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Isis du Mare
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 6:26 pm |
"I wasn't planning on staying at the Temple, I have my own accomidations. I would like to visit it though.", she says rather snappy.
"Look if you have a problem with me, fine. You don't need to talk to me more then you need to. I'm here on business, and I tried being friendly, but now I really don't want to deal with it anymore.", she continues.
She sighs and continues on her way as she looks around.
She looks back with serpent eyes and says almost snake like,"I don't know what sssort of deal you have going here, but we both know what we need to do. This place ssstill needsss to be corrupted. We are sssupposssed to be preparing the world for Ssset. I wasss sssent here by the Temple to sssee that it isss done. The ressst of the world is already ready. I wasss told that they alssso want me to go to Ombosss, but they feel my need isss greater here. LA isss already perfect, the mindssset of the world is jussst right, but we need it to be consssissstent, and I can sssee why. Now whay do you not work towardsss our greater goal?"
((heh. next kiya... ;)
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 7:59 pm |
"How old are you girl?" She stops for a second looking her up and down, and then quickly scans the streets. Only a few passed out bums can be seen. She strides over to her ... grabbing her arm ... and pulling her ear to Kiya's mouth.
"I will say this once ... now listen good. What I do is NONE of your concern. You create any problems for me, well, to make it simple, they will not be tolerated. If you want to find out what I'm about, I would advise not passing judgement withen only a few minutes of knowing me."
She lets her arm go ... smirking. "I wouldn't advise speaking to me like that again, especially in public. Now ... you want to know who I am, you'll have to met me at my convience. I'll say it again. Things are not going to be easy for you, and if you mess up, even in the slightest way, you're going to wish you never came here."
She stands watching the girl for a moment. Her eyes almost flickering red.
Isis du Mare
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 8:29 pm |
"Ssso, you have sssomething againssst the very blood that runsss through your veinsss?", she replies still sounding like a snake, "Look, I'm here to help you. Thisss isss jussst a misssunderssstanding. I think that we need to calm down. Here, I offer my hand in sssuplication. I'm sssorry. But realize that we will need to work together. I think you could have your goal... You want Valek. I could sssee it by the way that you were looking at that woman. You can have him, but you're going to need alliesss... I'm more then willing to help. Yesss... Would you like that? I think htat you do. Anything to get that woman away from him, yesss? I hope that you realize that I am not here to usssurp anything that you have done. I wnat to help.... all for the good of Ssset...", she says. Her eyes change back to normal, but she still sounds like a snake.
"Oh, and my age isss quite inconsssiquential. I'm old enough, jussst asss you are. I jussst hope that you can appreciate what I'm here to do. I want the sssame thing you want I'm sure. If you want to know the detailsss of the busssinesssss I plan to open are, I will tell you. But don't turn your back on your own clan. We must band together to protect ourssselvesss from thossse that wish to harm us. we need not to be fractitiousss. I offer you my help in any way possssible. Here, I'll get sssomething useful for you right now.", she continues. When she stops she pulls out a cell phone and dials.
"Hello, may I ssspeak to Mr. Ruhadze pleassse."
"Hello Hesha. How are you? Hmmmm.... really. You know where I am, right? i would like you to sssend Kiya a rare ssscroll. Maybe the one of the ssstory of Isssisss, Osssirisss and Ssset."
"You could? Great..."
"My voice, oh it'sss nothing. Don't worry, I'll tell you later.
Thank you Hesha, dear. We'll talk later.", she finishes. She hangs up her phone and looks to Kiya.
"My peace offering isss on it'sss way. I hope you like it.", she says smiling a preditorial smille.
((hope you like that one :smile:
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 9:18 pm |
She stands there crossing her arms, starring at this mere child.
"You have no idea what I'm working for. Have you ever thought about actually trying to work as a whole with other clans? Have you EVER even let that thought cross your mind? I think that's more benefical to all." She shurgs and looks into the sky. For some reason she liked this girl, but was not about to show it.
"There is no need for a peace offering. I didn't think that we were at war." Her eyes once again scan the street. Still there had seemed to have ben no movement, just a few papers floating by in the wind.
"Now ... as for Valek, I do not want to take that girl away from him. He is a powerful allie, one which I plan to keep. I advise that you do the same. I believe you had a glimpse of Drain. You should make it a point to speak with him."
She avoids most of the questioning. Wether Kiya had a mission or not was not going to be revealed to some stranger. The city had become her home, and she was becoming quite comfortable here. Now, this girl, probably half her age walks in, thinking she's going to change something. Kiya smiles at the thought.
"I hope that your efforts aren't frivilous. I hate to see good energy go to waste. As for me aiding you, well, I don't see that happening. I have gained too much in this city, to lose it to a wannabe warrior like yourself." She turns her back and starts walking in the opposite direction, then turns back to face Isis.
"Like I said, if you want to know what I'm about, I may tell you. As for talking to you about anything in these streets, you're insane."
