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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 2:32 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:54 pm
Welcome aboard Gabe! And Isis, it's working now, let's rock and roll.

befor you end the thought that you can bury me
I turn out the lights so you cant see
the shadow in the dark that you can barely sieze...surrounded by the death that doesnt bleed
Offline Profile
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 2:48 am Reply with quote
ready when you are. i'm waiting for you. :grin: let's rock and roll.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 4:02 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:54 pm
Time was getting short and Jensill knew it. He wouldn't be able to remain alone on the city streets for long before an already bad situation got worse.
Peeking his head out of another alley, he saw that the street was surprisingly empty. A few bums were sitting inside a doorstep about two hundred yards away but that was about it. Two blocks away a police car moved through the intersection in a parallel direction to his own with its lights on.
Jensill sprinted across the street into the adjoining passage and stoped to get his bearings. He was still several miles from the safety of the haven and his rental was now the opposite direction.
"Fuck." he cursed under breath. Looking at the body he was carrying, he felt his anger rise again.
"Why in the hell did you have to pull this crap?" he asked not really expecting an answer.
Turning back down the alley Jensill started moving as fast as he possibly could with his load. Moving along the trash strewn alley, Jensill's hopes began to rise as he came near it's end. Across the road, lit up brighter than he remembered the day being, was some type of large industrial park. He knew if he could manage the fence with his load he would be able to find some temporary sanctuary.
A large truck rumbled passed him as it apparently came out of the park and Jensill slipped back into the shadows. A security guard closed the gate about fifty yards down the fence and went back into his guard shack to his late night re-runs on the small television he had on the desk.
Sure that the guard was comfortable in his chair, Jensill slipped across the road to the fence. It was only about 12 feet high, but the concentina wire on top would pose a small problem if he was not careful.
Slinging Trever's body so that it was over both shoulders, Jensill braced the body as if he were doing a military press exercise. Squating slightly to get alittle extra momentum, he pushed up with all of his unnatural strength and hurled Trever's body up and over the fence. The body landed hard on the soft grass on the other side and the thud of impact and small moan that escaped Trever went unnoticed in the relatively quiet night.
Backing up several steps, Jensill got a running start at the fence and lept into the air diving over the fence. His body cleared the razor wire by inches and as he came over, Jensill braced himself for the landing. With his hands making momentary contact with the ground, Jensill tucked his body in and then used the momentum to kick his legs back out and over into a hand spring which caused him to flip over on to his feet.
Scaning the area to make sure he had not alerted the guard Jensill crouched low to the ground and made his way back over to Trever.
The other kindred was moving slightly and grunted as Jensill picked him up over his shoulder and headed into the warehouses.
Moving swiftly from building to building, checking each door, he finally found one open about halfway through the coplex.
Slipping inside and closeing the door softly behind himself, Jensill began making his way down the dark rows of crates being stored there. Coming around corner, Jensill caught sight of some kind of dimly lit office space located of a third story platform. Turning left down the aisle he was in, Jensill headed in that direction.
Locating the stairs, Jensill and headed up what seemed to be an endless flight of metal stairs to the walkway which led to the office. Stopping momentarily, he looked out over the vast expanse of the storage facility. It was packed from top to bottom with crates of machine parts and several rows of fifty five gallon drums that had flamable markings on them.
Turning back to the task at hand, Jensill headed towards the doors to the offices. The first two doors were locked, much to his dismay, but the third proved to be a small blessing as the handle turned smoothly and the door swung in to reveal a small working cubicle. More importantly the room contained a telephone.
Dropping his load to the floor Jensill moved across the small office to the desk.
He switched on the small desk lamp and picked up the phones reciever. Dialing the number to the haven, Jensill sighed with relief as he heard the first ring. His agitation grew though as the phone continued to ring without answer and turned to genuine frustration as the voice message service picked up. Listening through the message Jensill waited for the beep to speak. He had to get ahold of Damien for a pick up. He also had to figure out a way to explain his little load.
The beep sounded and Jensill spoke into the phone.
"Damien, it's me. If you're there pick up." He paused. "Look, I am in the middle of a shit storm and I need some help..."
Jensill heard a distinct noise of metal snapping. He slowly looked up and standing in front of him on the other side of the desk with a pissed off look on his face was Trever. Jensill stood slowly and was about to set down the reciever when Trever lunged.
Jensill turned to moved but was struck hard as Trever crashed into him knocking them both back. Jensill braced for the impact with the wall until he remembered the wall behind him was actually a window.
Both bodies crashed through the glass, and Jensill found himself tumbling head over heals with Trever atop him as his waist caught the window sill, pitching them both over.
Jensill landed on his shoulders and immediatly went on the defensives as Trever began pummeling him in his sides with his fists. Unable to move because of the position he was in, Jensill pulled one of his legs free from the sill and got his knee under Trever. Mustering his strength, Jensill shoved the other kindred up and off of himself.

