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Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 12:16 am |
Mark was hanging by his wrists from the ceiling. He felt the gentle soft touch of a hand grazing across his cheek as he slowly opened his eyes and looked upon his sire. He suddenly jolted trying to free himself from his bounds. His now naked body hung from the wall like a undignified prisoner. His body covered in grievous wounds which had been inflicted on him throughout this torturous night.
After a short struggle he seized his attempts to break free and hung his head low. Elizabeth pushed his head up and looked upon his face.
"The glass has been removed from your face and I took the opportunity to heal your jaw so we could talk." Her face and voice was void of emotion.
She ran her hand over the top of his head and down his neck before stopping on his left shoulder " I also healed all the bleeding wounds so that you wouldn’t slip into Torpor and ruin our games." She gripped her hand tightly over his left shoulder digging her finger nails into the skin. Marks body tensed up as he thrashed around trying to escape his bounds. His teeth where clenched as he tried to control the screams of pain.
"Oh I’m sorry did that hurt. I forgot to mention that I didn’t heal any of your interior wounds" she moved her hand over the right hand side of his face and pressed hard against the dent in the side of his skull caused by the attack with the steel baseball bat. Mark let out a long beastly groan of pain.
"I’m sure it must be quite painful hanging from your arms with your left arm in so much pain." She reached over and picked up a vial of blood. "Drink this and then I will return and we will talk some more."
Removing the top of the vial the smell of blood escaped and filled the room sending Mark wild with a lust, a urge for the blood. She pressed it up to his lips and he drunk feverishly. The sweet nectar filling his throat and running into his body.
Elizabeth removed the now empty vial and walked towards the door. Mark started to cough violently before he clenched his mouth shut. His face twisted into a look of agony and his body tensed up
She opened the door. "By the way… that blood was mixed with holy water. But I err" She laughed a little " guess I should of told you before you drank it." She left the room and closed the heavy steel door behind her. The sounds of Mark’s agonising screams of pain rang through out the abandoned warehouse.
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 12:53 am |
Angelica smiled evily as she heard Kiya talking to her ... Angelica though "She is showing a bit of resistance .... " Angelica smirked ...
Angelica continued to float around her still talking in a demonic voice .... Angelica said "You love him? ..... if only you knew what exactly you are loving so much .... "
Angelica readed Kiya's mind .... Angelica saw something in Kiya's mind that was saying that Angelica was the women that leaded her in Valek's dungeon .... That Angelica was the one who showed her what Valek REALLY was ....
-Angelica-"Keep thinking ..... snake .... its getting interesting .... " Angelica said as she was still reading Kiya's mind ....
-Angelica- " YES ... ive showed you what Valek really was .... Valek's never been human .... not even before his embrace .... Valek's true nature aint human .... Valek was born with the blood of a demon in his vains .... Valek IS and STILL IS a DEMON .... the blood of Lucifer runs in his vains .... Valek was born a demon .... and now he his a kindred ... but still a demon by nature .... his birthdate says it all .... year 666 ..... the number of the beast .... "
Angelica laughed evily .... and she said " Many question's haves been brought up as who are Valek's parent's .... Valek only have ONE father .... " Angelica smiled evily knowing that what she was about to say would make Kiya run away .... "Valek is one of the 7 sons of ........Lucifer .... "
Angelica mouthed a few words in Los Demonis that made the tree let go their grip on Kiya ....
Angelica repeated "YeS .... VaLeK iS oNe Of ThE sOn'S oF LuCiFeR ..... AlSo KnOwN aS SaTaN .... WhY dO YoU tHiNk I eMbRaCeD hIm!?NO ONE WILL TAKE MY CHILDE AWAY FROM ME!!!! "
Angelica laughed evily as she looked at kiya ..... Angelica turned into a demon completely now as she screamed " JoIn Us!! .... "
My darkness is everything,the hunger for sins running through my mind....
[ This Message was edited by: Angelica on 2001-12-11 18:56 ]
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 1:06 am |
((Sorry Kathy, he really hasnt got a shred of humanity))
The Boy's arm snapped away, and then lashed out into Kathy's chest, Sending her flying towards the nearest wall. A second before she was to make contact, her body froze, suspended in midair.
