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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:34 am Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
Her s's begin to elongate as she gives into her more serpentine nature. Her flesh turns to scales, her nails, claws. The further she gets into teh throes, the more serpentine she becomes. The prayer still spilling forht from her mouth.
"Set, save us from the harsh light of Caine. He who saves us...", she hisses.
Her moans sound more serpentine.
Her nails dig deep into his chest as she feels him going in and out of her.
She throws her head back and hisses loudly as she feels herself let herself begin to get close to orgasm. She looks down at Horus's face as it contorts in the exhaustive pleasure. Watching his body tense as the muscles help him give hre every last bit of him. She heightens the arousal all in step to his. She feels his body buck underneath hers. She feels him thrust faster into her and she reciprocates by grinding deeper, harder. Knowing that this is sacred. This is their sacrifice to Set.
She begins to scream her sanctifying prayer as they both reach the pinnacle of their ritual. Horus grunts and moans as he feels himself fill her and she makes the muscles surrounding him contract in the rhythm of what would be a beating heart.
"As it is Set's will.", she says in a final moan.
She collapses on top of Horus, keeping him inside of her. She rests her head upon his chest.
"Once this heart used to beat. Once we would do this and he would be breathing heavy. And I would rest my head here to hear the lull of something long dead to me. And now his chest is as silent as mine. But he will be here forever. I will have those beautiful hazel eyes to gaze into for an eternity.", she thinks as she closes her eyes and feels his hand rub her head.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 9:37 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
Mark lets an exaggerated laugh escape his lips while clapping his hands slowly.
“Wonderful absolutely wonderful”
Smiling he walked from the edge of the room and closer to the Setites.
“So, are we having fun yet?”

((I just thought like joining in the fun (not a threesome kinda fun though) feel free to kick me out if I’m spoiling the story :P ))

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 9:59 am Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
He holds himself deep inside her, feeling your lips contract over him tightly. taking everything slowly to excentuate feeling her against him. feeling her fangs burry deep into his neck just as she starts to grind him again harder to work him over the edge, pushing her body harder and faster over him, she stares deep into his eyes watching as he only hisses "thank SSSSet for thissss."

HIs hips not leveling hers as he works harder and faster inside her, her hands burry deep into his chest, he takes her from her back pressing her tightly to him biting into her neck just as he feels her start to orgasm with his Cum pouring deep inside her. her body raised up from the full lenght of his cock holding her straight up with his final thrust rocking her forward, and having her rip away from his mouth and burry hers deeper into his neck lapping his percous vitae, "Yessss, Isissss"she feels his arms wrap tightly over her bakc and caress her head as she continues to drink from him, holding her tightly within is embrace as she stay upon him after lapping his neck closed. Just holding her until she looks deep into his eyes only getting a gently passion filled kiss when their eyes meet.

"thossse that will not execpt you my love, will learn how foolisssh they are for not wanting to have you." HE kisses her again deeper long letting her tongue cut his and drink from there. he holds her against his body letting the prayer become finished with a full exchange of vitae as he Bites into her neck pressing her silken smoothed body tightly against his letting her body react as his tongue continues to lap the sweet presous vitae which she lets pour into his mouth. " I love you My Isis, and forever that sssshall be for the glory Of SSsset."

What should be done and what will be done, to things that must be accounted for.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 3:53 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
She opens her eyes and looks up from her position.
"Mark!", she exclaims as she bounces off of Horus and bolts toward the Malkavian.
She takes him in her arms and gives him a big hug.
"Of course I don't mind. I don't know about my childe however.", she says looking back at him.
"Actually, I would like to introduce you both.", she says walking over and kneeling next to him.
"Mark, this is my childe Horus. Horus, this is Mr. Pineapple head, Mark Archer.", she helps horus back to a sitting position.
She waches as they shake hands and exchange pleasantries. she stand back up.
"So, mark, why did you decide to come back here of all places?", she asks.

((np, mark, welcome aboard.))

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 5:07 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
"why should I mind Isis, If you don't then there is no reason for me too." he smiles slightly As he stands up wrapping his arms around isis just holding her within htem loosely.

" So mark I gues you like one of the many ways to pray to Set then?" he looks at mark standing there wondering what did bring him to the Eye."so what brings you here Mark?"

What should be done and what will be done, to things that must be accounted for.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:30 am Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
"No, he is a child of Malkav. And a good friend.", she says as she pets the back of his head with her hand.
"He is one that I have been longing to see. The reason we came here in the first place."

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2003 12:04 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
Stopping in front of a cabinet he ran his fingers along the smooth surface before bringing his fingers to his eyes in a futile search for dust. Turning he cast a lingering glance on the Setites.

“Well I can’t say that I miss Cascadia so after all those random misunderstandings, explosions, deaths, lies and general violence that finally got rid of that annoying ‘poncey boy of darkness’ I realised I deserved a vacation and what better place than the city of angels, far enough away from the city of demons to keep me comfortable”

“I couldn’t live with myself being in the same city and not coming to thank you for the wonderful help that you gave us all. Besides with all this lustful sin going around why should you be the only one who gets to have all the fun, hey Isis?”

