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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  -§- Vengeance -§-

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 4:50 am Reply with quote
As she kept walking around Kiya's haven ... howling non stop ..... blood coming out of her garou mouth .... she looked up as she saw the entrance door .... Seraphimia bashed it once ... making the door crack a little ... she howled again .... she suddenly felt a strange pain in her head ... that made her fall on the ground ... she holded her head while she was still in garou form .... she slowly turned back into human form .... her eyes where flickering between the bright blue color and her normal eyes color which is bright yellow .... she started to shake on the ground .... she was viewing images of her past .... on how she became a garou 1326 years ago .... all stopped .... as she slowly started to get up .... her eyes of a bright yellow color .... looking at the door .... waiting ....


[ This Message was edited by: Seraphimia on 2001-12-14 22:56 ]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 5:42 am Reply with quote
She disliked modern transportation but urgency required her to get to the Forest of Whispers fast. She hailed a taxi cab and instructed the driver to drop her at the fringe of the city. She recognised the driver as one of Drain's ghouls, but said nothing to him. It seemed no one could move around the city without the Nosferatu knowing about it.

The forest loomed in the distant, dark and sinister. She just hoped that Valek was indeed there and it wasn't another of Angelica's traps...


PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 1:40 pm Reply with quote

Mark started backing away from the exit, his eyes never leaving the creature before him. Thoughts ran through his head as he tried to concoct a plan to escape from this situation without having to lift a finger. Or maybe he could scare her with a funny face. Ohh drat he forgot his pineapple. Maybe shed like a lollipop. Hmm maybe she wants to play hid n seek? You think?

Mark looked down at his shoes pleadingly and thought to himself ‘ come on guys help!’. The strange women before him demanded the location of Valek. Mark tried to think desperately where Valek would be before another thought ran through his head. Valek would be mad if he told every stranger where he was. But then again he didn’t know where Valek was. But if he did should he tell her. Now that was a compelling question.

He saw the anger in her eyes bringing him back to relatiy he looked at her and tried to sound as strong and as confident as he could given the circumstances.

"Why do you seek Valek?"

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 4:57 pm Reply with quote
Angelica was now already in this forest ....

She walked through the forest .... going to where she was with Valek earlier ....

As she arrived there .... Valek wasn't there anymore .... footprints on the muddy ground could be seen .... just like if Valek left in a hurry .... or was chasing something .... or maybe he was chased .... who knows ....

Angelica sat on a big rock that was near her .... waiting for Batgirl to arrive ....

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 8:16 pm Reply with quote
The guards ran out of her haven like a heard of bulls. They stood there for a moment trying to apprend the person, but there effort was useless. Even in human form her strength was too much for just two guards. Kiya stepped into the doorway watching the scene.

"Can I help you with something?" Kiya asked. She seemed overly calm. She surveyed her door, sighing at the damages. She wouldn't let the girl see how incredibly nervous she was.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 6:56 am Reply with quote
Seraphimia stood up very slowly .... hear head bowing down all the time .... as she looked up to Kiya with her bright yellow eyes blood still dripping from her mouth .... she growled in a beast way as she saw the pendant around Kiya's neck .... the pendant was the one of Valek .... Seraphimia could sense it .... she frowned as she said in a beast voice .... " Where did you got this ? " She sniffed the air again looking at Kiya ... " Where did you got this ........ kindred .... ? " ........

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 8:31 am Reply with quote
She looked at the women. Her eyes wide, still trying to show no fear.

"What are you doing at my haven, and why are you concerned about where I got this?" She brought her hand up to the pendent, wrapping her fingers tightly around it. The guards moved closer to the half women, half beast. Kiya stayed in the doorway, seeking what little protection there may be in her haven.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 8:26 am Reply with quote
User avatarGiovanniPosts: 7Joined: Sun Dec 07, 2003 4:15 am
"Can't you tell by now .... " She said looking at Mark .... Kate pointed to her tombstone ... and said "What do you think the "V" stands for!?"