The boy's eye were still focused on Gabriel, his face completely blank, as if he hadn't even noticed the thing he had just done. A voice came from beside him.
"Silly girl, Don't touch him... he doesn't like to be touched. Now come back and play nice." Pandemonia let out a cute giggle as Kathy's body floated back to the passenger seat of the car, and dropped into place.
Pandemonia slowly materialized beside her twin brother, holding his hand. She smiled sweetly and pointed her finger at Gabriel, circling it around.
"Now Gabey.. you are going to let us help you, yes? Someone has hurt two of my favorite grandchildren... and do we like to see our favorite grandchildren hurt?"
Silence slowly turned his head from side to side, eyes still fixed on Gabriel's as Pandemonia said "no no noooo..."
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 3:01 am |
The steel door opened slowly letting out a slow creek.. The vehicle driver stepped into the room that had taken on the purpose of a cell. In her hand she held the thick silver brief case that had previously been in the suits possession. She left the door open behind her and walked over to Mark.
Mark’s body was convulsing in agony. A thin layer of blood sweat was seeping from his pores. She walked over to his tormented state. She reached into her pockets and retrieved a small metal key. She placed the keys into the wrist chains and unlocked both of them. Mark fell forwarded and she caught his naked body in her arms. She put him in a sitting position on the floor.
The strange mysterious women draped her long jacket over Mark’s shoulders.
Mark tried to speak but his throat was red roar from the internal attack from the holy water that he just winceed in pain. The women commanded him to keep silent and he didn’t argue. She stepped back over to the metal case.
Elizabeth had entered the room silently and unnoticed. Her eyes lit up with a bright fury as she saw the women releasing Mark. Her voice ran deep with evil
"I wouldn’t do that if I was you"
[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-12-12 11:02 ]
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 6:46 pm |
Gabriel stood in awe, the power of the two twins pulsating through the air, detectable to only the supernatural. His trance was broken as the car behind him honked violently. Gabriel blinked twice and realized he was stopped in the middle of a busy highway. The Malkavian twins stepped aside and Gabriel gunned it.
Kathy shook her head from the passenger seat, clearing out the pain.
"Who were THEY?" she said, as downtown Cascadia passed by.
"Don't worry about it Kathy, are you alright?" Gabriel said, placing a hand on her arm. Kathy nodded slightly. "I swear when this is all over I'll take you to get a replacement for that dress."
Kathy glanced down at her own dress, now tattered and torn. One breast threatened to come protruding from the ripped top. Gabriel smiled slightly and returned his focus to the road. The green sign ahead pointed to the exit for the Cascadian docks.
The Porshe roared down the exit ramp, headlights flaring in the night air.
Kathy's blue eyes glistened brightly in the moonlight as the car rolled down the docks, searching for a sign of life. The headlights beamed through the fog, casting odd shadows of crates and nets.
"See anything yet Kath?" Gabriel said over the sputtering engine. Kathy shook her head.
"No...not yet...WAIT!" Kathy pushed herself up out of her seat and peered into the fog ahead. "I see it! The Black Sedan!"
Gabriel pulled over to the large warehouse. The back was partially obscurred by the heavy fog, but by the front's size, Gabriel guessed it was quite large. The number 6 was painted in large faded red letters on the front.
Upon closer inspection this was the back of the warehouse, a small door the only entrance aside from the broken windows. Gabriel pulled the Porshe next to the Sedan, which now bore several new dents. Gabriel stepped out of the car and drew his sword.
Kathy hopped out and the two headed towards the door slowly. As Gabriel reached out for the doorknob he heard footsteps behind him. He whirled around, sword held in front of him by the both hands. A large figure loomed ahead in the fog.
The man was well over 6 feet tall, probably closer to seven. His body was thick and muscular. As he stepped forward Gabriel saw his large face with a wide smile on it. The teeth were too small for his head. Gabriel grinned wickedly.
