{SoC} Survivors of Cascadia

From the Bowels of L.A.
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Author:  Horus [ Fri Jun 13, 2003 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

upon enter back deep into the haven Isis find horus on the floor, have man half sanke writhing against his beast taking complete control of him. She catches eyes with him seeing him pain and rage swirl deep within the struggle, his thoughts are siwrling much like the clan she protects.

Author:  setpriestess [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 1:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Isis eyes him cautiously her skin turning scaled. Her nails transform to claws. She hisses loudly.

"Horusss, ssstop thisss at onccce.", she hisses as she approaches him, grabbing him by his shoulders.
She looks at him with her serpentine eyes. He becomes totally lost and motionless.
"Thisss isss irrational. You mussst control yourssself. Thisss isss not how we control ourssselvesss." she says looking in his eyes.
"You will sssnap out of thisss right now.", she says in a mesmerizing tone.

Author:  Horus [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 1:56 am ]
Post subject: 

His body becomes still he mind clear to dead silence. his eyes instantly close and hold shut as he is no longer within himself, like the fight wtihin him took everything to finally just stop it. he lays there motionless chest not riseing body staying within a mix of scales as flesh. his lips jsut slightly parted from the last moan of pain still echoing through the room.

Author:  setpriestess [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Her body smoothes back to normal. Her skin the alabaster smoothness it usually is.
"Horus, you have to lean to not be so... impetuous. She says placing her hand upon his chest.
She takes him in her arms and kisses him deeply. She brings him close to her chest and keeps him there.

Author:  Horus [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:11 am ]
Post subject: 

his lips feel colder then normal as she presses his to hers, his lifeless body rests within her arms liply, his arms gently fall against her legs and she holds him tighter to her, his eye lids roll back and only the whites of his eyes show to her.

His body seems to finally be at peace with the scales starting to fade back to flesh, yet still lifelessly limp. not even the superhuman strength shows within him. it looks like the first night he slumbered within this life so new to him. almost completely dead with the heat of life fading from him. his eyes roll forward as he kisses him again letting them stare blankly into her. still at peace within himself his mind still blank.

Author:  setpriestess [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:15 am ]
Post subject: 

"Horus, you know that you are still young. You can play at being older, but it will only end in ruin.", she says smoothing his hair away from his brow.
She stands up with him in her arms. She waits for his feet to touch the ground below him.
Once they're beneath him on the floor, she lets him go.
She walks towards the bathroom and looks back at him.
"Care to join me?", she says, voice seductive and her eye winking.

Author:  Horus [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:24 am ]
Post subject: 

His first step he stumbles down the one knee wondering if anyone got the number of the semi that just hit him. His body weak from the struggle he almost crawls toward Isis trying to walk with everystep ending much like the first.

His mind but a haze he starts to refind his own strength walking quickly to get a hold of his sire and love. "I'm sorry," his lips say just as the fall against her shoulder kissing her gently starting to work they're way up to her lips.

Author:  setpriestess [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:31 am ]
Post subject: 

"Don't worry about it. The shower will invigorate you. Of that I'm certain.", she says helping him into the shower and turning on the water.
She steps into the shower and holds him, kissing him passionately and licking his neck.
"I must that threesome has got me hungry for a little more one on one time.", she says as she gently kisses his pectoral muscles.
She continues to kiss his entire body. She lets her teeth brush gently against his skin.

Author:  Horus [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:42 am ]
Post subject: 

He leans back against the wall watching he as she kisses every inch of his body, his hands guild down to her head gently caressing her cheeks with his palms as he start to guild her back up his body, letting his hands wrap around her waist and just hold her tightly to him. "My love, I lose sight of the greater goal here all to often. semming to end with this beast within me taking control and hurting those that would be allies."

he pasues kissing her deeply." I feel that I need to sak for Sets guildance again, So this is where I shall pray from." His body slides down the wall letting her feel his tongue caress down her completely. feeling the forks start to spread her lips apart he look up at her feeling her hands grab for his head.

Author:  setpriestess [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:45 am ]
Post subject: 

She brings him up to meet her face.
"No, we shal pray... But let me start this vigil.", she says as she kisses him, setting him down on the marble seat at the back of the shower.

