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<  USA  ~  The End Times

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:57 am Reply with quote
((OK in all my 1337ness, I have no clue how to save the actual files. So if there's a way to do it great, otherwise this'll have to do.


sowed a broken blue ocean with old wire hands.
found in vacant lots the lonely shells of flowered plans.
outside there for nothing.
wives and lovers in ageless sorrow.
on now to the wasted rooms
and gardens and stricken yards.
sight now changing.
sorrow building.
light now leaving.
our lives ending

Joshua ran through the tune as he made his way through the blizzard, weaving absently between the telephone poles that provided the people above with their televisions and their microwaves.

He stopped feeling the cold long ago.

His dark green windbreaker was faded, the words "Indie 'til Death" barely visible on the backside, faded from nights spent sleeping in puddles and hiding between dumpsters and walls, his back pressed up against grimey brick caked in the filth of the city.

Blood dripped down into the snow at his feet, rolling from his pale blue eyes. The hunger was growing inside of him again, only days since his last feeding. Guilt always came with the hunger. He stopped in front of the City Theater of Arts, a local venue which was often host to Joshua's favorite bands. He looked at the sign pasted on the glass window:


There Were Wires

-with guests-

Snarling Fetus

the REPC

$4, ALL AGES, 8:00

There Were Wires. He stepped up to the ticketing booth and pulled out his wallet. Nothing. The man behind the counter stared at him through metal studs and hoops, piercing his face to the point where it looked painful.
"Don't worry about it man," he said.
"Thanks," Joshua said, with a warm smile.
"Fuckin There Were Wires, I can't believe I have to miss this shit," said the man.
"I appreciate it," said Joshua, turning.
He forced his way down into the pit. It was a tight squeeze, and he was elbowed in the ribs more than once on his way in. To his left was a huge circle pit and directly in front of him was a free for all. The band had just begun Joshua's favorite song of theirs, The Physics of Air Hockey. The first notes soared out over him as the pit began to move again, with the ferocity he had grown to expect at shows.

The Words roll off my tongue and kiss the floor
A perfect red carpet to walk away from you on

The music picked up quickly and Joshua ducked to avoid a fist on a course for the side of his face. As he bent over, the music took control and he launched his foot out behind him, hitting another boy about his age. The boy was wearing a black t-shirt with the words "Emo Fucking Sucks" embroidered on the front. He came at Joshua with his hands stretched out at Joshua. They smiled at eachother as they came together in the crowd, crashing in to one another with beautiful violence.

What inspires you is what's killing me
What moves you is what kills me

He spun around and fall into the boy who was swinging his fists up from below, striking another member of the pit. Joshua concentrated hard, bit his lip, and brought his elbow back hard into the head of the boy.

It's 2AM and still no closer
It's 2AM and still no closer

He caught the boy before he fell over and rushed him out of the pit, telling everyone in the way that his friend was injured and needed some air. The music slowed down... the breakdown. The part of the song that moved Joshua to tears. The part that boiled up all of the black stuff inside of him and sent it out in a fury of emotion.

It's 2AM and still no closer
It's 2AM and still no closer

Just fucking bury me
Just fucking bury me
Just fucking bury me
Just fucking bury me

He dragged the boy outside, past the man with the piercings at the ticketing booth.
"Your friend looks pretty fucked up, man," he said as Joshua hurried by, holding the boy on his shoulder.
"He just needs some air," Joshua said quickly as he burst through the theater doors. He dragged the boy into an adjacent alley and looked down at him. He looked around to make sure nobody was watching.

"I'm sorry," he said.

With that, he leaned over and bit into the warm flesh of the boy's neck. Blood filled his mouth and flowed down his throat as the boy gasped and tore at Joshua's back.


((crazy punker vamps lol

personally if i were to create a punker vamp, i'd RP him to the Angelic Upstarts. ah the Angelic Upstarts...a fine piece of Oi!



((lol I thought about going with something funny like... I dunno, Big D and The Kids Table... maybe.... MAYBE even I Hate Myself or Burnman or Gunmoll, whatever they are called now lol ))


Joshua walked down the street, his hunger satiated for now. He looked at the boy's license, which he had taken as he always did, as something to remind him of his humanity. His name was Cody. He was 5'11", 19 years old. An organ donor.

Joshua began to cry.

Through his tears, he realized where his feet were leading him. To her house. His feet crunched through the snow over a span of city blocks, into the suburbs, until he stood outside of her house, looking up. He looked at her window from the sidewalk.

The glass was broken. Blood trickled down the shards of glass and stained the white curtain.

"Oh God no," Joshua said, as he ran to the entrance of the house. He busted in through the front door and made his way up the stairs. When he got to her door, he found blood all over the handle, still wet. Wincing, he turned it and prepared for the worst.

He stepped into the room.

"Ally?" he said softly.

Blood covered her bed. He looked around, searching for her.

"Oh fuck, Alice? ALICE?"

He searched wildly, looking under her bed, looking out the window, and in the bathroom that was adjacent to her room.

She was nowhere.

He looked in her mirror, propped up next to his bed. Something had been written on her closet door. He turned around and read the word, which had been painted in blood on the door.