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 11:35 pm |
((Nice posts...ok im gonna post something soon lol))
Isis du Mare
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 11:47 pm |
"I can sssee that you disssapprove though, of the woman who came up to Valek. I can sssee it in the way you glare at her.", she says as she looks at Kiya's eyes, trying to see any hint of change.
"I ssstill wish you to to have the ssscroll though. It'sss yoursss. Hesha owed me a relic anywaysss. I want you to think about the whole family that you have. I work with other clansss often. I jussst worked with a Brujah, 2 Nosssesss, and a Garou. I think that working with the other 12 clansss is quite helpfull. They can help you achieve the overall goal of raisssing Ssset. Now, let me buy you a drink. Sssomething appropriate maybe. It'sss no problem... Jussst let me do thisss kindnesss.", she continues. This time she has a kind smile on her face.
((uh, next kiya... hope you enjoy this...
:smile: :grin:
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 12:13 am |
She shakes her head ... looking at the ground quite amused by what this girl thinks she knows.
"I do not even know the girl that Valek was with, how could I disapprove of her?" She looks up from the ground smirking. "And as for the drink, no thank you. I can't handle the alcohol." She ran her fingers through her hair and then looked back at Isis, her face stern once again. "Don't do anything stupid. End of story. I don't know what your plans are, and perhaps I will find out shortly. But until then, don't go trying anything." She knew that was stupid to say. "I'm done discussing this with you here. If you want to talk here's my address and phone number, get a hold of me there." She pulls out a small business card and hands it to Isis.
"Don't pretend you know me. You never will. Don't make assumptions about me. They will never be right. And don't try to really get to know me too fast, it will only be misleading. No one knows the true me, and never will. I hope you're not expecting to be different."
Isis du Mare
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 12:54 am |
Isis du Mare
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 1:01 am |
"I think you misssunderssstand. That'sss not the sssort of drink i mean. I mean sssomething a lot more flavourfull. I think you know what I mean. Ssso, I'll get you a glassss if you'd like.", she continues to offer.
"Okay, ssso maybe i'm wrong about you and Valek, but we shall sssee in time. Pleassse, I'd appreciate it if you would take me up on my offer though." she says.
"Come with me inssside. Let usss talk sssome more over thingsss. Pleassse...", she pleads.
((next.... :cool:
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 1:36 am |
"The only place that I will speak to you about anything is at my haven ... under my own security measures. And really dear, begging isn't becoming."
She walks towards the elysium. She puts her hands in her pockets as the wind whips past her. This girl seemed entirely to eager and willing to jump into things. Kiya just shoke her head and kept walking.
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 1:37 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((Isis is looking rather desperate! LoL :lol:
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 2:01 am |
((LOL! :lol: ok im posting now ))
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 2:12 am |
Still looking in her eyes...Valek smiled...and looked down at the rose she had in her hand...remembering the one she gave to him the first time they met,he smiled again,noticing her glass of wine was empty Valek whispered in her ear "you want something else?"...
Isis du Mare
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 4:29 am |
"Fine. Then let usss find a mutual time when we can talk.", she says as she walks towards Elysium.
She walks towards the hotel looking perfectly dignified. She looks around and sees what else there is.
She gets to the doors and opens them. She looks around and walks over to the bar. She notes that Valek seems quite comfortable next to the woman who approached him earlier.
"Huh. I bet Kiya wishes she was the one next to Valek right now.", she thinks remembering the look that Kiya had given the woman before.
She enters the hotel dressed as a goth vamp. She's wearing a black vinyl corset sinched so tight that her breasts make a shelf. skirt is composed of two rectangles of vinyl that are held together by two laces that end about mid thigh. however you can see that she isn't wearing underwear. she wears knee-high stilleto vinyl boots. She walks in and takes a seat at the bar. She orders a screwdriver and leans against the bar, looking around to see who she could talk to.
((know i wonder who is going to talk to me at the bar. ;)
Isis du Mare
Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2001 5:20 pm |
Isis walks over to the table she sees Diam and Valek at. She looks at both of them.
"I think everything's been taken care of betwen me and Kiya.", she says to Valek.
"Oh, and I haven't met you, yet.", she say looking at Diam, "I'm Isis du Mare. I'm the newest Follower of Set as everybody else seems to know.", she looks around as though someone is watching her.
"I'm sorry about that little scene earlier. I just don't understand how anybody knew... But then again there are nos in this town, obviously, so I should have known.", she continues, "But that's besides the point. I was wondering who you were. I'm anxious to meet everyone in this court."
She looks at them happily. And flashes them a big smile.
"Valek, I wouldn't worry. I'm not going to make any problems. I'm just going to start my business and cross my t's and dot my i's. If you'd like, I'll notify you when my business opens. Maybe you could come to the openening party. It's all up to you of coourse.", she says to them, "So, what do you think?"
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