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Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 2:44 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
The street was buay with people going about their daily errands. I could see the post office and to the left were the mail boxes. I had inquired with the staff inside about contact details for the owner, but they assured me that they had none. I wrote a short letter asking Wayan to contact me. I wasn't even sure if he still used the post box, but I had to give it a try. I placed the letter in an envelope and dropped it at the post office asking the staff to place it in the box for me. I return to my car and began to scan the tourist map I had bought. It was nearing 1pm and my stomach began to rumble. I headed back to my hotel where I will await a reply.
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 2:54 pm |
(( you wanting me to jump in here now bro? If so I'm sorry but you may have to wait til Monday or something as I am kinda going away for the weekend so wont have much of an opportunity to do anything. I would post now but I am at Uni and in a lesson so its very hard conetrating on the task in hand. And I'm going straight to the train station afterwards :smile: .
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2001 5:33 am |
((intriguing lil bro... bring it on :grin:
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 5:16 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
Days had past without reply. I started spending my days at a small cafe across the road hoping to catch a glance of my brother. Yesterday went past without any sign of him, it that respect it was very similar to the day before it.
The sunset came and went. After dinner I left the cafe and went in search of the night life. I found myself a nice club and went straight up to the bar. I think I might have caught the fancy of two rather attractive young ladies, Kiya and Isis du Mare. Rather percurlier but captivating none the less. What the hell is a dark muse? One of them kept saying something about it, i think I'll have to look into it. Oh well, They have my number and I hope they call. After all, Kiya said she knew of Wayan and could help me contact him. Well here's hoping.
((FYI, this is basically my IC thoughts. I had IC drinks with the 2 Setites yesterday and hope to meet the rest of you soon
Isis du Mare
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2001 8:10 pm |
Isis opens her cell phone to check her messages. All of them are the same. Horatio telling her the names of prosepctive employees for the Eye of Ra. She pulls up her speed dial and sees William's name first.
"Maybe i should take him up on his offer to go out for drinks.:, she wonders as she calls Horatio and tells him to hire whomever he sees fit.
She then goes back to William's number and thinks," This may be dangerous, but... what the hell."
She then hits enter and the phone dials the number.
Damien Jackson
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 6:54 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:54 pm
Hmmm... drinks... thought you were waiting for me. Oh well. :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
_________________ befor you end the thought that you can bury me
I turn out the lights so you cant see
the shadow in the dark that you can barely sieze...surrounded by the death that doesnt bleed |
Isis du Mare
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 8:24 pm |
i am waiting for you, but i also need allies and this is the only way i know how. i'm always waiting for you ;)
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 11:49 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
Frank was standing at the door to Kiya's house as I left. I could here him giving orders to the dozen or so heavily armed guards. It seemed a little strange the amount of security she had, but after the intrusion she had suffered that night I could understand the nessecity.
The trip back to my apartment only took about 20 minutes, time enough to call a few associates I had localy. Unfortunately none of them were aware of the two assailants whom I knew only as Karl and Mark. My only lead to their identities was the earlier sighting of one of the them at the club.
I walked into my apartment, the lights were off but a small amount of light shun through the blinds. I didn't see Wayan standing in the shadows, I wouldn't have noticed him at all if he hadn't reacted.
He moved with such speed and strength, his hand around my throat he pinned me against the wall, my feet dangling inches above the ground....
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2001 12:10 am |
She layed on the couch ... a hand over her eyes ... worry wrenching at every inch of her stomach. How the hell did they find her haven? No way could there possibly be a logical explanation for it. They were able to get past her guards and through the cameras ... how?
What William had seen terrified her. She couldn't kill him, and he seemed to have been oblivious about what was really going on. She knew that finding Wayan as quickly as possible would probably be the best solution.
She removed her hand from her eyes and starred at the ceiling. Her eyes made there way to the table that her cell phone rested on. She wanted to call him and get him back there so bad, but she fought the desire.
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2001 2:45 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
Brotherly Reunion
Wayan's head tilts up as his emotionless face looks up at his brother dangling from his hand. His Sunglasses hides the rage in his eyes well, but the venom in his tone cannot be masked so easily.
"What are you doing here?" his voice rasps.
William struggles to speak under the strain against his throat.
"Looking for you." he manages to spit out eventually.
Wayan releases his grasp a little allowing Williams feet to once again make contact with the floor. He doesn’t relax his grip completely though and keeps his sibling pinned against the wall.
"I told you before your brother is dead to you." With these words Wayan releases his brother from his grasp and slowly sits down in a chair.
William's temper begins to flare.
"Dead to me. You’re all I have left. Your my brother, you’re all the family I've got left and you say you're dead to me."
