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< Ancient Tomes ~ When the gypsies come to town |
Isis du Mare
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 7:59 pm |
Sitting alone in a dark corner, Isis looks around. She sees the various bodies pass in front, all of whom she knew. She saw mark sitting at his usual spot at the bar with a glass of pineapple juice playing with his toy soldier and the stuffed pineapple that she had just given him. She smiles when she sees the childlike happiness as he plays. She watches Viviane walk up to her nad sees Karl enter and gesture for mark to follow him. She watches as Mark obeys. She offers Viviane a seat and see the couple walk out the door.
She and Viviane chat for a short time before she says she has a gift for Isis.
"Really?", she asks her wondering why she would have a gift for her.
She goes on to pull out a lovely necklace with two snake intertwined. Isis graciously accepts it as she notices a stranger in an overcoat and a derby enter the room. She keeps on looking at him as she talks to Viviane.
When Viviane mentions her wedding the strange man says, "So, your finally getting married are you?"
"Excuse me?", she answers looking at the strange man with a scrutinizing eye.
She watches him as he approaches and he moves his hat. She sees his face. She knows who he is. It is someone she hasn't seen in a long time. Viviane gets up to protect Isis.
"No, Viviane you don't need to worry. I know him.", she tells Viviane putting a hand on her.
"How are you Ash?", she asks seeming happy to see him.
"How is the Order?",she continues before he can answer.
He coughs and says,"Well, but things have changed since the last time I saw you."
Isis notices that he looks a little more pale.
"Are you ok?", she asks him.
"I'm fine, but things have changed.", he answers her.
She walks up to him and puts a hand on his face. He feels cold, alot colder then she remembers. She knows then what he means by things have changed.
"So what clan are you?", she asks him looking him in the eye.
"I'm more like you then the mage I was.", he answers.
"I know, but what clan are you?", she repeats almost jokingly.
"Ravnos.", he answers. Then he creates a rose out of thin air and hands it to her.
She takes the rose with a smile as Viviane asks, "Who is this?"
"This is Ash Mercadian of clan Ravnos.", she anwers before Ash can say a word.
He bows and creates another rose out of thin air and gives it Viviane. As he hands the rose to her, a deep growl escapes one of the corners. Isis looks up and Sees the source, Echoe.
"It's ok Echoe.", she tells him.
Just as Isis mentions these words Viviane leaves the illusory rose on the table and walks over to Echoe and places her head on his lap. Isis rolls her eyes at their displays of affection.
"How did you find me Ash", she asks.
((okie, eric, you can tke it away if you wish, or i can work on it more, just tell what you think. :grin:
Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 10:33 pm |
(( I know im not Eric but i decided id let you know what i thought of your post anyways lol
Its cool i love it :P Get your ass in gear Eric cus i wanna read some more.
Love the Pineapple of MoooGoFarrrness))
Isis du Mare
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2001 8:37 pm |
He looks at her, but never answers the question. Instead he evades and asks her about her pending nuptials.
"So, who are you getting married to?", he asks.
"I'm getting married to Mr. Black. the "guest" of mine.", she replies matter of factishly.
She looks at Ash, not fully understanding where he had found her. She shakes her head, and then looks back at him.
In the background both Ash and Isis hears, "Let's go home."
Isis recognizes it as Echoe's voice. She looks at the door and sees Viviane and Echoe leave. Ash look as well, and checks to make sure that they're gone.
"God, i'm glad I'm not a member of the Cam. I couldn't imagine what it's like to be human again. I think that's why I like independent the best. How can you stay here?", he shudders and asks her.
"Can't you guess why I'm here? And, thanks i appreciate the compliment.", she says and looks at him disparigingly.
she comes to her senses, looks around and says, "You might want to bite your tongue in here. You never knows who might be listening. We'll finish this in my haven. Come.", she says gesturing him to follow.
They leave Elysium and hop in Isis's Boxster and take off to her haven. SHe forces Ash to cover his eyes, much in the matter she did with Jensill, and led him to her haven. Once they were safely inside she took her hand away.
"Welcome to your temporary home. Now what do you want to know.", she says with great flourish.
"Oh, that's right, why am i here.", she continues, "Can't you see how pure this place is. There is no hint of the hand of Set. I have been getting the call to Ombos though. However the Temple thinks that I could better serve Set here. And I am enclined to agree."
She looks at him to see if he really understands what she's saying. She knows he does, but she still needs that visual confirmation.
"So, why are you here Ash?", she asks.
"I'm here because I have something I need to tell you. When I first saw you in Rome 100 years ago I...", he starts saying reluctantly.
Isis goes and sits down on her leather couchas he starts his story.
"I always had some feelings towards you. I didn't really notice them until we finished what we were doing. After you had left I had realized i had fallen in love with you.", he finishes.
As those words left his mouth she puts her finger across his lips.
"You know that those feeling can never be fulfilled now. I never wanted this to happen. I didn't expect to find someone I love, I have never had it happen to me before. But when I first saw Jensill, it just felt right. I don't expect you to understand... Well, maybe you can. You're a mage that fell for a setite. I guess you can understand. But know that I am with Jensill, that's how it is.", she explains as she hugs Ash.
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2001 8:48 pm |
((very good post.. keep em coming))
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2001 10:38 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
((ya, me likes dis one too :grin:
Isis du Mare
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2001 12:49 am |
Ash pulls away looking somewhat miffed. He looks at her not fully understanding, but he seems to as well. He frowns as she says it looking as though he shouldn't have said it.
