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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Evil never dies

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 5:54 am Reply with quote
Seeaira walked around outside....Buur its cold.
My mind was flooded with a thousand different things as I walked down a path. I had only been in the place for a few days, but this was a path I knew.
Meeting Valek three nights ago proved helpful. Who would have thought I would run into another Cappadocian.
Fortunately he was kind enough to show me the beaten path to where the Cappadocian meet occasionally, also where the library was.
Since then I had gone many times to do my studding.
This night was no different, but I was hoping I would gain more insight to my questions.
Walking into the library I fumbled threw the books looking at each name. Something was weird, I could sense something odd in this room.
Was almost a feeling like the one I used to experience with my sire Vangiddian. Ahhh...the thought of Van gave me chills, who was more evil then him? A smile crept across my face as the past came flooding through my mind. Vangiddian had corrupted me in such an evil way also teaching me that Death was more pleasing to study when it was you who took it. I guess I had learned this first hand.
Thinking these things I turned to take a seat somewhere and somehow losing my balance I dropped the book in my hand. It slid to the middle of the room to what seemed to be a cage. Reaching underneath I stretched to find it. Pulling it out I paused as I looked at the book. This was not the book I had in my hand, this book was very worn and on the outside I could see a symbol, A symbol I had seen before. I closed my eyes remembering where I had seen that, just then it came to me....Valek. This is his book. But a book of what?
Being the woman I am...I didn't even hesitate I quickly opened it and began to read. This man Valek was of some interest to me. There was something about him I longed to know, I don't know what but something very familiar about him and I intend on finding out.
For the next few hours I sat there on the floor reading this book, a journal of Valeks, every personal intimate moment he had experience was in my hands. I marveled at the way he had spent hundreds of years.
But there was a part of me that was truly excited. The journal reeked of evil deeds. Though somehow I grew board as I continued to read. BLAH such potential and yet I can tell he's holding back. This man whom I didn't even know until three nights ago was turning out to be what I was in search for, could it be that this man "stores" the Evil I wish to find?
I closed the book, my fingers fidgeting. That's IT! I knew what I was going to do now. Getting up I ran out the door into the night.
Walking back up the path a got a smile on my face...Its a good thing my Sire taught me Presence. He would be very please with what im about to unleash.

[ This Message was edited by: Seeaira on 2001-10-19 08:56 ]

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 8:06 am Reply with quote
((very nice :grin: but maybe he will or maybe he wont :lol: love the story ...keep it up!!))

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 8:15 am Reply with quote
((Yep very nice post :smile:
Ill post something ic soon too :smile: ))

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 5:24 pm Reply with quote
((sweet :grin:


PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 8:18 pm Reply with quote
Walking outside of the Cappadocian Cattacombs
near it...actually in the graveyard right next to it...

Looking at all the tombstones while passing by them....Valek felt a strange pain in him..
like something wanting to get out...but it was held back for some reason....feeling the pain getting stronger...Valek walked to a tombstone in front of him...putting his hands on it...holding himsef from not falling on the this moment Valek's eyes turned was not due to his sword....His eyes quickly were filled with what was looking like a white mist of some sort....Valek fell on one knee...and lat out a very LOUD demonic scream....obviously something in him wants to get out...or to be unleashed...but it was held back...but why?....Valek then fell down on his other knee...know kneeling on the ground...holding himself on a tombstone....

Footsteps could be heard...someone was near...someone was coming....Valek remained in the same state...those strange whispers and screams of demons coming out of him....again...just like if something wanted to come out...but it was held back.......the footsteps were getting louder...

((Ok take it from here :smile: ))

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-10-19 15:36 ]

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2001 2:37 am Reply with quote
Outside the Cappadocian Cattacombs lighting let out a big Boom and I glanced up at the sky. The daylight would be here soon so I quickened my step back up the path. I held Valeks journal in my hand tightly and I was thinking of the course of action I was going to take when just then ... I heard a scream so loud I dropped the book and covered my ears. I stood still looking in the direction this horrific noise came from, just to my right was a graveyard. Funny I hadn't noticed it before, not hesitating I darted through the grave yard to find the source of this sound.
Walking by some trees I saw a man kneeling by a tombstone almost leaning over it. The closer I got the more I trembled, The energy in the air was so thick I could cut it with a knife, and i swear if I still had a heart beat it would be pounding out of my chest.
The man let out another scream and my body reacted, almost like his screams were communicating with me.
I stood there watching as this man started to turn....turn...turn to look at me, and then I saw.... It was Valek!
He glared at me, his eyes piercing through mine like a sword and I lost my balance falling to the ground, but never taking my eyes off his so as not to lose my concentration. In a matter of seconds he was at my feet looking as though he was going to kill me. I glared back with everything that was inside me standing to my feet I gave it all I could using presence and putting him in a state of Awe. I realized I could be killed for what I was doing, but that was a risk I had to take.
As I tried to read his thoughts I was using more energy then I had ever used before, Soaking in his thoughts hit me like lightning bolts and was too much for me to take, and Im sure that as my body collapsed to the ground, The nightmarish scream that escaped from my body could be heard miles away.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2001 7:22 am Reply with quote
((Very NICE post :smile: ))