"Just tell me where he his ... i promise you wont regret it .... "

She crossed her arms waiting ....

Offline Profile ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 8:29 am Reply with quote
"Im concerned more than you can ever think of .... tell me who gave you this .... "

Seraphimia noticed the guards getting closer to her .....

Seraphimia's claws extanded as she cut the head of both guard's in no time ....

-Seraphimia-"I wont hurt you .... if you tell me where you got this .... Now .... where do you got it?"

Seraphimia said as she crossed her arms ....

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 10:27 pm Reply with quote
(( GOD NO MY GUARDS!!!!! Pheeeeeeeeew ... thank God I didn't put names on them, I wouldn't have been to happy if either of them were Frank, Louie or Buddy ... ::sighs with relief:: lol ... Hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm .. I think that crossing the arms things is a family trait .. :grin:

Kiya still tried to remain calm. The remain guard backed up a few feet, making his way next to Kiya standing in the doorway, shaking slightly. She scowled at the cowardness that he showed.

"I'm surprised you can't smell the blood that it holds. I would think that one of your kind would be able to." She decides to give in, not wanting to lose her head on this evening. "This would be Valek's. May I ask why this is such importance to you?" Her grasp tightened around the pentagram. She looked right into the females eyes, trying to see what she could sense from her.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 9:26 am Reply with quote
"I smell to well the blood that it holds .... "

Seraphimia tilted her head to the right as she said

"Its of much more importance than you could ever know .... "


Seraphimia slowly started to walk toward Kiya .... Seraphimia stopped inches from Kiya and Seraphimia said "My brother is of importance to me .... Now ... where .... is ........ he?"

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 2:18 pm Reply with quote
Kiya resisted the urge to back away from the girl. She stood there, starring at her, her hands still clasped around the pentagram.

"I have no idea where "your brother" is at this point. He has more important things to do then to keep informed of his every action. Now ... why is it of such importance that you speak with him?"

She scanned the girl up and down. The guard took a step closer to the thing, pressing a panic button, calling more men to the scene.
"Who are you?" The only person in Valek's life that Kiya was aware of was Angelica, and this was certainly not her.

The guards came rushing around the corner, ready to attempt an attack once again. "Stay there!" Kiya outstretched her arm, blocking them from exiting the haven.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 10:13 pm Reply with quote
She looked at the other guards arriving .... she smiled .....

"Tell me .... why all those questions .... and why are you trying to hide his location from me .... ? If you want so much to see what i want with my brother .... why dont you come with me? and show me where he his .... ? "

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 5:53 am Reply with quote
-Kiya- "How do i know if you wouldnt hurt him? ....

-Seraphimia-" ...... "

-Kiya-" So .... ? how do i know?"

-Seraphimia-"Chain my arms and lets go ... works for you?"

Seraphimia smiled evily ....

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 8:48 am Reply with quote
She looked at the women quizically. Kiya was unsure of if the chains would really be able to hold her, or if that would be a wasted effort. She looked at the guards.

"Go get me the strongest chains that I have. If they break, every single one of you will be dead."

The nodded. Frank stood out front with Kiya. He looked like a scared puppy dog. He took another step infront of Kiya, partially blocking her view. The guards appeared after only a couple of minutes. They carried ten sets of industrial strength chains.

"Here you are Miss Nekham." The guard reached out his hands to give them to her.

"Put them on the women. I want them wrapped as many times as possible, with however many you can get on there." The guard nodded as three approached her slowly. They reached out caustiosly, grabbing her hands and tieing them behind her back. Kiya watched as the girl growled as the chains got too tight.

"Loosen them moron." Her lip quivered with every word, bearing her teeth as she spoke. The guards ignored her demand and carried on with their task. They nodded to Kiya signaling that they were done. She looked at the women, and smirked.

"You're trusting me a little too much to put yourself in this position. Now .. before I carry on any farther. What is your name and what is your business in being here?"

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