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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  The Child of a Toreador ((Wow... prolly not for little kids.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 9:02 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
She stands in her office, back to the door in front of her desk, pouring over pictures laid all over the desk. Each picture is of a painting... obviously all by the same artist.

A man walks in, knocking softly before entering.

"Miss Bloodstaff, I'm sorry that I'm late."

"It's no problem Mr. Nite. And please call
me Diam."

"Yes Diam.. do call me Phil."

She smiles to herself, looking over the pictures and tapping her fingers on the desk, then scribbling a note on a notepad.

"This is so amazing Phil.... So amazing!!"

Stares at the picture in the middle of the desk, tapping her finger on it.

He didn't know why, but for some reason her approval made him happy over all.

"This one... tell me about it."

"Oh... that was my first piece."

The picture consisted of a woman only half covered with a sheet, holding a black rose close to her face, all in blacks and whites and grays.

"It was sort of a fantasy of mine... It came from an old black and white movie that I saw as a child. It was an old vampire movie. It was from the credits. I must have been only 10 or 11. I was in NY lying in bed when I got the urge to paint it. It drew all of my imagination in... I had to paint, it was a calling of types. Nothing I've ever painted has been as good..."

"How was it a fantasy?"

"Oh... because if I ever saw anything more beautiful than this I would be complete... but I fear if I did, it would not ever be as perfect as I have made myself believe it will be."

Smiles at him softly, patting his back with her gentle hand.

"It is an amazing piece."

"Thank you Miss... I mean.. Diam... I'm sorry I forgot."

"You never have to be sorry to me darlin'... never."

Her words moved him, her imagined her face and her body in the place of the body of the painting.

"I... I have to ask you... would you please let me paint you into this picture?"

He said this as he tapped on the picture, staring at her face.

"I would be honored to let you Phil. Shall we use my bedroom?"

"What?! You want to do it NOW?"

"Why not?"

"Because... I don't have any oils... or an easel.. or anything."

"I can supply all of that, follow me."

His excitement was overwhelming, her beauty touched him in a way nothing had ever done before. He had always dreamed about seeing her perfection with out clothes and without barriers, painting it, no... not touching it.. he could never touch her. He could never corrupt that perfection with his hands.

She looked over at him, smiling, then taking his hand.

"Now promise me, whatever is seen in my room, it goes no further than the two of us."

"Anything Diam, anything."

"Come on then..."

She drags him into her room by the hand, looking at him, smiling and pulling him along. She stops him, an easel in the middle of the room facing her bed, a coffin to the left, a trunk to the right.

"A coffin? A little morbid don't you think?"

"It suits my art."

"Oh... It is lovely... in an odd sence."

"Now... you are the artist... direct me."

He looked down at all the art supplies, then up at her. She stood wearing a simple long black dress. Her figure was perfection, her skin was perfection, her lips, her eyes, everything, he was overwhelmed with emotion.

"Oh Diam... you are so beautiful."

He spoke before he thought, wanting to kill himself right there, saying that to such a perfect woman.

"Thank you so much love... thank you so much, now lets begin, tell me what to do!"

He nodded quickly, happy that she wasn't upset at his boldness.

"Okay, you will need to get undressed, then lay on the bed with the sheet over one breast and your...."

He stopped, looking down between her legs.


She said it with such ease in front of him.

"Yes... Cunt."

He laughed softly, grinning a boyish grin. He watched her with sparkling eyes, her humor and grace sent him flying into a frenzy of readiness to create. Her smile flashed as she reached behind and slid the zipper of her dress down, then let the dress straps fall from her shoulders, the entire dress falling off. She stood looking at him, moving to an invisible rhythm as she unhooked her bra, slipping it off, looking down, her body still pumping to that unheard rhythm as she slides off her thong, revealing her perfectly shaved pussy. His jaw was almost on the ground as he stared at her private area. She saw his expression, smiling softly, then moving towards him.

She set a hand on his cheek setting her lips against his briefly.

"You okay there Phil?"

"Yes.... you are amazing... perfect.. I..."