Trever rolled forward and hit the guard rail to the walkway, his own body turned upside down, he began rolling over to right himself. Regaining his own feet He turned to face his opponent and was immediately caught in the face with Jensill's fist. The blow knocked him back up against the railing. Before he could react, he was caught in the chest with a kick the fractured his sternum and sent him headlong over the railing.
With no time to correct his decent, Trever fell three stories to the concrete floor and landed with a heavy thud.
Barely consciuos, he could still feel that his body was shattered. Trever lay on the floor rushing what little blood he had left to the most vital areas of his body in an attempt to heal enough to try and get away.

He heard Jensill's feet hit the floor as he guessed the younger vampire had jumped down from the landing. Soft foot steps approached him and stopped near his head. He felt more than saw Jensill crouch and then hover over him.
It couldn't end like this he thought, he could not be beaten this way. He had to find some way to get away, some way to live. All he could think to do was plead with the other kindred.
"no....I....I'm sss-sorr"
A hand crashed across his face and Trever fell silent.
"Yeah, you are sorry, you piece of shit. And now...Now you're gonna die."
Trever felt the sharp teeth of the younger kindred enter his neck and almost immediately felt the unlife sliping from him.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

(sorry full of spelling errors, I just dont feel like correcting right now)

Cry 'Havok!' and let slip the Dogs of War!

[ This Message was edited by: Jensill Black on 2001-10-30 22:06 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Jensill Black on 2001-10-31 08:34 ]

Offline Profile
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 6:04 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:54 pm
Jensill watched as Trever fell to the floor. He involentarily cringed as his advisary hit and he heard the other kindreds body snap and pop in an unnatural fashion.
He knew that it was time to finsih it, and he knew he had absolutily no problems doing so. But still he paused. The entire night had been some kind of surreal nightmare, literally, and the source of all of his problems now lay motoinless on the ground some thirty feet below him. But somehow killing Trever in this fashion didnt seem right. After the kick had landed, his anger had left him for some reason and he didn't know why.
Resigning himself to the task at hand, Jensill stepped up to the rail and climbed over. Looking down at Trever, Jensill slipped of the edge and dropped soflty onto his feet on the ground beside his foe.
Trever wasn't moving at all, but he knew somehow that the othe kindred was conscious. Walking slowly up beside him, Jensill knelt down over Trever.
"no....I....I'm sss-sorr" Trever whispered.
The sound of his voice was enough to make Jensill angry again as he felt his rage come back in a rush. Jensill lashed out at the incapacitaed kindred with a vicious backhand.
"Yeah, you are sorry, you piece of shit. And now...Now, you're gonna die."
Without thinking, Jensill lowered his mouth to the other kindred's throat and bit in deeply, The flow of blood was weak but constant as it trickled into his mouth.
It's potency was far greater than anything he'd experienced since his embrace and Jensill was filled with a hot rush. Power flowed through his body as Trever's blood mixed with his own.
And then it hit. The visions can like a violent tidal wave that nearly crushed Jensill beneath them. Violent images from nightmares that he could not begin to imagine. So strong were they, that Jensill began feeling himself being pulled into them, He could feel them as if they were reality. They started slowly at first and then came so fast he could hardly tell one from another. Images of death and bloodshed like he had neve seen before. Men women and children butchered and mutilated by the thousands.
He tried to pull his mind free, he tried to will his body to release Trever's just to make the images stop. But he could not. He was trapped inside the prison of his own mind with only the hellish visions to torment him.

He saw himself, waist deep in a never ending sea of bodies that were clawing at him calling his name. And on the horizen of the bodies,the sun began to rise. He felt it's heat touching him and he began to scream. The suns rays touched him and he felt himself burning. Jensill desperatly began clawing at himself to tear away the seared flesh that was sending waves of agony through him. He clawed his face and as the sun began scorching his eyes and so he tore them out. He screamed until his throat was burned away, and still he would not die. Pain shot through his body and he collapsed onto the bodies that pinned him. He felt their hands on him, pulling and tearing at him. He wanted nothing more than for them to tear him to pieces and end his agony.

