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<  USA  ~  The Rain Of Torment (Revised)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:40 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
((This is not the complete story but this is what I have typed up. The long awaited revise is almost complete. Enjoy and please let me know what you think. Thanx!))

The Rain Of Torment (Revised)
Written By: BlackDragon AKA Karen

The voice of course it was her ‘other’, the part of her mind in which she had no control over, her entity as would later on learn of. As she moved closer to the edge she inhaled quickly before jumping off the rooftop. I was her style, her way of calling free form falling. The drop was about a good fifty feet she never blinked or let her eyes stray from her destination. As her feet hit the ground her body arced slightly inward, her arms extending out to ensure her own balance as she remained in the crouched position as the voice inside her head screamed at her again.

[i:ad9b62548a]Good now get moving!![/i:ad9b62548a]

Rising quickly to her feet as she made a dash to the nearest tree, coming to stand behind it as she tried to keep herself hidden from the crowd. This isn’t right, something just felt wrong but she couldn’t place it. That spilt second of thinking was all it took, gave him enough time to appear within the shadows as he was now standing behind her. Lowering her head down as she felt his presence, surely this was the mistake and now the betrayal of what they had told her would not happen. She slowly turned around as she pressed her back against the tree and in the midst of the shadows that where forming in front of her she saw him there. Blinking several times before a soft hiss escaped her from her lips and of course when she stop no one could not mistake the anger in her voice when she spoke.

“The told you I would be here didn’t they! They lied to me!!”

He laughed at this, for what other amusement could he get out of this when knowing that the worse things could happen if everything did not follow the way it was suppose to. Stepping out of the shadows as he start to move closer to her, lifting his hand to her right cheek as he caressed it softly. At that same moment her left hand thrust forward as she pressed a small black dagger against his side.

“My my my Korry, you should have know I have control over this city ma petite. Whether you like it or not your little games are at an end now. Now, stop this foolishness and take your place beside me or you will die.”

Korryla pressed the dagger even tighter into his side, her eyes narrowing as she glared at him, and low and behold a smirk tugged over her lips as she spoke.
“You may be right about the city, but I will be damned if I join you ever again. And have you forgotten already? I’m already dead.”

She quickly stepped off to the right, throwing her hands up quickly and thrusting them quickly down. The darkness of the shadows began to creep up around her, for it was plane between the world of reality and that of the night. Quickly to wrapped around every inch of her body and once it had engulfed her completely she was gone.

Jordan knew by this that she was growing stronger by the day and he knew it. Blinking his eyes a few times as he just starred out at the where she was standing. Silently he cursed himself before he had time to think about anything else he had heard a woman call out his name. Shaking his head as he put on his reassuring smile, stepping out form behind the tree as he made his way back over to the crowd.

Korryla was shifting in and out of the shadows as she came up upon the city limits. [i:ad9b62548a]Dammit I should have know.[/i:ad9b62548a] This was it once again, for again someone had betrayed her, had gotten her trust and than turned it as if it was nothing of any importance. What about her vow that she made to herself so long ago never to trust another soul, living, or undead? The torment of the thought ate her up inside, ate at her until she could no longer even see correctly. Sighing softly she kept pressing onward as she came to the entrance of the graveyard, it seemed like the safest place to stop for a while and more than likely try to hide away from the rest of the world.

Passing through the entrance gate as she stepped out of the shadows, her feet hitting the ground and only were making a soft noise with each step taken. Her chest was rising and falling quickly with each passing breath she had to take. Clutching her right hand into a fist as her nails dug into her skin and slowly the blood began to seep out of the wound that she was inflicting upon her self. Funny her mind was almost lost to her as the rage inside her was once again beginning to amount to the point of no return. Her vision was slowly becoming clouded as she saw things from a perspective to which in that everything was for a kill, she was slowly becoming the creature she was meant to be.

Something had moved, made her stop and come out of her state of mind in which she was reaching. Her eyes quickly gazed up and around as she took a step back and slipped down into a crouch position to the ground. It was another vampire and she knew it, she could pick up just about every sent that was coming off of the creature. A prey of sorts, heh and this was turning into a game, a game in which Jordan has now engaged and for that she would play this game of his and give him exactly what he deserved.

Slowly she unclenched her fist, her fingertips covered in black blood. Her eyes were following the movement of the creature with each step it took. Only one, there was only one, but why? Shrugging softly as she slide her hand over the hilt of her top blade and rose to stand. Inhaling softly as she closed her eyes and let her sense take over her mind. Her arms began to pulse with a dark purplish lightning that started from her shoulders, wrapped around each arm, and stopped directly over her wrist. A twisted grin tugged over her lips as she slowly drew forth the black katana with the tip of the blade pointing out towards the other vampire. The creature stopped probably about a few feet in front of Korryla and was in complete and total shock and seemed to even show the hint of fear when Korryla spoke, for her voice sounded altered almost demonic like.

[i:ad9b62548a]”He sent you didn’t her?”[/i:ad9b62548a]

The creature could not answer for the strength and the energy level that was coming off of her almost seemed unreal. Korryla rushed forth the couple of steps that she needed to take in order to hold the blade against his chest aiming directly for his heart. But no, she wasn’t going to kill him like this she, she had plans for this one. With her body this close to him the dark purplish lightning pulsing around her arms extended out towards the creatures head and forming somewhat of a circle as it pretty much enclosed him there.

[i:ad9b62548a]”Answering me now!!”[/i:ad9b62548a]

Again the creature could not answer her all he could do was just stand there and feel powerless. How was she able to do this? Jordan was said to be the master vampire, but this? How? His thoughts were quickly interrupted as a force of electricity shoot through his head. Again and than again for the third time; sheathing her blade quickly as her right hand reached out to caress his cheek softly. His breaths were coming in short gasps as his eyes were widening with fear as she tilted his neck to the right. Bringing her mouth down to his neck, her fangs extended out about two inches out before she snuck them into his skin, her left arm slide around his waist as she pressed him closer to her. The creature struggle somewhat against her, but the amount of pleasure and pain that was coursing through his body almost seem so unreal. He was lost in the mix of what she was really doing.

Music was playing, people were smiling, and there was Jordan sitting at the head of the head of the table watching everyone have a good time. It was just what he wanted, peace, and for once it seemed like that would actually be something that was going to come true. The rain was still pouring down outside and when the thunder had sounded out across the sky there was a crash of a window breaking, woman screaming, and a dead body of a vampire landing on Jordan’s table. Everyone was staring at the dead corpse including Jordan who was now standing as a rage of anger filled him. Someone was going to pay for this.

“My God!!” A voice called out. “Someone diabolized the poor bastard!”

Jordan’s gaze slide over to the dead vampire’s neck and it was true; someone had drained his blood from his body. Quickly his eyes shot to the broken window, but the figure that was standing there had been long gone.

It rained for three days straight after the incident, guess this was what he was going to get for trying to convince her that she needed to be with him. Than again he really didn’t try to convince her at all, he really gave her no choice at all. Shrugging softly to himself as he stepped out of black limo and made his way into his office building. Another night in which was going to be long and bad.

He stepped into his main office room as he slide off his black trench cloak and tossed it over on the coach. Walking over to his desk he caught sight of the note that was written in blood.

[b:ad9b62548a] Important!!! Please attend this next meeting.[/b:ad9b62548a]

Of course it was the council; he had given them his word that he would take care of this small growing problem. But now it had been about four days since the death of the vampire and no news, there was nothing. Maybe she left, what if somehow she had died? Was it her that killed the vampire and if so why? How could she even with stand the drinking one of the undead blood?


Sighing somewhat as his mind was screaming at him to get a grip on himself. Something else will be worked out soon enough whether or not if it was in his favor or not. With that Jordan strolled out of the room and began making his way down a long and narrowed hallway. As he reached the end of the hall he pushes through the stone like doors and stepped inside the room. It was dark almost like standing outside at the dead of night. Several torches were placed along the walls that gave off a little bit of light that seemed to feel the corners of the room. The only other thing that was in the room a was a long table with stone chairs surrounding it. Jordan promptly walked to the head of the table and sat down to stare back at the twelve other people that were seated around the table. The eldest of them all was the first to speak.

"You gave us your word Jordan. I already warned you that by the time she would come back to you she would be to much for you. Further more you knew exactly what she would do if something like this should ever happen."

Jordan just shook his head before he began speaking. "Dreth Mia there was nothing I could do. I didn't think she would have this type of power in such little time. I also.."
Jordan was quickly interrupted by a redheaded vampire that was sitting across from the eldest vampire. "Jordan, there is no need to explain what happen. We all know and we have all heard the stories and the rumors."

The eldest man slowly rose to his feet and began walking towards Jordan.

"You gave us your word. Now we have a wild vampire out on the loose who kills her own kind!! Do you honestly think it was smart to piss her off!? You have on week, just one week to get this shit together!! This meeting is over with."

The rest of the group including the eldest vampire walked out of the room. A twisted grin tugged over her lips as she watched everyone walk out of the room. Her voice echoed throughout the whole room as is she was standing everywhere.

"Damn me? Now now Jordan; your thoughts are speaking a little bit loud this evening. You have such a strong hatred for me and if I'm so fucking dangerous why did you double cross me in the first place? I made those rules and you agreed to them! And like the counsel told you; you will pay for this."

Jordan sat there frozen in his chair through the whole time that she spoke. Quickly he jumped to his feet but it was to late for she was already gone. Damn straight the chase was on, but how long could they go on? How long could he keep up with her? Jordan was pacing back and forth in his office waiting for the report. Minutes seemed to have dragged on before the phone rang.

"What news do you have for me?"
The voice almost altered as if it was Korryla but her voice, for if it truly her; her voice sounded so demonic like. [i:ad9b62548a]" Jordan, my my my. Are you afraid to face me yourself?! Or is there a reason why you keep sending people to their deaths?"[/i:ad9b62548a]

With that the line went dead before he could eve make some type of response. He could tell that she was more than pissed off and he was now ten men down. Cursing under his breath he slammed his fist down on to his desk causing it to crack in half where he hit it. Shaking his head he turned on his heel and stormed out of his office.

Korryla was covered in blood from head to toe, her breathing was coming in quick sharp gasps as her 'other' slowly released its hold from her. Funny, how every time she came into this state she was never able to keep control over herself, she was always waiting for the 'other' to let go. A frown pressed over her lips as she dropped to her knees and let out a loud piercing scream. She closed her eyes and grabbed her head with her hands as her mind once again drifted off on her.

Five Years Before

Korryla stood there in front of his main office with a faint smile pressing over her lips. Her eyes were roaming about the room as she began taking in everything. Her gaze shift back to Jordan as she watched him just sitting there flashing of one his reassuring smiles at her.

"Korryla join us, I will take you in and call you one of my own. I promise to love you for the rest of your life ma petite."

In her mind she knew that this wrong and that joining him on that reason would only lead for further problems for her. Jordan stood up and walked over to her, his left hand caressing her cheek softly. Why did she fear him so much? Her gaze met his and for a brief moment she thought he meant it. However she knew that if she took this offer she would have a place to call her own. Something she had always dreamed of and slowly she found her head nodding yes. Jordan smiled and took her into his arms and held her tightly to him.

It was almost two years later when Korryla was running the out of town drug implements up and down the west coast. She was mostly on the go that year as more and more business meetings came up that required her to be there for them. On night however she came early, for she wanted to see Jordan. As she entered into their mansion's side doors and like always it was dark, cold, and quiet; just the way that both of them preferred to live. Something was very different to her, something was not right and she knew it. Anger and fury was slowly beginning to build up inside as she stood there in the living room staring at the ground.

"No." She mumbled softly.

She quickly turned and darted up the stairs and had to run up about seven flights of stairs. As she reached the top she quickly and literately flew to the end of the hall and kicked op their bedroom door. At the point it seemed as if everything was running in slow motion and once again the anger was burning deep inside her veins. The sight of the two nearly killed her, betrayal, and the one word that she knew so well. Korryla's eyes began to glow a deep dark purplish color as the dark purplish lightning flared up around her arms. Starting from her shoulders, wrapping around each arm and stopping directly over her wrist. Black tears slowly fell from her eyes as she jumped on the bed in which Jordan and the other woman were laying on. Her movements were quick, almost to quick, unreal, almost something like a God. Her hand was placed around his neck as she yanked him up to her. Jordan shoved his hand into her side, sharp nails cutting the skin and digging into her body as black blood seeped down his hand. There was no sound that came from her but the most oddest thing was that the damage and the pain that he was causing her only seemed to make her move faster. She slide her hand to the back of his neck and quickly dug her nails into his neck as well as her fangs as she began sucking his blood. Jordan tore out his hand and again jabbed it into her wound over and over. Korryla hissed softly as she tore her fangs from his neck, tightening her grip on his neck as she stepped over to the side and thruster him forward and watched as he went flying into the wall. Korryla turned her sights to the woman on the bed. Grabbing her by the hair she yanked her up and snuck her fangs into her neck as she began sucking all of her blood from her until the woman was barely breathing.

