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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Torn...

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 3:15 pm Reply with quote
((ive been told this post is kinda sick so you might not want to read it lol...))

Mark watched as his new whip Echoe took on his form in a attempt to deceive the rest of the inner circle and prevent anyone from interfering in his "quest" that had taken on dynamic proportions. As Echoe entered back into the meeting hall with his guitar case still in his hand and looking like Mark the real Mark began to walk down the streets until he became shrouded in shadow. As he dissapeard into the darkness he activated his obfuscate powers and headed towards the outskirts of the city.

On his way he walked past the ruins of the old elysium. He took a moment to scan the scene that took place only a few nights ago and had left his body in a weakened and scarred state. He let his white silk robes fall from his body becoming visible as it landed on the floor escaping his obfuscate powers. Mark continued on his journey now dressed only in his black T-shirt, black trousers and black shoes.

It wasn’t long until he had arrived at the location. This place was not familiar to him. He had never seen the building before but it was almost as if there had been a magnetic connection between the two of them. Something had been drawing him here and he didn’t know why.

The building was constructed from old large grey stones and the door was wooden. It was surrounded by a small dense area of woodland. He pushed the door aside and stepped in leaving the door wide open behind himself.

The door led to a single large room. In the centre of the room was a large rectangular object constructed from heavy slabs of marble. Upon the table was a vibrant red table cloth with black markings that were unfamiliar to Mark. Candles stood in holders a light at either end of the 7 foot table. One of the corners had several makeshift beds and in the opposite corner large crates were stacked.

Mark scanned the room. Why was he here? What was this place? How did he find it? He leant over the table and ran his eyes from end to end. Strange black markings, why couldn’t he understand them? Why couldn’t he understand anything. Why couldn’t he read. Everyone could read. If only he could read.

In a fit of anger he swung his arms across the table sending the cloth and the candles hurling across the room. A black mist began to cover over his innocent ice blue eyes and his face transformed into one of a hurt child. He ran his left hand through his hair. He saw the horrific burning on his arms exposed by his short black T-shirt. His hand gripped tightly to his hair. His eye burning with a look of anger he pulled out a large clump of his hair. He brought his hand down in front of his eyes and looked at the hair in his clutch.

Why was he a freak? Why did everyone mock him? No one knew the real him… why did they torment him. Because he his a reject. His mother… oh his mother. How she would look at him in disgust. His father beat him because he was a mistake. He killed him to save her… his own mother. Why did she do that to him… and then she… the other she. She made him this way. All he ever did was hurt people.

He turned and pressed the front of his body up against one of the stone walls. He swung the left side of his body back pivoting on his right shoulder and slamming his left shoulder into the wall as hard as he could. The sickening sound of bone striking solid stone filled the room. A single blood tear rolled down his face.

"why…" he spoke in a pitiful voice before pulling his left shoulder back and slamming it back into the wall. He kept repeating that one single word over and over again each time his voice become more desperate. Each time he spoke the word his shoulder struck the wall. The sequence was becoming more rapid. His shoulder and collar bone were beginning to get crushed . With one last final smack into the wall the bone let out a fear full shattering sound.

But he didn’t stop. His shoulder continued to strike against the wall. Shards of his bones were embedding themselves in his skin, stabbing him from the inside out. The repetitive banging had began to rip holes in his shirt allowing his flesh to strike against the rough stone ripping open old wounds.

The pain finely grew to great and he turned round pressing his back hard against the wall. He slowly slid down the wall until he was slumped down. His head hanged low tears began to rush from his eyes leaving streaks of blood down his face. He cupped his right hand over his face and cried into it. He finely began to regain control. His crying turned into slow sobs. He moved his hand across his face in an attempt to wipe away his tears.

What was that he felt. He ran the soft finger tips of his right hand down the left hand side of his face. The burns. Not only was he a freak on the inside he was ugly. Ugly through and through. Shunned by everyone for what was inside him and now for what was outside of him. Why… why didn’t people see the real him… what was the real him… was there a real him.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Hs dug his fingers deep into his flesh and drug them down from the top of his head to the base of his left neck. His finger nails dug deep into the burnt skin ripping away all the healing that had begun via the aid of his vampiric abilities. Five individual deep scratch marks could be seen down the side of his face seeping blood .