Wayan sits not even looking at William. His face remaining emotionless or so it would seem as his dark glasses hide the pain in his eyes.
"You have no idea what’s going on here William. You are in way over your head. You should never have come here"
"I've got no where else to go"
Feelings of abandonment begin to play upon William's heart. Pulling a cigarette from his pocket he looks around for a lighter, the confusion of the nights events starting to show upon his weary face.
"I've got no where else to go. Sharna's dead, she killed herself." His voice trails off, a tear rolling down his cheek.
Looking at his brother Wayan’s long dead feelings of brotherly love and caring for his younger sibling fight to the surface of his being. He of course hides them well. He knows he has to get his brother out of Cascadia and fast. If news of recent events reaches the Prince the price they would have to pay would be more than Wayan could bear. He quashes the feelings of concern inside him and lets his cold Giovannian mind set take precedence once more.
"You must learn that life is unfair William. You can trust no one but yourself. The world is a more complex and dangerous place than even you would know. You would be wise to remember that.â€
With this Wayan becomes cold and calculating. He knows his words will cut like a knife but he needs to get his brother to leave Cascadia. Besides he was only here for him. The task he has in front of him is hard, but for his brothers sake he must do it.
"Besides the world is full of women... allowing your self to get beat up over one bitch is ludicrous..."
A grim smile spreads across his face as he sees the effect the words have on his brother.... his sunglass doing an excellent job hiding the newly forming blood tears.
Wills face grows with anger as his brother's words strike deep, the pain, frustration, hate and anger rising in him until he eventually snaps.
"She's not one of your bitches." William yell's as he hurls his unlit cigarette at Wayan. It bounces harmlessly of off his chest. William intends on making his brother pay for his remarks and before the cigarette hits the floor he dives at his seated target. His fist flies out in a right hook connecting with Wayan's jaw.
As the punch connects with Wayan’s jaw his glass fall from his face and clatter to the floor. Before the sound or impact registers in Williams brain Wayan’s hand moves at lightning speed to his brothers throat lifting him once more from the ground. The rage builds in his face as Wayan pounds William into the wall and holds him there.
"Boy believe me when I say you are only breathing now because I allow it. If for any reason you still believe your brother is in my hollow heart then see if passing into oblivion changes that shallow belief... I am dead to you boy.... and if I see your face in Cascadia again.... you shall be dead to the world. Leave now... and never come back. I nor want or desire you here. ... Your family is dead"
As the words roll from his mouth Wayan tosses his brothers body easily to the side. As his brother struggles to draw breath from his huddled position in which his body is now sprawled on the floor, Wayan turns himself towards the door leaving only his back facing his brother. A single blood tear rolls down his cheek and splashes to the floor.
William begins to rise, crouching on all fours he glares at Wayan, an inferno of hatred and rage burning in his eyes.
"My brother's dead to me, so what do I care what he wants?"
These words hit Wayan like a knife and in an instant he turns and places a firm foot into Wills mid section lifting him into the air. As Williams body lands once more on his back Wayan pins him to the floor his face flaring anger just above his.
"Do you think I am playing with you dear brother? I could kill you right now with my bare hands yet you still push me. You have no Idea as to the real workings of the World.... my world... I kill indiscriminately. I have no qualms killing you... Is that what you want to die by my very hand... So be it..."
With these words his grip tightens round his brothers throat blocking the airs passage to his throat. It becomes harder and harder for William to draw breath. His eyes bulge and water, as his lunges burn struggling to draw breath. As Williams world begins to fade and draw black.... the cold realisation that he is going to die at his brothers hand draws in. he no longer struggles disbelief fills is mind as he slow drifts unconscious... Just as his Mind begins to cloud and fade he feels the grip leave his throat.
"Leave this place now..." is the last thing he hears as he blinks out of consciousness.
Wayan leaves the apartment and heads down into the night times streets... another blood tear rolls down his face as he disappears into the night
A few moments later William regains consciousness and slowly rises to his feet, wincing from the pain in rib cage, he struggles to maintain his balance.
"You want me out of your life? Then I'm gone from it. My brother truly is dead to me. As for Cascadia, I've still reason to stay here and not even you will cause me to defer from my purpose."
~Wayan + Will~
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2001 10:13 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
William walks to the window looking down at the street below. Pushing the curtain aside, he peered into the dark below but saw no sign of Wayan. He gripped his ribs as he walked to the armchair only minutes before occupied by his brother. His mind was filled with confusion, as was his heart. Pain, anger, sadness and fear consumed him as he poured a drink, the de-canters' stopper falling to the ground as he did.
