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< Ancient Tomes ~ Tea and Everclear... bad mix |
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 6:49 am |
Echo sat at his usual table in the Elysuim, with his cup of tea. The dead silence of the place set his mind to spinning a bit faster than usual. He surveyed his surroundings.
There was Max, polishing a shot glass. Harmless enough. A man he didnt recognize sat at the bar, chuggingg a budweiser. There was also a lady in the room. She seemed a bit effite for a torrie, saying hardly a word since arriving, taking her seat near the fire. The fire. Fire.
Echoe tried to shake off the urge... but the place seemed to need a bit more activity.
There had been silence here, save the squeak of Max's towel agaist the shotglass, for what seemed like an hour.
He walked over and tapped the man on the shoulder. The guy ignored him and went on drinking. Echoe tapped his shoulder again.
The guy turned around. "What?!"
"How many fae does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
"Four," finally a word from the young torrie.
Echoe paused a second. "Four? Now that would be an orgy.. but God only knows how they get in there."
The guy left his seat and exited. Echoe quickly took the seat he had occupied, and smiled to Max, who smiled back in return.
Echoe looked at the torrie. Then at the fire. Then at the torrie... Kill her, no. But a harmless prank to liven thinks up a bit, that couldn't hurt. Parlour trick.
Echoe looked back up at Max and smiled. "Everclear... Double... Double..."
Max gave him a puzzled look. "Not your usual?"
Another word from the Torrie, "Max thinks you have had enough already, dear."
Echo smiled again. Max handed him a double shot of Everclear. Echoe took a sip, wetting his tongue. Hated that taste.
He walked over to the torrie, and sat down in front of her, his left side facing the fire. Took another sip, holding the alcohol in his mouth. He then set the shotglass, half full. at her feet.
"Hello," she said. He smiled up at her, warmly.
She watched in curious amusement as he licked his finger, swallowed, and traced a line down the side of the glass to the fire.
He took a step back and waited. The torrie just sat there.
The glass shattered into a million pieces, shrapnel flying everywhere. "Need better shotglasses," he thought.
The torrie's colored hair caught on fire, and she fell to the ground, stunned. Echoe quickly grabbed Max's wet towel, and dropped it on her head, extinguishing the flames. She'd be fine in a half hour. Shouldn't use so much hair spray.
Echoe ran past Gabriel as he entered the elysium...
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 8:02 am |
Gabriel moved away just in time to avoid being bumped into. The figure rushed by, but Gabriel's keen eyes picked up the Malkavian's face easily enough. The new one...Echoe. Had a strange habit of repeating your words. Gabriel shrugged and walked in.
Immediantly he smelt burnt hair. He took in the scene. Max stood behind the bar motionless, his jaw hanging open. Across the room Ms. St. Clair's body lay strewn across the floor next to the fire.
"JESUS!" Gabriel gasped as he rushed foward. He checked to see if she was concious. No response. "Max! What happened?"
Max stuttered forth the response, explaining about the fire bomb and Echoe. Gabriel, angered, demanded blood for the woman. Max stammered and tossed him a bag.
Gabriel poured it between her parted lips, but no response. Finally he decided to blood heal her himself (yes i have that disc). Slowly she began to wake up.
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 8:42 am |
((Good post as always Gabe! Keep it up.. keep it up!))
Echoe stood in the upper lot, still laughing. that livened things up a bit. He had heard Gabriel shouting orders at Max as he was rushing up. Reactions are priceless.
"Goblins.. Goblins.."
There was business to be taken care of. Where was Viviane? he hadnt seen her since they parted ways at dusk. should have been here by now.
Couldn't wait any longer. Had to head out of town. The incident the previous night had led to something that seemed much larger than a few scared children. At least they were safe. The gangrel Misty had taken them somewhere. Most likely out in the woods, as Drain had assumed.
Echo stocked up on ammunition for his SMG and then hailed a taxi, heading for the address Viviane had gotten from the goblin's body. It was a laundry. He Cloaked himself in the shadows and waited for The Dark Man to arrive.
There would be plenty of time. Drain must have still been in the back room of the club,
meeting with Kiya, when he had left.
Echo was surprised They hadn't come out and joined the commotion.
~There is nothing more dangerous than a bored malkavian.~
[ This Message was edited by: Echoe on 2001-11-09 02:52 ]
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 6:58 pm |
(( hey MAX what everhappened to the boy Dev?
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 8:39 pm |
(( Gabriel took him to a safe place.. it was in Misty's post. ))
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