He took hold of his head in his right hand and slowly rocked back and forth in silence. His eyes returned to there innocent ice blue colour

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-12-03 10:24 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-12-03 13:44 ]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 4:31 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((markie noooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where are you baby ? karl go find him....jeez poor baby

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 4:33 pm Reply with quote

Kevin was around 5’10 with a slightly athletic build. He was American and carried himself as if he was the king of the world. His cocky stance and smarmy attitude would make everyone but a slut think he was a asshole. He was dressed in slack dark clothes.

His partner was towering at a height of around 6’5. His skin was dark and wrapped around large muscles. His build was that of a body builder and although he was amazingly more cocky than Kevin, Toni was lacking the smarmy attitude.

It would of appeared as though Kevin was the brains of the couple of hooligans and Toni was the brute strength. Toni had a steel baseball bat slung over his shoulder. They walked in through the door and saw Mark slumped down in the corner.

"well well well… what fuck head do we have hear " Kevin smirked as he chewed hard on his gum.
" I say we play a little trick on his face" Toni had a determined look on his face.
"Lets not rush things T…" He grinned then kneeled down by the side of the distressed mark. " hey…."
Silence followed as Mark ignored Kevin
"what’s the matter fuck head? Why you all upset ? You miss your mom booo hooo."
Another silence perused
" Sucks don’t it…. I miss her two. Boy was she a good fuck…" Kevin made a groaning noise as Toni looked on and tried not to laugh. A single tear ran down the side of marks right cheek. Kevin looked over Marks face.
"damn freak I’m talking to you!"
Another long silence came and Kevin backed away from Mark who was still rocking silently. Kevin looked at Toni and shrugged.
"go ahead…. Its not like you can make him look any worse."

Toni walked up to the right hand side of Mark and loomed over him. "You got something to say pretty boy before I make both sides of your face look like dates? Hey do me a favour… scream. It makes it more fun…"

Toni gripped his baseball bat hard in his hands and swung with all his force. The solid steel of the bat made contact with the side of marks face striking across his temple. Mark flew across the room several feet before landing hard on his left shoulder. The bones in is collar bone made another crunching noise. He let out a little pain filled yelp. The bludgeoning damage was intense. A mass of internal bleeding appeared around the side of his temple and a dent was visible in the side of his face.

"Toni you fucker, Don’t go killing him in one fucking go!"
"hey tough luck dipshit ill do what I…."

Mark began to push himself up on his knees and his right arm. His left arm hanging limp. Toni walked slowly over to Mark and as soon as he had got up into a crawling position swung his bat from underneath striking Marks right hand side Ribs causing the only recently healed bones to snap once more. Mark flew into the air once more spinning before landing on his back.

Mark let out a loud groan as he coughed up a mouth full of blood. Toni had tremendous strength and Mark was unsure weather this guy was a Kindred or a Kine. Toni walked over to the side of Marks face he had hit with the bat and pulled his foot back striking it Hard with his boot. Marks head swung to the left hand side. Marks face was now covered in sever bruising

Mark tried to pull himself up into a sitting position. His left arm still hanging limp.

"This is one little tough fuck head Kev" Toni glanced over Mark and stopped with his eyes focused on Marks left shoulder " But I think I may know what to do with him"

The guy walked round to the other side of Mark and placed his left boot on Marks shoulder. Using all his strength he pushed Marks body down back against the floor. The pressure caused by his foot on the shattered shoulder bones caused almost unbearable pain. Marks eyes rolled back and his mouth opened wide letting out a silent scream.

" scream fucker….. " He ground his foot across the shoulder as if he were stamping out a cigarette butt.
"SCREAM LOUD BITCH!" He pulled his foot back and let it slam down on the shoulder again. The pain sent jolts through marks whole body. Marks back arched and his body convulsed.

