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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 12:02 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((ty gabe thanks for letting me play ....hey go eat man will make yourself ill ...:S......:smile::)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 4:38 am Reply with quote
((::wolfs down the last of his sandwich:: ahh...ah yes. the post, remember, my brain probably resembled cookie dough by now so if it's not up to usual standards cut me some slack :smile: anywayz here goes...

Standing next to the oval bath, Gabriel felt blood rushing to areas they hadn't reached in some time. Kathy lay in the sea of bubbles, her hair floating wistfully in the foam barely covering her breasts.
Gabriel gulped and removed his shirt, hanging it on the chair nearby. The shirt was filthy and riddled with bullet holes, really no reason to keep it. Glancing down at his own body he felt remorse once again for not being larger when embraced. His former life as a cargo handler had helped him form an impressive upper torso, but at the time of his embrace he had been at shore for several weeks and had shrunk somewhat, leaving him muscular but slightly thinner than he had been in the past.
Still, his pale skin curved inward over his abdomen, the movement of each muscle visibly apparent. He moved his hands to his belt and hesitated, glancing at Kathy once more. Kathy, her eyes still closed, coughed impatiently.
Gabriel sighed and undid the belt, allowing his pants to fall from his waste and onto the shiny tile. Slowly he stepped into the warm bath water, the bubbles rising around him like a tide. He glanced at the beautiful Toreador across from him and wondered what the proper etiquette was in a situation like this....

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 12:39 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy grinned as she heard gabriel undo his belt and the trousers falling to the tiled floor.
The warm water lapped against her as gabriel got into the bath.
Kathy's eyes opened and she looked at gabriel.
"see that wasn't so bad was it "she said smiling at him.
Gabriel smiled at her his eyes looking around the room, trying to keep his eyes averted from her naked body.
Kathy leaned back and stretched her legs out in the bath, sighing softly as the water lapped against her.

"do I make you nervous gabriel...I get the impression that I do...I dont know why ...I dont bite you know...well not much anyway"
Kathy laughed at the look on gabriels face and touched it softly her fingers trailing down his cheek.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 3:31 pm Reply with quote
Gabriel wore a look of shock as Kathy moved closer to him in the bath. She slid gracefully through the water until Gabriel could feel her torso pressed up against his. Her perfect fingers slid down his cheek, a secretive smile drawn across her face.
Gabriel raised his hand out of the water and placed the palm of his hand gently on her cheek, which even though it had been lifeless for years still looker rosy. The water ran down his hand and forearm, dripping pleasantly. Gabriel felt a bit more at ease than he had all night.
"No Kathy, you don't make me nervous." he said with a grin, "It's just that, since my embrace I haven't had much time or interest in women. But everything about you..." Gabriel trailed off.
Kathy grinned and pushed herself closer, her body forcing the water between them away. Gabriel held in a gasp and replaced it with a satisfied sigh. He looked at the Toreador with desire, his pale green eyes sparkling in the dim lighting.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 4:00 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy slid her body closer to Gabriel's, moaning as she felt his hard body against her.
Her fingers traced the outline of his lips gently, barely touching his cold skin.
Kathy stood up in the bath in front of him, the water running down her body,as she leaned down to kiss him she wrapped her legs around him.
"so shall we stay in the bath...or go into the bedroom?
she grinned.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 4:13 pm Reply with quote
((wuh oh :eek: hehe

Gabriel shuttered with lust and anticipation, feeling slightly light headed in the warm water. He stared longingly at the creature in front of him, her pale body almost glowing even in the dark room. Her form was flawless and Gabriel thought breifly how she had resembled Greek and Roman sculptures, so white and smooth.
"All in good time my dear, why not stay here for the time being?" he said, letting his hands run up her milky thighs. His fingers raced up her ribs and onto her shoulders, at which point he brought himself out of the water as well.
The two stood in the bath, bodies close and radiating undead heat. Gabriel moved in and pressed his lips against hers. He let his hands explore the expanse of her back, all the while in ecstacy.

((off to the University :smile: cya!!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 5:02 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am

Kathy shuddered as she felt his fingers trailing there way over her ribs.Her mouth opened slightly and she moaned as she felt his body pressed tightly against her.
Her fingers ran through his hair and she pulled him to her, her mouth hard on his lips as he kissed her longingly.

