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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  a gift for Prince Valek

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 9:00 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Roxanne sat on the throne of L.A. It was early evening and the matters of court were just beginning.
Her head of security Enrique, always greeted her with the latest developments in the world of darkness and she was beginning to relay on his information. He walked in and stood rigid before the Carmillian queen, his head gave a slight bow and he waited for her to give him leave to speak.

Roxanne smiled then spoke. “My dear Enrique, what do you have for me this eve?”

“News from Cascadia your highness.”

“Ah… I see, so Sorenti has answered me at last?” She examined her nails, anything he had to say at this point was of little interest, she told herself.

“No your highness…” he paused as if trying to find the proper words for his thoughts. “Sorenti has been disposed by the Cappadocian Valek.”

“Valek?” She looked at Enrique, the name sounded familiar but she couldn’t remember from where. “Is he the one that tortured that Lasombra Reanneg?”

“yes, the same my lady.”

Roxanne smiled. “If Cascadia is to have a new prince, then we should send him a gift.” She tried to think of something he might like, but she could only think of the things she heard he done to Reanneg. Valek the torturer she thought. Yes, that’s what he was, so much like the vampires of old. A smile crossed her face. Maybe there was something he would like. The idea she had, seemed almost too evil, perhaps he would enjoy torturing another Lasombra. Of course, that would deprive her from getting her final Justus over Julius, a small matter, she waved it off, there was time enough for Julius and gesture like giving Adrianna would be worth it if it won over allies in Cascadia.

“Enrique, have the prisoner bound and gagged, I want her branded with the signet of the Cappadocians, then placed in a box as a present for the new prince.”

“would you like me to have her killed first?”

“No, I think Prince Valek should enjoy doing that himself. Hearing her screams each morning when the sun has touched her flesh has been very satisfying for me.” She smiled seductively.

“As you wish my lady,” Enrique turned to leave with a bow.

“Oh, one more thing…”

“yes my lady?”

“have the package marked, not to opened until Christmas” She giggled.

"As you wish," he said and bowed deeply at the waist.

the less i give them the more they want 8P

[ This Message was edited by: adrianna on 2001-12-04 17:51 ]

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 7:33 am Reply with quote
((Very nice post :smile:

Im going to post a reply soon,ill think of something good to post and ill post it :smile: ))

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 3:15 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 16Location: San FranciscoJoined: Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:32 am
((Valek does not celebrate Christian Holidays... :lol:

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 4:28 am Reply with quote
(( Come on Valek your prince now at least you can do is save Adrianna. Ill help ya.

I miss being below a beautiful lady....

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 4:30 am Reply with quote
((Valek wont kill her,he launched some research at the first place with Drain when she disapeared lol.

Ok im writting something now it will be posted soon :smile:

And damn right Earl lol Valek doesn't celebrate Christians holidays lol))

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-12-05 22:31 ]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 4:48 am Reply with quote
Valek was in the Prince's office writting some Los Demonis lyrics in a book made of flesh....The place was silent....very silent,death was around and in this place,the only thing that could be heard were demonic whispers as usual.....Demon's spirit walking in the place....

Suddenly a knocking noise could be heard...breaking the never ending silence in this this knocking noise was heard the demon's spirit....angry blasted the door off its socket making it fly in the air far far away....Valek smirked....And he stood up as all the demons disapeared....Valek walked till he reached the entrance door....he saw a black truck speeding away from this place....Valek looked at the license plate...making a mental note of it....

As Valek looked around he saw only a box....the box made of wood....was carefuly locked....Valek smirmed as he brought the big box inside by lifting it and throwing it in the middle of the room...not knowing what was inside yet....

As Valek got closer to the box he stopped walking.....sensing a Lasombra's aura....Valek raised an eyebrow....and he gripped the top of the box,ripping it off throwing the lid on the wall....the lid exploded into peices....

As Valek looked inside he saw......Adrianna..she was gaged and tied up....She was barely moving,she looked also very weak,probably due to the fact that she haven't fed for nights....Valek took her out of the box and sat her on a chair....and he handed her a blood pouch....she grabbed it slowly....not seeing all the clear yet....
Valek then asked....

"Who did this to you....?"

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 6:09 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
(( hmmm… cool post Valek, :::giggles::: din’t think I was gonna get back to Cascadia so quick. uh… hmmm… I was sorta working on something, a game for all those people who were heading to L.A to rescue my butt. :cool: assuming that they don’t know I’ve ended up in Cascadia I guess all is good and I can go ahead as planned :cool: also I’m too calm for a person who has been through what I’ve been through. I think a half starved vamp would frenzy :::giggles::: you should see me when I end a diet 8P. “pizza yummy!!!” anyway we should take that in game cause I’m sure once you freed me I would have gone insane, would’ve got my hinny kicked too, but insane none the less… :cool: could be fun huh?


I will post a chron time today k.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 1:00 am Reply with quote

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 7:41 am Reply with quote
((ok,ill post something again soon enough lol ))

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 4:31 am Reply with quote
((Ok,well let me know when you can be in game so we can work this whole thing up))

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