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PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 3:28 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2003 2:49 pm
It had been a good decision to make, maybe an unwise one if one looked at it logically, but then again what was the point in living if one could not take risks now and again. It had not been a hard choice to make, It had become harder and harder over the past years to sit back and watch the Camarilla dictate to kindred , using their so called Traditions to manipulate and mould the masses into what they saw as the norm. It had occured to her that traditions where nothing more than a myth created by the Justicars, who in her opinion are nothing more than death squad commanders, to keep the neonates in line.

Her hands held lightly onto the wheel of the Audi, the engine almost purred as she put her foot down and raced down the near empty highway. A wry smile crossed her face, she would just love to see he is face when he awoke and saw that she had taken his pride and joy, well let him rant and rave, she had covered her tracks well and even had the foresight to change the number plates on the car. A false passport and ID card lay in her bag . Money would not be a problem for awhile, it had been child’s play to hack into their bank account and siphon off some money, not too much at first in case someone noticed, there was always a ventrue around who loved to count their pennies, the last time she had done it, she perhaps had become a little greedy, but she really didn’t care anymore.

She was looking forward to casting off the heavy cloak of the ventrue that had held her back for many years. Now she was going to have fun, real fun, entering a city without notifying the prince of her presence and most of all, free from the yoke of the camarilla.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 4:23 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2003 2:49 pm
The motel room was sparce but then she wasn't looking for comfort, simply somewhere that she could accomplish her next task. Gone where the suits that she had grown to loathe over the past few months, to her they stank of power and corruption. The hair dye she had bought lay discarded in the bathroom and she looked at herself in the mirror. Her once honey blonde long hair had been cropped short and was now ebony black and spiked, the baggy khaki trousers hung low on her hips and the small vest top she wore clung to her like a second skin.

The gucci watch and the jewellery she posessed had been easy to sell for money, although it had taken a bit of persuasion to get the amount that she wanted, she had the end....she usually always got what she desired.

As she slumped onto the bed her eyes wandered around, the wallpaper was wet in places and the smell of dampness pervaded the small cramped space, the steady drip of water from the shower was the only noise to be heard as she laid back and closed her eyes. She went through everything in her head, checking things off, reassuring herself that she had covered everything her eyes flickered open and she sat up, swinging her legs off the bed and slipping the sneakers she had bought on.

As she had pulled into the parking lot she had noticed a bar across the road, it looked a little seedy but it was just what she was looking for, she was hungry and it was time to partake of a little fun.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 1:36 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 64Location: Everywhere "they" didn't look.Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2003 9:41 pm
[i:d0cc6322ca]"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be." [/i:d0cc6322ca]

If only it was [i:d0cc6322ca]that[/i:d0cc6322ca] simple.

He sat in a weary heap on the end of the motel room’s almost adequate bed and let out a long sigh. The action finally released the captured air that gave him a voice. Now devoid of it’s essential vibration, he looked around the dimly lit room, taking in his surroundings. The room, and the desert that trapped him, both began to warm with equal ferocity as the sun took ascendance.

He sat there for what seemed hours, before finally he tucked away the irritation that had led him here and stood up smiling. Took in a relaxed lungful of the warm, dry air and scratched his chin.

[i:d0cc6322ca]“Noe bad wee man. Noe bad.”[/i:d0cc6322ca] He looked lovingly at the snub-nosed .32 that lay on the bedside cabinet before stepping over to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, and lifting the smallest of his two bags, he stripped off his bloody and bullet-torn T-shirt. The blood had long dried, leaving a carmine dusting over his sun-weathered skin. The pain had gone hours ago. But he still had to get rid of the bullets. Unzipping the bag he took out a bottle of cheap whisky, and a first aid kit. Though he wasn’t in need of stitches.

He glanced once at the mirror, shaking his head at the tired looking, travel-stained face that looked back.

[i:d0cc6322ca]“Fer fuck sake man! Ye look like an auld fart! Get a grip a yersel’.”[/i:d0cc6322ca]

He picked a pair of long nosed tweezers from the first aid kit, gritting his teeth as he closed the tool around the bullets lodged in his skin. Pulling and twisting each one free. As the impacted blobs of metal fell into the washbasin he winced at the blissfully short-lived sensation of his skin being opened again. Satisfied that he was as lead free as the old jalopy he’d arrived in, he stepped into the shower. A high pitched shout filling the room as the ice cold water slapped him, hard.