Author:  Horus [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:52 am ]
Post subject: 

He rests against the cool marble Looking at Isis while she starts to There prayer to the one and only god. He watches her intently studing every motino she makes sitting there waiting for her to take him again in her arms. Just as the thought runs through his head she Kisses him passionately.

Author:  setpriestess [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 3:19 am ]
Post subject: 

As their lips part she smiles coyly.
"Close your eyes, keep praying. Let me show you what I can do.", she says.
She kisses his neck slowly. She lets her teeth gently brush against the thin skin of his neck. Her tongue caresses it. she keeps kissing down. Her lips moist upon his chest. Her hand grabs both of his and holds them by the wrist above his head. Her tongue licks gently down to his nipples, playing upon them gently.
Her mouth kisses his abs. Her tongue licks down his stomach and over the telltale patch of hair that marks man from boy. Her tongue gently taps his other head. She looks up at him still praying his eyes squint harder as her tongue continues to tap. She licks down his hardened shaft and her lips wrap around it. Her tongues tickles it as she moves her head up and down. Her teeth brushing gently against the sides.
She hears him moan out a part of the prayer. She slowly keeps this motion going hearing him moan more and more the longer she goes. His Egyptian slowly melting into sounds of passion.
She stops and stands up before him.
He feels her legs on either side of his. She wraps one leg around his waist then the other. He feels her all around him. His prayer becomes a loud deep moan as she begins to work him in and out of her. She closes her eyes and focuses on the sensations. A moan escapes her lips as she feels him inside of her.
She continues to tighten and loosen around his waist as she rides him. Feeling him inside of her like a piston, slowly moving. She lets him out enough just to have him find his way back inside. Flesh rubbing against flesh. She hears the moans becoming more louder more insistent. His prayers becomes more insistent, like it's saying, "Please love, make me cum now."
She moans loudly and more insistently, She moves up and down faster, making him break his concentration and loose his prayer. It goes from Egyptian punctuated with moans, to a loud cacophony of pleasure. She moans in symphony to his. He begins to thrust up into her as he comes closer to cumming. She starts speaking in Egyptian as she feels hit the plateau. She wraps her arms around his neck as she feels him thrusting in her hard, violent. She clenches him inside of her as she watches his face contort. He thrust into her as she is more tight around him.
"Thank Set...", he gunts as he stands up and pushes her against the tile, his eyes still closed. He thrusts into her as hard as he can.
She feels herself rise to that plateau. "Oh....... Horus, may Set help us both.", she moans deeply in Egyptian.
He throws her on the base of the shower and takes control thrusting harder and harder. She feels him inside of her as he hits the plateau. He brings her there shortly after. And with a final violent thrust they both come.
He opens his eyes and looks her in the eyes.
She smiles at him coyly.

Author:  Horus [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 3:50 am ]
Post subject: 

He kisses her again passionately, letting his body rest tightly over her. sliding the full length of his cock back form deep within her," Thank set I have the greatest Sire in his clan." he looks her again watching as her face still smiles coyly at him. He kisses her again letting his lips press tighter over hers. his arms wrapped tightlyaround her, "so is it my turn love? do I get to show you what I have learned?" His eyes stare deep into hers, letting her enjoy the sensations that pulse through her body again as if she was alive at that very moment.

Author:  setpriestess [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 3:53 am ]
Post subject: 

"Mmmmm... probably not. I think that we do have other business to attend to.", she says as she stands up and lets the warm water rush down her back.
"We must attend to the disciples for instance.", she says, coy smile still attached to her face.

Author:  Horus [ Sat Jun 14, 2003 4:01 am ]
Post subject: 

He looks at her deeply as she stand up finishing off the shower making sure she is clean as he stands up kissing her body the full way up. he reaches around her body turning off the shower just as he kisses her one last time longing to keep their lips lock together for the rest of this night but pulling away from her as he feels the last little trickle of water caress over his arms and down her back.

"yes me dear, it is time to feed the disciples, now isn't it?' he says letting his fangs barely caress over her neck as he walk inches behind her out of the shower feeling her still next to him. their bodies sparating as he wraps a towel around her and begins the cleanizing song deeply with his voice hitting the notes perfectly, ringing within the bathroom.

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