The blood surged through his veins as he let his muscles quicken and his strength increase. His body eminated power and strength, Kathy's eyes widened slightly in the sheer power. Gabriel flew through the night fog towards the hulking man his sword held high.
The mammoth drew back a huge hamhock of a hand and struck Gabriel with bone shattering force. The air flew from Gabriel's lungs as his ribs shattered into a hundred useless pieces, several of which embedded themselves in his lungs.
Gabriel soared through the air, the sword dropping from his hand as he blacked out. He landed hard on the windshield of the Sedan, which spiderwebbed into a host of cracks. Blood smeared across the windshield and Gabriel groaned and rolled off the hood of the car. He landed face first on the cement ground.
Kathy screamed loudly and backed away from the massive foe. Gabriel's world slowly came into focus as he slowly raised his head and began to blood heal. The man laughed a horrible bellowing roar and stomped towards Gabriel slowly.
Gabriel reached under his trench and slowly pulled a large knife from its sheath. The large man was closer now, close enough that Gabriel could see his undersized smile. In a blur of action Gabriel hand flew from his trench, the knife zipping through the air like a bullet towards the opponent.
The large man dodged just in time, the steel knife swishing past his face, missing only by a quarter inch. When he turned back to stomp his adversary, he found the ground empty aside from a bloody pool.
Gabriel knelt down behind the crate, hidden from the giant man. He finished healing his wounds and peek out from behind the crate.
The beast like man was heading towards Kathy. NO! Gabriel leapt from his hiding spot and landed on the giants back, gripping his neck tightly with both hands, hands that could reduce solid stone to rubble in their grip....
((go ahead Marky or Kathy
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 12:20 am |
The driver swung round sharply spinning In a circle. The heavy steel briefcase struck Elizabeth across the face. The metal buckled and the handle snapped free sending the briefcase hurtling into a wall before landing on the floor and spilling its contents across the floor in front of Mark.
Elizabeth was knocked back several feet until she was standing with her back to the wall. Elizabeth stood shocked and slightly taken back by the surprise attack. She blinked several times to regain her focus until her eyes locked on the young women charging her with a dagger. The blade slid in between the bottom two ribs on the right hand side of Elizabeth’s body.
She barely flinched as the sharp piece of metal sliced her skin open and the blood began to seep out of the wound around the weapon The female driver looked in awe before she pulled the blade out slightly then rammed it in even harder.
The powerful Malkavian Vampire grabbed onto the women’s wrist squeezing hard. The women let out a pitiful yelp offering little resistance as her hand was forced to release the blade. Elizabeth wrenched on the arm twisting it and dislocating the shoulder. She then grabbed the driver by the scruff of the neck and shoving her up against the wall. Elizabeth pulled the knife out of her wound and pushed it up against the drivers neck.
"I’m fed up of these irritating little interruptions." Elizabeth looked flustered and angry "What does this stupid little moron mean to you all that your willing to…."
She stopped mid sentence as her eyes trailed down to the large piece of wood penetrating through her back and out through the front of her chest skewering her heart.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 12:47 am |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy backed away in horror as she saw the abonimation(spl?) walking towards her, his body lurching as gabriel hung onto his neck.
Her eyes looked around for something she could use for a weapon and she moved quickly and grabbed an iron pole that was propped up behind some crates.
Kathy crouched down as the hulking form approached her, his hands despearatley trying to free gabriel from his neck .
Gabriels face looked in horror as slowly one by one his fingers where prised from the monsters neck and his body was flung aginst the building ,kathys hand went to her mouth as she watched gabriels body fly throw the air , his body slamming against the building. the man approached kathy, her body trembling hoping to god that this would work.
Kathys face grimaced , her eyes tightly closed as she felt the mans presence stood before her, his breathe rancid on her face.
all of a sudden she stood up, and with all her night forced the pole deep into his chest, he let out a roar and stumbled , his hands on the pole embedded in his body .
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 1:18 am |
The gigantic mountain of muscle roared out in defiance as Kathy backed away slowly. His body shook and shuddered as he grasped the thick pipe that penetrated his body right below the ribs. The roar turned into a scream of agony as he wrenched the metal from his body, hurling it at Kathy.