Disregarding the stopper, he quickly engorged the glasses contents. Pouring another, he unbottoned his shirt. His chest and abdominal muscles where tensed, a large bruise had already discoloured his skin. Applying light pressure with his finger tips he assumed a rib or two would be broken.
William layed back in the armchair, tears begining to swell in his eyes.
William once more felt alone, an abadoned sibling with no body to turn to. He couldn't show weakness to his local contacts, all of whom had links to England and to his friends there. There was only one choice.
He downed his second rum to ease the pain. Slowly he rose to his feet, the pain causing his inability to stand up straight. Cautiously he walked to the door, collecting his keys from off the ground where they had fallen. He looked, but to no avail, he was still unable to locate his cigarette lighter before leaving his apartment once more.
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2001 10:32 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
He drove as fast as his car would allow him. The odour of "cooked" brakes filled the air as he pulled up two blocks from his destination. He felt underneath the seat, the Falcion he had been given was still there. Thinking about it momentarily, he decided that it may come in handy. He resheathed the weapon, attaching it to his belt. Reaching into the backseat, he pulled out his trenchcoat, it would do well to hide the weapon as he walked.
Despite the pain in his side, he walked for almost 40 minutes, doubling back on occasions, taking turns here and there, even walking in circles. As he approached the front gate he could see a guard patroling the grounds. The guard spotted him and came to investigate.
"Be so kind.." William paused from the pain to regain his composure,
"...as to fetch Frank for me."
"And whom may I say is requesting his audience?"
The guard eyed Will suspiciously.
"A friend of the lady of the house. He will remember me, I was here this evening."
Will fell to one knee, the guard continued with his task of radioing Frank.
"He is on his way Sir, he'll will allow you through the gate at his discreation. Until then, may I ask that you kindly wait where you are?"
The guard was well trained, never allowing himself to come within arms reach of the main gates. William was pleased to see that his new found affection was in such capable hands. He wished however that the guard would aid him to stand, but it was not to be.
Isis du Mare
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2001 2:53 am |
It has been a while since she had called William and she had heard niente. She looked over to Jensill as he paced the chamber. He looked a little aggitated, but he's getting used to spending some time with her at home.
"Jensill dear, you should get some air. There's a garden outside. That should do. I need to make a couple quick phonecalls. But I'll be there shortly.", she says smilng at him.
"Okay love.", he answered as he walks out the door.
"Maybe William would like to come to our wedding. Besides, i always like to go out for... drinks.", she thinks to herself as she pulls out her phone and hits his number on speed dial.
She puts the phone to her ear and waits for the tone . She smiles as the first ring purrs softly into her ear.
((ok, william. don't diss me this time. let's have drinks :P
Maxim Makirovich
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 3:51 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:32 pm
Frank stode up to the gate where William was waiting.
"Open the gate."
He called to the guard on duty as he approached.
"Sir, it is a pleasure to see you again so soon."
And you Frank. I am returned to see the lady Kiya. I trust all is well and safe.""
"It is, but I must inform you that she is currently unavailable.
William was somewhat taken by at her rather rapid recovery and subsequent departure.
"OK. I'll catch her and you later."
William shook his hand before returning to his car.
Driving aimlessly, pondering the nights goingson, he again felt losed and alone. The music cut automaticaly as a call came through on car phone. He didn't recognise the number that was showing but was most plaesed to hear a familar sexy voice....
((Sorry about the delay, problems with a mate have kept me busy.
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 3:27 am |
Frank entered the haven, a solemn look on his face. Kiya sat in her livingroom curled up on the couch, a blanket pulled over her, reading a book by the fire.
"Miss Kiya?" Frank approached her. She didn't bother to look up from her book.
"Yes Frank, what do you need."
"The man that was here earlier came back tonight. I sent him away saying you were unavailable." Kiya jolted, her eyes piercing through Frank.
"Who are you to send ANY of my guests away. Damn it Frank, go get him!" She reached over grabbing her phone, dialing his number. "Damn it the lines busy." She looked back up to Frank. "If you ever send another guest away like that without informing me, that's going to be the end of you Frank. You have a list, he was NOT on there. I expect you to find him and bring him back to me ASAP!"
Frank stiffened up, patting down his blazer. "Uh yes ma'am, but ... but ... I thought ... "
Her voice calmed, "It doesn't matter what you thought, now just go get him. You understand?" Frank nodded, almost sprinting out of the room.
Kiya picked up the phone again, trying to dial his number. It was still busy.
(( Well .. I hope that you don't have call waiting, uuuuuuuummmmmm .. if you do, well then ... just tell me .... lol ...
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