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Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2001 1:36 am |
((::wipes away a tear:: nice post Will... very nice, ya just a chip off the ole block :grin: ::beams proudly::
Isis du Mare
Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 7:11 pm |
"Well, hello there William.", the voice said in a sultry tone.
"What about those drinks you promised me?", it continued.
"Who is this?", William said in an inquisitive tone.
"Oh, now I am crushed. You don't remember me...", said in a mock pouting voice.
"No, I'm sorry. I can't place a voice with a face.", he answered sounding baffled.
"This is Isis. Remember me?", she asks him but continues to speak before he can answer, "I have something I wanted to talk to you about. I have some good news I would like to impart to you. If you let me know the time, I'll give you the place."
"Well, how about tomorrow night?", William answered her.
"Tomorrow night will be fine, say at the Manhattan Lounge. I hope to see you there. i'll be there with bells on.", she answers back.
"Just the bells?", he quipps.
"MMMM... Not much more then that. I'll see you tomorrow night William.", she says as she waits for him to say goodbye and then hangs up.
She puts her phone down on a stone sarcophagus and walks out towards the garden. She sees Jensill sitting looking at the sky.
"Dear, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long. I was working out a time to invite another guest to our wedding. And no, it's not what you're thinking...", she says as she walks to him and kisses him deeply.
"I am only inviting him to the wedding.", she finishes as she sets herself on his lap and wraps her arms around him.
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 4:52 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
Replacing the handset down he could feel the bass increase with the volume.
"Interesting." William muttered to himself, his mind torn between the music and the conversation. Leaning forward he turned up the volume, his eyes away from the road, his mind concentrating completely on the blissful sounds of Carl Cox.
A flash of light drew his attention back to the road. Up ahead he could see the headlights of an oncoming car, one minute pointing directly at him, the next, gone. William switched his lights on high beam, still he could see no sign of the car. Switvhing back to low beam, he continued on his way, humming along with the music. It couldn't have been more than a few seconds when he finally spotted the car which now sat on the side of the road, a tree masking it from view. As he sped past it, the headlights came on agin, the car sharply turning to follow him.
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 7:19 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
William slowed his car as he aproached the next intersection, his eyes monitoring the vehicle behind him. Turning to the right he pressed his foot down hard on the accelerator. All 4 wheels began to spin as they lost traction, the car drifting across the road onto the wrong side before straightening. The pursuing vehicle refused to yield, it too accelerated, though somewhat outclassed.
Glancing at the speedo Will could see the orange needle clearly in the green backlight. 100, 110, 120km/h. The street was narrow and the speeds where becoming dangerous, something had to give...
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 8:54 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
William could hear the engine squealing under the strain of heavy acceleration but pushed it harder and faster. The tacho was in the red as he shifted to 5th, the speedo reading 190km/h and still rising. The car in the rear view was slowly fading into the distance when it activated it's sirens and lights.
William shouted when he saw it, his foot easing off the accelerator and gently depressing the brakes. An errie red glow shone in the rear view from the brake lights. William quickly down shifted allowing the police car to catch up in the hope of minimising the shite he was now in.
The car came to a halt underneath a street light, handbrake on and music off, the engine getting a well desrved rest.
William placed his hands upon the wheel and watched two police exit the vehicle, each drawing their weapon and shielding themselves behind the open car doors.
"Put your hands out the window where we can see them."
The driver called over the PA system, William obeyed.
"Now open the door and step out. Face forward. Hands behind your head."
The officer from the passenger side of their vehicle cautiously stepped out to the side of the vehicle, his pistol never pointing away from Will.
"Now walk backwards to the rear of your vehicle. Now take two steps to your right."
William now stood at the rear of his vehicle looking into the rear window. The officer from the passenger side approached as his partner covered him. The officer holstered his pistol and cuffed William before turning him around. With the threat neutralised, the officers relaxed slightly, the driver now holstering his pistol and approaching Will.
"Going a little fast aren't you son? Got somewhere to be?" The driver was talking in a very formal tone, still sizing Will up.
"I'm trying to get back into to town and from there home Sir. I'm kinda lost, I didn't realise you were law inforcement Sir. I was a little concerned when I saw your vehicle turn to follow me Sir."
William was playing the angel and it seemed to be working.
The officer patted him down and found nothing more than a wallet and a pack of smokes. Opening his wallet they removed his driver's licence.
"William Phelix."
Replacing the wallet and the licence he took a step back then continued to look him up and down.
"What happened to your neck?"
The taller of the two tilted Will's neck slightly to get more light onto the bruising on his neck.
"I got mugged yesterday."
Will swallowed hard trying to act scared.
The shorter, older officer who had been driving walked to the open driver's door of William's car. Peering inside he saw nothing out of place. The car was kept clean and free from clutter. The falchion secured safely under the passenger's seat, hidden from view. The officer turned to Will.
"Mind if we check the trunk?"
"Not at all, the release is next to the driver's seat."
The officer lent into the car and removed the car key. Walking back to the rear he place the key into William's hand.
"Use the remote for me."
The officer unwilling to open it himself took a step back, his hand gripping his still holstered pistol.
The hazard lights flashed and the trunk opened with a click evealing nothing but clean soft grey carpet lining. again the officer approached the car and lifted the carpet. Beneath it lay the spare tyre and the jack. Turning he looked straight into William's eyes.
"Your a lucky man William."
The officer nodded to his partner who stepped forward to uncuff William.
"You caught me just after my coffee break. That means you caught me in a good mood. You know what I'm gonna do Will?"
"No Sir."
William began to rub his wrists to ease the pain from the cuffs.
"I'm not even gonna book you for speeding."
With that the two officers turn and headed back to their vehicle. The driver pausing before getting in.
"If your heading home, I suggest you turn around and keep on straight till you come to a set of lights about 15 mile back."
The officer winked then got into the car. William closed the boot, quickly walked to the driver's door and kicked over the engine. He muted the stereo, indicated and did a U-turn. The police car following him all the way to the set of traffic lights before parting ways. William breathed deeply before going for his cigarettes.
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