" Hey Toni I don’t think he’s going to scream for you…."
" Wanna bet…."

Toni picked Mark up and slammed his body up against the wall. Marks head hanged low. The repetitive slamming against hard stone surfaces was causing heavy bruising though out marks body. Old wounds form the Elysium incident were burning a new in agony.

Toni places his hand gripping tightly to Marks Left shoulder, squeezing hard forcing the shards of bone and flesh into each other. He brought his other hand back holding the bat ready to strike.

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-12-03 12:24 ]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 5:16 pm Reply with quote

Toni brought his arm forward then suddenly stopped. He was looking deep into Marks eyes. Mark returned the gaze his eyes once more covered in a black mist. Toni’s grip around marks left shoulder loosened and Mark slid down the wall back onto his feet from the slightly raised position.

Mark reached out his right hand at the same time as Toni’s grip loosened on the bat and it fell into Marks hand.

Toni stood back from mark and shook his head rapidly looking like a scared child.
"Dad I didn’t …. No it was her fault. She wouldn’t listen….DAD I swear" Tears began to swell in Toni’s eyes and he dropped to his knees " I didn’t know…. How was I meant to know he’d rape her….DAD please don’t… I swear…."

Kevin looked oddly at Toni from his sitting position " what the fuck is your problem dude?"

Mark raised the bat. "Scream bitch…" Mark swung the bat with as much strength as could muster. Although his body was weakened a deep anger and hate was burning inside him renewing his strength. The bat struck Toni across the right hand side of the face in almost the exact same place that he had been hit. Toni fell backwards smashing the back of his head against the solid marble table. His skull was cracked open and blood was pouring out of the back of his head.

Mark then flipped the bat over holding onto the bat end. He thrust the grip end down and into the chest of Toni.

The blunt metal caused great agony as it struck ripping through the tough skin and firm muscles until it smashed its way past his ribs and into the heart. The sound of the internal organ rupturing filled the room. Toni let out a sharp scream of agony that ended prematurely as his body became lifeless.

Mark cocked his head to the side raised an eyebrow and glared at Kevin while still looming over the lifeless corpse of Toni


PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 5:57 pm Reply with quote

Kevin starred in awe at the scene before him. He reached his hand into his jacket and fumbled around reaching for his gun. Marked walked slowly trying to hide the pain from his face s he approached Kevin. He wasn’t sure weather it was his appearance that was scaring the thug or the fact that he had just watched his partner get killed at Mark’s hands.

The guy stumbled furiously for his gun he finally managed to pull it out. He reached his arm out forward trying to point it at Mark. Mark used his right arm to knock Kevin’s arm to side startling him before grabbing hold of the barrel of the gun and wrenching it free of the thugs hand.

Mark turned the gun round in his hand and placed it at Kevin’s temple. Kevin looked at the gun out of the corner of his eyes. His cocky attitude was concealing his fear remarkably well.
"Shoot me fuck head… I don’t think you can shoot a innocent man"

Mark lowered the gun from the guys head and dropped his arm to his side. Kevin smirked and spat out his gum. His right hand reach round the back of his coat for something. Mark raised the gun and pointed at Kevin’s left knee and fired then before Kevin could react he let of another shot into his right knee.

Kevin’s legs buckled and he fell to the floor moaning loudly in horror. " God damn fuck head" He was squirming around the floor clutching onto his knees. Mark placed the gun on the side of the table and walked back over Kevin.

Kevin quickly froze still in fear staring up into Marks black eyes. "please… no more…." His body was trembling and his lips quivering as tears began to swell in his eyes.

Mark wrapped his right hand tightly round Kevin’s neck. Kevin futily tried to claw at marks hands to remove the iron grip from his neck. Mark lifted him up by his grip raising him up several inches from the ground. Mark then slammed Kevin’s body down against the hard solid marble table. The sound of several of his bones cracking could be heard.

Kevin’s faced changed to one of pure agony. He tried to scream but Marks grip round his neck made it impossible. Mark let his grip round his neck relax.

