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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 6:03 am Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
Drain stared at the wall.. He had been in the same position for over 6 months. The Tzimitze had ravaged his body with poison. and the Giovanni had hunted him down while in his weakeded state. He surrived yet again. only to place himself in a selfimposed prison. locked away in his own mind Drain ran thru his whole existance.

His birth in France before the Revelution.
his Time as a goeler at the Cheatu de If.
His untimely (or timely) rescue of an unfortunate prisoner from others in the Prison.
That simple act had brought Drain under the watchfull eye of several powerfull"beings"
One of which cursed the poor peasant with unlife some yrs later under the firelight of the burning Bastile.

Drain reflected on his happy times with his brother. and his shock and horrror to discover he had been given the kiss of unlife as well.
Times spent in London, Egeypt, New York. and finnally Cascadia

The Ragged clump of clothes thought of his current situation as the leader of a clan with a long history in the world but no presance in the current city.
Cascadia had been given to Drain by Bile. and He had done nothing with it. Drain was content but the leaders of his clan were dissapointed with his work. and lack of reports.


The Dark man slowly rose to his feet. his legs cracked and popped with prolonged unuse. His skin hung from his body like his ripped jacket. an attempt was made to call for assistance to get some Vitae but no sound issued from his throat.
Drain picked up a chair and used it as a cruch to cross the room. His legendary strength was gone as was most of his will to exsist.
The door was not locked but it did not open easily, the setteling of the underground building always caused minor problems.
A mental call was issued while the nosferatu primogen worked on the door. By the time the door was opened enough for him to exit the room 6 plump Rats were waiting for their end.

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 7:59 pm Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
(( to those of you who have read this before im sorry. but i like this story concept.. and this time i just might finish it LOL

and to those of you who havent read this before enjoy

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:34 pm Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
After taking the edge off of the constant hunger. Drain retired to his office where he took from his unused desk a black book and opened it up to

Jordan Lee
1729 Fayett ave
Cascadia 53581

in Drains handwriting under the address were hand written notes.

Son..Rick Lee 16
has a schoolboy crush on audio visual President of Cascadia highshool.
Wendy Sill...12 Vine street.

ex-wife... Aubrie Jordan
bad driver
10 speeding tickets, 2 DUIs, 38 parking fines, 1 hit and run. ( Gaberiel is taken care of her.. so hands off at this time.)

Mother...Gretta Lee currently at Cascadia shady grove. alzimers

Father..Bart.. Banker for cascadia Bank 1950-1976.. strict with his son. Dead. suspect Tremere involvement..


Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 5:13 pm Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
Drain sat in an SUV parked directly accross from Wendys house. The only indicater of his presance was the occational red glow of his cigar

Wendy was brushing her hair and talking to her cousin Bart, the current state wrestling champion for the tri state area, about a creepy guy at school. Rick was always following her around durring school and undressing her with his eyes. Wendy did admit that she occationally left the top button of her blouse undone just to drive him nuts.

Wendy hung up the phone and began to prepare for bed. She undressed, and glanced into the mirror and tossed around the idea of taking some nude pictures of herself and sending them to Rick just to drive him crazy.
" i mean if he is jacking off to me anyway he may as well have an accurate picture" she thought, but quickly disregarded the whole idea as a sinfull fantisey( sorry i can't spell it LOL).
She quickly pulled on her t-shirt with a smile.


accross the street Drain crushed out his cigar in the unused ashtray.

"Let the owner wonder where it came from" thought the Nosferatu.
he opened the door and quickly crossed the street. Like a bloated spider he climbed the side of the house and stopped at the teenagers window.

Hanging onto the ledge of the window sill Drain watched the girl admire herself in the mirror.
" Harlet" He thought " your beauty will fade .. enjoy it now my dear...."


Wendy left her room to wash up before bed.

Drain opened the window as quiet at a spring breeze and climbed in. The room was well lit but the inate nosferatu powers would have made spotting him difficult even to the trained observer. The intruder strode over to the closet door and stepped in.

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 8:26 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((yeah! do us a favor and finish it this time you skulking Nossie bastard!

i'll wait for a spot to jump in if it's okay with you

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 6:16 pm Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
Time ticked away in the closet. Wendy went to bed, with a nightmare waiting in her closet. Slowly the closet noiselessly opened and Drain stepped out. He reached into one of the many folds of his shabby clothes and pulled out a small incence burner and a lighter.

The incence was a concoction used thru the ages to help induce a meditative trance, but many years ago other uses were found by the nosferatu. because of the hidiousness of the clan the grotesque vampires needed to find alterative ways to make kine behave for them. The mixture of herbs opened up the subcontious to suggestions.

Drain lit the burner and blew softly onto the glowing red spot forcing the smoke over the sleeping girl. The smell drifted over the Wendy. Drain listened intently for the rest of the house. He knew that the girls father was out of town with his mistress. (because he had arranged it). Wendys mother had a bit to drink and was sleeping off the effects.

The girls breathing became more regular as she slipped farther into euphoria. That is when Drain began his subtle, hypnotic phrases


Rick Lee

Rick Lee

Release your virtue..
Enjoy the sentuality
Let him shelter you from the worlds evils and brutality
Rick Lee
You are Null in your fathers eyes..
Your fateher doesn't see you.
only Rick sees you

Caring is not in your mothers heart
she is in love with the drink
mother does not care for you
she wants you gone

Remember who is always watching
Rick Lee

For the entire night the incence burned and Drain spoke.

The next morning Wendy woke refreshed and itching to see Rick...............

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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