Korryla had left the bodies in the room and was already about a mile away from the house when a massive expulsion erupted from inside the house. She didn't care if he was able to get out of there or not, she was through with this life and that was her proof to him.

For the next three years Korryla didn't talk to anyone but the eldest vampire. Even through he wanted nothing else more but than to help the girl but he was still unsure about Jordan. Jordan was still alive and after those fatal nights suppose every vampire has some type of downfall. And from the look of things Jordan's downfall would be Korryla. Dreth Mia held that girl all night when she first cam to him. For she would never the words he spoke to her either.

"Chyld you come to the wrong place seeking help. Everything is not what it seems but you are very special. I promise you that. However there will be a time in which I will even have to do something that I will regret doing to you."

Present Time

Korryla was still kneeling on the ground screaming and once again her voice sounded demonic like. Black tears where streaming down over her cheeks as her breaths were still coming in quick gasps. Rising slowly to her feet as she stood there with her knees trembling she began to turn and walks away from the building. The sun was rising and the sight of it almost took her breath away. Funny thing for it looked as if the sun had no effect on her at all. Shaking her head softly she turned and cont walking up the hillside to the graveyard.

Korryla slide down into the coffin as she pulled the lid up some of the way. Her body was shaking violently as she struggled to keep control over herself. Starting from the top of her shoulders a dark purplish flame erupted and started moving down her arms, wrapping around her entire arm, and than stopping directly over her wrist. Her eyes widen and probably for the first time showed a hint of fear as her body trembled uncontrollably as the dark purplish flame began engulfing the rest of her body. Heat and pain an ever-growing amount of pain, and blood only started to get worse. She was screaming as loud as she possible could. It was the truth, her sanity was slowly slipping away from her and there was not very much that she could do.

(To Be Cont)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:11 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:b8267a06e3][b:b8267a06e3]ooc:[/b:b8267a06e3] With no doubts an exquisite piece hon, was an enjoyable read :D [/i:b8267a06e3]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:10 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
((Thanxies!! :) ))

Miles away about a good two hundred feet underground where the vampires stayed and worked during the daylight hours, Jordan was sitting in rather large office with several torches lining along the wall. Another man walked into the room shaking his head briefly before he spoke.

“She diabolized every single one of them. Jordan, what the hell kind of a vampire does that? I thought you guys need fresh blood in order to survive?”

Jordan let out a soft sigh as he stood up and walked over to the photograph of the house in which him and Korryla used to live in.

“I’m not to sure about all it really. She never really talked about her past or anything like that.”

Chad just nodded at this as he moved over to the chair and sat his cross bow down beside the chair on the ground before sitting down in the chair.

“The whole city is out looking for her, well actually more than half. Anyways is there anything we should know about?”

Jordan’s eyes where still fixed on the pictures as the memories were still playing fresh in his mind. She seemed happy than but of course he had changed all that and her Chad sat there wanting to know everything that he possibly could tell him about her.

“Jordan, do you know what vampire clan she even came from?”

Jordan grinned at this as he turned to face his friend as he leaned his back against the wall and waited a brief moment before he finally gave him his response.

"She is a Caitiff, they do not truly have a bloodline. They are the Kindred without a clan to call their own and are shunned by most of the other vampires. Few that do accept them are usually little better themselves. However, in my personal opinion I think she was just saying that to pass the question and to hide what she truly is.”

Chad arched his eyebrow slightly at this. “I see, well anything else?”

Jordan’s grin faded from his lips as he nodded once again. “Yes, she is very dangerous. Promise me you won’t go after her.”

Chad nodded at this for he never had any intention of ever going after her in the first place. “Tis not a problem.”

Loosing her mind was the best way to describe exactly what was happening to her, and for the amount of energy that was seeping up from out of her and into the graveyard would make anyone want to run away. The dark purplish flames had her entire body engulfed once again. Another black tear slide down her cheek before her eyes closed and she had finally passed out, for now her mind would drift off again once more. Surely there had to be something more to her bloodline and it ran deep.

Seven Centuries Before

Korryla, it was perfect for her, how she came up with it she was unsure but it seemed to do her much justice or it would. Growing up in the outskirts of New England on a hillside with her father and her uncle. Though at times it was strange and she never could quite understand why she only saw her uncle at night, but than she never did question what really went on. Her father was always telling her that she was special and that no matter what happened he would always be there for her. She remembered the medical surgeries, all of the blood transfusions. But even before all of this she could feel something stirring inside her mind. During the times of all the blood transfusions she remembered one night in particular. The one night she may or could have ended all of this from ever happening. Though her mind could not stand to process the thought, for the pain was still even too great for her to handle. Another event that would forever haunt her soul. That night she heard the two arguing at each other, heard the screams, the yelling, the crashes, the sound of dishes falling. She cried herself to sleep that night and awoke the next morning without her father. No goodbye, no note, absolutely nothing.

Days had turned into weeks, weeks had turned into months, and months had passed into years. Five years of her life she had spent on an operating table, everything here was built around perfection. She had to be perfect, she had to the best and that much she did hear from her uncle when he was around at night. Upon her sixteen birthday her had came into her room and simply told her to get dressed. Waking up from a dreamless state and feeling completely numb inside she felt confused at first. Why her? What had happened to her? Following her uncles orders she got dressed and quickly followed him out. They had walked for miles down the shoreline to the docks. She recalled the other man that was standing there waiting for them.

"Is that the child?"

Her uncle nodded as all three of them were walking along the dock and heading up towards the boat.

"Yes, but you must to hurry they are onto us."

As Korryla boarded the boat her said his goodbyes to her and than watched them sail away. The poor girl probably had no clue what was going to happen to her but than again she might have know somehow. For the years to follow and the centuries for that matter were probably the most brutal ones she would ever have to endure. The training was the first to come, learning everything to physics, black magic, white magic, telekinesis,, and several different elementals. Centuries than seemed to have passed as she was bounced from town to town and never once stayed in the same place for more than a week. She had over heard conversations of a great vampire that was being made and how they had to keep moving the creature from town to town. Funny how it reminded her of herself, but she shrugged the thought off and never spoke about it to anyone.

Present Time

Korryla's eyes fluttered open as she woke up to hearing voices talking. Her whole body was still sweating, though the dark purplish had died off. Gently she placed her hand over her mouth as she tried to hide her soft gasps so those outside may not hear.

"I saw a woman walk from the main road to here."

Nothing else was said; she heard the footsteps walk off. Sighing softly as her hand slide back down to her side and once again her body felt like it was going to give out on her. She needed to sleep so badly it was either sleep or feed the only two ways her body could regenerate. But she was to tired to get up and hunt and with that her eye lids slowly closed and once again she drifted off to sleep.

The sun was setting when Chad came running back into Jordan's office. "I think we found here!"

Blinking in disbelief as he jumped out of his chair "Where?!"

"I will take you there once the sun has set. But Jordan there is something you should know first, something that just doesn't seem right."

Tilting his head somewhat as Jordan glanced at the time and than back at Chad. "What is it?"

Chad swallowed as he himself was still unsure of how this was even possible "Korryla was seen walking in broad daylight."

Jordan nodded at this for he already knew this, already knew that Korryla was able to with stand daylight. Though how was another question?

"I know this, she is very rare vampire. One in which my people have been trying to preserve for years, well actually centuries for that matter. You see I know and so does mostly every other vampire that the human government has been trying to destroy us. So centuries ago we started making our own secret weapon one in which seems to be turning against us now."

Chad just stood there looking at Jordan for a moment he was unsure of even what to say, for if she was to be an ultimate weapon than it would be extremely hard to kill her, that is if Jordan was actually planning on killing her in the first place.

"So what exactly do you plan on doing with her?"

Jordan shrugged softly "I'm still unsure of that right now we either need to convince her to join with me or we try and kill her, simple as that."

Chad nodded "Alright let's go."

Jordan was the first to enter into the graveyard and the energy level that was spiking off of this place was enough to send chills down anyone’s spine. His eyes caught sight of the sky where the dark purplish mist was just hovering around in the air but at the same moment it looked like it was being penetrated. Only one person could have cause that and that one person is Korryla.

Chad and about five other people where following behind Jordan all carrying 45 magnums and had about two other guns in their holsters. As they made they're way further into the graveyard Jordan came to a stop beside a tomb that had a stone of an angel that had black tears falling from its eyes.

Inside the haven there laid Korryla in the coffin, her body trying to regenerate itself as the voice of her 'other' screamed in her mind.

[i:170200fcec]Wake up!![/i:170200fcec]

Korryla stirred slightly but at that moment she was still pretty much dead to the world. [i:170200fcec]Wake up Korryla!! Wake up now!![/i:170200fcec]

Jordan and Chad were the first to enter the tomb as the other five men positioned themselves around the outside of the tomb. Upon entering both men could clearly see the sight of the woman. Her body was covered in sweat, cuts, inhuman looking scars that covered her arms, face, and her neck. Was she dead?

Korryla was awake now, however she kept her eyes closed and concentrated on exactly on many people were actually here. Jordan was the first to move as he stepped closer to the coffin. Korryla's voice echoed about the tomb and once again it sounded altered and demonic like.

[i:170200fcec]"Well, well, if it isn't the man himself. My Jordan I was not expecting you to be hear."[/i:170200fcec]

Jordan blinked as he stopped dead in his tracks for he was not expecting her to speak without opening her mouth. Korryla was now sitting up staring at Jordan. It took only a few seconds more for her before she was standing only a few feet away from him as an ever growing twisted grin tugged over her lips.

[i:170200fcec]"You see Jordan, you know better than to come into a vampire's haven. But your human friend over there has no clue what you just got him into, does he?"[/i:170200fcec]

"I don't want any problems Korryla, I just came to talk."

Korryla arched a brow and stepped off to the right as she now was standing next to Chad holding his gun that was now being pointed at him.

[i:170200fcec]"Talk?! You came in here looking to kill me. Hmm Jordan, do you know what type of bullets vampire hunters use these days?"[/i:170200fcec]

Jordan hissed softly as he lifted both his hands up and locked his gaze on her. "No, Korryla I don't. Look, I don't want to fight you, I just want to talk to you and try to help you."

Korryla snapped at this point [i:170200fcec]"Help?! You send people after to kill me!! How the hell is that helping me?!! No Jordan, I was through with you a long time ago."[/i:170200fcec]

With that Korryla cocked the gun and spun around and fired it. Jordan's body jerked as he hissed softly, his eyes wide with shock. Korryla tossed the gun down at Jordan's feet. Turning she reached out and grabbed Chad's right arm and pulled him closer to her. Quickly she tilted his head she snuck her fangs into his skin and began sucking his blood from his body. Chad began struggling against her but at this point it was pretty much useless for she had pretty much drained him. Chad was already getting pale by the time Jordan grabbed Korryla and threw her into the wall. Chad fell to the ground gasping for air as Korryla's back slammed into the stonewall. The wall just seems to give as she landed on the ground in a pile of rocks on the ground. The five other men quickly surrounded her; all of them pointing their guns at her. Jordan glanced down over at Chad and than turned back around and walked out of the tomb and over to where Korryla was laying on he ground. The gun shot would was already started to have an effect on Jordan as his vision started to get blurry. Bending down as he reached out and grabbed her and yanked her up off the ground. Korryla's eyes fluttered open as she narrowed her eyes at his and when she spoke her voice was normal this time.

“Jordan I suggest you put me down before you regret this.”

Shaking his softly as his grip tightened around her neck with his fingernails slicing into her flesh. “Regret? What do I have to regret? I’m dying anyways and I might as just take you with me as well.”

Korryla hissed softly “I will damned if you do.”