Kathy gasped and leapt out of the way as the pole flew by, narrowly missing her face. The iron pipe struck the brick wall behind her, deeply embedding itself. The large man growled and stormed towards her.
Nearby Gabriel braced himself up on one arm, healing desperately. His blood was low however and the healing did little. Kathy ran to the Porshe and leaped into the drivers seat.
Gabriel groaned as he heard the jingle of the carkeys in his pocket. Kathy wasn't going anywhere and she knew it. Her face drained white as the giant stomped towards her.
The massive Malkavian launched himself far into the air, nearly flying, soaring in a large arch towards the red sports car. He landed with a clammar on the back seat of the Porshe. The expensive leather crumpled under his weight and the back seat compacted itself.
Kathy screamed in terror, barely managing to dodge one of his large fists. The beast roared once more, sending a large fist flying towards Kathy. The Toreador gasped as the fist missed her and fell backwards into the footspace beneath the steering wheel. She lay there curled up desperately trying to push herself as far back from the man as possible.
The Malkavian grasped the steering wheel that blocked him from her and tore it from the console, an array of wires following it like the entrails of a man. He sent another large fist towards her, it's massive girth and weight more than enough to squash her flat.
Gabriel flew through the night air, managing to catch the Malkavian's fist just in time to misdirect it. He grasped his gigantic forearm with both arms and pushed with all his might. The Malkavian's large fist flew through the windshield, sending glass scattering across the dock.
The hulking figure drew the fist back and snarled at Gabriel, reaching for him with both hands. Gabriel caught the hands with his own, the two squaring off. The beast stood in the backseat, looming over Gabriel, a look of satisfaction on it's face. Gabriel was pressed against the dashboard, their hands intertwined.
He could feel the sinews in his arms snapping and the beast pressed on his hands. Gabriel cried out.
Kathy began to climb out from under the drivers side foot area. She stopped short and yanked the emergency break down and shoved the car into neutral. The car lurched forward slowly at first, gathering speed and it headed downhill towards the bay.
She leapt into the air and landed a hefty blow on the Malkavian's face. The blow, while not physically damaging, stunned the giant. She yanked Gabriel free from its grips and pulled him out of the car, leaping to the docks.
The car plunged into the bay, the Malkavian still attached the back seat. Gabriel stood up slowly and took Kathy by the arm.
"Kath, hurry! Lets get inside and find Mark!" he said desperately as the two ran towards the open doorway. As they entered the warehouse Gabriel could hear the sound of a large body exiting the bay....
((yay we're in! must find Mark!
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 10:46 am |
Elizabeth’s shock quickly turned into a smile before she opened her mouth to try and say something. No words left her mouth as her torpored body landed on the ground with a hard thud. Mark stood behind where his Sire was standing. He made eye contact with the female who was pressed against the wall. She smiled softly.
"We won?"
"For now"
The women let out a little sigh of relief as she slid down the well into a crouching position leaning forward and resting her head in between her knees. She started giggling like a small child. Mark looked at her oddly as he started to stagger towards the wall. He slowly sat down next to her. Each movement causing a jolt of pain to run through his body. He let out a loud groan as blood began to leak from his mouth. Mark leant his head back.
"What’s so funny?" Mark’s voice was underlined with a tone filled with pain.
She tried to control her outburst "I’ve never been saved by a naked man before". Her laughter continued as she then leant over and put her hand on Mark’s left shoulder, tapping it reassuringly.
Mark yelped in pain as his body slowly slid along the wall till he fell into a laying position. He remained there motionless as the agony remained within. The women tried to move but the pain in her own dislocated shoulder was to great to move.
((ok…… all set to be saved :P
((took your time huh ?
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 5:24 pm |
Broken and tired Kathy and Gabriel were in no mood to deal with anymore interruptions in their search for Mark. They ran through the office section of the warehouse located near the back wall. The office section took up about a quarter of the expansive warehouse, consisting of a hallway with several offices.
The two Kindred threw the doors open looking for Mark and his Sire. Finally Kathy came upon the last door and opened it up. She gasped slightly at the scene.