((ummm gabe check your messages...hehehehehe

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 5:10 am Reply with quote
Gabriel smiled as Kathy shuddered slightly under his touch. He brought his face slowly away from hers, opening his eyes as he did so. Staring there into her vibrant green eyes he ran his fingers over her lips.
"Kathy...I haven't felt this way in over a century..." Gabriel said. Kathy pressed her finger to his lips and grinned devishly. Slowly she stepped out of the bath, leaving a trail of water behind her naked body.
She walked across the cold tile floor and took a white satin robe from the shelf. Draping it around herself, she turned to Gabriel who sat in the bath watching her.
"Well come along Mr. O'Brien...are you going to sit there all night?" she asked, as she walked towards the bedroom, the robe slipping from her wet body exposing one shoulder seductively. Gabriel practically leaped from the pool of water and followed her into the bedroom...


Gabriel yawned and sat up, the heavy comforter falling from his torso. He glanced towards the window, the outside world obscured by the heavy curtains.
Kathy lay next to him, her face turned up in a soft smile of satisfaction. Gabriel moved a plush throw pillow from his legs and slipped out of the bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping Toreador.
His feet tapped against the white tile as he made his way towards the curtains. The fabric was thick and coarse, allowing no light into the room from the hated sun. Gabriel grabbed each curtain and pulled them open, the night sky expanding before him. From the visage he could see Central Park and the many lights of the city.
He sighed, wondering if Los Requios was even still in the city or if he had already left. His thoughts drifted to his had been too long. Where could he be? Was he alright? A single line of blood drifted down his white cheek and Gabriel wiped it away forcefully cursing himself for being so weak.
The sound of door opening echoed through the room and Gabriel turned towards the main doors. Keifer stood in the doorway smiling broadly, dressed in a heavy black robe.
"Not bad..." he said whistfully. For the first time Gabriel realized he was completely naked. He lept away from the window, now completely exposing his manhood to Keifer. "not bad at ALL..."
Gabriel ran across the room, his powers of celerity in full effect and leapt into the bed. The matress shook violently as Gabriel burrowed himself under the covers. Kathy jolted awake, rubbing her eyes.
"W...what's going on?" she said, a yawn nearly drowing out her words.
"Come on sweetheart," Keifer said laughing. "you've got a visitor." Keifer left the room leaving the doors wide open.
Gabriel shrugged and looked at Kathy...

((okay Kath...go for it. :smile:

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 1:49 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
"who is it keifer "kathy asked sleepily as he walked out of the room.
"come and see "he shouted back.
Kathy wriggled down under the covers with gabriel.
He laughed as he felt her hand trailing down his leg.
"shouldn't you go see your visitor?" he said kissing her face gently.
"It wont be anyone important, noone knows Im here so they can wait"
Kathy began to slowly kiss her way down gabriel's body her hand
slipping between his legs.gabriel moaned softly as he felt her
sliding down his body, her lips brushing his skin.
Gabriel stopped her and pulled the covers off his head,sensing
someone in the room.
"Don't mind me, I dont mind watching, kathy will tell you that,
I take it that that is kathy between your legs is it ?"
Gabriel blushed at the stranger.
Kathy pushed the covers of herself quickly.
"Connor, what are you doing here?" she said happily, scrambling
over to him dragging the sheets with her.
Gabriel frantically tried to grab the sheets as she dragged them with
her, but ended up covering himself with a cushion.
"well keifer called me, and told me what had happened last night, tell
me little one, would you have told me, or would you have left me to
find out about it on the grapevine, like I did the bombing of the
elysium?" he said sternly.
Gabriel eyed the stranger up closely.
Connor noticed "little one where are your manners, introduce us please"
Kathy looked at gabriel.."this is Connor, my sire..and this connor,
Is Gabriel O' Brien"
the two men nodded at each.
"please kathy give him some covers, hes ventrue if im not mistaken and they
arent as flagrant as us toreadors are" connor laughed.
Kathy looked back at Connor as she went back to gabriel and
shared the covers with him, snuggling into his arms.
she hadn't told him about the bombing because
she feared that he would call her back to Paris.
"Im sorry I should have told you " she bowed her head.
"yes you should have anyway help is on its way, It took sometime but I
managed to track him down, he should be on his way here as we speak,
I swear he must just disappear at times, and Mr.O' Brien, anything you
want doing just ask him, he comes highly recommended, believe me Ive seen
him in action" connor said glancing at Gabriel.
Kathy's eyes widened.."connor, no you haven't, not him please, you know
I dont get on with him" she said worriedly.
"what do you want me to do kathy, tell him not to bother coming, I think
not this problem needs sorting, and let me tell you this little one,you
will get along with him, you will get him everything he needs, thats an order
from me" connor scowled at her.
Kathy muttered under her breathe.
Gabriel kissed her head softly "Im sure hes not that bad kathy"
Kathy looked up at him "you wait till you meet him see what you think"

