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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  The Embrace of Love (warning: homosexual intercourse)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 6:48 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 16Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UKJoined: Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:39 am
((that is very cool man.

Dream as if you'll live forever
Live as if you'll die today
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 9:30 pm Reply with quote
(( Awesome post!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 11:14 pm Reply with quote

Mark stood in the haven looking out of the window. His eyes were glazed over as they walked the scenery with an undefined destination. His thoughts were not on what he was seeing but on how his unlife had changed.

For the first time since his death he had felt truly alive. His heart may be cold, lifeless and unable to beat but it was far from dead. He had found something that he had never been able to find as a mortal, he had found true love. He had found Karl and now they would spend eternity together.

Thoughts of the night when they had first met rushed through his head. His heart was on a journey remembering every passionate touch, every word spoken… every little moment from that day. That day which had led to this.

A small tear of blood formed in the corner of his left eye. Slowly it ran down the contours of his face leaving behind a trail of his emotions. He felt the comforting sensation of Karl’s arms wrapping around his chest pulling Mark’s quivering body closer to his.

Mark closed his eyes tightly and leaned his head back resting it on Karl’s right shoulder as his body melted into him. He let out a satisfied sigh. Wanting to live in this moment for the rest of time.

Karl’s lips touched gently against his neck sending an electrifying feeling through his whole body. He moaned as his body begged for Karl’s loving touch. His head thrust back as Karl’s hands explored his body. The feeling so animalistic yet so complex.

His body tensed as Karl’s fangs pushed in a painstakingly slow movement into his neck. Blood oozed from the wound that was created from passion. The sweet liquid that granted him his immortality rushed into Karl's mouth. Mark moaned uncontrollably as his vulnerable body surrendered to his lover.

His knees began to shake, as his body became weak. His moans turning into slow mumbles of pleasure. Karl withdrew his fangs from the depths of Mark’s neck and turned him around to face him. Their eyes were transfixed into each other. Lost inside each other. Their arms embraced each other as there lips met with a tantalising touch.

Blood that had remained un-swallowed lubricated their mouths. Their hands exploring exploring each other. Their passionate kiss trying to portray the deep burning desire and love they felt.

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-10-24 18:27 ]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 11:34 pm Reply with quote
(( Once again ... very nice post ... good job you guys ... :smile:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 4:09 am Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 16Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UKJoined: Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:39 am
((wow this is great

Dream as if you'll live forever
Live as if you'll die today
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 4:10 am Reply with quote
((lol WARNING: HOMOSEXUAL INTERCOURSE! that's hilarious, from now on i'm writing that on my posts WARNING: HETEROSEXUAL INTERCOURSE, as a sign of respect for ya. oh and btw, TERRIFIC writing. i'm REALLY impressed.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 7:38 am Reply with quote
((Yeah I agree guys good work :smile: *somehow knew kiya would think so too lol*

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 8:13 am Reply with quote
(( i forgot to say thankyou to kiya who did some editing on my post before i posted it lol

so thankyou kiya :P))

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 8:46 am Reply with quote
(( you guys did a great job.....not that you had to hear it from me!!! :smile: ))

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 9:20 pm Reply with quote

((OOC - The title of this topic applies lol. So its your choice to continue reading :P ))
Mark turned the handle opening the door that led to Karl’s haven in one slow silent movement. He stepped through the entrance quietly closing the door behind himself.

His eyes scanned around the room but it was not long until they settled upon his lover. Karl was stood with his back to Mark, his magnificent face peering through the window.
Walking with the silence of panther stalking its prey, he glided through the room, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting creature.

Mark's gentle hands grazed the statuesque figure as he reached around and covered Karl’s enrapturing eyes; he placed his mouth against his ear and whispered in a delicate tone,

“Guess who my angelic plum?”

His lover's tender lips eased into a sweet smile. The presence of his beloved pineapple excited him before Mark had even made his entrance known. The connection that they had did not need words to be spoken or a touch to be had for Karl to know that his lover was upon him.

“Want a hint?”

Karl nodded slightly. Mark’s lips grazed gently against his lover’s shoulders, finding their way to one point of passion. His quivering lips suckled tenderly on the lobe of Karl’s right ear while his hands began a slow and tantalising journey down the front of Karl’s shirt, loosening the confining cloth one button at a time releasing the naked skin of his chest.

Moans of pleasure were escaping from Karl in little bursts. Mark pushed his hips forward grinding his cloth bound manhood against Karl in a passionate yet controlled rhythm while his lips caressed the sensitive flesh of his lovers neck. His heavy breathes and moans vibrated against Karl’s neck.

His hand slid down the front of Karl’s chest, his fingers gliding down the skin with a feather like touch gently caressing the firm muscles. Mark’s hand slid underneath the fabric of Karl’s boxer shorts.