Gabriel walked up behind her and placed his bloody hand on the small of her back. The two walked in and glanced around. Mark lay naked against the wall next to another woman. His Sire lay on the floor, a large piece of wood through her heart.
Gabriel walked forward, tattered and tired.
"Come along Mr. Archer...we've been through a lot. We'll head back to my haven and get cleaned up..." with that, he placed his arm under Mark's and lifted him slowly...
((yay rescue! someone make sure we leave through the back way so that big dude doesn't catch us...Gabe has no blood left and he'll just get smooshed
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 5:38 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((((((oh does that mean i get to have a wash and get my nails done....Gabe you owe me a dress...mark ....you owe me new nails....hehehehehe
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 7:08 pm |
(( I'd love to help save mark, but im still torpored, with three huge holes in my chest and crushed under the weight of a huge crazy bastard.. in the back seat of a car at the bottom of the bay :( nobody loves me ::pout:: ))
~There is nothing more dangerous than a bored malkavian.~
[ This Message was edited by: Echoe on 2001-12-16 01:43 ]
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 8:11 pm |
(( Darn ... talk about a late reply on my part .. lol ..
"Angelica, I'm not here to join you or Valek in whatever evil power struggle you may have. I'm here for Valek, and I'll love him however he is or how he may be. I know what I've gotten into, and anything that you say or anyone else isn't going to suprise me. Now, just let it go." She looked right at Angelica, astonished at how such a young looking girl could be so powerful. She tried struggling again, but decided it was a useless effort.
"Angelica, please let me go."
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 7:48 am |
The car sped past the twins as they moved off the road. Watching traffic go by, their silent comunication continued.
"Well how do you like that sister... they dont want our help. Oh.. I know brother. But they are going to need it..."
The twins dissapeared into the night as they moved toward the warehouse. They arrived just in time to see the porshe, with the huge malkavian in the back, flying off into the bay.
"Oh something is wrong Sister. I know Brother.. terribly wrong. He could not possibly have gotten out on his own. Perhaps we should help him Sister."
The twins walked hand in hand towards the fallen vehicle. They moved deeper into the water as their heads vanished beneath the waves.
They could see the huge malkavian just breaking free of the sinking vehicle thru the murky water. Each twin broke grasp of the others hand as Pandemonia moved upward ahead of him, and Silence continued towards the car.
The monster of a man broke surface, treading water... and panda grinned down at him, standing on the waves. "AnD wHeRe Do YoU tHiNk YOU'RE GoInG.... Hmmmmmm?"
He looked up at her in a mixture of horror and awe.. his mouth gaping open.. but unable to speak.
"YOU hAvE mAdE YoUr GrEaT GrEat GrEaT GRANDSIRE VeRy VeRy VeRy ANRGY!" She glared down at him, and he could sense the malevolence in her voice. She grinned widely as she dove into the water beneath him, then grabbed his legs.
In less than a second it was over.. she had flown up into the air, and ripped him in half with her great strength.. leaving the halves of his body attatched only by his neck. His blood exploded into the air like a firework, entrails dangling out on both sides. her eyes glazed with fire, she drove a stake into his heart and let him loose. Like a boulder, he sank staked and bloodless to the bottom of the bay.
Echoe's body was badly torn, having been crushed and broken beneath the monster's weight, with three huge holes through his chest. Silence dragged him to shore, where Pandemonia waited.
The twins healed Echoes torpored body, just enough that he became conscious enough to drink a little of blood, and carried him off into the sewers toward the new Elysium.
They entered through the lower levels of the complex, passing unnoticed by the demons that stood watch, becoming visible only when they were out of sight.
The bartender rushed towards them as they entered. "Fires of Hell! what happened?"
Panda smiled sweetly at her as she laid his torn body on a sofa. "He likes tea. And would you be kind enough to keep an eye on him?"
Before she could respond, the twins had dissapeared.
[ This Message was edited by: SiLeNcE on 2001-12-16 12:25 ]
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 8:05 am |
((phew, glad you figured it out Echoe...i was havin a helluva time tryin to figure out what to do abotu that....:P
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