Valek looked at her just like if he was about to kill her...but it wasnt what he had in mind...he reached down to help her get up...he stopped as he heard her painful and nightmarish screams coming out of her mouth....Valek stepped back quickly...reacting to her screams for a was the first time Valek felt this reaction....Valek then looked up at the he did...he heard the lyrics used by the nuns used for the exorcist the nuns tried on him back in his mortal life....Valek's ears started to bleed....Valek then screamed out loud in a demonic way again....and slowly fell on his knees...looking at the sky...he yelled
"You are mine!!!!I WILL TEAR YOU APART!!!!"

Valek's eyes turned white,back to normal and then white again....his eyes flickering back to white and normal....something was trying to get out of Valek...but he wasnt able to let it out.....Valek then said a few words in "Los Demonis"....his eyes turned and he fell on the ground face first....gripping the if he tried to dig....Valek then fell in a state of "uncouciouness"((Spelling? LOL))

An heavy rain started to fall...........

((Ok take it from here again :smile: ))

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-10-20 02:23 ]

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2001 2:05 pm Reply with quote
In a dream like state I heard a demonic voice "You are mine!! I will tear you apart" Thinking that those words were spoken to me I started to fight, things were shooting at my face! my body! Little needles all over my BODY!!!! Then I woke up, as rain was hitting my face I was drenched and for a second I thought everything had been a dream. I let out a laugh with a smirk. "Things all over my what an idiot, its RAIN Seeaira"
I placed my hands on the dirt to brace myself to get up, whoa im weak. Just then I saw Valek to my right, face down in the dirt. WHAT HAVE I DONE??
My mind started to race and think about the last events, all I did was try to read his mind, I knew he looked weak but im the one who fainted.
I could see the dark was disappearing and I started to panic. Try as I might I couldn't budge him. I tried to pull harder on his hand but nothing. He was too heavy for me to drag and way too heavy to lift.
I dropped down on my knees turning his body over so his face was looking up He was covered in blood. BLOOD? Oh my gosh I don't remember any of this. If the others find out what I have done they will surely torture me. I ripped a piece of my clothes and placing his head in my lap I cleaned his face. Valek please GET UP, the day will be here soon.
Knowing her life was in danger as well as Valeks and not remembering the true events, Seeaira used every bit of strength she had and pulled Valek closer to the Cappadocian Catacombs, Just at the edge of the graveyard she collapsed crying. I have no more strength I cant do it! VALEK!! WAKE UP!! she violently shook his body and began to panic. Please! before its too late!!

((Do you think I should have checked for a heart beat ? just a thought....LMAO this is why im blonde)) :roll:

[ This Message was edited by: Seeaira on 2001-10-20 10:59 ]

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2001 10:13 pm Reply with quote
As he felt that someone was shaking his body rather violently...and hearing "VALEK!! WAKE UP!!"

Valek's eyes opened they opened Valek saw the sunlight running on the ground toward him...he quickly stood up...Looking at the sun light running toward them...he then looked back and saw Seeaira...confused a little as why she was there...he knew that she was the one who woke him...and most likely saved him from the sunlight...if he could only hide somewhere before the light arrives to them....Valek said
"Hurry...the light is coming..."

