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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 7:11 pm Reply with quote
(( sorry man hahah i forgot that Las couldn't get fillmed . all that is on the tape then is the cab leaving after the doors open by themselves ...again im sorry lol)

Drain slowly assended up the stairs. avoiding the creaking steps that he already knew of. He came into the room and saw the ghoul reinacting the evenings events. The Primogen stayed quiet and waited for the correct time to show himself.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 8:55 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Chained, god she hated being chained. Jules pulled her round like she was some kind of pet on a leash.

"smile my dear, my geusts deserve your best performance..."

"you have me on a chain jules, I really don't feel like smiling... I mean... this is totaly demeaning" She crossed her arms over her chest and turned her nose up at him.

Jules laughted :lol: " come now Adrianna you know this is for the best..."

"I'm chained like a puppy dog jules, and this suspender is like way tooo small even for my tastes"

"my sweet, you look ravishing, and the chain..." he smiled at her appraising her firm half naked body. "it is just the thing to charm my geusts, the Torradors go for that sort of thing."

Adrianna thought for a moment, LA has such a large group of torries, it never occured to her before. "that's it, you embraced me because of them." she gestured to the crowd at the party.

"yes my dear, If I hadn't saved you with my kiss, then Eve would have beaten me too it."

"you know jules they might come rescue me."

he laughted again "and why would they do that? The carmarilla has it's rules, they would not break tradition for someone not of their blood... Rest easy my dear, you are home"

[ This Message was edited by: Adrianna on 2001-10-07 15:57 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Adrianna on 2001-10-07 15:59 ]

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 7:41 am Reply with quote
:while Valek and the ghoul were looking and talking in the apartment Drain slid quietly to the vcr.

He slid the tape in and pressed play

:Valek heard the machine start to play and whipped around with his gun drawn. out of habbit he took one step to the Right and aimed the pistol, Directly at Drain
Drain froze.
Valek began survaying the room looking for... something...anything

"Relax or you may shoot me" Drain said when the gun was no longer pointed at him.

" Damn you you Beast show yourself." Valek scowled

:Drain reapeared holding the television remote. He hit the power button and the TV Brighteded up the room. The picture was of the building they were standing in. A cab was called and was sitting out side of the place. Drain sped up the tape and watched untill the Cab door opened by itsself.

"We have a time of departure" Drain smiled

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 5:30 pm Reply with quote
Seeing it was Drain...Valek then puted his gun away...and noded to Drain...and turned to watch the tv as the tape was playing...Valek looked carefuly at the tv as the door of the cab opened....

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 5:34 pm Reply with quote
"I have no clue as to where they went. Perhaps the cab or cab company can inform us of where he dropped off? Perhaps you could turn up the sound on the tape Mr. Drain."

(( Its all good Drain, you probably have sounds ))

(( And of coarse were coming for you Adrianna =) half naked you say _________________
[i:8d7e518c2a] In loyal service - [/i:8d7e518c2a][b:8d7e518c2a] Calvin [/b:8d7e518c2a]

[ This Message was edited by: Calvin on 2001-10-08 12:39 ]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 7:15 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((you guys will learn that jules took Adrianna to the airport and boarded a private plane. The Plane was bound foe Los Angeles

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 12:23 am Reply with quote
(( im a little Drunk now so bear with me))
"Valek i can check to see where the cab went. It is easy enouth to do." Muttered Drain

" then do so i don't have all night" Replyed Valek

Drain picked up the tellephone and called to the owner of the cabs house a MR Jenkins. Drain told him to get the address of where the cab let off its passengers. The man on the other end hated dealing with the stranger but he remembered past refussals so he complied.
20 min later Mr Jenkins was phoning the number he was given and saying that the cab in question let out the riders at the airport out side of town.
Drain hung up and turned to Valek and said" i can have the servalience tapes from the airport by tomarrow 3am."
Valek returned " is there any way you can get them befor then?"
"Not and cover my tracks" answered Drain annoyed with the attitued being shown

(( ok you go from here man))

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:21 am Reply with quote
"Fine...we need the tapes of the airport what you can do to have them as soon as possible..."