“Mark…”. Karl spoke as he moaned, his voice filled with passion. Karl turned round to face Mark and there eyes met. They held each other’s gaze as there hearts spoke to each other in a language that only there love for each other could understand.

Karl moved forward to meet Mark’s lips; but Mark took a step back and a look of hurt filled Karl’s face and he spoke with the tone of a heart broken child.

“Why… what have I done wrong?”

Mark smiled softly and looked deep into Karl’s eyes with a comforting look.“I made something for you…” Mark reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper that had been folded four ways to form the purpose of a card. On the front of the card was two stick men and a heart drawn in red crayon. The inside had a message that read ‘I luv u’. The heart was half coloured in.

Karl looked at the card and let out a long sigh, a sigh of relief, a sigh of happiness, a sigh of love. His expression changed quickly to that of contentment.

“Do you like it? My crayon broke and i forgot how to fix it. Thats why its only half coloured in...” Mark’s eyes were like that of a puppy dog looking up to the one single entity that it would remain loyal too for its life, waiting for a sign of approval.

“I love it… I love you Mark”
“I made it because…” Mark stopped mid sentence and his eyes looked down to the floor “I’m not always good with words and I want you to know how much I love you and that…”

Karl moved forward intercepting Mark’s last sentence, placing his right index finger over Mark’s mouth.


Once more their eyes met. For what seemed like an eternity there souls explored each other. Karl’s fingers travelled on a journey from marks lips tracing his jaw line until his hand rested on Mark’s neck. He used his hand to guide there faces towards each other.

They were moving in slow motion, their eyes never releasing each other from their passionate hold. There lips brushed softly sending an electrifying feeling through their bodies. If there was one true perfect moment in Mark’s existence so far it was now.

A moment he could live in forever. This moment of perfection, of clarity… there love for each other would never die. It would burn forever like a fierce fire. No power on this world or the next could take away what they had; Love.

There kiss grew deeper as there passion and desire took over. There tongues danced and there hands explored each other as they moved towards the bed. Never releasing the embrace they had on each other.

Mark guided Karl down onto the bed where he sat. Pushing his body against Karl’s they embraced in another long passionate kiss.

Karl propped himself up on his elbows into a half sitting position, his shirt sliding down his arms exposing his exquisite body.

Mark slid slowly down Karl’s body planting feather like kisses along his journey. His hands ran along the side of Karl’s chest. His mouth continued further down Karl’s body as his hands began to unfasten his trousers.

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-11-08 15:22 ]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 9:24 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
bravo sir kudoes and other typ thingies!!!!!))

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 9:54 pm Reply with quote
you guys.. you guys..

you guys rock!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 9:50 pm Reply with quote

Mark eyes slowly opened as he awoke from him his deep sleep. The soft silk sheets clung tightly to his body bringing comfort to his skin a he laid in the soft bed. Karl’s right arm rested along Mark’s side and draping across his chest.

Last night they had made love through the night and when dawn had approached they had drifted to sleep. Mark rolled over onto his back and looked at the man that had given him so much. They had shared so many special moments; they had shared the laughter, the pain and even the tears. But through it all there love for each other become deeper and there bond stronger.

Just to be held in the arms of his lover made him feel alive once more. Just laying with him, watching him sleep; watching his face filled with innocence and contentment without a worry in the world was indescribable.

Mark cuddled up closely to Karl nuzzling his head against his lover’s neck. His hands ran through Karl’s hair sweeping apart the gentle strands. Karl began to stir releasing a deep moan. Sliding free of Karl’s embrace mark sat up and looked down at his beloved. He planted a fragile kiss on his lover’s cheek whispering ‘I love you’. Mark then got out of the bed as quietly as possible to avoid waking Karl from sleep.

The floor was lined with clothes that had been randomly discarded in the heat of passion. Mark glanced around the floor as he searched the maze for his clothes. He found his boxer shorts and slid them on. He let out a little chuckle as he continued to look for the rest of his clothes. He dressed in his trousers, socks and shoes. Finally he found his shirt across the other side of the room, which brought back some wild memories of last night. He slid the shirt over his shoulders leaving it unbuttoned.

Mark walked over to the office desk and found a piece of paper and a black pen. Holding the pen in his hand like a knife he began to write on the paper in large block capitols “meet me in the lseaum bar”.

He folded the paper unevenly into four and then propped it up on Karl’s desk. He glanced towards his sleeping beauty in the bed.

“Sweet dreams my angle…” He blew a kiss across the room before he left the room as silently as he had entered it.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 10:19 pm Reply with quote
(( Very nice Mark ... if I do say so myself ... lol ... Really, an excellent job .. :smile:

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