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< Ancient Tomes ~ The Exodus: A Lesson in Humility |
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 7:23 pm |
((okay, i'm gonna try and summon up the energy to put a good post down...but there's no telling with me, they can be great or craptastic...here we go....
The cab screeched to a halt beside one of the many entrances to Central Park, hot steam jutting forth from its exhaust. The cab driver turned around and put one hand over the seat.
"$13.50." he said curtly. Gabriel pulled out the exact amount and tossed it to him. He stepped out of the car on the passenger side so as not to be hit by oncoming traffic and helped Kathy out. The cab pulled off into the bustling streets once more, leaving the Kindred to search for their goal.
They stepped through the iron gates into the park, dusk freshly upon them. Gabriel could feel the uncomfortable rays of a newly set sun tingling against his exposed skin. The trees around the two were bathed in a soft glow.
Gabriel took Kathy's hand as they walked down one of the many jogging paths, few humans were around to bother them. Central Park was apparently very dangerous at night, or so Gabriel had heard.
"Where are they meeting Gabriel?" Kathy asked glancing around for any trace of Valentine.
"I'm not exactly sure...I was in shock when I found out they were meeting." Gabriel sighed at his own stupidity. To their left a bush russled.
Gabriel stopped dead in his tracks and narrowed his blue eyes at the bush. Three men stepped out, more like boys in their ridiculous clothing. Large baggy jeans and sweats that hung low on their hips and oversized shirts that resembled the shirts Gabriel had worn to bed in the 19th century.
All three were black and had scowls on their faces and they slowly stepped around Gabriel and Kathy.
"Yo yo, what's this?" one of them ask, a large red bandana on his head. Another boy chuckled from behind him.
"Yo f*ggot, what da f*ck you doin out here? You must wanna get jacked up dawg!" he said, laughter in his voice. Gabriel turned around and snarled.
"I have no time for your idiotic games. I don't know why you follow this ridiculous culture but I assure you, you have no idea of what you're up against?" One of the boys broke into laughter behind him.
"OOOH sh*t!! This n*gga thinks he's f*ckin hard yo!" Gabriel heard the swish of air behind him and whirled around, catching the boys fist in midair. He placed his other hand squarely on the boy's chest and shoved.
The assailant flew off the path and into a tree, his neck snapping back just before his body fell to the ground and lay motionless. The other two stood wide eyed and Gabriel waited for one of them to make a move.
The one with the bandana moved first, yanking a pistol from a concealed spot behind his back. Gabriel's hand shot out and grabbed the boy by his pistol hand. He thrust the boys hand into his face, the butt of the pistol smashing the boys nose and causing him to sprawl backwards.
Gabriel let go and let the boy fall backwards and hit the ground. The gun clattered from his hand as he lost conciousness. The Kindred stepped towards the other thug who took a look at both his friends and ran, comically keeping one hand on his oversized jeans as he did so.
The Ventrue, enraged, took off after the boy, Kathy close behind. He leapt over bushes with ease and was quickly gaining on his prey when suddenly he smelled something very wrong.
Ventrue blood....Elder....male. Gabriel stopped and held his hand up for Kathy to stop. There was a sound of rustling as the assailant continued to run. Gabriel paid no attention and crept slowly towards the smell, eventually coming upon a small clearing in the middle of the park.
Kneeling beside some bushes he signaled for Kathy to remain silent. Kathy nodded and knelt beside him, her hand gripping his knee tightly.
In the small knoll stood several figures, almost completely obscurred by darkness. Gabriel squinted and began to get a grasp of the current situation.
Two large figures held another by the arms, while a few feet away three figures stood casually. Gabriel heard the sound of deep laughter. The figure being held began to speak, from the smell of blood coming from him it must've been Valentine.
"Rekisan!!" he groaned, "You double crossing bastard..." the sound of a heavy blow thumped out, followed by dark laughter.
"I disagree," a deep voice said, "you betrayed me Valentine. I promised to make you Prince of New York City ONLY if the Childe of Sorenti and the pesky Toreador were killed. You obviously failed, and only succeeded in drawing attention from some psychotic Kine (Lamb). No Valentine, I'm afraid you betrayed me...and now you will meet Final Death."
Gabriel furrowed his brow taking it all in. Valentine was HELPING Los Requis to become Prince of New York? But how could Requis make THAT happen? Gabriel growled and leapt out of the bushes, landing a few yards away from the figures.
"Where's my Sire Los?" Gabriel growled low. Kathy emerged from the bushes behind him, a pistol concealed behind her back.