With that she closed her eyes and it was almost seconds later that had passed before her arms flared up with a dark purplish flame that started from her shoulders, wrapped around each arm and stop directly over her wrist. The heat that was being generated off of her was almost unreal. Jordan couldn’t with stand to hold on to her any longer. His grippes loosened and he let go of her and the moment her feet the ground she charged him. Her back was bent down and she was crouched down somewhat and it pretty much looked like she was in a football stance when she charged him. Having little to no time he lifted both of his hands up and fired a blue orb out towards her chest. Her body jerked slightly as she was stopped dead in her tracks. She jumped up as she a gust of wind pushed her a little further up as she was now hovering above the ground her flames seem to create a shield around as the orb hit the small barrier around her and just simply faded. Slipping back down to the ground she took a step back and shift off to the left a little bit before thrusting her right hand upwards. A dark purplish flame flared out towards two of the five men that where standing around them. Both of them were struck right on and unlike normal fire it didn’t set them on fire but it did leave a burn mark on their heads and knocked them out cold and more than likely killed them. The three other men quickly spread further apart and all of them locked their guns and kept them aimed at Korryla. Jordan shifted off to the right and stepped in towards Korryla a few feet. Quickly thrusting her hands up once again the dark purplish orb was formed and fired straight towards Jordan at the same moment that she heard the gunshots. A physonic field went up but there was so many fired at her that she could not stop them all. As some of the bullets went striking through the field the dark purplish orb had struck Jordan and knocked him pretty much out. Korryla let out a soft hiss as she dropped to her knees and closed her eyes. The field seemed to grow stronger but the only downfall to this was that her wounds that were created from the gunshot bullets. Another pair of gunshots was heard and it snapped Korryla out of her train of thought as she jerked her head to where the sounds of the gunshots were fired. Odd, as she turned her head to look back at the three men all of them were now dead. How? By who? Jordan was still lying on the ground knocked out. Her field dropped completely as she rose to her feet and walked over to him.

“Good bye Jordan.”

Her voice was calm as if nothing had ever happened. Crouching down to the ground she lifted his neck to her mouth. The efferscence of the evening contoured her body, ever so elegantly; she caressed his head with her hands, as she sucked his life from his neck. With the same grace and speed, which she struck she was then gone, all that’s left was the corpse, heaped upon the ground, with the faintest heartbeat. At last, she’s lived up to her calling, lived up to her name that she had given herself so long ago. She has taken from herself, the on thing that could have saved her, the man that might have loved her and held her in the highest regards. She assumes a life in the shadows, forever forgotten, but not forever gone.

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:50 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
A much better version! And so much that I had missed before I was able to pick up this time. The effort was worth it. Thank You. :D

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 9:38 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
[b:a630014498][u:a630014498]The Rain Of Torment Part 2 Changes Of Time [/u:a630014498][/b:a630014498]
Set off from the side of the world Korryla became an outcast and a drifter to those that she had helped. Humans, she had help them free the world of vampires. But she herself was one of them; their blood ran through her veins. The world seemed to stop from its existence every time she got closer to battle or even had to engage in one. It was as if nothing even mattered to them for what she had to go through to help them out. She had defined all the odds that were against her and now her job was simply over with. And she was now the last remaining vampire that left in the world.

Thousands and thousands of miles away back where the first meeting ever took for this project; a group of people from different countries were gathering to form up some type of a plan to get rid of her. The US government explained several times that the creature was not to be harmed. For a deal was a deal. And do you honestly think one woman would or could destroy her own race?


"Given the facts of everything I would have at least held the location of where the creature was staying."

The blonde haired man stood there staring at the cloaked woman half in surprise and somewhat stunned. After all this woman was suppose to be dead. Prying minds never got anyone far in this world and if she was who he thought she was than that could only mean one thing. They were sending her after Korryla.

"Damn you!! I gave the woman my word that she would not be harmed after this whole ordeal. And here you stand wanting to know where she is? Do you take me for some fool?"

The cloaked woman stepped further into the room, she looked to stand about 6ft but other than that it was hard to tell anything else about her. When she spoke her voice was full of a great deal of wisdom and age.

"No, Nathanal I don't take you for some fool. You've fallen in love with this creature and your judgment is being clouded. Now if you wish to remain protecting her than fine, but I am warning you now if you get in my way I will kill you."

The cloaked woman began moving towards the door as she neared the door she stopped and lowered her head down somewhat to the ground.

"And Nathanal, if you warn her about me I swear I will make you pay for this."

With that she faced forward and went on moving out and was soon gone. Nathanal stood there just blinking in amazement. [i:a630014498]How did she come to know my name? And where I was at?[/i:a630014498] He turned around and began to move towards the stairs and as he did his eyes caught sight of a picture he had taken five years back. For five years ago he had been selected to run with Korryla to count and make sure she was doing his job. Before that about eight years ago him and about seven other people were gathered in order to start, track, and find Korryla. In the report the Nathanal made he had failed to mention that when they first found Korryla she was already killing off her own race. He slowly turned around on his step, his dark gray eyes circled around the living room. [i:a630014498]What life am I trying to patch now? Why I am here trying to piece back the life I once had that has now been torn in two?[/i:a630014498]

"Fuck this."

And with that Nathanal turned an ran up the stairs and start to prepare to leave.


Thousands of miles away Korryla was off in the mountains of Ireland roaming further into the country with each passing moment. She heard rumors about the ancient power that resided in a temple she had came a crossed when she was first here. Of course at the time she didn't show any interest in it when they had arrived there for the first time; for it was a period in which Nathanal had been following her. He was a fool in her eyes, a fool for loving her. For a human though she had to give him some credit, for finding her and than fighting her.

The mountains and darkness was the best way she loved to travel for when she came through on small towns or cities during the day people always seem to just cause a scene with her no matter where she went. As the temple came in closer in her sights a twisted grin tugged over her lips. She had felt the power ever since she back to the island. The black horse in which she was riding started to become restless with each step that it took. Korryla patted the horse's neck gently "Easy now, my black stallion... I promise you no harm."

Of course at this point the horse had relaxed for she had ease the animal's mind from the senses it may have been picking up. Korryla slowly drew the horse to a stop and for a moment she was thinking about tying the horse up somewhere or letting it go, but she was still unsure of how much energy it was going to take to do this. Shaking her head softly as she stirred the horse onward and lead it up the stairs to the temple. As they reached the top and pressed further on into the hall she noticed several small things that hadn't caught her attention before. Her mind was wandering, drifting over the thoughts of how the governments were more than likely gathering in small groups and trying to come up with ways to get rid of her. With the knowing knowledge of another woman who has been said to be just as strong as her she gave somewhat concerned to the knowledge of even thinking that they were planning on destroying her. Though it was still uncertain for her for she had picked up bits and pieces of this story up when she was making her way around the world. As her black beauty drew to a stop Korryla blinked in amazement for it felt as if she was stepping in a pool of blood, energies from the inside of the building seem to just be following into her like it was nothing. A dark purplish flame flared up around her shoulders, wrapped around each arm and than stopped directly over her wrist. However this was not her doing, but it was the doing of her ‘other’. The voice spoke and echoed throughout the halls as if someone was actually there.

[i:a630014498]”You’ve come to the temple of Aldra, the power within these walls it can give you another. The so-called maker of life will give you, your avatar. That is if you have the strengthen to bring it here.”[/i:a630014498]

Korryla had pretty much figured this much out when she first entered here, but now she was even more certain as to why she had came here in the first place. If people had turned against her than she was going to need some type of help. As she made her way down into the depths of the ancient ruins she began to whisper softly.

"Darkness apart from light in the world of midst of a creation destroyed, there is only one who resides here. One that is left, set forth this time and bring me aid."

As her words echoed throughout the temple as the torches along the walls began to lit up a pathway for her to follow to the room in which she could call forth her other.

Nathanal was already on a plane to Europe, a place in which he remembers Korryla showing a lot of interesting in. But something just didn't seem right; there was nothing there, no ancient ruins or anything that could possibly be of any use to her. [i:a630014498]Where?[/i:a630014498] His thoughts were racing about a mile a minute as he boarded off the plane and pulled out and old looking map from his black trench cloak. His eyes narrowed at the writing as he studied the lay out of everything. The minutes seem to just drag on as he had tried to decide exactly where she might be. Than it dawned on him the legend of the Temple of Aldra.

The cloaked woman had followed Nathanal to Europe for there was no doubt that he was going to be able to find her, he did it once before and this time was no different. As she made her way out of the airport just in time to see Nathanal climb into a black car that had quickly sped away after he got in. No doubt that he still had his connections. why wouldn't he? It's probably one of the reasons why the government did not try to kill him yet, there would more than likely a lot of pissed of people and who could forget about his blood line.


"I take it your not going to tell me what this is all about?"

Nathanal just shook his head as he sat there in silence his mind drifting over the running thoughts in his head.


"Huh? Of Course not. That woman is probably following me and I will be damned if she tries to hurt you."

Charles arched his left eyebrow slightly as he took a glance over at his best friend.

"Look Nathanal I'm a big boy now and I know how to defend for myself. Besides won't she question me anyways if she sees you with me?"

Nathanal shook his head as his eyes drifted out to the road. "No, somehow she will just know who seems to get information. To avoid anything else just drive. If I live long enough I will tell you all about it one day."

Charles frowned at this as he kept his eyes on the road and just drove.


As Korryla neared the last room a male voice seem to just echo out around her.

[i:a630014498]"Creation was once known as a wonderful tool. All those who have worshipped this place are now gone. You've destroyed them. In more ways than you know you are like them and apart from them. Who gave you the right to play God?"[/i:a630014498]

His voice thundered out; it was strong but yet the hint of wisdom and ancient chimed out as well when he spoke. Korryla climbed down off the horse and proceeded to walk to the alter and as she neared the alter both of her arms flared up with a dark purplish flame.

"I can't say that I was playing God, for I'm not even sure if I was. But I do know one thing, which these creatures that you say were worshipping you, weren't. They have been using your power and you as well."

She was right; the voice, the power, the feelings that just seem to swell up inside this room for it was a part of a spirit that had been trapped within these walls for centuries. The spirit also knew that this woman was right, but he also knew that no one was strong enough to free him from this place. Yet here this dark hunter stood the only one left of her kind. Though she wasn't like the others, for she was able to with stand all of their weaknesses. The spirit thundered out his response to her.

[i:a630014498]"It has been long said that the one to or who could destroy the vampire race could set me free from this prison. You my dear are the only one left standing. I help you and than you help me, sound good enough to you?”[/i:a630014498]

As she stood there her eyes searching about the room slowly while she was debating this, how bad was this deal? She looked back towards the alter as she was thinking about how no one was strong enough to create their own avatar. A lot of vampires had died trying, but if she could with stand this than she would be able to help free him.

"Alright you have a deal."

With that she climbed up on the alter and laid down flat on her back. Thunder sounded out across the room as lightning began to strike random spots throughout the room. A black mist began to settle at the foot of the alter. Several spikes shot up through the alter, two into her wrist, two above her ankles, one in each forearm, and one in each shoulder blade. A horrid scream escaped from her lips as her blood was being drained from her body. She closed her eyes and fell silent or what almost seem to be a deep sleep, or maybe she was dying. But how could she be for the thunder kept booming throughout the room. This time the lightning began to strike the alter and her, slowly the mist at the foot of the alter and slowly began to form into a body. As the mist faded from the being around the body there stood Korryla's avatar. She stood about seven foot tall and the resembles between the two could be easily seen. The only real difference between the two was height, her eyes were completely black, and she had a dragon wings with a wings span of about 15ft.

"Korryla.. I am Forlia."

The demonic looking woman drew forth a small blue dagger and slit her left wrist. Stepping toward the front of the alter as she placed her wrist at Korryla's mouth. "Drink."

Korryla barely lifted her head up as she opened her mouth as she snuck her fangs into Forlia's arm. Slowly but surely she began drinking Forlia's blood.

Surely anyone with a sense of power or who could feel the energies changing could have clearly felt the creation of the being born. The cloaked woman had already turned her sights to Ireland and was headed that way right now. Time was against them all for is Korryla had been able to create her avatar the challenge would be harder than it seemed. Why was she doing this? She was willing to sacrifice her life to make sure the human race would be saved? She had her reasons, reasons that did not need to be justified to anyone but her.

Nathanal had felt it, had felt the change of power. He closed his eyes and sighed, this is not what he wanted but he had little in the matter. He had the only choice that was really left to him. Yes, he was cared deeply for Korryla, but he also understood that it was a dream in which could never really happen. For that he cursed himself to a life of loneliness vowing to love no other but her. There was something that ran deep in his bloodline but it was something no one knew of, well that was until Korryla had found out when she had tasted his blood. He never told anyone for she never either. The conversation they had that night was still stuck more embedded into his memory. A door that had remained closed to him for such a very long time. But as they drove a long it all seemed to come rushing back to him. He had just let her feed from him and after that she had curled into a ball and traced her fingers over his skin gently.

"There is something in you." She whispered softly.

"Oh what do you mean?"

"Your blood, it isn't just human blood that runs in your veins."

"What else is there?"

"A demon like presence, its ancient; a lot of generations have passed but its there."

"Would drinking more of my blood tell you more?"


"Do you want more?"