Jensill awoke on his back on the cold concrete floor. Next to him laid the rapidly decomposing body of Trever. He watched almost in awe as the kindred turned to nothing more than dust.
He sat up and pain raced through his body. He looked down to see scratches all over himself. He looked at his hands and saw blood and flesh caked all over his fingers and knew what he had done.
Jensill stood and was momentarily overtaken by flashbacks of the nightmares he'd seen. He rocked slightly on his feet and then corrected himself.
His body was rapidly healing itself from the injuries that he'd inflicted on himself, he knew though, that his mind would probably not be as fortunate.
His head was pounding and Jensill staggered towards to the door in which he had come into the warehouse.
"What the hell was I thinking?" he asked himself aloud. Jensill was still unsure of what had happened or why he had fed from Trever. The only thing that he knew for sure is that no good would come of it.
Jensill open the door to the warehouse and was immediatly blinded. He tried to shield his eyes from the light to see what was going on when he heard a voice call out to him.
"S-Stay right there mister, the police are on their way."
Jensill made out the form of a security guard holding a mag-lite in one hand and a revolver in another.
"Shit." he said.
Jensill took several steps forward towards the security guard.
"I said stop mister." the guard said.
"Look," Jesill began. " I have had a really bad night, and I really don't have time for this shit right now."
He took several more steps forward when he heard the first sounds of the police sirens entering the industrial park. He knew time was running really short now. He was going to have to a big risk and see if he could bluff the guard. He thought might be able to disarm this one without having to hurt him, so he took another step.
"Move one more step and your dead!"
"And I say I am dead, therefore I move."
Jensill rushed the guard with the intention of knocking him unconscious, but as the first bullet entered his body Jensill snapped. He grabbed the guard be the wrist that held the revolver, his other hand shooting up to the mans chin, and in one swift movement, broke the mans neck.
Jensill stood looking at the man that he still held upright. Another innocent victim that had died by his hand. Another victim that could have been avoided if Trever/Edward Loncott the second had never re-entered his life and decided to make it a mess.
He knew though, that he could not place the blood of any of those people on Trever's head, especially this one.
"Why did you make me do that?" He asked the corpse. "Why couldn't you be like any other rent-a-cop and just wait for the police to show?"
Jensill adjusted his grip on the dead man and gently laid him on the ground. Folding his arms across his chest and closing his eyelids, Jensill stood.
The police sirens were echoing off the walls of the warehouses and Jensill could see their lights casting shadows. They were not up his aisle but they would be soon.
Jensill turned and ran. Making his way between buildings he felt himself healing. He was sure that there was a small trail of blood somewhere behind him, but he was no longer leaking. The guard had gotten off three shots into his abdomen. He felt a small pang of regret over the loss of life he'd caused tonight, but now he was more concerned with saving his own right now.
Jensill rounded a corner and found the perimiter fence to the complex. Unlike the chain link one he'd jumped earlier, this one was made of stone and a foot or two taller. He knew he wouldn't be able to clear it jumping so that left one choice, climbing.
Taking several steps back, Jensill ran at the wall and jumped. He put his foot to the wall and used his toe to dig in to give himself more lift and reaching out, grabbed the razor wire that lined its top.
The metal wire cut deeply into his hands as he used it to help pull himself towards the top.
Holding tightly, Jensill brought his foot up and hooked it along the top of the wall. Pulling himself upright Jensill carefully climbed between the criclets of wire and positioned himself atop the wall.
Looking over the other side, Jensill saw the drop was further than the climb as the ground sloped down several feet into a road which disappeared around a short bend.
"Well ain't this gonna be a bitch?" he asked aloud.
He never had time to contemplate the answer because as soon as the words left his mouth a police cruiser pulled into the aisle that he had just been in. A spot light flashed on him and he heard a voice over the loud speaker.
"Stop, this is the police, stay were you are."
Knowing that was not going to happen, Jensill hurled himself over the other side of the wall. The fall was swift but Jensill was unable to land right due to the sloped ground. He lost his balance and pitched forward into a roll that carried him off of the small hill and into the road.
Jensill cursed aloud as he picked himself up off of the hard concrete. He stood slowly as new aches passed through him. Turning to head up the road to find some way to get clear of the area Jensill listened for what he thought sounded like and approaching engine.
Jensill turned around just in time to see the headlights of a small sports car bearing down on him rapidly. He heard the screech of tires as the driver of the car attempted to avoid hitting him, and dove to the side narrowly being missed by the passing car.
Jensill rolled on the ground and popped himself up to a standing positioned.

Not knowing why but Jensill found himself immediately heading for the small car. He saw now that it was a Porche and couldn't help thinking that he had the worst luck with things made by Germans, be it sub-machine guns, or cars.
The passenger door suddenly swung open on the car and Jensill stopped. A soft female voice called out to him from inside the little black automobile.
"Hurry up, get in!"
Jensill took several more steps towards the car and tried looking into the dark interior.
"What the...?"
"There's no time to argue, get in!"
With a million thoughts and questions running through his mind, but not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, Jensill slipped into the car and had no sooner pulled the door shut when the small car tore off into the night.