[i:d0cc6322ca]“Jesus! By fuck that’s cauld!”[/i:d0cc6322ca]

Growing accustomed to the chill, he let the water and the cheap soap he always carried wash away the bloodstains. Wash away the days of grime. And wash away the grumpiness he’d carried with him since Simian caught up with him in Barstow. The Brujah [i:d0cc6322ca]had[/i:d0cc6322ca] to get all indignant. How a guy as young as himself could be so up his own arse and so patronising was beyond him. No matter. Simian had a new hole to pretend to shit from.

He found himself laughing at the image of the hulking Brujah squatting over a toilet seat. Drying off, Finn opened the larger bag. Lifting out a fresh, new T-shirt, a week old pair of faded jeans. And a hair brush.

He looked out at the sun scorched desert through his blinded window. Taking a mouthful of the cheap whisky and grunting at the piss like taste, before he lay on the bed. His clothes, bags and revolver sitting nearby.

He and a fellow guest’s Chevelle SS were gone just after dusk. A note waved on the windscreen of the utterly shagged station wagon he’d left behind. Obviously meant for the muscle cars owner.

[i:d0cc6322ca]“Gone fishing.”[/i:d0cc6322ca]

'Stop worrying about what he'll do to you, start worrying about me!
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 1:56 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 64Location: Everywhere "they" didn't look.Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2003 9:41 pm
The drive had taken him out of the desert. Finn pulled into the motel parking lot just after 11pm. He rented a room, then decided to look for a bar. The Chevelle sat, looking visibly worse the wear since it’s last appearance. Finn himself looked entirely different to the weather beaten figure he’d looked at in the last place’s mirror. He grinned into the reflection in the motel reception’s window. Straightening his jacket cuffs and collar before he crossed the street. His hair seemed to rise backwards and upwards away from his head. It wasn’t at all unlike a feathery crest. But he liked it the way it was. He scratched at his forehead then made his way to a bar that practically stank of trouble. But if nothing else, Finn was painfully curious. Pin neon lights on something and you could all but guarantee he’d wander over to investigate. Tonight though, he just wanted a beer or ten. He needed to feed. And he was hoping for a good brawl.

He walked into the biker infested bar. Making a point of breathing to keep up appearances. And smiled at the women. And nodded at the men.

Ordering a beer he sat facing the crowd. Thumping bass lines filled the smoke-hazed room. A few women caught his eye. They’d return his admiring glances with interested smiles. He was handsome in a rugged sort of way. Though he was relatively clean shaven compared to most of the men there. He started hunting. Not literally moving. His eyes scanned looking for a particularly attractive woman, an intimidating looking bloke. He wasn’t too bothered if he had to fuck or fight his way to a good meal. A few times his looking brought irritated stares from jealous boyfriends. That made him smile. It was going to be a good night.

'Stop worrying about what he'll do to you, start worrying about me!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 6:07 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2003 2:49 pm
When she had first walked into the bar the atmosphere had been almost hostile, the barman had slammed her bottle of VK ice onto the counter and she could feel eyes glaring at her, even the music that had been blaring from the jukebox seemed to silence adding to her uneasiness. As she sat sitting at the bar she spotted it and she smiled.
[i:b7c9ebb074]" Something tickled you missy?"[/i:b7c9ebb074] the bartender said gruffly, his eyes darting around the bar, ever vigilant for trouble.

As she looked at him he felt like something had soothed all his worries and the two guys sat at the bar looked in astonishment as he almost smiled.
[i:b7c9ebb074]" I'd love a game, if anyone would care to take me on, or should that be dare"[/i:b7c9ebb074]

As she spoke she let her gaze pass over the two guys and they both raced to the table, eager to please this alien to their bar.

[i:b7c9ebb074]" Looks like youv'e got someone to play with Missy, let me get you a drink on the house to apologise for any rudeness, we get undercover cops and allsorts in here looking for trouble, I can see your not one of them though, take your pick, what is your poison?"[/i:b7c9ebb074]

It was at times like this that she embellished the curse she carried, mind control was a beautiful thing.