"And Ash dear, don't worry. it may have work, if you were a cainite at the time. but you weren't and it was probably because it was never meant to be.", Isis says leading him over to the couch and has him sit down.
"Don't worry. I think this is a more opportune situation. You can help me out. If you want to? There's a lot that we need to do. If you're willing?", she asks
"I don't know. What is it?", he asks.
She falshes her signature seductive smile and says," It will be something that will help forward Set's work. I think that this place is a little to pristine. I think that we could make this place a lot more ideal."
"I mean, this is somehting that both of our hands could be in...", she says as she hear the door move.
"Hello, Jensill dear.", she says as she moves towards the opening.
"Hello. Who is that?", he asks sounding suspicious.
"That, my love, is a long time friend of mine. Jensill Black meet Ash Mercadian.", she introduces Ash to her Brujah.
((okie, now either ash or jensill can take it away. ;)
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2001 1:15 am |
UnknownPosts: 117Location: ChicagoJoined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:24 pm
((LoL... thanks for putting me in there Isis! :smile:
Isis du Mare
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2001 1:47 am |
((heh, np... you were there when ash came into town... :P
Isis du Mare
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2001 1:54 am |
Ash steps forward and introduces himself to Jensill.
"I'm so glad to meet the man who is finally going to make a honest woman of Isis. I am Ash Mercadian.", he says.
Jensill looks at him scrutinizingly as he answers,"It was decission we both made. I don't know what you mean by 'a honest woman'."
Jensill walks over to her leather couch and puts his boot up on her granite coffee table. He looks at Isis intently.
Isis closes in on Jensill while saying,"Honey, just so there are no surprises, like say missing items. Ash is a Ravnos. And Ash, if i find any of my things missing I'll personally torture you."
She wraps her arms around Jensill and rests her head on his chest. She sits there and feels the stillness of his chest. A small smile crosses her lips, that looks like a smile of total innocence. She feels Jensill's hand upon her head. SHe looked up at Ash and saw the look of sorrow on his face. She thinks about what he told her earlier. She looks down and stands back up again, noticing the awkward silence.
Isis du Mare
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 8:33 am |
She walks back and sits down on her couch. She just waits until someone says something. She can't believe how long the silence is. As she was going to break the silence, Ash walked up and started speaking to Jensill. She smiled as they started talking to each other.
"They might actually get along.", she thought, laughing to herself.
"Jensill, what exactly do you do here?", Ash asks him.
Jensill looks at him with great speculation. He looks at Isis questiong her as to why she should talk to him.
Isis looks at him and says, "Uh, tell him. Ash is a friendly man. I knew him as a mortal. He was a... well... unique man."
"What do you mean unique?", he asks looking alternately between Isis and Ash.
"Yes, I used to be a mage.", he tells Jensill who looks at him blankly.
"A mage? What's that?", he asks sounding a little confused.
"A mage is a magic user... Kinda like a wizard, I suppose.", Ash continues.
"You mean you used to be able to cast spells and things like that?", he asks.
"Yeah, somewhat...", he answers sounding somewhat ambivalent.
Ash looks at Isis looking somewhat miffed about Jensill's lack of understanding.
Isis du Mare
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2001 7:53 pm |
Isis looks at Jensill sympathetically and goes over to hold him. She looks at him in the eyes.
"It's OK dear, I didn't understand at first either. However he could show me what he meant.", she says smiling at him.
Ash nods and says, "Just picture a D&D wizard. it's esentially that."
"Yeah, OK, so you used to use magic... So...", Jensill replies out of frustration.
Isis just smiles and hugs him.
"I love you Jensill.", she says to him.
"I love you too.", he tells her back.
Ash just looks on with a somber look as the two vampires express their love. As he continues to watch, the pair become more affectionate, and passionate. Ash's somber look turns to one of disgust as he turns away and walks off into a dark corner.
"God you two are nauseating...", he states disgustedly.
Isis giggles and Jensill scowls after the Ravnos had made that statement. They both look at Ash, and Isis smiles.
"Your just jealous.", Isis says sticking her tongue out at Ash.
Jensill laughs at Isis's childish action and holds her closer to him.
"Ash, don't worry. You are welcome by me as well."
And to think that such a pure place has never been touched by the hand of the childer of Set. Well, I must change that...
[ This Message was edited by: Isis du Mare on 2001-11-23 13:55 ]
Isis du Mare
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 9:40 am |
Jensill continues to chuckle as he walks toward the couch. He sits down and throws his feet onto a granite table. Isis joins him. Ash looks awkwasrdly at the two of them.
"Isis, can I speak to you in private.", Ash asks.
Isis looks at Jensill and replies," Of course you can."
Isis shows him out to a private garden. She shows him a bench. He sits down and Isis sits next to him.
"What exactly do you have planned?", Ash asks her.
"Can't i keep my proverbial ace up my sleeve?", she asks slyly.
"Touche. But seriously, why all of this right here? Weren't you a priestess in Los Angeles?", Ash saks questioningly.
"Of course I was. I told you I was sent here. I think you can guess what my plans are. My question to you would be are you willing to help me?", she asks Ash.
"Yes. Of course. There's no question as to me helping you.", Ash answers.
"Great. We'll discuss this tomorrow evening. Tonight let's continue enjoying each others company.", she finishes.
She walk back into her haven. She waves for Ash to follow. He holds up his finger and mouths the words "one moment."
He sits by himself allowing all that he's heard this evening sink in.
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