"Ah...the Childe of Sorenti shows his face at last." the large dark figure boomed. Gabriel could barely make out the flash of a smile. "I'm afraid I don't have to time to waste on such an insignificant bug like yourself. That's why I asked Valentine here to help me. But obviously I overestimated him."
Gabriel began taking in the situation around him. Valentine was being held by two large hairy Kindred. The two Kindred on either side of Los Requis were of the same size, their hands in large claws. Gangrel. Of course Gangrel, why else would Los Requis choose Central Park? This was their New York haven.
"Valentine no longer concerns me Los. You will tell me where my Sire is..." Gabriel took a step forward, his hands clenched into rock solid fists. A shot rang out from behind him and one of the Gangrel beside Los grabbed his throat and fell to his knees.
Damn it, Kathy had jumped the gun so to speak. Even as Gabriel thought, things were beginning to move quickly now. Los Requis smiled and faded into the darkness behind him.
"NO!" Gabriel shouted, leaping forward. A large Gangrel appeared before him, blocking him from Los Requis. Gabriel growled angrily and produced a four inch butterfly knife from his pocket. From behind him more shots rang out as Kathy fired at the Gangrel holding Valentine.
The large beast swung at Gabriel, who dodged the blow easily and retaliated with a slash to the Kindred's stomach. Warm blood coated him as the Gangrel groaned in agony. Gabriel smiled but was stopped short as the creatures large claw ripped into his arm.
Maybe this wasn't going to be so easy....
((go for it Kath
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 11:05 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((I dont do fighting...gabe why we always fighting lolok I'll have a go at it :smile::):):):)
Kathy stood against the tree, the gun held tightly in her hand, her expression turned to horror as she saw the gangrel lash out at Gabriel, a large gash on his arm made him stumble to the floor.
As Gabriel fell she felt her finger tighten on the trigger, the recoil ruined her aim but the sound distracted the Gangrel from disembowelling his foe. As Gabriel siezed the oppurtunity to roll clear she took aim again. This time ready for the recoil, she fired again. This time the gangrel was struck in the chest repeatedly as she franticallyu unloaded the clip into his barrel like chest...
The impact sent him stumbling back, giving Gabriel the chance to slam his hand up into the ribs of the Gangrel, the dagger in his fist ripping through the vampires flesh, he roared throwing Gabriel like a rag doll. The blade now trapped in his ribs.
She heard the click as the gun ran empty, dropping it she pulled the Mac-10 Lamb had given her spraying the scene with glowing lead.
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 12:11 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
As Katherine laid down a hail of bullets Gabriel leapt clear. The Gangrel dropped out of her firing arc, laughing as the small pistol ran empty. He started walking towards Gabriel who crouched healing his arm.
Gabriel shouted into a small comm unit on his shirt. He nodded to Katherine then they both hit the ground.
The sound that followed was thunderous. 1000 yds across the park area a heavy weapon laid down suppressant fire, it's gunner aimed the barrel in a continuous volley against the Gangrel, he was thrown against a tree, the high calibre rounds tearing him apart. Lamb swept across from the Gangrel, bullets thudding into the soil, shredding car tyres and shattering the windows of the vehicle Los Requis headed for.
He cut off the attack as per Gabriels signal but kept the barrels aimed at the small collection of figures.
For such an out of date weapon the Maschinengewehr made modern weapons feel pale by comparison. Lamb grinned again, lifting the weapon from it's tripod and holding it against his shoulder like a rifle.
".....man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement..."- Hebrews 9:27
[ This Message was edited by: Lamb(NPC) on 2001-12-20 06:14 ]
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2001 6:44 am |
((sorry to interrupt the flow, but seriously good stuff guys! love it! Oh, btw, if you ever do find Sor, for pity sake don't let him know Kathy was an informant against him...I can see Gabe and Sor falling out very quickly should that happen. Particularly if Gabe has strong feelings for Kathy lolol hehe :P
Great writing though, keep it up!