(and for those of you who caught it, I stole that line from a movie, and have always wanted to be able to use it. And once again, sorry for the spelling and grammer.)
(And Isis and Gabe, I am looking forward to the posts you guys are gonna write, so hurry, hurry, hurry!)

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Cry 'Havok!' and let slip the Dogs of War!

[ This Message was edited by: Jensill Black on 2001-10-31 08:23 ]

Offline Profile
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 7:47 am Reply with quote
((GREAT post! a little too sleepy to reply right now, but i will first thing in the morning.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 8:56 am Reply with quote
As Jensill slips into Isis's car, she puts it into gear and steps on the gas. She plowed out of the area as fast as she could.
She looks over to jensill, and then looks back towards the road, still driving at a racing speed.
"Thank Set that i never had the engine modified on this thing.", she said as she breathed a sigh of relief.
"now, it's not everyday that you pick up an attractive man in need of some help.", she says turning towards Jensill giving him a good once over.
"Man, you are a little messed up aren't you. Don't worry, I have a safe place for us to stay. No one will ever find you here.", she continued as she speeds towards her haven.
Within minutes they were there. She stepped out in her priestess garb of long loincloth, silk halter and amulets adorning her neck and slender waist. She goes around to the other side of the car to help Jensill out. She puts his arm around her shoulder and they hovel inside what appears to be a cross between a Victorian and a warehouse.
She opens the door for him and they cross a large open expanse which looks like it's in the opening fazes of decorating. There are some Egyptian paintings along hte wal, but they look far from finished. The concrete pillars that support this room look like the columns of an ancient Egyptian temple.She heads to a doorway, right next to it is the half-painted figure of Set with a cartouche that says, "God of the Northern Skies".
She leads him down a series of turn and twists and looks to make sure no one is following here.
After fifteen minutes, she's certain no one followed her. She looks to Jensill and whispers, "Cover your eyes and make sure you don't say a word until i say so."
When she sees that he has done it, she turns the hidden switch and a solid steel door slides open. They both walk through, and then she hits a switch inside that causes the door to close and resets the outside switch.
They walk down a long, dark, cavernous concrete hallway for about 5 minutes until she says, "You can open your eyes again."
She let's him go as she continues to walk towards the soft flickering of torches.
Once she finds the torches the room opens up into what looks like an Egyptian tomb. The walls are painted with the night sky. Lotuse blossoms line one wall and in the background is some sort of rite. In the centre is Set, the jackal headed god with a cartouche on either side; one says the same thing the one outside said and the other one is inscribed "Isis du Mare" in hieroglyphs. The roof is painted navy blue with gold stars and the opposite walls has the story of Set drawn on it.
"Okay, now you can speak.", she says after they are safely in her chamber.
"You look horrible. Is there anything I can get you? Maybe some blood? But you're still good looking for someone who looks like he's been to hell and back.", she says to him and he stares at her.
"Sorry for the lack of conversation, but it didn't seem to be the right time.", she says as she moves closer to him and puts her hand on his chin. She continues to investigate his face; then she looks his whole body over.
"There's something about him. i don't know what it is... I just have a feeling about him. I feel something I have never felt. Maybe it's love... I don't know. I'mm just being human.", she thinks as she shakes her head.
She moves her head closer to him to kiss him.
"Sorry for being so forward. We don't even know each other's names.", she says as she looks to see any fear or hate in his eyes. Oddly she sees none.
"I'm Isis du Mare, a devout Follower of Set.", she introduces herself as she puts her hand on his chest.
"And you are?"