"No, I want you to go. Go back to your life."

"Korryla... I.."

"I don't care!! Go before I want to kill you!"

Her words had sliced through him like a knife for she had promised him that she would protect him at all cost. But suppose that was her way of protecting him.

Korryla gasped for air as she pulled her mouth out of Forlia's wrist. Her body began to jerk violently as if drinking her own blood had somehow awakened more parts of her mind from its dark slumber. She rolled off the alter and landed on her hands and knees as Forlia spoke to her. "Come, we must now fulfill your deal."

Korryla shook her head somewhat at Forlia's words as her right hand reached up and grabbed the edge of the alter and pulled herself up to her feet. At that point she had gotten her first good look at her avatar. Blinking several times as she just stood there in complete amazement and half surprised for a part of her didn't think she could do it. They stood there staring at each other for in that moment they regarded each other as one. Korryla lifted both of her arms and began to speak.

"Like the darkness that covers the world your oath has been fulfilled. I release you from this prison of yours."

Dark purplish flames lashed out from her chest as lightning began to strike out around the room touching random places over the walls. Thunder began to fill the room once more as the ground beneath them began to shake which than cause the rocks and other things to began to fall to the ground as the temple itself was coming down. It was coming down, for the spirit was the heart of this place and it was going finally be able to leave. As the last bit of energies came out of Korryla she had once again collapsed down to her knees gasping for air. Forlia was already moving as she reached down and picked the woman up and proceeded to pick her up and carry her out of the dying temple. Racing down the stairs and quickly to the ground she turned on her heel as she and Korryla watched the temple turn into a pile of rock. As the last bit of rocks hit the ground as blinding white light shot out from the pile of ruble and than was quickly gone and now the spirit was now in its resting place.

Nathanal had reached the outskirts of the island just in time to feel another energy surge. Something was going down and he was sure of it. Another night was about to pass and if was correct Korryla would use this time to rest. But if for worse what if she was not aware of the cloaked woman?

Forlia had placed Korryla onto the horse and of course nighttime was falling and they had to get moving. For Forlia knew for that there were two people out there trying to get to Korryla. She took the reins of the horse and began to out towards the west. "You know we have people tracking us right now?"

Forlia knew Korryla was not going to respond, the woman was barely breathing and she needed to get her somewhere so they both could try and regain some of their strength. The clouds began to roll in as thunder boomed out across the sky and for once it was an act of nature that was causing it. Soon the rain followed and came pouring down on them, Forlia frowned somewhat at this as stirred the horse to a near by cave. She walk about half way into the cave when she drew the horse to a stop as she lifted Korryla off of the horse and into her arms as she walked further into the cave. Korryla's words were soft and somewhat rough when she spoke.

"W-where are we?"

Forlia glanced down as a faint smile pressed over her lips.

"In some sort of a cave."

"Why aren't.... we moving further on?"

"The weather."

"W-what about the weather?"

"Look.. your barely alive and its my job to protect you. Besides there is something I need to do anyways."

"And what would this thing be?"

"The kind of thing that will you. Korryla if we are going to be working together I need you to trust me."

Forlia was not sure on whether or not Korryla heard her or not for the woman looked as if she had passed out once again. As Forlia moved further into the cave she had noticed several markings that seem to line the walls. [i:a630014498]Odd it was a vampire hunter’s liar in which they used to hide in. And now it was odd again for the vampire hunter herself was now going to be using it to try and seek shelter. Now the government was after her, what a way to say thank-you to someone.[/i:a630014498] Forlia shook her head softly as she slowly dropped to her knees and laid Korryla down on the ground. Raising back up to her feet she walked about a good three feet in front of her and raised up her left hand.

"Small hell fire!"

As the words rolled out of her mouth a small orb surrounded by a black flame appeared floating inches away from her hand. She crouched low tot he ground and placed the orb on the ground and of course it quickly grew into a small blazing black fire. Raising back up to her feet once more as she turned on her heel and walked closer to Korryla and than came around her so she was now standing behind her.

"Light on light and fire on fire, raise this protection to the creator you deem worthy of your choice."

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 9:41 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
Forlia rise up her right hand as a white beam shot of the middle of her palm. Lifting her left hand up, palm facing out towards Korryla and this time a black flame shot out from her left palm. As the two beams headed out towards Korryla they begin to intertwine with each other to form on beam. The beam quickly took a sharp turn and began circling around Forlia as it began sucking more energies from her body and adding that into the beam. This process seem to last for about several moments or so. Within seconds of its growth the wave quickly shot out from Forlia and straight into Korryla's chest. A surge of energy ran into her body that than cause Forlia to fall down in a crouched position on the ground. Korryla's body at this point began to jerk violently as the spell began to take its place. Minutes just seem to have just dragged on before Korryla's presence just faded from anyone's sense, it was almost as if she had truly died.


The rain poured down over the cloaked woman as she sat down upon the brown and white horse. She tilted her head somewhat to the left.

"Alright Korryla, what did you do?"

The cloaked woman had drew her horse to a stop and was just sitting there in the rain. She already knew that the ancient temple was destroyed, but now Korryla's life presence was gone. Only two things could have cause this A.) She was actually dead or B.) It was some type of spell. If it was a spell how did she get enough strength to pull it off? Was she alone? Some questions would go answered until she found out exactly what was going on. With that she pressed onward in the direction which she had last felt her.

Nathanal stood there in shock as his whole body was slowly going numb. [i:f51a328844]Breath Nathan!! Demmit Breath!![/i:f51a328844] It took him several moments as he stood there blinking as the rain came pouring down on him.

"What the..."

He ran his right hand through his hair as a sigh escaped from his lips as he moved towards the horse and grabbed the reins as he climbed up on the horse, sat down on the settle and looked at one of the village people.

"You said there was two different woman that came and got horses right?"

"Yes, yes that’s right."

"Did they say anywhere about where they were going?"

"No, no sir."

Nathanal tugged at the reins and went riding off into the rain. He didn't think Korryla was dead, oh no but something was extremely wrong.

Forlia slowly rose to her feet and began walking towards the front of the cave. As she approached the front she noticed a cloaked figure that was just standing there beside a horse.

"Your not her, but you look exactly alike."

"You must be the one who has been hunting her, yes?"


Forlia let her wings spread out quickly as she crouched down to the ground, her left eye brow was arched slightly as she spoke.

"Something else you are wanting?"

"Yeah to see if she is dead."

"She is."

"Well than prove it."

Forlia shrugged softly as she rose back up to her feet, her wings gently tucking behind her back. She turned on her heel and began walking to the back of the cave. As they made their way to the middle of the cave the cloaked woman caught sight of the black fire and the body laying a good few feet away and of course it was Korryla looking as if she was truly dead. Clearly anyone would have to question this, her senses of life was not there but it still seemed strange. Forlia came to a stop next to the fire. The cloaked woman was the first to break.

"So why is her still here?"

"What does it matter?"

"Because its my job."

"Interesting job, who hired you?"

"None of your business."

The two women were staring at each other as the tension around them only began to grow.

"I see and now you see that she is dead, so why not go?"

"Don't take me as a fool."

"Who said I did?"

The cloaked woman just shook her head at this point.

"Why are you protecting her?"

"Why are you hunting her?"

"This is starting to get pointless. Don't you have something else better to do than to protect a dead body?"


"I see, so why not get right of the body than?"

Forlia simply shrugged at this for she never had any intention of finishing this argument. But the cloaked woman probed further.

"So, Korryla was able to bring you out after all."

Forlia shrugged "How do you know I didn't just come here on my own?"

"Because where were you before?"

"If you wish to do something I suggest you do it, if not than leave."

The cloaked woman than shrugged somewhat at this for it was pointless but she had things that she had to do as well and to figure out. The cloaked woman lowered the hood of her cloak, her black eyes gazed out intently out at Forlia as her white hair fell down past her shoulders and was pulled back into a braid. She pulled a small dagger out from inside her cloak and lifted her left hand up and pressed the dagger over her wrist and dragger the blade over her skin. At the moment the blood began seeping out of the wound and the woman's lips slowly curled into a smirk as Korryla began making a groaning noise.

"Well I guess that proves that she is still alive."

Forlia simply shrugged again and went to speak but was cut off by the soft hiss that escaped from Korryla's lips.

"Your to late Nasse."

Korryla inhaled and it almost sounded as if she was gasping for air at the same time. Both woman turned and just stared down at her as she pulled slowed herself up to a sitting position with her back resting against the wall.

"Oh? And what am I to late for?"

"Whatever the hell your here for."

"How do you know I'm not here to help you?"

"Cause the moment I drink your blood you going to need a blood transfusion or I will have to embrace you, or you will die."

Nasse shook her head somewhat as she began walking over to where Korryla was sitting and crouched down to the ground and spoke.

"I'm going to make this simple. I was sent out to find you and than kill you and anyone who is helping you. Once I have done my job they would to the same to me as they did you. Which is why I've come to help you and hope to get your help in return."

Korryla blinked and turned her head so she was facing Nasse.

"Do you understand what you are getting yourself into?"

"Yes I am fully aware of what I am getting myself into."

Korryla nodded "Fine."

Nasse nodded somewhat as she lifted her wrist to Korryla's mouth. Korryla drew her wrist closer to her mouth and was about to slip her fangs into Nasse's flesh but she then stopped and carefully pulled her Nasse's arm away from her.

"Why do wish to be tainted?"

"I don't want to be tainted, I want your trust."

Korryla just shook her head and slowly pushed herself up to her feet and began limping over towards Forlia. Forlia wrapped an arm around Korryla's waist and raised her wrist to Korryla's mouth. Korryla snuck her fangs into Forlia's wrist and began drinking her blood. Several moments had passed before she slipped her fangs out of her arm and looked back up over to Nasse as she was now able to stand on her own.

"I don't need you to be tainted to have my trust. But because you were willing to go that far to gain my trust you now have my trust. So I guess the now the question is who sent you and why?"

"Well I am pretty sure you already know why. Who, simple really the governments of all the countries hired me to come kill you and anyone that was aiding you and return your head to them and this was all in return for my freedom."

"Your freedom? I take it there is more to this story than what it seems?"

"Yes as always there is always something behind the main door stopping me."

"I see and what exactly might that be."

"Well, they have kept me around long enough so you have to wonder if they have kept someone else like us around. Right?"

"One would think so."

Nasse nodded somewhat "Well there is another person and his name is Eric. He is much like me in many aspects but he is somewhat stronger than I am. He at the moment holds very powerful bond with me, one in which I can only stop for a while. Once he gains control he is able to teleport himself to whatever location I am at."

Korryla nodded somewhat at this but Forlia was the one to speak up and ask the next set of question.

"What reading your thoughts, your mind, and things you have learned, like past memories and such things like that?"

Nasse shook her head "No, I was able to block out that much but I can not stop his teleportation at all."

Korryla frowned somewhat at this "I see." Lost in thought for now they were up against an even greater challenge. One in which she did not think they would be able to stand a great deal of a chance against. "We should get moving."

"I don't think you want to get moving right away, there is another person who is trying to track you right now." Nasse said that with a smirk cause she knew already were Nathanal was and how much further he had to go before he was able to find them.

Korryla arched a brow and looked at Forlia "Do you know about this?"

"Yes, but I don't know who the person is."

Korryla looked back over to Nasse "Who is it?"

"The one and only Nathanal."

Korryla snapped "What?! Why the hell is he tracking me down again?"

"Because I was trying to get to you."

"Why the hell would he know where I am at?"

"The government only knew that he was the last one that you had contact with and they thought that he might know something."

Korryla began pacing up and down as she cursed softly under her breath. Nasse just shook her head and laughed.

"Korryla, the man loves you and I know just as much as you know that there is something else that runs in his blood and he maybe able to help us."

"I don't know."

"I think there is more to your past than you would like to admit to."

"What does it matter?"

"Because he has given up his life the moment he was assigned to finding you. He does nothing else, has nothing else to do and refuses to do anything because he wants you. Someone who has given their life up for I don't about a good seven years sounds like they deserve a chance don't you think?"

"Why are you lecturing me?"

Nasse shook her head "Whatever, we can stay here and wait for him or go out and get him. However we don't have a lot of time until the man of the hour decides he wants an update report."

Forlia nodded to Korryla "Lets go get him."

(To Be Cont)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 7:30 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:f656bc82ac][b:f656bc82ac]ooc: [/b:f656bc82ac] :shock: Keep it on going hon, I'm addicted to the story now hehe.[/i:f656bc82ac]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 8:38 pm Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Heh. Me too.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 5:55 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
((Thanx guys! *grins* Don't kill me for how this one ends please))

All three of them had set out of the cave in search for Nathanal. An ever small group was growing in hopes to overcome a government in which was trying to destroy everything that was not alike them. The rain was still pouring and they had left the horses behind, figured it would be even harder for anyone to track them if they happened to be followed by someone else. Nasse was the first to break the silence in hopes to shine in some light in all of the confusion that was going on.