"You k..k…kill me and you’ll regret it.. f…fuck head"

Mark pulled back his hand and punched it into the thugs stomach. The fist burst through his skin and ended its journey embedded deep in his ruptured stomach.

"Your goanna die… if you don’t die from the stomach acids eating you from the inside out you’ll die from infection or blood loss. It will be slow but you will die…."

Kevin starred at Mark. He was going to die. The pain in his body was immense. He tried to scream but that just increased the amount of pain he was feeling. He bit down hard on his lips trying to master the agonising pain that was consuming him.

"Oh but I can make it quick… just beg me and ill end it quickly…"

He didn’t know what to do but cry. He opened his mouth to speak. Blood was pouring from almost every of his orifices.

"Kill me now…. Please…ahhhhh…."

Mark withdrew his fist from Kevin’s body makeing a suction noise. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a long red Crayon. Mark kept his eyes on Kevin.

"Crayon….."Mark examined it in front of his eyes "You know I feel like a crayon sometimes…."Kevin listened intently with a fear struck face

"this little cute and childish toy…. For fun…. Whooooa it like makes colours. People think I’m some little childish fool. They either pity me or patronise me…. I want them to like me for who I am…"

Mark leaned his face in close to Kevin

"look at my face….. how could anyone like me…. Would you like me?"

Kevin remained silent

Mark tried to mimic Kevin "Damn freak I’m talking to you!… well I guess I gotta kill you now. Who would of thought that this little thing would be the end of such a big boy like yourself?"

Mark took the Crayon firmly in his hand and started to press it slightly against Kevin’s eye with slowly increasing pressure. Kevin was screaming almost constantly his body convulsing violently.

"sucks don’t it…." Mark smirked and rammed the crayon through the guys eye and deep into his brain. Kevin’s body slowly became still, twitching occasionally.

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-12-03 13:51 ]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 6:07 pm Reply with quote

Mark stood staring at Kevin for what could of been an eternity. A smile constantly filled his face. A sudden pain began to rush through his head like a jolt of electricity. His eyes had once again taken on there natural Ice blue colour.

His smile turned to a look of disgust at what he had done. The pain that had been inflicted from his self trauma and beating suddenly flooded back into his body. The agonising pain returned and he fell down hard to his side.

He landed on his left shoulder. The sickening pain was unendurable and he coughed up a small amount of blood before he entered a incapacitated state.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 7:22 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy walked down the street heading towards her haven.Her mind drifted back to earlier and they peculiar way that mark had acted.
Maybe been caught in the bomb attack had upset him more than they realised.
The wind blow down the street and kathy shivered her step increasing wanting to get to the safety of her haven.
As she walked past the ruins of the elysium something white caught her eye.
Kathy walked over to it and looked at the white robe....
" here?" she looked around.....
Her hands went to pick the robe up and she stood looking around the site.
"mark dont play games are you here somewhere hiding .....?"
Kathy sighed and closed her eyes, using spirits touch.
Kathy gasped as images flashed into her head, an intense pain struck her body hard and she fell to one knee.
"mark....where are you ......"she gripped the robe tightly as she saw a wooded area and a building.....a brick building .....mark.....she saw him laid down slumped in the corner......and someone was with him.......dear god no....she let go off the robe as she saw what looked like a baseball bat been raised.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 10:55 pm Reply with quote

Mark felt a quick jabbing pain to his rubs at the same spot where he had been struck with the steel baseball bat. His first reaction was to curl up but he was unable to move. He was dazed and confused as if sedated. He felt a more powerful kick and he let out a grunt of pain. He tried to pulls his ribs away into a defensive position but he was still unable to move. He began to stir.

He heard a voice that sounded like it belonged in a distant long forgotten dream
"Good evening Markus…" the voice was elegant and gently and belonged to a female. The voice was eerie and chillingly familiar.

Mark struggled to open his eyes then let his head fall back as if to drift back into his incapacitated state. He felt a slight irritation on his chest. This feeling was however very rapidly replaced with that of an acidic burning of his flesh.