Coonor looked at the two of them and smiled.
"well I really must be going I have many things to do before I fly back
to paris, very pleased to meet you Mr.O'Brien, kathy a word in private please"
Connor said as he walked out fo the room.
Kathy pulled a face at gabriel" he will want to shout at me now "
she grinned as she got out of bed and pulled the silk robe on.
"I'll be right back dont you move " she said kissing his cheek.
Gabriel watched as she walked out of the room and into the corridor.
Connor was standing by the door waiting for her.
"so little one who is your new plaything?" he grinned
"you are so nosey at times connor, well you know his name and he is seneschal
of cascadia and he is not a plaything, hes different , special in a way"
Kathy smiled softly at her Sire.
"very well little one.."
"and dont even ask what we did last night "
he laughed loudly his laughter echoing down the corridor.
"he must be special if you wont share details with me! he kissed her on
her pale cheek and kathy walked back into the bedroom as her sire walked
down the corridor.
Gabriel was laid on the bed, the sheets draped across his chest with his eyes
closed.kathy tiptoed across to him and looked down at him, the scratch
marks she had made when they had made love now nearly healed.
Kathy jumped on his straddling his chest and gabriel opened his eyes looking
up at her.
"so are we getting up yet?"

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 3:35 pm Reply with quote
Gabriel sighed slightly, looking at Kathy with a longing of a beggar for food. Her white robe flaring open slightly in the chest, nearly exposing her boxom breasts. Gabriel shook his head, clearing away the temptation.
"Aye, we should get goin Kathy, we've much to do." he said, slowly wedging his way out from under her. He stepped off the bed and glanced to the bath where he had left his clothes the night before. He felt resistance as he realized Kathy had draped her soft arms around his waste. He turned his head to look back at her. She sat on the bed in the bare, smiling seductively to him.
" don't understand," she said narrowing her eyes, "I don't WANT to get up yet..." Gabriel felt his heart race as those now familiar urges came rushing back to his mind and body.
His body began to tingle with warmth as the blood pumped furiously, he noticed himself darkening as he filled with fresh vitae. He was nearly the color Sorenti was when he disappeared, a tannish golden brown. He glanced down and quickly noticed that the blood had indeed made it's way EVERYWHERE.
"Well....I suppose we have a LITTLE time to kill...." Gabriel said, whirling around and pushing Kathy onto her back playfully. He climbed onto the bed over her, pinning her by the wrists. She moaned slightly as he ground his pelvis against hers. Gabriel leaned close to her ear and whispered softly. "what's say we have some fun?"