“Korryla why did you destroy all of the vampire race?”

Korryla couldn’t help but laugh a little as she shook her head at this “Well do you really think I killed them would have to be the next question.”

Nasse was about to respond when they all heard the sound of the horse racing through the woods. Korryla and Forlia had stepped off to the right to hide behind a bush while Nasse just stood there in view for the on coming person. And of course it was Nathanal and the moment he saw her he jumped off the horse and landed only a few feet away from her with his right hand clutching a small black dagger.

“What did you do with her?!”

“What did I tell you about trying to warn her?”

“I don’t give a damn what you told me! I swear to God if you killed her I will have your head for this.”

Korryla took this time slowly step around the tree, like a dark queen stepping out of the shadows her face held a very seductive look and gaze in her eyes as she looked over Nathanal. Nathanal’s jaw just fell down as he stared back at her and watcher her as she circled around the two.

“Seems you have tracked me down yet again, fight me, and if you can with stand this I will let you follow me.”

Nathanal’s jaw tightened as she glared at her, shaking his head he only gripped the dagger tighter as the two of them began moving away from Nasse. They both started circling around each other, like to animals of prey about ready to make their feast of fight for their feast, but the sense of hunger and rage ran through both of them. The feeling was mutual to a very grave point between the two, both not understanding exactly what was going on or what had been going on and now they were faced to look at each other to try to break down the walls in which they both had spent years upon years creating. Nathanal made the first move, he dropped to the ground and rolled off to the right and shot up to his knees, both guns pulled, both aimed at Korryla. Four shots had been fired from each gun and all eight bullets where headed straight for Korryla. She saw the movement, saw the gun, her mind registered the thought process quicker than her body could react or so it seemed, for the physonic field was already up and had already stopped all of the bullets.

“New weapons?”

Nathanal simply grinned somewhat as he rose to his feet and simply shrugged. “Ending this so soon?”

“No, just..” She paused she wanted to say something else, wanted to tell him exactly why she stopped but there was other people around and even though she trusted them she just couldn’t bring herself to get the words to come out. “There is other reason why I can’t and those reason might be explained later. But for now I think it would be best if we all just get moving.”


“Yes, all.”

“What about her?” Nathanal pointed at Nasse at the point; as Korryla just shook her head and laughed.

"Look she is with us and that should be enough information so don't worry about it."

Nathanal arched a brow slightly and simply shrugged he was not about to put up any type of argument with her for it felt good just to see her and be around her again. But so many questions he wanted to ask her but it just didn't seem right or well the time just didn't seem right at the moment. They walked for about a good six miles no one really said anything and the rain was still pouring down.

Korryla slowly begin walking a little bit further behind the group, her mind was running with every little possible thought of how to come up and get rid of this Eric guy. If Nasse said all of these things about him and they were true than all three of them would be up for a good challenge. However she now consider Nathanal, he was right now the most weakness out of the group, however he could be a useful tool in helping them and also to the fact that she was not about to let him walk out of her life again. Yes, she had reached that much of a decision it would be best to keep following it. If worse came to worse she could always just go into hiding again, but than again she was not up to looking to do that all again. Than again it hit, out of nowhere she fell to the ground, gasping for air. Dark purplish flame flared up around her arms, starting from her shoulder blades, wrapping around each arm and than stopping directly over her wrist. She let out a soft scream as black tears slowly began to fall over her cheeks. Forlia, Nasse, and Nathanal all turned around and began running back over to her.

"Don't touch me!!" She hissed softly. The pain that was coursing through her body was to much to bare to even think about. The heat, which was coming off of her body, was beginning to get very intense. Nathanal stepped closer to her and crouched down to the ground as he looked into her eyes and said sternly.

"Korryla, let someone help you, please?"

Korryla gritted her teeth as the tears kept falling down her cheeks. The makes of her 'other' was trying to regain control over her body and she couldn't even make herself tell them exactly what was going on. [i:4d994d4f0b]Let me out Korryla!! There is something that needs to be done![/i:4d994d4f0b] Why? Why now, why here? She was fighting what else could or should she do? Only certain times would her 'other' want out and usually during those times it was after a major battle of some type. So why now? [i:4d994d4f0b]Korryla, you need to stop questioning why I want out when I want out. Certain parts of your brain wake up you don't realize the information that is there or needs to be seen so I am the one that has to show you. I have a way of helping with Nathanal but I need you to trust me.[/i:4d994d4f0b] There it was again, that trust issue that she was always seemingly running into. Why not? What could possibly go wrong? Besides to the fact that someone could possibly get hurt or freak out about the change that she was about to make. [i:4d994d4f0b]What exactly are you going to do with Nathanal?[/i:4d994d4f0b] She was speaking back to her 'other' in her mind, wow the improvements where slowly coming around for her. [i:4d994d4f0b]Because you are to scared to do it yourself.[/i:4d994d4f0b] Korryla simply shook her head at this point as she closed her eyes and let her mind drift off while her 'other' took control. It only took a matter of moments for the change to take place; nothing was different she looked exactly the same. However when she spoke her voice was altered and sounded very demonic

[i:4d994d4f0b]"Nathanal, come closer to me. We have much to change here in such little time"[/i:4d994d4f0b] Korryla than gazed over at Nasse [i:4d994d4f0b]"Someone will be visiting very shortly."[/i:4d994d4f0b]

Nasse arched a brow and glanced over at Nathanal "I think she has lost it."

"No, she has not.. This is her 'other' as people would call it." Forlia than turned over to look at Nasse and Nathanal "Trust this side of her like you do her."

Nathanal narrowed his eyes on Korryla for he knew this side, but that really doesn't mean that he was not afraid of her when she was like this. Slowly she reached her left hand out for the neck of his shirt, gripping it somewhat he pulled him closer down to the ground with a twisting grin tugging over her lips. Tipping her head down around by his neck as dragged her nose and tug along his skin. Upon reaching the correct spot on his neck she quickly snuck her fangs into his skin and began drinking his blood. A vision, blurry visions of a life in which she was forced to live. One in which showed everything, even the things in which Korryla herself was still not in tune with. Pain, sorrow, torment, the rain of the fall of the emotions was so over bearing on him that Nathanal started to cry as he was gasping for air. No vampire could have probably put Nathanal through what he was going through. Than again no on was ever as insane as Korryla was to the point where she was not the only person in her body. Several moments seemed to just have passed before she released her hold on his neck. She traced her right hand up his chest and over his neck and slowly gripped as she tilted his head to hers; she than placed her lips over his and kissed him. Again, the kiss was one in which would seal the deal for them both, but the knowledge that they would even know that would never really be truly revealed. She broke the kiss and took a black dagger and slit her wrist, placed it up over his mouth and told him to drink. Needed he did, for now the circles of this party were slowly coming to a close.

After Korryla's 'other' had released Nathanal from her arm she rose to her feet and looked at Forlia [i:4d994d4f0b]"You will watch him until he is able to act and move completely fine on his own. I can not grantee that he will be perfectly sane either."[/i:4d994d4f0b]
With that she turned to look at Nasse [i:4d994d4f0b]"Your little umm friend will be coming shortly. I suggest you stay here and we will go hide somewhere and watch as this little event partakes place."[/i:4d994d4f0b]

With that Forlia walked over to Nathanal and scooped him up into her arms and walked behind Nasse to where a rather large brush was and with no doubt Korryla was following behind her. Nasse just stood there blinking in well pretty much good shock, in was interesting to see her feed, it was even more interesting for the power level that just seemed to sky rocket the moment she had done it. She was lost to her own thoughts when everything started to take place, she missed the raising white mist that start above her head, curled around her body and slithered down to the ground. The moment the mist hit the ground it turned to the color of the ground in which keeping itself masked from all. The man Eric as Nasse referred to him as was watching her intently, he could pretty much well see that she looked like she was lost in her thoughts but than again he was unable to hear them and that bothered him. He decided to wait to make his move; maybe she was waiting for someone? Maybe she heard something? What? It all seemed wrong and something felt like it was wrong.

Forlia and Korryla's other where intently watching, they both saw the mist and now how it was just laying there on the ground. "She is lost in her thoughts isn't she?"
"Yes she is."
"She needs to do something."
"Forlia, the thing is a mist. If that is all it is than we are screwed either way you look at this."

The green mist slowly began to float and form into a body soon enough a body was standing only a few feet away from Nasse. "I can't help but think that you are complete lost in your thoughts. For you look like you have came across something and you are trying now to deal with it."

Nasse turned her head and simply looked at Eric and grinned, "Well I guess that means you would be wrong, I am right. I fooled you and now I have won the bet."

"The bet?"

"Yes, the bet."

"What bet?"

"The bet in which you made a long time ago with me and said I could never fool you into thinking something in which I was doing and actually not be doing it. I felt you when you first arrived here and how funny it is. You used white which sent a cold chill down my spine and the moment that you used green I felt at peace with the earth and that is when I knew you were just waiting for me to do something in which you thought I was not paying attention."

The girl was smart, witty, and knew exactly what she was doing. It was funny sometimes he felt like he had ran into everything and saw everyone before hand. But the thing is that everything she did surprised him. He softly shook his head and smiled somewhat "Have you found anything knew or ran into any lately?"



"No. What did I not speak loud enough for you last time?" Her attitude had change and she was now glaring at him.

"I see." Alright, what happened, something now is not right. Why would she change all of a sudden like this? "Nasse what’s wrong?"

"What’s wrong?"

"I am bound to you like some freak! I can't do anything or do this damn project on my own without having you breathing down my neck every five seconds! How the hell would you feel if someone was always around you, who read every thought that was running through your head! You know your always telling me that you want me to respect me that you never get the respect you deserve, well demit this is why I don’t respect you, why I hate you, and why I want you dead!!”

Eric stood there in total shock words could not express what was running through his mind. And so this was now going to be the beginning of a very big battle. Forlia and Korryla's 'other' were just standing there in disbelief..there was no way they could fight him now.

((And now I am going to leave you like this. Hahahaha))

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 11:13 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
[quote:670f10b688="BlackDragon"]((Thanx guys! *grins* Don't kill me for how this one ends please))

((And now I am going to leave you like this. Hahahaha))[/quote:670f10b688]

UNFAIR!! Completely, totally, highly unfair!! :twisted:

I've been stranded. *sigh

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 12:46 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[b:71e1469219]ooc: [/b:71e1469219] :shock: You just CAN'T leave us like this! :cry:

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:38 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
((I am sorry its taking so long to get the next part up. But I promise you its coming and the wait will be worth it.))

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:43 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
How could the outcome have turned out like that? Did he even know that she had any type of help at all? Was it pointless if she were to just stop? Shaking her head softly she took a step back and gazed into Eric’s eyes. “No, it’s not all of a sudden that I am having a change of heart. I’ve been leading you and the government on since day one.”

Eric arched a brow as he frowned slightly as shook his head himself and growled softly. Clenching his fist slowly he drew his hand back slowly and thruster it out forward and towards her face. A gust of wind cam in following behind his movements as anger could have been felt rising off of them. She was thrown back about a good ten feet but was able to break her fall by landing in a crouched position on the ground. She quickly rose to her feet and began walking towards him as she lifted her both her hands; quickly a blue sphere started to form inches away from both of her hands, as both palms were facing out towards Eric. Eric dropped to the ground and rolled off to the right and than leaped into the air. Quickly she thruster her hands up and fired the blue sphere up at him. He only grinned at this as he lifted his right hand up; palm facing out towards the globe. It almost reached him but he was able to stop it dead in his tracks before it even had a chance of touching him and trapping him inside. Nasse just blinked as shook her head, of course this was going to turn into one long never ending battle between them but the odds were still in her favor, right? Eric at this point began pushing the orb back down at Nasse in an attempt to force her move back on her. Nasse shot her left hand outwards again and shot the blue sphere between the two of them and just kept it there.

“Eric you know this has just gotten very pointless.”

“Aye my child but there will be an end here and we will not leave until it’s over.”

Nasse just simply shrugged softly as she closed her eyes in an attempt to use her mind strength to help push the globe away. Eric just stood there his eyes never once leaving Nasse as he was pretty much just able to max her strength and once again they were at another stand still. With Eric still there in the air hovering there he lifted his other hand and quickly thruster it downward as yet another gust of wind came rushing forward; but this time it did give the extra push that he wanted it to do and now the globe was moving towards Nasse. Nasse gasped quickly and was forced to take a step back as she grunted somewhat. Dropping her hands to her side and quickly throwing them back up she pulled the same move off in which Eric had done to her; however this had little no effect on Eric and just cause the globe to stop in its tracks once again. He grinned at this and like always at this point he was pretty mush guessing that this fight was going to be his.