[i:b7c9ebb074]" Green aftershock, in a pint of cider with a shot of blackcurrant please"[/i:b7c9ebb074] she replied as she looked at him, he was mesmerized, one eye was deep blue but the other was almost purple and as he stared he could have sworn he saw a flash of gold running though both of them, but he blinked and they were gone.

[i:b7c9ebb074]" coming right up, you sure have weird eyes"[/i:b7c9ebb074]

[i:b7c9ebb074]" miracle of modern lenses, makes people look twice at me...I think there rather cool so"[/i:b7c9ebb074]

He passed her the drink and she watched as the dark purple of the black mixed with the golden hues of the cider and the green after shock.

[i:b7c9ebb074]" Miss?"[/i:b7c9ebb074]

The two guys waited expectantly by the pool table.

[i:b7c9ebb074]" I'm coming boys, now be gentle with me"[/i:b7c9ebb074]


They hadn't really played the first few games, ted and Travis expected her to be a pushover, but then they had started playing well, trying to snooker her but all to no avail, they watched in almost awe as she continually cleaned the table, her face showing no sign of pressure as she leaned over the table time after time the balls going into the pockets with no effort at all.

[i:b7c9ebb074]"your one good player Mal, you've wiped us both out"[/i:b7c9ebb074] said Travis

She looked at the pile of ten dollar bills that lay on the table, the ventrue in her told her that it had been fair play, but she knew different, the guys had slogged their guts out working on a farm for the money,she picked it up , took $100 and gave them what was left.

[i:b7c9ebb074]" won it fair and square, its not like cards you cant cheat"[/i:b7c9ebb074] said Ted.

[i:b7c9ebb074]" shut it and take it....tell you what you can both buy me a"[/i:b7c9ebb074]

She reached out her hand to shake and he almost whinced as she squeezed it tight and grinned.

All three sat round table laughing, she found it quite amusing to sit and watch them get drunk, normally she would allow her body to absorb the alcohol, but not tonight, her trips to the toilets ensured she wouldn't, as she finished a pint she would expel it.

The guys were nothing but country bumpkins, they had never even set foot in a big city in fear of tales that you would get swallowed up never to be seen again, but they were good company and didn't ask too many questions, which she liked immensely.

The door opened and the cold night air seeped in and chilled the stagnant smoke air that seemed to fill the bar. The hairs on her arms rose slightly but it was not the coldness, as she looked around she saw him, then it hit her...Gangrel, it was one of her own in this good forsaken place.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 12:08 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 64Location: Everywhere "they" didn't look.Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2003 9:41 pm
Finn had taken quite a liking to the American light beers. They were a far cry from those back home. Many a night he’d spent downing pint after pint of McEwan’s, nursing the pounding head it gave him the morning after. But the likes of Budweiser and Miller didn’t seem to ever have the same effect. Mind you, he had only arrived in America after his Embrace. And his Undead biochemistry didn’t seem to allow him to get mindlessly slaughtered on booze. Not that he’d ever stop trying of course.

He ordered another beer, this time accompanied by a watered glass of whisky. Downing the spirit first, he headed over to the jukebox, swigging from the bottle as he hammered some loose quarters into the slot. Carefully picking something rousing and loud.

As he turned away, pleased with his selection, the first sequence of beats resounded from the music machine. The opening riff of Soundgarden’s “Spoonman” made him grin like an idiot. His choice brought him the acceptance from a group of drunken bikers, male and particularly female.

He nodded and laughed as a particularly ratty biker shook his bottle in a crude toast.

[i:ad7ec1d09c]“Aye chief! Ye cannae beat a bit o’ SoundGairdin!”[/i:ad7ec1d09c]

The resultant cheer led him to the toilets. He’d have to expel the beers he’d drunk or he’d be too full to feed. He walked off, his head turning as if caught on a hook as a lithe, stunning brunette strode past. Pool cue in hand. Something about her made him stop. And he did.

He didn’t waste time using a cubicle in the toilets, merely upchucking into the trough before trotting back out into the bar. He watched fixated as the woman beat both her male competitors then went off to the bar with them in lustful tow.

A devilish smile crept over his face as he finished his beer and he pursued his unusual quarry. Passing her two male companions, he stopped beside her at the bar and introduced himself.

[i:ad7ec1d09c]“Awright there hen? Wahnt a drink?”[/i:ad7ec1d09c]

Imala’s expression said it in spades. Here he was, right in front of her. A Gangrel, clearly unaware of their connection. Ripe for the picking. Time for some fun she thought, smiling wickedly.

