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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  The Big Day ((lots of gratuitous sex... not for the under 18

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 7:06 am Reply with quote
((some one please tell jensill about this new little story i'm starting, please.
"Where am I going to find stationary at this hour?"
Isis is running around her haven like a chicken with it's head cut off. She goes over to her sarcophagus and thinks.
"Now, where did I put my keys? Oh, there they are..."
She looks over at her cofeetable. She walks over and picks them up.
"They're right where I left them. God, do I feel blonde. If my head wasn't attached..."
She's spinning with the happiness of her pending nuptials to Jensill Black, Brujah Whip.
She giggles as she gets into her Boxster. She puts the keys in the ignition and speeds off. She takes off towards Jensill's haven. She smiles at all the lewd thoughts running through head.
She gets out of her car and walks up to his haven's entrance. She puts one hand on the door knob when she feels it turn beneath her hand.
When the door opens Jensill is standing there.
"Well, hello there honey.", Isis says with a broad smile.
"Well, hello.", he answers.
Jensill stands to one side as Isis enters. She walks close to him. Her skin brushes against his. She hears the sound of the door closing behind her.
She looks at him and says, "Well, dear..."
Those are the only words that escapes her lips as they are quickly covered by his. She feels his tongue probing the inside of her mouth. She fights back with hers.
As he holds her, one of the spaghetti straps of her dress falls down and dangles like a piece of Christmas garland from her shoulder.
She lets her hands gently carress Jensill's back. They wander on down.
She moans as his lips press hard into her neck.
She rips his shirt off and he pulls her dress down to her hips. He pushes the dress totally off. She licks at his back with her serpentine tongue. Her nails leaving light red trails on his back.
He stands upright again and Isis's hands go down and unbutton his pants. She pushes them down. She's on her knees looking up. Her hands work their way up his muscular legs. Her body moves with them. Her breasts carress his manhood. Her serpentine tongue tickles it.
He moans as he feels her tongue, "God, I love the feel of that."
She stands upright and looks at him lustily. He returns the look.
His hands wrap around her lithe body. Her silky soft skin presses against his rippling form.
"Mmmmmm... Now what do you want to do?", she moans.

"Moo, Moo, Moo, I'm voodoo cursing you."

[ This Message was edited by: Isis du Mare on 2001-12-11 01:07 ]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 3:37 pm Reply with quote
((Good thing i'm 20! Great writing none the less.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 8:55 pm Reply with quote
(( I feel violated now I have to go see a shrink I will proabably be dreaming about snakes for a month :grin: :grin:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 9:05 pm Reply with quote
((heheheh manhood! :lol:


PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 10:07 pm Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
::hands Isis a book about Kama Sutra:: MMMM!

lol jking, good writing :eek:

Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

[ This Message was edited by: Marcus Fidelitus on 2001-12-11 16:09 ]

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 4:02 am Reply with quote
oh my... is it hot in here, or is it just me? oh.. thats just me.. lol.

COME ON JENSIL! post already LOL

good posting Isis

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 4:20 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 44Joined: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:03 am
Hey vampires dont use their manhood anymore! it's straight Fang love from here to eternity...

As children, we all had fears. But for a few of us, the nightmares never go away.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 4:42 am Reply with quote
yepp.. its all about the blood hehe.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 4:50 am Reply with quote
"Can't you guess dear.", she says as he moves her hair over her shoulder.
"Mmmm... I think I can guess...", she says as she looks hungrily at him.
She moves closer to his neck. She licks it with her serpentine tongue. She feels him using the blood to engorge that forgotten area. She smiles seductively.
She kisses her neck and nibbles on it. She moans. She starts to backstep towards his coffin. She sets herself delicately on it. She looks at him lustily and mouths "Come and get it." He looks at her with a predators gaze.

"Moo, Moo, Moo, I'm voodoo cursing you."

[ This Message was edited by: Isis du Mare on 2001-12-13 14:10 ]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 6:16 am Reply with quote
((hey guyz lets not forget to use parenthesis when makin OOC posts. thx :smile:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 8:18 pm Reply with quote
She smiles seductively, and watches him approach her. She starts to gigle in a deep tone.
He wraps one arm around her slender waist and the other one pushes her hair over her shoulder. He starts kissing her neck. Her arches her back and lets loose a deep moan. Her hands slide down his back and rest on his muscular ass.
A smile appears on his face, and lustfull one. Isis cocks an eye, and licks at Jensill's neck with her serpentine tongue. He moans at the pleasure of the light fluttering of her tongue. She feels his hardened manhood enter her. She gasps at the feeling.
He sart to grind against her. Isis claws at Jensill's back. She is overwhelmed by the feeling of someone inside of her. Her love inside of her.
He moves his head and looks at her supple breasts. With one arma around her, his vacant hand kneads her breast while he goes down and sucks on the other. Isis moans as he starts to nibble on her nipple.
Isis gyrates with Jensill. She throws her head back in a fit of passion. She moans deeply, loudly. Her fangs start to slide down. She fights the urge not to taste Jensill's blood. She can taste it already. She sees the same sort of tension on his face.
"Oh thank Set, I love the way you feel inside of me... mmmmmmm... Oh... I don't want this moment to end...", Isis moans.
"Mmmmmmmm... I do too... Ugh... You feel so amazing.", he grunts.
The precious pain as they wait to taste each others blood. It fuels them to wilder heights of passion.
"Oh, I can't wait to taste your blood...", he grunts.
Isis puts her head to his neck and licks at his throat. Jensill bends down and kisses it. He starts to nibble on it. Isis does the same. She feels the exquisite pain as his fangs slide down into her neck. She plunges her fangs in deep. Jensill starts to pump harder, deeper as he feels the pleasure of her kiss. Isis moans deeply from his. They drink ach other in, sharing in mind body and soul.
They await for the orgasmic moment, when everything comes to them. The moment of ultimate pleasure. Jensill plunging deeper into Isis. And then it comes. The moment of ultimate pleasure. They let go of each other. She rests her head on Jensill's shoulder and licks his wounds shut. She feels him do the same. Jensill still stays inside of her as they hold each other. Safe in the knowledge that they have shared each other body and soul.

"Moo, Moo, Moo, I'm voodoo cursing you."

[ This Message was edited by: Isis du Mare on 2001-12-13 20:15 ]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 6:06 pm Reply with quote
After a short time in each other's embrace, Jensill pulls back to look into her eyes.
"Everytime I look into your eyes I know this is right.", he says.
Isis looks away. She smiles and then faces Jensill with an innocent smile.
"I know this is right too.", she replies.
They continue to look at each other.
Jensill breaks the long silence by saying, "I can't wait until after this wedding. However, I already consider you my wife."
Isis blushes with the newly acquired blood. She lookes into his eyes and says, "And I consider you my husband."

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 8:44 am Reply with quote
They smile at each other. But they both feel the weight of the pending day. Jensill starts to lean heavier on her body.
"Jensill dear, Ra makes his way into the sky.", she says as her body starts to slouch over.
He takes her in his arms and they fall a sleep entwined in each other.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 7:24 pm Reply with quote
(( nice gratuitous sex scene lol we need more of those :roll:

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 10:31 pm Reply with quote
(( Sorry I haven't commented earlier, but I have been reading, you're doing a great job babe ... keep it up ... :grin:

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