He bit down hard gritting his teeth together as his eyes opened wide and grunts of pain left his mouth. The pain soon subsided and his eyes surveyed his surroundings. He was sat in a upright position in one of the corners of the room. His black T-shirt had been removed and he was now sat topless with his hands chained behind his back and attached to the wall behind him. More chains were also wrapped around his abs and connected to the others effectively preventing him from moving.

The women in front of him was holding a vial of holywater. A trail of chemical burns could be seen down marks naked chest from where she had poured the water to awaken him. His eyes quickly settled on the women’s face. His face filled with a subtle fusion of pain, horror and confusion

She knelt beside him and smiled at him coyly.

"Miss me?"

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-12-03 16:55 ]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 11:45 pm Reply with quote

"I bet you never expected so me again did you" She stood and walked over to the marble table sliding backwards and taking a seat on it. She then effortlessly brushed the corpse of Kevin off the table

" But your dead…"

She let out a little laugh then shook her head slowly from side to side "No my sweet little childe. I am far from death."

"But I…" Mark’s tone of voice reflected the confusion he was feeling

"YOU STAKED ME AND LEFT ME TO DIE!" Her eyes narrowed as a evil look filled her face "I have lived this life for 800 years now. I had embraced seven children into this world. I gave each one of them almost a century to follow under my protection and guidance"

Her left hand moved to the side clasping her hand over the pistol which she took before sliding back of the table and moving once more over to Mark.

"And then I met you Mr. Archer. I embraced you.. I gave you a new life I…"
"You gave me nothing all you did was too…."

Mark felt the cold steel hilt of the gun strike him across the right hand side of his jaw chipping the bone and filling his mouth with blood that slowly oozed out of the corner of his now limp mouth caused by the dislocation of his jaw

"I gave you everything. I saved you from the streets. I remade you into what you are today. And you thanked me how?"

She kept her eyes focused on his. She moved her hand and softly stroked the bone of his jaw which she had just struck.

"My poor poor lost child…." His eyes closed tightly.
"You drove a piece of wood through my heart and left me dead…. To burn in the sun" She slapped him hard across his jaw. Mark yelped in agonizing pain from the striking of her hand. His whole body moved from the strike causing the chains to yank on his traumatized left shoulder. His eyes rolled back in his head as he made a gurgling noise.

Her voice was now sounding more upset than angry. "But somehow you failed….and I had to wait 150 years living in my dreams until I was awoken from Torpor"

She placed a hand under his chin and clenched it around his jaw squeezing tightly while forcing him to look her in the eyes. Marks eyes were full of sadness, pain and anguish.

"Do you know what it feels like to live in your worst nightmare for what seemed like a eternity? Let me try and help you understand…."

She placed the gun against Marks left shoulder and pulled the trigger at point blank range. Mark let out an agonizing scream.

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-12-03 17:49 ]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 11:49 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
"You alright love, you lost something?" the cab driver asked as he looked at the woman stooped on the ground.
"what.....yes Im fine..." kathy's eyes flashed slightly from the pain she had felt and she stood up and walked to the cab.
"I need a lift though to the city hall"
He nodded at her and stared at her face..these young people today always looked like they needed some sun he thought as he drove through the city.
Kathy sat in silence, the images that she had seen filling her head.