Three hours later Kathy crawled out of the Roman style bed, her body glistening with blood sweat. Gabriel closely followed. The two made their way towards the bath, Kathy climbed in the chilled water and shivered uncomfortably. A shrill shriek called out from the doorway.
"EEEEK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" a shocked Keifer cried, "Didn't I say this was a ROMAN room??" Keifer shook his head and clapped twice.
Four women in white robes flowed into the room from the hallway, sweeping past the smiling Keifer. They looked like sisters, long black hair framing their gentle warm faces. They surrounded the naked Kindred couple, leading Kathy out of the bath.
One of the servants worked on Kathy's nails and toenails as the other worked on warming the bathwater up and filling it with rose petals.
The other two wrapped a towel around Gabriel's naked waste and got to work grooming him, shaving his face gently. Gabriel stared at the women, they seemed normal enough, but in their eyes Gabriel could see their blood lust. They were ghouls certainly.
They went about their work smiling and completely at ease. As they finished his shave Gabriel thought for a moment.
"If you would, could you cut my hair?" he asked. The ghouls snapped to attention.
"How would you like it cut?" one asked. From behind her, Kathy looked at Gabriel questioningly. Gabriel smiled slightly.
"I want it all off. No longer than half an inch in length." Gabriel said confidently. "They'll be looking for a long haired Kindred, this at least may throw the dumber ones off."
Kathy nodded and continued with her bath. Eventually Gabriel was able to join her and found that washing his hair was no task as it was nearly all gone.
The two climbed out of the bath, their bodies clean and scented as morning roses. The servants stood by the door each holding articles of clothing. Their old clothes had been sent to the cleaners apparently. Gabriel thought of the bullet holes in his shirt and wondered why even bother?
He walked over to his servants and examined the clothes. A sleeveless white undershirt with a black threaded turtleneck. Relaxed fit jeans with black work boots. Gabriel sighed, he looked like young new age coffee sipping philosopher. But he supposed it was okay, considering he was embraced at 22 it worked out.
He turned to Kathy to admire the clothes selected for her....

((i'll let you choose yer own! :P

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 5:31 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy frowned at keifers choice of casual clothing and pulled on the light green combat pants, looking in the mirror at them .
"what do you think gabriel...not quite me but they will have to do "
Gabrile grinned at the combat pants, they sat low on her hips and as she turned around the top of her small thong showed.
"I think there nice kathy really" he smiled
Kathy slipped on the tight white vest top and the zip up hooded sweater.
"well I suppose I look different which is good if we are to evade the hunters" kathy said slipping her feet into the trainers.
Kathy walked over to gabriel and touched his short hair,"I prefer it longer but you look very different and the clothes sort of suit you, you look very arty"
Kathy laughed as he pushed her playfully.

((cant post much I have to go to work, going to put a bit about lamb on a new thread :smile:

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 5:08 am Reply with quote
Gabriel smiled as he lightly pushed Kathy away, taking another moment to glance at himself in the ornate hand mirror one of the servants held up to him. His hair was certainly a lot shorter, he couldn't remember ever having it so short. He shrugged and glanced down at his clothes.
"Artsy huh?" he asked. "Great, just the look I was going for." He steeped his voice in sarcasm.
"Oh come on now Gabriel. It can't be THAT bad." Kathy said, smiling.
"Not as bad as those cargo pants true..." Gabriel said and swiftly received a hard smack from Kathy on the hind quarters.

(( sorry Kathy, tonight i'm just wiped...i can't even BEGIN to write a decent post...i will in the morning however. :smile:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 11:54 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((its ok gabe :smile::)no worries

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 3:42 pm Reply with quote
Gabriel smiled slightly as he took Kathy's hand and led her out of the room towards the hallway. The servant girls scurried to catch up but Gabriel strode across the floor in a determined march.
They walked into Keifer's bar room, modern art and contrasting colors thrown all over the room. Gabriel approached Keifer at the bar, a broad smile on his face. Keifer turned around and looked at the vibrant Ventrue.
"Ah...evening sunshine." he said, his wrist limply flopping from side to side, "Sleep well? Looks like you did. I just LOVE the outfit." Gabriel glanced down over his clothes once more.
"Umm...yes me too. Kathy and I must be on our way for now. Thank you for all your help." Gabriel smiled and pushed past all the nude dancers, still leading Kathy by the hand. When they emerged on the street it was a busy New York night as usual. Men coming home from work, shoppers busily scurrying down the street, yapping as they did.
Gabriel stepped out to the street and raised his hand to signal a taxi. A taxi screeched to a stop inside of them, Gabriel opening the door and allowing Kathy to climb in.

((graaaaaah this is driving me CRAZY!! i have such writers block

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 10:14 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
(well where are we going gabe? are we going back to see thay guy about requis,or are we going back to cascadia? or are we just running from the hunters? :smile::) my icq is kaputt :;cries::

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