PS. You have Morkarlov's phone number (answerphone) in your wallet should you need him Gabe
[b:716e9305e5][i:716e9305e5] "Be careful who you're talking to.....they might just have the upper hand" [/i:716e9305e5][/b:716e9305e5][url]http://sorenti.homestead.com/main.html[/url]
[ This Message was edited by: Sorenti on 2001-12-28 00:59 ]
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2001 12:04 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((hi ray!! ummmmm well um kath wasnt an informant as such the only infor she had colected would have been common knowledge sort of stuff cause you left before she had chance to get anything else...but as you say ....BRING IT ON !!!! lolololol
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 4:47 pm |
((::chuckles quietly and darkly:: hehe :P
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 7:51 pm |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((Somehow I can see this ending badly... Kathy... *shuts up and lets her make her own mistake, sitting in Ray's corner, grining evily*
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 9:03 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((ummmm well ic only Gaybe knows and he knows im not lying so.....just behave ray ... :P
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 7:37 pm |
((jeez...sorry for the SUPER late reply...like i said, i had written this out previously but then of course i managed to erase it before i posted it....so i'm reposting.
Gabriel leapt to the ground as the heavy bullets pelted the grass next to him. Dirt and pebbles arched through the air and showered the Gangrel guards, who growled and shook it from their hairy bodies.
Peeking from his spot behind a large tree Gabriel watched as the hot bullets tore through the Gangrel guards bodies, sending them flying with the force of the impact.
The nearest guard gasped, but his voice was cut off into a gurgle as a bullet from the heavy machine gun cut through his neck, effectively tearing his head from bloody stump.
The Gangrel's blood pasted face rolled across the knoll and came to a stop next to Gabriel. The Ventrue paid no attention however and leapt from his hiding spot and sprinted towards the Gangrel with his knife protruding from his rib cage.
Gabriel launched himself into the air and gripped the exposed knife handle. As he soared past the Gangrel the knife cut through the skin like butter. Blood splattered to the ground as the Gangrel's long dead intestines spilled onto the grass.
The beast opened his mouth to let out a roar but was cut short as another burst of gunfire erupted from the treeline, cutting him down.
Gabriel shook his head clear and glanced over at Kathy. She was backing away from the two remaining guards, her pistol obviously empty. Gabriel squinted and looked towards Lambs position in the trees and nodded.
He disappeared from sight and crept towards the beastly vampires. Letting his blood surge through his muscles he stopped several feet in front of the nearest Gangrel still naked to the eye.
The lead Gangrel sniffed and roared in anger an order to the other. As his roar bellowed out Gabriel lurched forward and jammed his hands into the Gangrels mouth, gripping his jaw and pulling violently.
The Gangrel's eyes widened as the pain surged through his body. The jaw crackled and then gave way, tearing from the Gangrel's face. The vampire's eyes rolled back as he fell to the ground.
The other foe gasped and ran towards the treeline, looking for freedom. He met with gunfire instead and was easily mowed down.
Gabriel smiled and walked over to Valentine, who lay face down in the wet grass, bleeding from his throat.
"Valentine..." Gabriel said, "Where is Los going?" Valentine rolled over onto his back.
"He..he said....he'd make me Prince...kill my rivals...." Valentine said, blood spurting from his thin lips and showering his face. Gabriel growled and knelt beside him.
"Where is Los?" he said, his eyes narrowing to slits.
"I...I had to....he was...too...." Valentine sputtered. Gabriel hoisted him into the air by his collar and swung him in an arch. Valentine groaned and he felt his ribs cracking as he was pressed up against the trunk of a tree.
"WHERE IS HE??" Gabriel roared in rage, his eyes wild with the beast.
"H...he said Colombia....some drug lord....Menuva...something like that..." Valentine said, his voice racked with pain. Gabriel grimaced, his grip loosening slightly.
"Don Menueva?" he whispered. Valentine nodded. "Damn it...." Gabriel had done business with him before...in his Cocaine running days. He let Valentine fall to the ground, where he sit trying to heal himself.
Gabriel approached the others.
"I thank you for you assistance here...I must travel to South America to find Los Requis. I will provide you with transportation back to Cascadia if you so wish..."
((the first one was MUCH MUCH better...but it got erased :smile:
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 3:59 am |
((hehe Kathy, if Gabe knows, he couldn't hide it from Sor mwuhaha......BUT, since it is now a new year and your chars are notorious for getting the thick end of everything, I'm gonna cut you a break :grin:
'Cos Gabe and Syd gave me a cool idea :P
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 11:57 am |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((((((((oooooooh did they now?
hmmmmmmmmmm :wonders: well seen your other post ray and it looks interesting:):) and ty for cutting me some slack i kinda like kathy :smile::):)
Its up to you gaybe do you want your sex kitten with you or not lol?
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 4:57 pm |
((well a companion always comes in handy...but IC Gabe is probably somewhat embarrassed of his shifty past...dealing Coke isn't his idea of good business anymore. so actually it's all up to you. :smile:
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 9:34 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((count me in then Gaybe :smile::)
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