Drain...turned to take the tape that was in the video...and puted it in his inside coat pocket...Drain then said
"Oh i will have the me on that..."
Valek noded...and Drain suddenly left saying
"Ill come back with the tapes..."
Valek noded thanking Drain...

Calvin then noded too thanking Drain as well...Calvin looked at Valek and said
"And what will we do?"
-Valek-"We will wait for the tapes...its the only thing left to do...and we will wait for it here....just in case something else happens..."

Calvin noded and they both waited...

-Tomorrow 1 am-

Valek and Calvin still were waiting in the appartment....wondering where Drain was..even if he said that he would have the tapes by 3 am...Valek then walked to the window...looking at the night sky...smirking....he then walked back looking around the appartment once more....
and came back to the living room after...
Valek said to himself "Wheres Drain...."

At this moment a knocking sound could be heard...Valek and Calvin looked in the direction of the door...seeing no one....
Drain appeared in front of the TV holding the tapes and said
" want to watch them or not?"

Valek noded to Drain...and said
"2 hours before the due time...not bad friend..."
Drain then puted the first tape in the video.....

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-10-08 23:23 ]

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 5:11 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((:::giggles::: ok guys, ah… I’m really not trying to make this hard, but a friend of mine who plays Vampire PnP just pointed out to me that the Lasombra cast no reflection. This applies to camras, videos and mirrors. Basicaly, what you guys would see in the video is the door opening by itself a couple of shadows moving across the floor and that’s about it. Here is the scene as it happened on the video. I will post it later today k))

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 7:12 pm Reply with quote
(( I can see it now
Adrianna half naked chained to the wall, "These guys better come save me! Im all dressed up"
Foot tapping impatiently
Damn men always making me wait....)) :roll:

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 10:08 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((k here it goes))

The airport din't have many people at that time of night, so when the doors swung open on their own it was obvious that Adrianna and Jules had entered the airport.

The image was blurry, almost ghost like but it was clear that one of the shadowery figures was being pulled along by arm. Twice it broke contact with the one holding on only to be grabbed again.

The shadows moved close to the camera. close enough that their whispering voices were picked up on the on the microphone.

"if you keep that up my sweet childe I shall be forced to chain you."

"oh you wouldn't dare." the second voice unmistakenly Adrianna's.

the larger shadow took something out of it pocket and slipped something over Adrianna's head, then pulled her forward toward the door leading to the runway.

"if you keep acting like a pet, then i'm forced to treat you like one, now come my dear we are late for a very exclusive party..."

The shadowy figures moved out the door to the runway where a private jet waited.

Drain enhanced the video by zooming in on the plane and was able to display the I.D numbers clearly.

Of course a quick call to the Airport revielled that the plane belongs to a Los Angeles based textile company.

((k tag your it. :::giggles:::

((looks again at calvins post :::giggles:::
you see me chained up and nakie huh? naughty boy...

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 2:07 am Reply with quote
(( ok i think it is about time to take this in game. we have a city and can search for more clues there.

on further investigation Valek uncovered that the real owners of the plane were hidden behind dummie companies and false names.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 3:06 am Reply with quote
((Yep i agree man :smile:
Ok i can build the game asap if no one disagree with that.))

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 11:34 pm Reply with quote
(( I want in! I want in.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 7:57 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
She looked around at the vamps attending the party. Most of them were from clan toredor, some from places like Yorkshire and New Orleans.
"what are you up too jules?"

"ah yes, motives, that's what you want... well my dear you have something that I need. you were embraced as a way to gain favour with certain kindred."



"oh god..." looks around again, notices that the torries are moving toward a stage set at one end of the room.

an anouncer steps up to a microphone. "all right, as promished tonight we have some very talented kindred here to entertain us..." he said

"oh no you didn't jules, please tell me you didn't..."

"oh come now my dear, think of it this way, as your clothes are coming off, you will be stripping for clan and sire." he laughted.

[ This Message was edited by: Adrianna on 2001-10-12 14:59 ]

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