[i:ad7ec1d09c]“I’d love one. That accent. You’re Scottish aren’t you?”[/i:ad7ec1d09c] Her smile was unnervingly captivating.

[i:ad7ec1d09c]“Aye ah um. Whit’ll it be? Ummm?”[/i:ad7ec1d09c]

She flashed her eyes at him.

[i:ad7ec1d09c]“Imala. And I’ll have a Bailley’s...?” “Finn.”[/i:ad7ec1d09c] He finished her sentence before grinning tauntingly at the two men behind her.

[i:ad7ec1d09c]“Thankyou Finn.”

“Yer welcum. Imala? That foreign or summat?”[/i:ad7ec1d09c]

He was disarmingly handsome she decided. Especially for a Gangrel. His youth reflected in both his features and his boyish nature. She needed some cheering up. And this “Finn” might just be the icing on the cake. She decided to play with him, Ted and Travis.

Just for a little longer...

'Stop worrying about what he'll do to you, start worrying about me!
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 3:01 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2003 2:49 pm
Ted and Travis had sat with Imala and Finn for an hour or so, marvelling at how the two of them just didn't seem to be getting drunk at all. There own head's were becoming fuzzy with alcohol and Ted was having to squint to stop himself seeing double.

Imala grinned at the two of them as they sat opposite her, each of them leaning against each other to keep themselves upright.

[i:3c26051c18]" I think we'd better go Mally, yoush need walking home ?"[/i:3c26051c18] Asked Ted, his mouth seemingly finding it difficult to form the right words.

[i:3c26051c18]" No I'm sure I will manage just fine, I don't think there's much I can't handle, anyway Finn's here I'm sure he will do the honour's"[/i:3c26051c18]

[i:3c26051c18]" Aye, na worry man, I'll see the lassie home safely"[/i:3c26051c18]

Ted and Travis stumbled out of the bar after both cuddling Imala and making her promise to call in and see them again.

Imala looked around and saw that the bar was near empty, then her eyes returned to Finn, he was definitely Gangrel, only newly embraced too, he would be relatively weak yet, but then she wondered if he had been sent to track her down.

[i:3c26051c18]" So Finn, you never said, what are you doing in these parts? Business, pleasure or both?"[/i:3c26051c18]

[i:3c26051c18]" Just travelling around you know, nae much really and you?"[/i:3c26051c18]

She leaned back on the chair and stared at him, if he knew that she was kindred he was not showing it at all, but then neither was she, but her need was self preservation he maybe had different reason's.

[i:3c26051c18]" same here, It's late I'd better be going, I'll see you around ok, nice meeting you"[/i:3c26051c18]

Before he had a chance to say a word she had disappeared out of the door, leaving nothing behind but a faint trace of perfume in her wake.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 8:10 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((how did i miss this frickin' thread? :P

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:33 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 64Location: Everywhere "they" didn't look.Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2003 9:41 pm
He watched her slightly perturbed as she walked out of the door, her hips seeming to swing to the beat of the music that blared out of the jukebox.

[i:a86cba5dd7]" Guess you lost that chick man....another time maybe"[/i:a86cba5dd7] The leer the barman gave him set him on edge and he finished his drink in one and stood up and exited the bar.
The air was heady with the scent of peaches from the nearby orchards and he stood and listened to the sound of the creatures who prefered to wander around at night as they went about their business.

[i:a86cba5dd7]" Women....damn it....I'll never understand them....and there was I thinking I'd have company for the night and maybe even a nibble"[/i:a86cba5dd7]

She stood watching him and as he muttered to himself, and waited until he walked into the dimly lit car park outside the motel.

[i:a86cba5dd7]" Who sent you? tell me the truth, or I swear to god I will tear your throat open and suck you dry"[i]

She was on him before he knew it, her knees pinning his arms down as she sat upon him.

[i]" My my what big teeth you've got, and don't mind me .....I like a bit of rough"[/i:a86cba5dd7]

[i:a86cba5dd7]" A comedian huh? well lets see who is laughing when I do this....."[/i:a86cba5dd7]

Imala's fist hit him hard in the chest and all he could feel was a dull sensation as she dragged him across the parking lot to her room.