Forlia all of sudden appeared flying about 50ft up in the air just circling them. Eric felt the presence the moment she in actual eye distance, he narrowed his eyes as she gaze drifted upwards towards the figure that was flying around them.

“Hmm, looks to me like we have some company.”

Nasse chuckled softly as she shook her head. “Well Eric I guess this goes to show you how much you really do know.”
“What do you mean?”

Nasse took a deep breath and pulled back a few feet as quickly thruster all of her mind strength forward. The globe actually moved this time and had cause Eric to slip back. The globe which was now only inches away from. By this time Forlia was already descending down to the towards them, with about 20ft form the ground she tucked her wings behind her and simply dropped to the ground and landed in a crouching position only a couple of feet away from Nasse. Rising up to her feet as a twisted grin tugged over her lips she lifted her hand up and called out.

”Hell Fire!!!”

With that a dark black orb began to form in front of her hands with a blackish fiery flame surrounding the orb. Pulling her hands back quickly and pushing them forward again she shot the orb out at him. As the orb was being shot out towards Eric it erupted into a wave; he grunted somewhat as he held up his hand out towards the on coming wave of fire and promptly stopped it in its tracks. However the side effect to this attack was now being to show as a great amount of heat was being generated off the wave.

“Darken shadows of the night forsake their movements in the light. Dying outside as the blood rushed down. Capturing the silence of the world as those around you seem to just drift away. Forgotten centuries force through the barriers of darkness. Your wishes and your hopes prove that there is more to life than creation itself.”

As Nasse finished off the last word the ground beneath them began shaking as a blinding white light shot out from underneath her feet, engulfing her and running straight to the sky.

“A night of misery strengths the bond between the two that lay within the greatness of this world; a mistake of grief and torment shatters the ridges of this life.”

Again as the last word left Nasse’s mouth a dark mist began to form around her wrist and again another massive gust of wind came rushing up from behind her and was headed straight towards Eric’s direction which caused the black wave and globe to be pushed even more closer to him and cause him to be pushed back several steps. He grunted again and kept up the force of holding the two attacks back.

“Markings of a temptress; shadows of life that surround her homelands as the days pass on. Your motions rule out the possibility of an existence.”

Again another gust of wind was shot out towards Eric. Sweat began drip down his forehead as he continued to hold his ground as he screamed out at “Nasse enough!”

Would she stop? But why would she? It was obvious that the two of them could possible beat him if they kept going at it like this. Don’t reveal yourself just Korryla. She was still standing behind the bush just watching them intently; maybe it was wrong for her to still be in her ‘other’ form but than again as she thought about it she won most of her fights by staying or actually letting the other side of her have the control.

The moment Eric said enough Nasse stopped and dropped the globe as well as the blinding white light simply faded as well. Her breathing was coming in quick short gasps as she was just standing there glaring at him. Something just didn’t seem right about that, it didn’t take her much to pull those moves off so why did it look like it was killing her now?

“Why did you do that?!” Forlia yelled out at Nasse.

Nasse kept her eyes locked on Eric as she was just seemingly ignoring Forlia for the moment. Eric than took this time to close his eyes; he inhaled deeply and just hovered there holding back Forlia’s hell fire. Eric grin as his eyes shot opened his gaze staring directly at Forlia.

“I must say that you look very familiar to someone else I know.”

“Oh really? Well I hate to burst your bubble but I’m one of a kind and there is really no one else like me.”

“Really now? That is quite funny really because you honestly look like Korryla.”

“You must have me confused with someone else.”

“No, I don’t think I do.”

Korryla was able to hear the entire conversation clearly and with Nasse just standing there like that she was not about to let Forlia get beaten by this asshole. She looked down at Nathanal and frowned somewhat hoping that he would be okay if she were to leave his side. She sighed softly and stepped around Nathanal and began walking out from being behind the bush. She stopped a few feet shy from Forlia and Nasse. Eric’s grin only grew wider at the sight of her.

“Well if it is not the woman herself.”

“Who else did you expect it to be?”

“I don’t possibly God himself but those are only legends that say that you are truly stronger than that.”


“Oh yes, for the key to winning any battle is to know your enemy. And you my dear in which I hate to say I know you like a book.”
Korryla glance at Nasse; Nasse was already looking at her with a puzzling look. Where was the truth in this? Who exactly was playing who what field? But she wanted to go as far as being tainted with her own blood. Was she really betraying her? Shaking her head softly as she glanced back over at Eric “Like a book you say?”


“Your move than.”

Eric’s grin slowly grew into a twisted one as he his eyes turned completely black; a huge gust of wind rushed forward and engulfed Forlia’s hell fire. Seconds only passed and though the move was never actually seen by the eye didn’t mean that it never struck its target. Korryla winced and dropped to her knees; Nasse screamed out and charged out towards Eric but he was already prepared for one of them charging him and fair game in which it was her. Grabbing Nasse’s neck tightly he shot a couple bolt of lightning that flashed from his finger tips into her neck, causing to knock her out and fall lifeless in his arms. Korryla at this point was already curled up in a ball on the ground with black tears streaming down her face and once again she was lost to the world.

Several Years Back: During the Destruction of the Vampire Race

“You look so beautiful.”

Korryla jumped as she turned around in the direction in which she heard the male’s voice coming from. The man was standing in a good shadowy spot so trying to make out exactly who he was; was going to be somewhat difficult at this point.

“Can I help you with something?” She asked turned completely around to face him.

He grin a devilish grin as she stayed standing exactly where he was just watching her. “Possibly.”

“And what possibly might you need help with?”

“Nothing really I just want you.”

“Sounds like a personal problem to me.”

He laughed “It very well might be but I always get what I want.”

“Quite interesting but I really don’t know who you are nor do I care so if that is all you really want than I think you need to be on your way because your not going to get what you want this time.”

Eric just shook his head and just laughed as he stepped out of the shadows and into the light. He looked like a mere human but Korryla knew better than that for the amount of power that was coming off of him was almost unbelievable. Maybe he was trying to scare her but than at this point in time she really didn’t care.

“You know they are just using you don’t you.”

“Who is?”

Everything went completely black and Korryla could hear Forlia’s voice but it sounded so far away as if they were miles and miles apart. Unable to make out the words her mind could not muster the strength to fight off exactly what was going on. Soon she was back off again drifting back away from the world.

“The government; they are just using you. Why are you even doing this for them?”

“Who said I was just doing it for them?”

“Your not?”

“Does it matter?”

He chuckled softly and stepped closer to her “Why do you hate them so much?”

Her eyes narrowed on his as her facial expression became somewhat puzzled “What does it matter to you?”

“Well I guess you can just say I just want to know.”

“What do you plan to gain from this?”

:”The information I love learning new things.”

“You give me information that I will give you what you want to know.”

He shrugged “Sounds fair enough to me, what would you like know?”

“Who are you, why are you here, who do you work for, and how did you know to find me here?”

Eric smiled and leaned against the wall of the brick building his eyes still gazing over her “Well my name is Eric. I’m here to learn about you because I find you interesting. I don’t work for anyone, people work for me. How did I know you where here? I saw you come here the other day so I thought I would get lucky to see if I could catch you here again.”

Korryla nodded at this as she took a step back and crouched low to the ground, it had been awhile since she ever really talked to anyone, suppose it would not kill her to actual she herself to someone, could it?

“Well Eric, everyone I known has left me, I’ve bee through more medical surgeries than you could ever image. I’m different from any other vampire but than again I am sure a person of stature has heard all of the stories.”

“Stories of what?”

“You don’t know?”

He chuckled as the grin was still playing over his lips “The stories about the all powerful vampire that the vampire race has been making for centuries? Yes, I’ve heard the stories and rumors as I like to call them because it’s all bullshit. There is no way they could have done something like that.”

“Oh? And why is that?” She asked as she arched an eye brow and still held puzzlement expression over her face.

He tilted his head a little bit to the left as he just let the silence linger there for a moment as she studied her “Because a long time ago a family that had been generated all the way back to Dracula was killed by my hands. They were the last of his bloodline and his kind and like I said I was the one to over see that they all were dead.”

She said nothing as her gaze slid down to the ground and the realization of the truth hit and hit her hard. Shaking her head softly she slide her gaze back up to his. “How long did you spend doing this?”

“For quite sometime I have been working on this for many centuries. The last family that was killed was in a small town on the out skirts of New England.”

Again she felt her body go completely numb inside as her stomach began to turn. The puzzlement expression left her face as she just stood there staring blanking at him. “I see. And you’re for sure that that whole family was killed.”

“Yes, the mother, daughter, father and uncle are all dead.”

She couldn’t move, couldn’t think, she couldn’t even feel her body anymore. Her ‘other’ was screaming at her to let her out to tear this man to pieces. She had lived her whole life into thinking that her family had just completely left her, she hated them for it but in the end she hated this man. But he really was not a man after all. She couldn’t even stomach to even think exactly what he was.

“What’s wrong?”

She jerked her head up and blinked several times before responding to him “Nothing why did you do this anyways? I’m sure I would have gotten to them sooner or later.”

“Well this was a little bit before your time probably when you were just a little girl. This was done so they couldn’t start this process.”

Korryla thought about it but she could not really recall whether or not she had a sister or if he really thought she was dead. “Well that is quite interesting because I’ve never heard of anything like that before and you would think that a family with that much stature the news pretty much flies around pretty quickly and I would at least be able to know what you are talking about.”

He looked somewhat surprised at this and of course he wanted to know exactly more from her. “Well where were you living when you were a kid?”

“I grew up in the outskirts of New England.”

He stopped and could not speak for that moment as a stunning realization had hit him. “I see well that is very interesting to know indeed.” They were the only words that he could get out of his mouth as he just stood there staring at her. How was this even possible? The uncle had sworn on his own blood that the child was dead and if he was lying he and the little girl would never rest in peace. He wanted to stay and keep talking to her to find out more information but he also knew that if the uncle had truly lied than his soul would still be haunting his resting grounds and he had to see this with his own eyes.

“Well I hate to cut this short but I have some business in which I must see to, but I promise I will be back to finish this conversation. That is if you don’t mind?”

Korryla just simply shook her head, why would she care she wanted to know more for if he really was who he just said he was than she was going to kill him. No matter how long she had to wait until they crossed paths again. “I don’t mind.”

He just nodded at that as he turned on his heel and walked back into the shadows and was disappeared into the night.

Present Time

Everything went black again as the image of him disappearing was the last thing to float through her mind. She heard both Forlia’s and Nathanal’s voices as she began to stir back to life again. Slowly her eyes fluttered open as gazed upon Nathanal’s pale face. When she spoke her words were soft and somewhat rough.

“I’m….I dreaming?”

Nathanal smiled down at her “No Korryla you not dreaming.”

She smiled faintly and sat up and grunted in the process “Good.”

He couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at this “And why is that good?”

She shrugged softly and glanced up at Forlia before looking back at Nathanal “It hurts for me to go through stages like that where my mind begins recalling things that have happened before in which I really sometimes don’t recall myself.”

Nathanal’s smile faded as he nodded softly. Korryla nudged his leg gently as the fainted smile remained lingering over her lips. “Well enough about me how are you feeling?”

He shrugged softly “Hungry I guess you could say. I saw a lot of things in which I don’t understand that I would really like to talk to you about.”

Korryla nodded as she pulled herself up to her feet “Alright we will work on the hunger problem but we need to get a move on to start looking for Nasse or at least try to figure out exactly where they went. Forlia did you happen to see where they went or in which direction?”

Forlia shook her head “Honestly no because they just simply vanished.”


“Yes, vanished. Nasse well didn’t really have any choice in the matter.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well the moment you hit the ground she charged Eric and he well pretty much knocked her out.”

“I see any clues at all to where they could be?”


"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
Offline Profile
PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:44 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
“Nathanal, you worked for the government before by any chance do you know where they would have gone or where Eric might have taken her?”

Nathanal just stood there for a couple of moments just drawing a blank, ever since the transition of becoming a vampire he could really not recall of his thoughts or memories just yet and he simple just shook his head “I honestly don’t remember or can I think of a place in which he might have taken her to.”

Korryla nodded “I could search your mind but the moment that I do this I will pretty much go into the same state in which I was in before.”

“Than no.” he said abruptly.
Korryla arched her left eye brow slightly “No, why not?”

“Why are you so hell bent on finding them?”