((next :roll: hope you can finish this dialogue jensill :P

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 5:27 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:54 pm
Jensill looked down at the small hand on his chest, then back to his female savior, and took a step away from her.
Looking around, for a moment at his surroundings, he returned his gaze to the kindred in front of him. Despite his strong and immediate mistrust of her at the mention of Set, he could not help himself from feeling gratitude towards her for her timely rescue, and drawn to her by her striking apperance. He just wondered what this was going to cost him ot how much more trouble he'd be in at the end of the night.
"Black." he said, finally answering her question.
"What?" she asked. "Just,... Black?"
"No." He replied, turning slowly as he started making his way around the room. "Jensill Black."
"Jensill? hmmm, well it was my pleasure to save you Jensill Black of clan...what did you say it was?"
He stopped and turned again to face her. "I didn't..but it's Brujah."
"Ahh, well that certainly explains your apperance." she said smiling.
Jensill scowled. His night had been bad enough without her mild bit of teasing. He was still in the middle of a shit storm and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of trouble this one would bring him, as if he wasn't already in enough already.
"Look, I don't mean to sound unappreciative," he said as she moved across the room to him. " But I really need to.."
Her hand came up to his mouth and she gently placed her finger across his lips to silence him.
"You are safe here Jensill Black of clan Brujah." she smiled. "Nothing here is going to jump out and bite you...except maybe me."
He could not help but smile at her remark and he felt a slight bit of his tension ease out of his body.
"Maybe that's what I am afraid of."
Isis looked into his eyes and saw him relax alittle bit. Her smile grew wider and she moved closer to him.
"Now, you look simply dreadful like that." She said as she began unbuttoning his shirt. "Lets just get you out of these clothes and see what we can do about making you more...comfortable."
Isis slipped her hands inside of his shirt and ran her fingers acorss Jensill's chest. Jensill steped back and closed his shirt with one hand.
"Aww, dont tell me you're shy." she said smiling. "A big strong Brujah like you, afraid of little old me?" Isis laughed.
Jensill felt his frustration grow. He was certainly drawn to her, he would not deny that, but with everything that had happened, coupled with who and what she was, he had to listen to the alarms about her going off inside of himself.
" you...can..."
"Oooo, I've got you all flustered, very nice." She smiled seductively. "But you were going to ask if you could clean up somewhere, maybe?"
Jensill nodded his head. "Yes, please."
"This way." she said turning.
Isis lead him into a bathroom and stood with her arms folded under her breasts. Jensill looked at her in a silent plead for privacy but soon realized he would not recieve it.
He undressed quickly and stepped into the shower stall pulling the frosted glass door closed behind him.
Isis smiled, turned to a cabinet took out a towel and laid it across the rack for him. She'd give him several minutes to get cleaned up and then she would join him.

The hot water cascaded down Jensill's body onto the white tiles of the showers floor. His body was rapidly relaxing from the nights events and he found himself not thinking so much about Trever or the people who had died, but more of the mysterious setite who had nearly run him over and had rescued him. He wasn't sure at all what to think of her, but he couldn't help not thinking about her. He smiled. That's when the visions struck again.

He was standing in a scorched and firey waste land. The earth had been seared and nothing alive remained. Builings had burned nearly to their foundations and the ground was scattered with the charred bones of those that had died. A stale hot wind blew past him carrying the stench of decay and death. Jensill turned around in a full circle and wept tears of blood for those that had fallen. He knew in his mind that this was not real, but the emotions it evoked were to powerful for him to ignore.
A shrill scream pierced the otherwise silent night. Jensill swung around to identify its source but could find nothing. The scream sounded again and it was close, Jensill began running to find the source. He headed towards a small group of gutted buildings and frantically started searching them.

Isis slipped out of her clotheing and began humming to herself. She smiled when she thought of the handsome and shy kindred now occupying her shower. Her body grew heated at the thought of feeling his touch and possibly tasting his vitae. She stepped lithely towards the bathroom giggling to herself at the idea of surprising him in this way. She hoped his face would flush with embarassment when she entered the shower.
She moved silently through the bathroom and gently unlatched the door. She saw his naked form leaning over with his hands resting on the wall and his head under the hot steaming water. He didnt move or turn when she stepped up behind him. She smiled, she was having fun with this.

Jensill swung around at the sound of footsteps behind him on the cracked earth. Standing before him was some kind of hideous and winged demon. Its skin was black and leathery but seemed to glisten as it moved. Its mouth was open revealing row after row of sharp yellow teeth, its red eyes glowed with a manevolent hatred for him. It reached out its clawed hand for him and Jensill turned and ran.
He could hear its heavy footsteps on the ground behind him, it was gaining fast, no matter how hard he ran. He saw no way to escape but was resigned to fighth is thing to the death.

Isis moved close behind him and reached out her arms to wrap around his waist. She felt droplets of water bouning off of him onto her skin. She felt her excitment grown as her arms slide around his small waist. His body began to move in response, she was just not prepared for what was actually about to happen.

The demon gabbed Jensill around the waist and began lifting him up. It's face lowered to his neck and poised itself to dig deeply into his flesh. Jesill's survival insticts kicked in and he threw a hard elbow back into it's abdomen temporarily dislodging himself from the creature. he turned and his hand shot out to it's throat and he caught it in a death grip. He brought his hand back and prepared to strike it when the creature screamed.

Isis was knocked back by Jensill's heavy blow and had no time to recover or consider what was happening before his hand shot out to her neck. His look of rage and hatred turned his handsome face into a terrible visage. He drew his other hand back into a fist and prepared to strike her again when she screamed.