'Stop worrying about what he'll do to you, start worrying about me!
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 12:19 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 64Location: Everywhere "they" didn't look.Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2003 9:41 pm
Imala dragged him across the parking lot.

He could’ve fought himself free. But he wanted to know where this was leading. He let her drag him by the collar of his leather jacket, muttering under his breath in an attempt to lighten her clearly pitch black mood.

[i:3ebb2e12fb]“Lovely weather we’re having. You know if you wanted to take me bed, you only had to ask.”[/i:3ebb2e12fb]

She growled, pulling harder before throwing him into her room.

[i:3ebb2e12fb]“I’ll ask one last time. Who sent you!?”[/i:3ebb2e12fb]

He restrained a chuckle. [i:3ebb2e12fb]“Charlie Brown. Said you owe him $50.”[/i:3ebb2e12fb]

The sharp slap sent him tumbling head over heels.


The look she gave him, stung more than the back handed blow to his cheek. Still, he sat up nursing his jaw.

[i:3ebb2e12fb]“Okay. Okay. Chill!”[/i:3ebb2e12fb]

[i:3ebb2e12fb]“Noone sent me. I’ve been on the road for three nights now. I needed a break, and I fancied a beer. You just happened to be in the same bar as me.”

“I don’t believe you.”[/i:3ebb2e12fb]

He stood then, his eyes shimmering blackly.

[i:3ebb2e12fb]“Believe whatever you want. Either way, I’m going to bed. You can still join me.”[/i:3ebb2e12fb] He grinned cheekily, walking towards the door.

He yelped as her hands yanked him backwards.

[i:3ebb2e12fb]“You’re going nowhere till I get answers!”[/i:3ebb2e12fb]

He fell backwards, landing badly prompted him to generate claws.

He pulled himself to one knee. Unclenching his fists to reveal ten curving black sickle shaped talons.

[i:3ebb2e12fb]“Listen lady! I was looking for a drink and a bit of fun tonight. It’s not my fault you’re a schizo! And if you don’t back off I’ll give you ten answers you won’t want.”[/i:3ebb2e12fb]

'Stop worrying about what he'll do to you, start worrying about me!
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 7:37 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2003 2:49 pm
The black sleek unmarked sedan was stationary in the parking lot. Its occupants unseen behind the blacked out glass, but they had seen her and both had turned in unision and grinned evily at each other.
[i:1ac4889f2a]" The hairs different and what the hell is she wearing but I'm sure its her"[/i:1ac4889f2a]

His partner nodded and opened the car door.
[i:1ac4889f2a]" Only one way to find out....think I'll just pay her a visit...just to be sure"[/i:1ac4889f2a]
It was her eyes he wanted to look at, never had he seen anyone with eyes like hers.
Flick watched as Fisher walked nonchantly over to the door of the motel, his stature changing as he did.

[i:1ac4889f2a]" Goddamn tzi's"[/i:1ac4889f2a] He muttered as he sat and waited.


Imala looked from Finn to the door and back again, her finger raising to her lips telling him to be silent.

After peeking through the curtain she opened the door a crack.

[i:1ac4889f2a]" Yes?"[/i:1ac4889f2a]

[i:1ac4889f2a]" Evening ma'am....just checking that you have everything that you be a stranger round here an all"[/i:1ac4889f2a]

Imala looked him up and down and almost smiled...nothing but a hilly billy wanting a look at a newcomer,until she saw a slight fluctation in his face, nothing much, but it was as if a ripple had passed over his skin.
[i:1ac4889f2a]" I'm fine thanks for asking"[/i:1ac4889f2a] Before she had even finished speaking she shut the door firmly and leant against it .

Finn sat on the edge of the bed and he could see the anxiety in her face.
[i:1ac4889f2a]" Boyfriend trouble.....I arent suprised the way you..."[/i:1ac4889f2a]

before he had the chance to finish she was at his side, his chin held tightly between her fingers.
[i:1ac4889f2a]" Look I dont know who you are besides the fact that I know what you have to make a choice....either stand with me ....or...."[/i:1ac4889f2a]

The squeal of tyres made them both look to the front of the room and before they had the chance to move the black sedan plowed its way through, sending splinters of ageing wood all over the room.

[i:1ac4889f2a]" As I was saying .....or die"[/i:1ac4889f2a]

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