Korryla snapped at this “Because I don’t to loose Nasse and I want to kill that son of a bitch!!”

Forlia and Nathanal just stared at Korryla for the hatred and the anger that filled her voice was just so great that the both of them could not really understand the depth of the pain on this issue. Nathanal nodded and just turned away from them and sighed. “How long will it take you to find the information that you need?”

“Depends, there could be a lot of memories and stored information hiding it all really depends on how far back the information is and how stable you mind is. So in all I really couldn’t tell you how long it will take.”

He nodded softly again at this “And what would you like us to do when you pass out from this?”

Korryla shrugged softly “You’re just going to have to wait for me to come around.”

Forlia gently touched Korryla’s shoulder “And is there any side effect that Nathanal can expect to go through?”

“No, I will make sure there will be none.”

Forlia frowned “Korryla…”

Korryla turned to look Forlia directly in the eyes “Look don’t question me on this he can not with stand to go through something like that and I’m not about to let him with me being in the state I will be in.”

Nathanal turned to face them as Forlia looked over to meet his gaze and they both just kind of nodded to each other. Nathanal than turned his gaze to Korryla as she than came to turn around to look at him “Alright let’s get this done and over with.”

Korryla stepped close to Nathanal and placed a hand on either side of his head, positioning her hands over each temple “Close your eyes and try not to think about anything at all.”

Nathanal did as he was told and close his eyes as he cleared his mind as best as he could and Korryla than closed hers. Her finger tips began to glow a dark purplish color, lightning flashed across the sky for it only took a matter of moments for her to cross the barrier in time to get from her mind to his. It was completely dark inside with a gray mist surrounding each of the doors; she began to push forward slowly glancing around at everything making sure not to treed in any unwanted areas. Images kept flying by but they were all much like a blur; one image however was clear and stood out from the rest. It was an image of Nathanal working for Eric quite sometime back ago in the states; it was start in which they needed. Pushing onward she stopped to examine a door that seems to stand out from the rest that was placed before her. It was a very tall, all black, and very narrow. Slowly she began making her way closer to the door and with each passing step that she took her ‘other’ was screaming at her to start away from it. But curiosity had gotten the better half of her as she ignored the warnings and came to stand several inches away from the door. Than all of sudden Nathanal’s image appeared but it didn’t seem to be at him at all for this Nathanal looked evil and demonic looking.



The image than simply disappeared and the doors slowly began to open. She stepped inside and the depth of the pain and torment was just so over bearing that she could not stand to be in the room. A thousand images had flashed through her mind, little bits and pieces of conversations of words that she could not quite make understand. Why was she still standing there taking this all in? Maybe she felt sorry for him or maybe she realized the cause of where all of the pain was coming from. Slowly she pulled out of the room and made sure that his lock went back over the door and with that she slowly eased herself out of his mind. The moment she came back into reality she was gasping for air as black tears ran down over her cheeks. Nathanal’s eyes shot open as his arms quickly outstretched to catch the collapsing Korryla. The dark purplish glow around her finger tips faded as so did the lightning. It only took a matter of moments for Korryla to drift off away from reality; Forlia blinked and looked down at Nathanal.

“I take it she went into an area in which shouldn’t have gone into?”

Nathanal had nodded but left it at that for what else was he going to about what Korryla just witnessed herself to.

Another Run In With Eric
Several Years Back

Korryla was covered in blood from head to toe as she was gasping for air as five dead vampires lay dead all around her. She dropped to her knees while still clutching her katana. Eric appeared out of the middle of no where it seemed and stood about several feet away from where she was kneeling.

“My you have been doing a lot of dirty work lately.”

Korryla jerked her head up towards Eric’s direction and snarled lightly “What do you want?”

He chuckled “Oh nothing really just to take you some place just to show you something.”
“And what exactly do you want to show me?”

“Oh nothing really just something that I or well I should say someone who I think is your family and would really probably like to see you.”

She pulled herself up to her feet as her breathing slowly began to come back to normal pace; she than latched the katana to her side belt and walked closer over to him “Oh really and who might this person be?”

“Your uncle I believe and even if I’m wrong I think it will do you some good to get away from here for a little bit to take breather or even rest some.”

Korryla simply shrugged “Alright and just where is this place that we have to go to get to them?”

He grinned “The outskirts of New England.”

She blinked softly and simply shook her head and said with a rather disgust in her voice “Lead the way.”

They took a plane out of the Midwest and were heading towards New England. Korryla however was still covered in blood from the fight in which she had been in before they left; she never really did quite notice all the weird stares she was getting from people but than again at this time she really didn’t quite care at all. Her uncle should be dead unless he had her confused with someone else. Once in New England the drive to the mountains took about a good five hours, she would have loved to have ridden on a horse through this part but insisted that they use the limo. Staring out of the window she thought to herself about the her town, yes it was her home but she never really stepped foot outside of the house in which she lived in and now she was going back to after all these years. A feeling of anger took hold of her as thought more about this, all of the pain and the torment came flooding back to her as if it had just happened. Suddenly the limo came to a stop and Eric grinned evilly.

“Well my dear we are here, are you sure you didn’t want to um wash up first or anything?”

Korryla arched her left eye brow at him and gave him a pretty much weird look “Who the hell are you trying to impress?”

Eric shrugged and they both got out of the limo to be standing right at the entrance of a cemetery. Korryla jerk her head back to gaze at him “What the hell are you trying to pull?”

Eric chuckled “Oh nothing this is where he told me to meet him.”

She simply shook her head and rolled her eyes “I bet, and where exactly are we supposed to meet him at?”

The grin was still playing over his lips as he nodded to the direction of an old pine tree that looked to have been there for centuries. “Just right over there.”

Again Korryla just shook her head at him and began making her way towards the tree. She could feel the presence and sense something that told her that something was not right. Something in which didn’t make sense but it almost seem to bind her to this place. It was a little past dusk when they had arrived; everything was black as the fog was beginning to set in. She stopped at the old pine and Eric stood several feet behind her. She was just standing there gazing around, looking for the familiar presence, her uncle was here and she could feel it, in a very odd sense. Korryla waited for about two more minutes and with no sign of him she turned to Eric.

“Well where the hell is he?”

Eric chuckled “Oh come on now surely you must feel his presence?”

“Yes I do feel it but I have not come here to play games with you I have work in which I must finish rather quickly as you must know.”

Eric chuckled again and shook his head “Oh yes my dear you have your work cut out for you, killing the entire vampire race can have its down falls when you are not doing it all the time, wouldn’t want them to start getting in huge groups again.”

With that a cold wind blew across the area as a white mist began to form in between the two. It was surely her uncle, her uncle’s spirit who looked as if it had given up and had been wandering these parts for years. She could see the sign of age, the sign of torment, guilt and sorrow. She stared at him confused as he spoke.

“Killing off your own race? The race in which you were built to protect from the humans, but why? I don’t understand this, what has happened to you my child?

It took her a moment all she could do was stand there and stare at him for she didn’t even know where to start. “Child? You, are calling me a child?” She shook her head “That doesn’t matter, you know I don’t even know who you are but I know you are my uncle related by the lines of blood but other than that you are nothing to me. Nothing but some person who has spent their life time in building a creation out of your kin and than simply threw off to the side like I was nothing!”

Slowly the spirit turned to Eric “This is your doing isn’t?”

Eric grinned and chuckled “Oh no, I have just recently got to meet the fair lady I have not spoken to her at anytime before hand. I give you my word.”

The spirit turned to look back at Korryla “Since I see there is much information that has not gotten passed to you I will take this time to tell you such. You were created because you had the rarest if all blood types. In hopes to save a dying race in which from what was just told that you are destroying. We did not simply toss you aside my child your father and I have tried so hard to preserve every little aspect of the vampire race in you. The supreme being of us all; one in which is stronger than any other vampire to have walked these lands ever. When we learned that the human government had spies working for them we knew that it would not be safe for you here, your father wanted to keep you here but at that time you would have been useless and more than likely killed. You left and on that night this man came.” With that he motioned to Eric “And killed your mother, your father, and than he found me shortly there after. He than asked what happened to you and I told him that you had died on an operating table. The man did not believe my words and in order to make him believe me I made a vow with him.”

Korryla just stood there taking in all of his words “And that vow would be?”

“When I died should I be lying your soul and my soul would be damned to our resting places until he died.”

Korryla jerked her head over towards Eric “Is this true?”

Eric’s grin grew even more evil than ever “Very much so my dear.”

How could this be? All those years she had come to believe that she was nothing more than weapon and that was all that her family wanted her for; so here she was now destroying her own race in which in doing so was going to gain absolutely nothing in return and she knew it. So, now here she was standing finally facing the truth of what really is. Why? Again a question in which she could not answer nor ever come to understand, after everything, after all of the killings and even possible after her own death she would never be in peace with this man still alive. What is she to do?

Present Time

She shot forward gasping for air as black tears streamed down her cheeks. The memory this time made her realize how much she wanted to end everything, but she knew there would be no peace to find. Nathanal still had his arms wrapped around her when she startled herself back into reality. Her eyes met his as she said

“I know why I want him dead. I remember exactly why. My uncle and I are damned to our resting places until he is dead. He has my friend in which I trust, she was about to risk giving herself up to me in order to get me to trust her. Now I am asking both of you to help me. If not than fine I will do it myself.”

Forlia grinned and crouched beside them “You know my place is by your side that is why I am here to help and protect you. I will help you and stand beside you.”

Nathanal nodded and smiled a little at Korryla “And I am here to help and stand beside you as well.”

Korryla for the first time in a long time wrapped her arms around Nathanal and hugged him tightly. It caught him off guard but he returned the hugged back just the same. They both let go of the embrace and rose to their feet. The journey was now going to begin one in which they had to finish not just for the sake of Korryla’s soul but for the sake of their friend. One can judge something form the outside and look at it from every direction in which is possible but to know the true value of a bond between friends is one in which you must loose in order to understand the depth of the pain in which it can cause someone. But also a true friend in which will come looking no matter what tasks they must face in order to make sure that everyone is safe. It was probably the first time in a very long time in which Korryla came to understand the depth of her knew friendship and what she was willing to go through in order to make sure that everyone was okay. Yes, there was going to be pain, pain in which could be unspeakable but that love seem to be much stronger and just because they are creatures of the night and darkness of the shadows does not mean they can not care. For they do and for once she might have some type of peace within herself.

Nasse’s Torment
Present Time

Nasse was asleep still laying there still within the darkness of the room in which she was being kept at. It was no ordinary room, oh no, it was one in which was made for specifically for Nasse. It was a clear globe one in which blocked all the use of any magic, mind power, and teleporting of any kind. Eric remained off in the shadows just a couple of feet away from it just sitting there watching her sleep for the time being. Slowly she began to stir awake and slowly rose to sit on the bed in which she was sleeping on. Blinking several times as she took the place in, she knew damn well where she was, this was the place in which the US government had held the two of them for a little over a century. Eric was grinning as usual as he spoke “Nasse my dear why have you betrayed me?”

She blinked and began searching around the room for him, but of course it was to dark and her senses were useless in this thing. “Betrayed you? How have I betrayed you it is not my fault that you are so fucking gullible?”

He softly shook his head “Me? Gullible; come on now that does not make a whole lot of sense seeing is how that I am that one who has you here right now and what do you know I am stuck in there either. Damn, lucky me.”

“Lucky you; so I see your going to play a coward and not fight me instead and let us settle things that way?”

“By death of either of us would bring me no satisfaction you already know that.”

She laughed “Oh do I? Just because you are obsessed does not make it my problem.”

“Well, I would have to say it does.”

“You’re a fool.”

Eric rose to his feet as voice thundered out “No!! Nasse you are the fool! If you would have cooperated like I told you than you wouldn’t be facing what you are about to face now.”

“Nothing you can do will scare me nor will it hurt me.”

“Oh Nasse but you are wrong there. I can make it hurt, I know the one nightmare in which you do not ever wish to see in life.”

She closed her eyes and simple shook her head before speaking “A nightmare is in which something that can no affect me something in which is not real, something I have to learn to accept.”

He tilted his head somewhat to the side as he could see that she was telling the truth. “I see than. Maybe I should send someone after your knew fond friends and we can see how much fun we can have.”

She didn’t answer she really didn’t know what to say to that. Maybe she did know what to say but she was through speaking with him and didn’t care to carry one the conversation anymore. He nodded to her silence and simply chuckled again “Alright than have it your way. But what you are about to endure is all of your doing, let us both pray for your own sake that you live through this.”

