should cover her up. no. he would leave her there. for now.
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 6:34 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
-=30 minutes later=-
He returned with a frown on his fae, she looked up at him, she had a tear in her eye, and streaks down her fae, he may have to bathe her again. he made the table slgihtly vertical. he had a bucket of ice with him. he took one ice cube out and moved it over her lips. she was cold, her body was red with frostbite, she was even turning blue in some parts. he jaw was chattering a bit. he took and ice cube and rubed it on varyious parts of her body [again use you imagination as i wont get graphic]
"would you like to be warm my dear?" he said comfortingly. she nodded somewhat.
he unshackled her and threw her over his shoulder. he walked untill he got to karminas old room. it was the cleanist and had a firplace. he lit the fire and tucked her into the bed [yes it had a bed not a coffin] he left the girl there and walked outside the room, he locked the door behind him.
(i know what im doing >=-)
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 6:55 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
-=1.5 hours later=-
he opened the door, the girl was soundly sleeping. he had indeed broken her...but it really was a shame it happened to early..
he grabbed the sheets and lifted her out of the bed, she was still aslleep in his arms, the sheet draped around her. he took her to the torture chamber. he placed her back onto the table. she woke up she tried to move but he had shackled her in already. the girl let out a scream. rofellos removed a thread and a needle from his pack. quickly her mouth was sealed. "a pity i had to do that...but the question is...do i keep or kill you......keep...or kill...hmmmm"
"iguess ill kill you. you no need to me...." he placed some sort of vat undernigth the vertical table . he removed 6 large hooks from his bag, then 6 long strings. to each hook went a string, to each string he tied to a pole on either the left or right of the woman. the two bottom hooks he stuck through her lower jaw, the other 2 her middle cheek. the last went through her upper cheek. a muffled scream could be heared thoughout the cattacombs.
he took out sommore hooks, this time he had 8. he attached one through her calf on her left and right legs, on on her upper thigh on both legs, and another through her upper hip. the last one went through eah of her breasts.as for her arms they wer handcuffed behind her back. there she hung in mid air her blood drining and draining from her boddy, he muppled screams ccould be heard.
-=20 minutes later=-
she was dead, he severed her head and disposed of the body into the wall of the cattacombs. he cleaned his mess and went quickly to sleep.
((not my best, but i like the skin strech with hooks method, umm im tired so it might suck badly...but oh well, ive gotten like 2 hours sleep in the passed 3 nights so fuck off >=-) ;) ;)
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2001 2:48 pm |
((rof, you're creepy!! good post, very good... I just wish I didn't read it right before going to sleep!! If I have nightmares, I'm gonna kick your butt :grin:
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