A coy smile shot across mark face as he winked at Horus before looking back to Isis. “There is also the matter of a few annoying fledgling vampires tracking me down and I’m bored of toying with them.”

Mark sat down between the others.
“So what do you do for fun around here?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 7:02 am Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
"Well, you are welcome. You know I couldn't let this city go witout it's corrupting force. The darkness thing is so passe.", she says slowly moving away from Horus.
She takes mark in her arms like a mother.
"But I'm glad to be back. I must say, that it feels good to be back within these walls again. And this time with my prodigal childe.", she says extending her arm to Horus.
"As for fun, well... Recently we've been... enjoying each others company.", she says as a coy smile breaks across her face, "But we have spent sometime out on the town. Well, at least as best we can."
She takes Horus' hand. She brings him down to her and kisses him passionately.
"But I must say, this little neonate has shown me some new tricks. He is truly a credit to the blood. However, I'm sure that you hardly want to hear about our sex life. Well, let's see... my little den of inequity will soon be open. Back in full swing like the days before. Loud and raucous music shall once again grace these hallowed halls. Bodies writhing in intoxicated passion. Where sex, and passion are commonplace. Oh, what a beautiful jewel it will be.", she says petting the top of his head.
"I was wondering, do you know whatever happened to Jensill?", she says with a tone of sadness in her voice.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 10:09 am Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
hours tighens is arms slightly around Isis feeling her pain, " If you have any knowledge of him mark that would be great to hear. I'm glad to see you are one willing to learn from what is offered. I hopwe to see you more around here when things get jumping."

Horus looks to mark hoping he knows something of jensill. He gently kisses away a tear that starts to from and presses Isis tightly to his chest.

What should be done and what will be done, to things that must be accounted for.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 11:21 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
She grabs Horus' hand and says, "I have an idea. You seem to like the look of my childe, don't you Mark? Because I think that we could have a little... arrangement. Something that could be mutually beneficial."
"Now hear me out childe. But let's see we have two men, one woman. You know how much fun that could be. We would all get... something... out of the deal.", she continues with a coy smile.
"Now what says you gentlemen?", she concludes.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 11:47 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
"well now dear you know I'll do anything to help spread the word of set. But Mark here doesn't seem ready to enjoy this event my love," he says swinging around mark and tugging at his clothes. "unless this makes you uncomfortable mark?" Horus pauses with his hands grabbing at marks shirt ready to tear it from his body.

He looks at Isis, as he let's his hands start to run up marks stomach taking his shrit up exposing his rock hard abs to her. "you can tell me to stop whenever you want to mark." he whispers in his ear.

What should be done and what will be done, to things that must be accounted for.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 12:02 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
Mark flashed a seductive smile towards Isis. “Oh I think I maybe ready to enjoy the benefits of this arrangement.”

Mark slid his hand around Horus’s hips and onto his tight ass, holding him close while grinding against his package. Leaning his head back onto Horus’s shoulder Mark whispered seductively.

“Mmm… never been more comfortable in my life”

His tongue began to lick around the outside of his ear then suckled on the lobe as he gave the hot ass in his hands a firm squeeze

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 12:16 am Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
Isis smiles coyly at Horus and Mark. She moves over to a chair and sits down, slowly crossing her legs. She places one finger seductively in her mouth as she watches her childe and Mark begin to enjoy this evening.
"Feel free to explore whatever it is you want.", she says.
She watches them get closer.
"Well, I don't think that I could even begin to leave this alone.", she thinks.
She slowly moves out of her seat and saunters over to teh two of them. She takes Mark's head in her hand and kisses him passionately. Letting her breasts rub against his shirt.
"Now you'll know the one thing that few Cainites know. What it feels like to fuck a snake.", she says as her fingers caress his clothed chest.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 12:26 am Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
"well i think these clothes need to go." horus says ripping marks shirt from his body, Slowly sliding his hands to the front of his pants then to Isis's body gently tugging her down to be able to suck upon mark's hard cock when it slides out of his pants.

"Isthis why you can't sit back?" horus says letting marks pants fall to the floor,taking his own cock and letting it rub against marks firm hard ass." Do you want my hard cock burried deep in your ass?" he says letting mark feel the flicker of his tongue agasint his neck leaving a slight cut to bleed.

He reaches for Isis and lets her lips guild down over mark's hard cock remembering the pleasures of having her suck him dry. "huh mark is this how you want it?" feeling horus slide his cock just along mark's ass rubbing it over him completely.

What should be done and what will be done, to things that must be accounted for.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 1:01 am Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
Isis Looks up at Mark from her position and stands back up again.
"Or I could give you something that you've never felt before have you Makr?", she says kissing him feeling him begin to rub against her. She feels him begin to enter. She hisses in his ear and looks at Horus. She grabs Horus' head and brings it closer to her and kisses him apssionately. her other hand wandering down Mark's back.
"Oh, tonight may be two first for you. Two snakes too...", she whispers in his ear seductively.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM

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