And with that without anymore warning the lights within the globe faded along with the rest of the illusion of everything else; the bed, the chair, and the table. Nasse hit the floor and the moment she did a massive gust of wind began to whirl around the room as if it was creating its own tornado. Several bolts of lighting began to flash over the top of the globe as rain began pouring down. It was a start in which she knew that she was going to need to pray, to pray for something to happen. For the torment of this torture was only beginning.

(To Be Cont)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
Offline Profile
PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 9:51 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
Nasse slowly curled into a ball on the floor as the rain poured down on her. Closing her eyes she pretty much damn well knew that there was no real way out of this damn thing, well no real way for her to get from the inside. No one was going to come and save her and there was no way in which she could physical was going to get out. Suddenly it all started to take place again. The lightning was the first to strike and the moment it did she let out a soft whimper and kept her eyes tightly shut. The temperature began to drop to down to almost about thirty two degrees and that was right at the freezing point. Again another soft whimper escaped from her lips as she laid there freezing. Open your eyes Nasse don’t hide them from this idiot. Don’t show him that this is hurting you. She forced her eyes to open as she than pushed herself up to her feet and stared out of the globe directly into the darkness that lay out before the thing. The rain that was falling slowly began to change to ice and around the surface of the inner globe it began to cover it as it slowly covered it making it slightly difficult to look out. Quickly her mind snapped into over driver as she began running around in circles for she had to keep moving had to keep herself warm somehow. The temperature within the globe began to drop down even more now as it made its final drop to about fifth teen degrees. She was now running around in circles at a steady pace. Reminding herself that she had been through much worse crap than this and she once she got out of here she would be able to face him and kill him. Her hair was pretty much like frozen icicles at this point and her lips where starting to turn purple. She was cold; she could feel the depth of it in her soul. She wanted to cry, wanted to scream, wanted to give up this existence. Her eyes slowly closed as her body kept moving for she knew that the moment she stopped that would pretty much be the end of her. Even though the pain was growing with each passing moment she was not about to let him win.

Eric chuckled softly as he leaned back in his chair and watched her until he was no longer able to see into the globe. At this time another man entered into the building and came to stand behind where Eric was sitting. He came to stand about seven feet and five inches. With dark piercing blue eyes, dressed in an all black business suit; black hair a pretty much fairly good tan.

“So Eric whom might that be in there freezing half to death?”

Eric grinned and turned to face the man “Well that my friend would be Nasse.”

The other man arched a brow and nodded “I see I take it that you have caught her doing something in which displeases you greatly?”

He shook his head and turned his gaze back to the globe “Yeah, just slightly. You know, betraying me but that would be about it.”

“I see and it really doesn’t sound like you are really thrilled about this?”

Eric chuckled “Always got to look upon the bright side of every mess”

The man chuckled a little himself “Well I suppose you could or you would more than likely want to try to look upon the brighter side of things.”

Eric nodded “Aye.”

“Well here is a question for you if she betrayed you than why don’t you just kill her instead of putting her through this?”

Eric grinned and turned to face the man “That is your style my friend I just like to watch them suffer.”

The man simply chuckled again as he shook his head “Well enough about that. What kind of help were you looking to get?”

“Well with Nasse locked up like this there still leaves three of them left; Forlia, Korryla, and Nathanal. Oh and just so you know Forlia is Korryla’s avatar.”

The man arched a brow slightly “Her avatar, hmm she has grown quite powerful over these past few years. To bad she is not on our side.”

Eric shrugged “The bitch of darkness was supposed to be on our side until that idiot Jordan and his clan of vampires tried to destroy her. But anyways what I was wondering is if you would be interested in killing off Nathanal.”

The man nodded “You know me and how I feel about killing people is that all you want dead?”

Eric nodded “Yes that is the only one.”

“May I ask why only one?”

“Of course you can. You know me, but the only reason why I want one of them dead is well Korryla has grown quite attached to him and I just want to show her what happens when you get to close to someone. That and the other two are more of a personal game to me.”

The man nodded “Alright than it will be done.” And with that the man turned and walked out.

Eric turned and looked back at the globe and in this very instance he felt somewhat sorry for the poor girl but he quickly shook his head, dismissed the thoughts; standing up from his chair as he took another quick look around before leaving as well.

The Search for Nasse Begins

They were already out of New England and sailing back to the states. However the biggest downfall in which they were facing at the moment was the way people were starting to react around them. Trying not to let the on goings of the human race bother them but to stay away from any more fights that were about to take place they new they were going to have to spilt up sometime soon here. Once they had arrived in the port of New York they once again realized that they were going to need to split up. Forlia glanced over towards Korryla “I’m going to take off here this crap is only going to slow us down. You know to get a hold of me if you need me.”

And with that Forlia leaped up into the air as her wings quickly spread out and she quickly took flight and was gone. Everyone that was around them was to busy watching her fly away that it gave Nathanal and Korryla a enough time to slip away from the crowd. With a couple of phone calls the two were now riding in the back of a black limo making their way across the US. They might have been pressed for time but than again they were not even really sure on exactly where they had to go. A few hours had passed before Nathanal had finally decided to break the silence.

“I saw a lot of thing that I think happened to you when you were little. Are they all true, I mean everything that I saw?”

Korryla’s face when pretty much expressionless as she sat there for a moment or two in the clear still of the silence; sighing softly as she closed her eyes and gave him the answer to his question.

“’Yes everything you saw and probably heard is true.”

Nathanal nodded softly “I see, well I guess I am confused on something’s now.”

She opened her eyes as she arched an eye brow slightly “Oh, what are you confused about?”

He shrugged softly and looked out the window “Its just well you’ve been through so much and everything and yet you keep on fighting but your insides are almost seemingly dead. Why are you doing this? Or what is really keeps you to keep pushing yourself so hard?”

She sighed softly as once again she closed her eyes and waited a couple of moments before actually giving her response. She honestly didn’t know, or well maybe she did but she refused herself to know exactly what those things were. “I don’t know Nathanal I just have nothing else that I can do or live for and I would be damned if I die by that fools hand.”

“Why is that?” He asked still not seeing the bigger picture of things.

Korryla smiled slightly as she opened her eyes to gaze at him “You see Eric killed my uncle and before he did this he damned my uncle’s soul to haunt his resting place until Eric dies. Well, little did we know that he had damned me as well, so short I would like to see my uncle finally rest in peace and I also would like to know that I will rest in peace as well. “

“Well I guess that is a good reason to keep fighting. Do you have any fears Korryla?”

She blinked a couple times before she let her gaze met his “Yes I do.”

Nathanal nodded “May I ask what they are?”

She gave a faint smile as she nodded herself “Yes Nathanal you may know; I’m afraid to let people get close to me. And of my dreams, for so many times I see things in which I can not stand to see and there is never any doubt that I am lacking pain.”

“I see, but than why share so much information with me?”

She shrugged softly “Maybe because of what I saw in your mind and also because I am trying to change that side of me.”

The limo quickly came to a stop and the both of them gave each other a weird look as they quickly got out of the limo and began looking around. Korryla frowned slightly for she could feel another presence but could not exactly point out where they were at.

The man was moving through the shadows and of course could not really be seen for of where he was standing at. He watched as Korryla began wandering a little bit further off towards the left and further back. The man just grinned, this just seemed like it was going to be too easy for the distance between would only give him enough time to hit Nathanal. Slowly the mystery man than drew up the arrow and bow and took at Nathanal. Yes, just seemed like it was all going to be to easy. But however the downfall about this was that he was about to put himself into a middle of a battle between two people that hated each other greatly. Why should this bother him? He was a man of chaos and thrived on the sources of it. He pulled the arrow back and retook his aim at Nathanal and inhaled. He let go the arrow went whizzing out of the location and headed straight for Nathanal. Korryla heard the sounds; she turned quickly on her heel just in time to see the arrow strike his back. Her face was wide with shock as she screamed out his name and quickly ran over to him.

“God please no!!”

The moment she had reached him she had dropped to her knees as she himself was falling to his knees grunting softly. She placed her hands around the head of the arrow and quickly broke off the head of the arrow. Nathanal grunted softly as he could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks and blood seeping out of the wound. His words were soft but a mere whisper as he spoke to her “I’m so sorry Korryla.”

“Shhhh don’t you even dare start that. I’m not going to let you die on me.”
With that she rose quickly to her feet and stepped around him as she gently pulled the rest of the arrow out. Nathanal again grunted softly as he fell backwards and landed on his back. Korryla moved back around as she knelt down beside him and placed her hands gently over his wound and began to chant softly. Her finger tips began to glow a dark purplish color as a black mist began to slowly wrap around Nathanal’s wound. It took a matter of moments before the process to begin but slowly and surely the wound began to close. The mystery man was standing there with his gaze still upon the two in which he had been watching them intently. Grinning he pulled out another arrow on in which was tainted for the tip of the arrow was black and blue. Yes, it was tainted with a special type of poison. He loaded the arrow on the bow and took his aim once again and just waited. Korryla’s black mist faded as well as the dark purplish glow that was around her finger tips. She pulled herself up to her feet and came to stand in front of him.

“Stay here I don’t want you to move I am going to place a globe around you and try and figure out who is out there.” Her heart beat was running a mile a minute as her gaze was intently on him. Nathanal only nodded softly and gave a faint smile to her to try and show her that he might be okay. Closing her eyes she held out the palm of her right hand. At this moment a blue globe appeared and it was about ten feet in diameter. Opening her eyes once again as she gently placed the globe around Nathanal, she than turned on her heel to face the darkness of the forest as she called out.

“Come out and face me!!”

The mystery man still had the grin playing over her lips as he let out a soft chuckle and slowly emerged from the shadows as he came to stand about seven feet and five inches tall. His body was covered by a long dark cloak that concealed his body and covered his face. And the one thing that was apparent was the bow that had a loaded arrow that was aimed in her direction.

“Who are you?!” She shouted.

He laughed softly and simply shook his head “Oh come on my dear you surely must know who I am.. After all even you would certainly know that you alone could not destroy the entire vampire race along with the rest of the demons that run these parts.”

Korryla arched brow as she studied the man before. The sound of his voice, it was familiar to her and she knew it. But where and who; for she could not really place it at the time; she even knew that she did not kill off the entire vampire race and the other demons that happened to be here as well; for she had stopped after the second encounter with Eric.

“Dalus?” It was all she had to say for she was still unsure of the man for her memories where still much vague on some of the things that had happened in her past.

Dalus grinned and bowed his head to her “Tis pleasure to finally stand in your presence once again my lady.”
Korryla blinked as she just stared at him with much disbelief and disgust. “Dalus only you would be so cruel I should have known that Eric might have put up to this.”

Dalus chuckled and only grinned “Eric might have had something to do with this; but you must know that this hit is not for you but for your friend over there in the PI – globe.”

Korryla shook her head softly “Than I guess your going to have to get through me first because I m not going to move.”

Dalus bowed his head “Aye, than so is it. However I will warn now that once the chance arrives I will strike your friend and kill him.”

With that Dalus put down his bow and arrow and charged her. His movements where quick and sharp as he now came to be standing directly behind her; his sword already draw and aiming to strike at her. She had turned the on her heel the moment she caught his movements, her left hand gripping her katana as she held it up and a slight angle to black his own attack. Dalus grinned at her “There is no doubt that you know what you are doing.”

Korryla rolled her eyes as she stepped off to the right, the blade twirling within her hands outward and quickly back in as she came to strike just above his neckline. Dalus had quickly taken a step off to the left as he curled his blade in an upward motion as the two blades collided again. Dalus took a step back and than pulled forward as the blade came down in a curling motion; he than quickly help up his right hand an fired two kinetic blasts right at her mid section. She only had enough time to block his blade but the kinetic blasts both hammered into her mid section. It sent her flying back about a good ten feet or so; her blade fell to the ground the moment her PI globe dropped. The two blasts did exactly what he wanted them to for it had knocked Korryla’s globe from being around Nathanal. It knocked her out cold as she laid there in the dirt with Dalus grinning from ear to ear.

“You mat win the war but there are some battles that you will loose.”

With that Dalus walked back over to where his bow and arrow was and picked them both up. Turning on his heel as he began to walk over to where Nathanal was laying. Dalus tilted his head down and grinned at him “No hard feelings to you kid but I’m sure I will see you in another world and I will let you settle this matter there.”

Nathanal was not going to reply for he had no intentions of saying anything back to this man. He knew damn well himself that he was not going to be able to stop what was about to happen next so he simply just closed his eyes and waited. Dalus pulled out a rather odd looking dagger; though it was neither long nor too small just somewhere in between the middle of the two; gripping the dagger slightly as he thrashed it straight down to the out rims of Nathanal’s heart. Blood seeped out from where the dagger had entered as Dalus

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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