Valek helped her she was looking a bit weak....They both runned out of the cemetary....seeing that the light already reached the Cattacombs...Valek quickly looked around....and noticed a path that was leading deeper inside the forest....They both runned this way.....Seeaira picked up the book of Valek that she dropped on the ground before entering the cemetary and followed Valek toward where he was running......the sunlight running after them on the was soon gonna reach them the distance Valek saw some sort of an abandonned Mansion of some looked really damaged...but it was their only chance to escape this sunlight...a few seconds later...Valek reached the in the shadows...and he heard a "falling" noise...just like if someone fell on the ground....he turned back to look and saw Seeaira on the ground...she seemed like all of her strenght was gone...The sun reached her...and a grey smoke came out of her shirt....the sun was starting to burn her...she let out a scream...Valek looked at the sunlight..and frowned...he then got out of the shadows....exposing himself to the light..hidding with his long and black coat...he took off his coat...and put it on her...hidding her from the rays of the sun...Valek screamed in pain feeling the sun burning his flesh quickly...he then picked her up and runned toward this Mansion very fast...nearly falling down on his way there..due to the burning sensation...As he arrived there the door was locked...he then put her on the ground his coat still on her protecting her from the rays of the sun in a way....Valek's hand then lit...his hand was now on fire...Valek kicked the door of the Mansion open...took Seeaira up again...and entered this strange "Mansion"....Valek's hand stopped to burn...but his skin was a little burned...but it would most likely heal up in due time...Valek then closed the door...locking it it wouldnt open again....At this moment Valek felt the same pain that he felt in the cemetary....His eyes turned white again...he tried to handle it...but for some reason he couldnt...He fell down on his knees again....Seeaira then pulled Valek's coat off her...looking at him.....Valek let out another demonic scream.....Seeaira seemed to react to those screams....Valek then let out a louder one...
This scream made Seeaira's eyes turn white as well....Valek shaked his head...holding it .....and slowly turned back to normal.....

-Few seconds later-

Valek...still on his knees...he could hear someone getting nearer...obviously Seeaira since she was the only one in here with him.....As he turned back....he saw Seeaira,her eyes of a bright white...laughing in a demonic way ...getting nearer to Valek...Valek stood up..and noticed that she haves the same powers that he haves..concerning the demons...As she let out a scream...Valek's eyes turned white..then back to normal...just like if the demons inside him wanted to communicate with hers....

They both have something in common....

Quickly Valek turned to look around a he did Seeaira hitted him rather violently....Valek flied through the room...crashing in the wall about 15 meters away....Peices of the wall fell on him....As Seeaira walked up toward him....she fell on her knees..turning back to normal as well...

She looked in the distance...and could saw Valek...pushing the peices of the wall off him...trying to get up......

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-10-20 17:20 ]

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2001 4:02 am Reply with quote
Looking around I found myself on my knees in a strange place. For a second I forgot how I got there, but it all came flying back in when I glanced over and saw Valek almost imbedded in the wall.
Mustering up all the strength I had left I pulled myself up walking over to Valek to somehow help him. Valek Looked at me as if he was scared, Maybe just shocked that my 103 lbs body just threw his ass across the room into the wall.
As I got closer I noticed that a piece of wood had gone straight threw his arm almost pinning him to the wall. Valek drew his sword and pointed it at me. I was thinking, if he was going to kill me he would have done it by now. I walked up to him with the sword right at my throat.
I could tell Valeks body was reacting to me being this close. It was obvious he had no idea who I was, or what I was even. I looked at him and smiled an evil grin. Grabbing the piece of wood I yanked it out of his arm and watched Valek fall to the ground.
I would safely say that in Valeks 1336 years he had never been in the presence of one like me.
His body was convulsing now and he was throwing up,
His head tilting back and I watched his eyes go white and the most hideous voice came deep from within Valek as he stood up and grabbed my throat turning to pin me up agents the wall. When Valek ask me a question im sure he never expected me to answer...but ahh I speak Los Demonis as well.
As soon as I responded any color that could have been on his face left and he was the whitest I had ever seen anyone. Valek slowly took his hand off my throat and I quickly responded grabbing his throat slamming him to the ground and being forceful I spoke to him the same way he spoke to me, with only a voice that you could hear from one who is damned, my eyes turned white and I looked at him.....what do you think I am?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2001 4:07 am Reply with quote
((Very nice post again :smile: ))

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2001 4:54 am Reply with quote
(( Uuuuuh oooooooooooooooooooh ... Diam is going to have some competition ... looks as though Valek is a wanted man ... hehehehe ... AND he's stuck in a mansion all alone with her for an entire DAY ... you better watch out!!

Very nice posts you guys!!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2001 5:27 am Reply with quote
((verry exciting!!!! great work !!!)) :eek:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 6:56 am Reply with quote

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 7:43 am Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 16Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UKJoined: Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:39 am
((these posts are great

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Live as if you'll die today
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