"You are in awe... but you still must paint. Now, to understand what you paint, you will need to know it. Touch my skin, feel the curves... know me."

"I can't... I wouldn't ever be able to corrupt such perfection. I don't think..."

"Just do it love... please?"

She sets his hands on her shoulders, he began feeling her soft skin, up and down her skin, feeling her flat stomach, then down lower, his hand moving between her legs last. With that two fingers slowly slid into her. Sliding them back in and out harder and harder. She clung to his shoulders as he slammed his hand into her deeply, she moaned.. every sound making him move harder and faster. Finally he spoke, taking his fingers out of her.

"I want you to be mine."

She whispered back softly.

"Then make me yours."

He took her hand opening the lid of the coffin.

"In here... for some reason I think that you would be more comfortable in here."

She only smiled, then nodded climbing in as he removed his clothes, then climbing in on top of her, the lid still open.

"My God Diam, you are so perfect, you are so pure and unspoiled... I have to ask you... have you done this a lot before?"

She looked up at him, her face soft and loving.

"No... I have only ever been with two MEN before..."

Without warning he slid into her, her body warm against his. At this they began an intricate dance of kisses and licks, the entire time she held back from biting him, knowing it was not the way. Every movent lead up to a moment where for a good 20 seconds they climaxed together, tight in one another's arms. He lay his head on her chest, expecting to hear a pounding heartbeat matching his own. He was shocked to find no *((such critter))*heart beat at all.

"Oh my... Diam?! Your heart... I cannot hear it beating! Are you okay?!"

She closed her eyes tightly, pulling the coffin lid down and cloaking them in darkness.

"I am just fine... but I need to know, do you want this moment to last for eternity?"

"How could I not want to live in a moment of perfection with you forever?!"

"Then I will tell you my darkest secret... though I fear you will not believe me."

"I could believe anything right now Diam... after knowing such perfection exists in the world..."

"Then I will tell you this... I am a vampire... I do not have a heart that beats, and I do not eat food like you my love, I am... in simple terms, cursed with immortality."

"That is not so unbelievable love... I want to be with you for ever, eternally held in your arms..."

"You understand that it is not an easy life.. and we have our enemies..."

"Yes, anything... anything so I can have you forever."

She nodded.

"Then I shall make you my childe tonight, and we will sleep, tomorrow evening when you awaken you will learn... then you must meet the Prince. Do you understand this?"

"Yes, perfectly..."

"Then this is the last thing I have to ask you... will you obey and honor me as your creator for eternity, until final death?"

He did not speak, he only kissed her. The kiss told her everything she needed to know, she could read the passion and pure love for her through his lips.

"Then it is settled... now relax and enjoy death."

With that she pressed her lips to his skin and began the movements of the dark kiss. She held him like her own child against her unclothed breasts. Knowing in actuality that he would soon actually be her own childe.

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 9:05 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((Yeah... so I know that was long... and kinda bad... yay random gratuitous sex!!! Sorry guys... it was really part of the storyline...

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 11:44 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Location: U.S.A.Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:54 pm
(( Well now Kathy and I know why people think were sluts lol, I'm only kidding good post Diam

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 12:17 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSirenPosts: 25Location: Washington State, USAJoined: Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:06 am
((::coughs at the use of "no such critter"..umm miss blood staff that phrase is cpoy righted and trademarked of the steveo foundation...hmmm do you have his written permission for useing said good post

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 4:41 pm Reply with quote
((Good post

Dont forget to tell him to mail me the details lol i haven't received anything yet
:( ))

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 12:17 am Reply with quote
(( mmmmmmm.... nice erotica. You have real talent ;) ))

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 4:17 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((Okay Valek... I'm working on poking him into making a new e-mail for the guild and stuff... other than that I can prolly give you just about nothing! LoL... sorry.. I'll get it together soon!

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 4:41 pm Reply with quote
((::wipes off his keyboard:: nice post Diam...thx for the mess. lol

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 1:12 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((OMG!!! LMAO... I didn't think I was that good... wow...

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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