Joshua walked slowly to the door and took the knob firmly in his hand. He held his breath as he opened the closet, expecting to find whatever was left of Alice in a pile on the floor.

He looked down. Lying in a heap was Shep, Alice's german shephard. His head sat a foot away from his body, his brown and black fur stained with dark arterial blood. Joshua turned and vomited on the floor. He made his way to Ally's parents' room, afraid of what he would find. Another word, scrawled in blood, above their large white bed, now covered in red.


Lights and sirens came from outside. The police had just arrived. There was scuffling coming from downstairs, coming up the stairs, entering Ally's room. He heard sounds of disgust coming from the officer when he found Shep. The shuffling started coming closer to the roomhe was in.

Joshua looked at himself and the room. They would surely blame him.
The officer kicked in the door to the room and came in, noticing Joshua.

"GET DOWN ON THE GROUND you sick fuck!" he screamed, shining a light in Joshua's eyes and holding a gun at him.

"This wasn't me," Joshua said nervously.

"Get on the FUCKING ground now!" the officer repeated.

He sensed something coming up the stairs, something like him. The officer heard the creature as it came behind him and grabbed him by the bottom jaw, twisting, breaking cartilege and bone.

The creature stood in the shape of a man. It was taller than any man Joshua had ever seen though, and much darker. It looked at Joshua with glowing eyes, swirling colors of red and white and black.

"Harbinger!" it shrieked in a voice that encapsulated all of hell.

Joshua turned and ran for the window. He shattered through the glass and landed hard on the ground 20 feet below, without any pain. He ran as quickly as he could, faster than was humanly possible. He ran for about an hour, watching his back the entire time, making sure that he wasn't being followed by whatever that thing was.

He found a drainage tunnel, and crawled inside for shelter from the snow. There was no way for him to know what was happening to him. All he knew was that Ally was in trouble, and he needed to find help.


The Assamite did not persue Joshua. In a millisecond, he could have taken the life of the Caitiff. However, he was not paid for a hit, just a simple kidnapping, warning, and a scaring. That was all.

He walked out of Alice's house hidden in silence, and made his way back over the city, to his haven. When he arrived, there was a note waiting for him.

"Track him. Bring him."

He looked down at the note and sneered.

"700 years does not earn me this informality," he snickered, tossing the letter to the floor. "They can do their own dirty work."

The Nosferatu hiding in the shadows watched him, and would return word of this to the council of elders. They would be very displeased indeed.


((::kicks Joshua in the buttocks:: get a move on boy!


((Ok, ok! lol, I'll post again later tonight...


His feet pounded on the asphalt, panic burned in his throat just as much as his undead heart burned blood. Desperation fuelling his escape just as surely as any powers the blood gave him. He tripped, stumbling as he crossed from street to lawn, entering the city park. Scrambling blindly he heard them behind him.

Two of them, both Gangrel. And both insistent on catching and incapacitating him. They snarled with morbid bloodlust as they drew nearer.

“Get the freak! Hamstring him!” The first of the duo, Juno, drooled as she thudded forward almost on all fours. Her arms long and ape-like as she thundered her fury onto the grasses and compacted earth of the park lawns.

Her companion and lover, Crosby, ran more like an athlete. Long, silent strides that drew him ever nearer to their prey. Long tapering claws extending from all ten of his fingers.

Joshua could see it happening. He could already feel the claws slicing into his flesh, even though they were still out of range. He pushed himself upwards and over a wall. Grunting as he landed badly. Crosby leapt forward trying to close the distance. Juno however slowed to a stop shouting to her lover.

“Crosby! No! He’s dead already!” Crosby spun to a halt.

“What the fuck!? I could’ve had him! What are you babbling about?”

She stepped to his side, already looking more human. Slender in fact compared to her predator form.

“Don’t you know anything? He’s walking into his own death. Don’t you know about that place?” She pointed insistently at the wasteground that sprawled into the distance beyond the wall.

Crosby shrugged. “Should I?”

She shook her head, taking his now human hands in hers.

“The old one lives in there!” His expression of ignorance didn’t change.

“You know? The old Gangrel. Some crazy bastard who thinks he’s Tarzan or some similar dipshit. The mongrel will be dead before he even sees it coming. And so would you be, if I hadn’t stopped you.” She cooed the last few words, as though soothing his depleting anger.

“Thanks baby. Where would I be without you?” He bit her lip as she drew closer.

“Gutted, scattered and hung from a tree probably.” She smiled teasingly.

Both jumping, faces drawn in horror as they heard his call.


Joshua woke up staring at the sky through snow covered branches. The clouds were lit up by the lights of the city, setting cold white flakes delicately on Joshua's face.


He rolled over on the frozen ground, put his palms down on the dirty snow, and lifted himself up. His clothes were caked in dirt and twigs, and the scratch marks in the dirt around him made it apparent that a small animal of some sort had tried to bury him. Joshua chuckled at this.

He jumped when he remembered his assailants, and looking around quickly, he determined that he had lost them when he vaulted over the wall.

Huh, he thought. They could have easily followed me over the wall. He shrugged and started walking down the only visible path, which led into the wreckage of thick trees in front of him.

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