The sound of the scream brought Jensill racing back out of the nightmare and into reality. He stared dumbly at her for a moment and slowly began realizing what had happened and what he had almost done to her. He released his grip on her throat and lowered his hands to his sides.
'what is happening to me?' he thought to himself. 'what did I do?'
A tear of blood rolled down his cheeck and his body began to shake alittle. He felt dizzy, as if he were intoxicated and the room began to swim.
He felt himself being steadied as her arms wraped around his waist. Isis laid her head on his chest and whispered to him that it would be alright. Her body felt better than he could have imagined pressed up close to him and he found himself strangely comforted by her touch. Jensill closed his eyes and let himself be held as he tried to forget the images that were haunting his mind.

(was that a decent cloer for the conversation? hope you liked it, wait to see what comes next. And Gabe, gonna need you soon, so lemme know where you are and what you are doing.) :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

befor you end the thought that you can bury me
I turn out the lights so you cant see
the shadow in the dark that you can barely sieze...surrounded by the death that doesnt bleed
Offline Profile
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 6:58 pm Reply with quote
Gabriel shot down the alleyway, his legs creating a haze of motion beneath him. The world flashed by in a blur of lights and sounds.
He flew over the rail and landed on the hard concrete swiftly and silently. A sea of commotion stirred in front of him. Police car, their blue lights flashing, police officers, detectives, ambulances. He heard the distinct sound of a zipper and shot his eyes to the body bag just in time to see the dead face of a security guard. He looked awfully serene in his final rest.
Gabriel furrowed his brow and walked slowly backwards into the shadows. From there he watched as the crime scene was scowered for clues. A dead Kindred lay decomposing a bit away from the warehouse. A cluster of men huddled around him. Gabriel cursed silently and gathered his strength.
He focused his blood energy inward, allowing it to swell within the confines of his body. His entire being was tingling and ready. Every cell willing to give its all for the cause. Gabriel unleashed.
The wave swept over the crowd like a swarm of pestulant insects. Those nearest to Gabriel began to fear a little uneasy at first, slowly it turned into full blown fear. Everyone looked frightened and nervous, desperately looking for their unseen source of fear. Gabriel stepped out of the shadow and cast his eyes upon them.
The screaming and panic took hold of them as they sprinted for safety. Soon it was empty, everyone had fled leaving only the Ventrue to his business. His mass Dread Gaze had worked.
Deep within him, the Beast roared to be fed. He slipped his hand into his trench coat and produced a small flask of blood. Unscrewing the small silver cap he raised it to his lips and drank. He could feel the Beast return to it's slumber.
Gabriel knelt beside the dead Kindred and looked him over. Not much to speak of in his opinion but then, it's only his opinion. He grabbed the creature by the collar and heaved him up over his should with ease. He allowed his muscles to increase their strength and speed.
He climbed the ladder to the roof of the warehouse. After a brief search he found a spot between two large crates to wedge the body. At about 3 PM the next day the sun would be in perfect position to turn the corpse to ash. Gabriel nodded with satisfaction and set about finding the culprit.
At first it was easy, the tangy Brujah blood was easy to follow. But as the Brujah healed, the blood trail has disappeared. Gabriel came to a large wall, and could smell the blood upon the razor wire. Hmmm...must've climbed.
Backing up, he felt his leg muscles swell with blood strength and the ancient art of celerity. He shot foward and leapt into the air. The wall barely passed beneath him and Gabriel smiled with smug satisfaction. It ended however as he saw the sloped ground in front of him.
"Jesus!" he muttered as he hit the ground, rolling foward, his coat and tie flapping like the loose rubber on an old tire. He came to a stop on the concrete and raised himself up. Dusting himself off he glanced around. The trail seemed to have ended, except for the skid marks on the ground in front of him....

((okay well, tomorrow i leave for Atlanta and i'll be back on Saturday. so i'll be able to post then. :smile:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2001 8:47 pm Reply with quote
She continued to try to console Jensill as she felt her blood try to fix the damage he caused. She helped him out of the bath and helped towel him off. The whole while he was still crying.
"Now Jensill don't worry.", she says as she turns his face to look at her, "I'm ok. i think we both need to sit down and talk, ok. I thought you'd enjooy being surprised in the shower. I need to make a mental note not to do that."
She flashed him a broad smile and brought his nude body to hers. She comforted him like she would any child. they walked out in to the main chamber and she sat him down on a leather couch.
She took a seat next to him and thought," Why am I allowing this. I shouldn't be. But there's something about him... That... I don't know. I think that there's something more between me and him."
He then answered, "No. I love the way your body felt against mine. I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to hurt you.", he shakes his head.
"You like the feel of my body?", she says as she moves closer to him. She puts her hand on his thigh and says, "I thought it was just me........"
She continues to move closer to him, almost to the point she's sitting on his lap.
"I hope you don't mind me being this close... Jensill.", she says as she starts to approach him for another kiss.
She comes up and plants a deep passionate kiss and closes her eyes. She feels Jensill's arms wrap around her lithe body. She feels him hold her close.
"Well, I didn't expect this sort of response.", she whispers to him seductively.
"I didn't either.", he replies, "It just feels right."
She melts into his kiss wishing that something more would come of it. She doesn't know what exactly, but just something. Then she felt his hand wander down her body to her deriaire. She found herself let out a deep moan.
"Oh, I'm sorry.", she says as she realizes that she was being lost in the moment.
"Don't worry.", Jensill assures her, "I want this to happen too."