Kathy got out of the cab and ran up the steps to Mr.Buchanan.
"kathy my dear, you look lovely as always"
Kathy smiled slightly at him, hoping that he wouldnt want polite conversation.
He led kathy into the building and flashed his security pass at the guard.
"what is it your looking for?, you said on the phone that you want to see pictures of any future development areas.....are you go into the property market at all?"
Kathy smiled thinly "no not at all, im just curious about a certain place thats all , perhaps it would make a good meeting place for the little parties that i give for you business types"
He nodded and grinned at her wickedly...
He opened his office door and showed kathy the computer.
"all the photographs we have are on here" he leaned over her clicking on a file, his eyes leering at kathy's breasts jutting out of her jacket.
She took the mouse off him and began clicking on the photographs.
Kathy sat for what felt like hours, her patience growing thinner by the minute.Mr Buchanan sat at his clerks desk watching her.
Just as she was about to give up she found it, her eyes widened as she looked at the picture.
"Ive found it..where is this place?"
mr.buchanan looked at the number on the photograph and matched it to another file.
"its not far outside the I'll write down the directions for you " he scribbled them down on a piece of paper.
Kathy Grabbed the piece of paper off him and stood up.
"did you come in your porsche tonight" she asked smiling falsely.
"of course I did when have you ever known me to use public transport or walk" he waved the kesy in front of her.
"now might be a good time to start " kathy grinned as she grabbed the keys from him and ran out of the door.
"I'll return the car later! " she shouted back at him.
"damn that woman , why does she always get her own way" he muttered under his breath.
Kathy sat in the porsche and looked at the building closely, it looked derelict, the windows in it where smashed and grimy with dirt.
Kathy called Karl's haven and left a message for him telling him where she was.
Her fingers dialled gabriels number quickly and she smiled as she heard his voice on the answerphone.
"gabriel its kathy, look I dont know quite what im doing, but I think mark's in trouble, I think Ive found him, its hard to explain, but look this is where I am "
Kathy reeled of the address on the pice of paper.
Kathy stepped out of the car and looked around her.
what the hell am I doing she thought as she approached the building cautiously.
The thick wooden door was wide open and kathy walked to it and looked inside.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2001 11:59 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy froze as she heard a shrill scream breaking the silence.
she looked back to the car thinking that would be a real good idea just get in it and drive back to the city.
But mark...she knew he was here or had at least been here..
She hesitated at the doorway and then stepped inside to the dimly lit room.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 1:26 am Reply with quote
(( GREAT job babe!!!! Really ... excellent work .. :smile:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 2:07 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
((Great job ......both of you ...REALLY..I mean it :grin:

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 2:10 am Reply with quote

She took a firm grip on both of Mark’s shoulders. She pulled him up into a standing position. She pushed the thumb on her right hand into the bullet hole in marks shoulder. The wound was considerably smaller than her finger. The stretching sensation added another kind of pain that his Shoulder has had to endure.

"The last 50 years after I awoke I have dedicated to finding you. That day you stole something of mine…."
She reached and took hold of one of Marks fingers.
"This ring is passed down between the generations from Sire to Childe… you are no longer my childe…"
She covered Marks mouth with one of her hands and using the other she gave a firm sharp yank on the finger with the ring on it snapping the finger away the hand.

Marks screams were silenced by her hand. She placed her face only inches away from Marks.
"that confusion, self pity, self loathing you have been feeling lately in your head, along with your need to find me here… tonight…" She smiled warmly "Well lets just say I can be very persuasive with my thoughts."

Her hand then gripped tightly around Mark’s neck. Marks face had become void of emotion. There was no look of pain, anger, sadness. His state was almost catatonic.

Kathy entered silently approaching Mark and his sire from behind. Kathy noticed Mark pinned against the wall and she gasped before calling out his name.

Mark’s sire turned around quickly to face Kathy. She smiled then glanced down at the baseball bat embedded in the chest of the corpse before returning her glance to Kathy. The baseball bat moved swiftly across the room following her stare until striking Kathy unsuspectingly across the back of her head.

The full force of the bat hit Kathy. Her body was hurtled forward slightly her head banging heavily against the wall before she fell to the floor.

Mark’s sire returned her gaze into Mark’s eyes.
"Looks like iv worn out my welcome" she smiled then brought her knee up with full force into Mark’s groin. His body slid down the wall still constrained in the chains. His face still not showing any sign of feeling.

She then slowly left the building via the large wooden doors.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 2:12 am Reply with quote
((sorry that last post sucked lol.... but i was getting tired and i knew i wouldnt be able to sleep with out reaching some kind of conclusion to the story...

((sorry your part was kinda small there kathy but she would of just torn you up in a fight...

But shes gone for now.... thank goodness lol anyone for picking up the pieces? ))

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