((take it away jensill ;) just wondering what you'll write next.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2001 8:23 pm Reply with quote
Isis looked into jensill's eyes as he said that and saw no sarcasm at all in his tone. She moved back closer to him and rand her slender hand through his hair. She felt her breasts rub against his chest as her lips once again touched Jensill's. Her other arm wrapped around his neck. She could feel his arms wrap around her body.
The warmth from the kiss sent her body on fire instantly. She could the warmth return to his skin as well. her hand dropped from his hair and onto his back.
"I'm glad that I found you.", she whispered in a seductive tone, "I'm glad that the cops didn't get to you first."
After she finished the last part of the statement his body went rigid and he ran over to the television.
"Shit. I need to get a hold of Damien!", he exclaimed as he was flipping to the nearest news station.
Isis went over to her wardrobe and found her cell phone. She walked over and handed it to Jensill.
He hurriedly started punching in the numbers while the commercials played on.
Isis walked back over to the couch and sat down as she watched the commercials finish. And that they did. The opening graphics came on as Jensill watched intently and Isis began to sit back on the couch.

((there you go, i got us out of that situation :grin: now you can carry on with yours since i got us in that place to begin with. ;)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2001 1:28 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:54 pm
(Channel 5 News, Todd Smith - Anchor)

We have just recieved more developments in what appears to be a series of violent and bizzare incidents that seemed to have started somtime after 10 PM this evening.

It seems to have started with an automobile accident at the downtown intersection of Cleveland and 72nd, where a 2000 black Lexus struck the side of a garbage truck. The driver apperantly went through the winshield of the vehicle, and judgeing from the severity of the accident and the amount of blood on scene, there is little doubt in the minds of local authorities that the driver of the vehicle was killed. At this time however, no body can be found. Police are unable to determine who the vehicle was registered to so no victim has been identified.
More bizzare, was the fact that the driver of the garbage truck, identified later as Samuel Jameson, was found murdered in a nearby alley. His body had been mutilated and dumped into a trash bin. Police are searching the area for witness's but have been unable to find any at this time.

Less than fifteen minutes after the accident, a local police officer by the name of Jennifer Hanson, responded to shots being fired in another alley less than four blocks from the accident. Officer Hanson radioed in for back up, but by the time other officers arrived, Officer Hanson had been murdered as it looks like she had been attempting to apprehend a suspect.
Several shell casings belonging to an unrecoverd weapon were found on the ground near officer Hanson's body. Police believe they were fired by one of possibly multiple suspects.
Blood was also found on one of the alley walls, and police believe it to be from the victim of the shooting. However, police are again stumped at this time as no body other than that of Officer Hanson was found.
Officer Hanson is survived by her husband of five years and their three year old son.

Police are also investigating another possible double homicide that occured a little over a mile from where the murder of officer Hanson took place, in the Smythe-Bailer Industrial Complex.
Police were contacted by William Gregor, a security officer employed by Smythe-Bailer in referance to an intrusion alarm.
Police responded to the scene only to find that Gregor had apperantly been murdered while attempting to detain the suspect. Police are stateing that Gregor managed to fire several shots into the suspect, but fell victim to what police believe was a possible PCP user, due to the fact that the suspect continued to charged Gregor and to kill him after taking all of the bullets fired in the abdomen area. Police say that the victim then fled the scene and jumped over a security wall. Most of the incident was captured on complex security cameras, however, given their distance from the crime scene, a positive ID was not made on the suspect, whom police believe to be severly injured or possibly dead. A body has not yet been found.
Further, investigation revealed a possible second murder victim on scene. The body of a partially decomposed corpse was found inside the building that the suspect had been occupying. The body was badly damaged as if it had taken a severe beating and a fall of some great height which made no sense to authorities as the lead officer on scence stated that the body had been decomposing for several months. Ironically, windows of a third story office space were smashed out in what looks to have been some kind of brawl inside the office and that the parties involved came from inside the office out onto the cat-walk.
A pair of police issue handcuffs, later identified as belonging to Officer Jennifer Hanson, were found on the body of the corpse, they had been broken into two pieces.
Police were removing the body of the corpse from the crime scene, when what is being described as a moment of mass delusion and hysteria, unexplainably affected all of the officers on scene.
Several policemen were quoted as saying that an uncontrolable fear came suddenly over them. This incident coincides with the apperance of a second suspect, whom authorities are looking for for questioning, came into the crime scence and removed the body of the corpse to an unknown location.
Police analysts are looking into a possible chemical spill that might have caused the hysteria.

Police right now are speculating that the occurances might be part of a larger gang related incident.

Services will be held this coming Saterday for Officer Hanson at the Cascadia Memorial Funeral Park. She will be buried with full police honors. Donations of flowers can be made at any of the local area police stations.

That's all we have for now, we will bring you any further updates as we receive them. Now, over to Sandra Oswald with your weekly forcast..........

befor you end the thought that you can bury me
I turn out the lights so you cant see
the shadow in the dark that you can barely sieze...surrounded by the death that doesnt bleed
Offline Profile
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2001 5:00 am Reply with quote
Jensill's body looked tense as he heard the news report, accompanied by the fact that he still couldn't contact Damien. Isis looked at him, wanting to console him.
She gets up and walks over to Jensill. She once again wrapped her arms around his waist. She rests her head against his back and says,"I'm sorry. I don't know what I can do. Let me know what I can do to help."
He turns around to face her looking stone-faced as the gravity of the situation slowly sinks in. She looks into his eyes, and hugs him. She puts a hand to his head, and presses it to her breast. The phone slips from his hand and clatters on the floor.
She then takes Jensill by the hands and sits him on the couch. She leaves the room picking up the phone on the way out.
"I'll give you some privacy, but please don't...", she says looking around, "wreck anything."
She walks out of the main chamber and then back into the bathroom. She picks up the towels that were on the floor and looks at the shower. She silently giggles to herself after she thinks of what happened earlier. The thought of his kiss made her wonder if this was all a dream, or was it real.

Jensill sits on the couch, but his anger starts to get greater. He rests his head on his hands and shakes it back and forth. His hands clench into tight fists as he pounds them into the soft leather of the couch.
"I can't believe any of this is happening. And where the hell is Damien? What the hell is going on?", he thinks to himself.

Isis goes to pick up Jensill's dirty and ruined clothes. as she bends down to pick them up she hears a great roar come from the main chamber.
"Shit.", she thought as she raced towards the bathroom door.

The door flings open and she runs into to see Jensill about ready to boot the television in.
She shouts,"NO!"
He looks at her but his face has turned to a visage of pure hate.
"Jensill, please. Come here. Please this will be the best thing for you.", she says trying to calm him.
His face still looks like the visage of hate. She approaches him and grabs his hand. She puts it to her face.
"Think of me right now. Think of the way you feel about me. Try not to dwell on what you just saw.", she says in a calm tone.
She then approachs him and embraces him. She draws his face down to hers.
"Just look into my eyes.", she says.

And to think that such a pure place has never been touched by the hand of the childer of Set. Well, I must change that...

[ This Message was edited by: Isis du Mare on 2001-11-03 02:29 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Isis du Mare on 2001-11-03 02:31 ]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2001 7:35 am Reply with quote
As he looks into her eyes, she thinks about mesmerizing him with his serpentine eyes. The more she thinks about it the more she tells herself no. See if he is willing to do it of his own volition.
But the serpent inside of her keeps rearing it's head. It whispers what she'd like to do.
"Do this to him. Make him yours. Do what is in your nature.", it hisses to her.
She shakes her head trying to fight it off. She tries to think of the feelings she feels for him, but the snake keeps trying to tempt to make him like everything else in that she has touched.
But what she fears most is that she does do it that she will never know his true feelngs towards her. She can see that he cares. He has more then proved that by regretting hitting and almost killing her.
She decides not to do it and uses every bit of her willpower to fight back the snake.

"Jensill, please listen to me. This will not solve anything. You need to just focus on what needs to be done, and beating in the television. I'll let you use my phone as long as you want to get a hold of who ever you need to talk to, but please just listen to me.", she pleaded as she tried to hold him as rapt as possible, but she was quickly loosing her grip.

And to think that such a pure place has never been touched by the hand of the childer of Set. Well, I must change that...

[ This Message was edited by: Isis du Mare on 2001-11-08 21:30 ]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 11:40 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:54 pm
((sorry I havent posted in a few days, been real hectic with everything going on. Gonna try to tonight, otherwise tomorrow.))

befor you end the thought that you can bury me
I turn out the lights so you cant see
the shadow in the dark that you can barely sieze...surrounded by the death that doesnt bleed
Offline Profile
PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 3:29 am Reply with quote
((cool, hope to see you online, since i missed you in game both mon. and wed. :grin: it'll be cool. i should be on a majority of the day if i don't go to assimilate closing at cats club ;) ;) ;) ;) it will be well worth your while ;)

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