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<  Dusty Books  ~  meeting the prince

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 2:59 am Reply with quote
Robert arives at the address that was on his voice mail. the building was more than he expected. but not much more than expected.

Jones: *knock on hte elysium door*
Valek: The voice coming out of a nearby speaker is heard " What do you wish "
Jones: i have a meeting with mr. valek he should be expecting me
Valek: And thy name ?
Jones: jones robert jones
Valek: :: checks the meeting list and finds the name :: Very well, but I need an ID card before you are allowed in
Jones: ok i have a licence
Jones: *pulls it out and looks for a camera*
Valek: Looking thru the camera identifying the individual, the door of the elevator unlocked itself to reveal an expensive interior " Do step in, you will be inspected for weapons, if you have some you will leave them at the entrance "
Jones: sure. *hands him a pen*
Jones: this the only weapon i have
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Valek: " Hand it over "
Valek: :: reaches for the weapon ::
Jones: ok * gives him the writing pen*
Jones: its a regular pen
Jones: *thinks bringing weapons to this place that is insane but i would not rule it out of me*
Jones: *checks out hte man in hte elevator being sure if human or what not*

Valek: " A fucking pen, I'm in no mood for jokes " :: searches for any othe weapons and finds none :: " Fine you can go
Valek: (( everyone is Kindred inside ))
Valek: Continue straight then down the stairs, the Prince should be in his office
Jones: i have no intentions of breaking any of the rule here
Jones: *nod* thank you
Valek: :: nods back ::
Valek: :: sitting in his nearly pitch black office, the Prince was now awaiting his next guest ::
Jones: *proceeds to hte princes office and notice a few face and none of them fimiluar*
Valek: A few Kindred nod to the newcomer while he passes by them
Jones: *doesnt mind i know im the bottm of the food chain*

Jones: *arrives at the door to the office*
Valek: A dark demonic voice answer " Do enter "
Valek: :: points at the chair in front of him ::
Jones: *shrugs and opens the door* thank you for seeing me
Jones: *sits in hte chair*
Valek: Jones is it not ?
Jones: yes prince.....?
Jones: *cant remember his name at the moment *
Valek: Valek, now tell me what brings you here
Valek: :: crosses his arms ::
Jones: i come seeking permission to live in your city i have heard that it is safe cite and wish to be able to help if i can.
Valek: Far from safe young one, I do make sure of it :: smirks ::
Jones: *keeps a calm and polite tone of voice hoiping that it will help*
Valek: Is this the only reason of your coming
Valek: ?
Jones: no im running out of place that are intersting to stay that dont what to kill me
Jones: or use me as the scape goat
Valek: What tells you we wont do same :: smiles evily :: , what did you do in the previous city for them to want your unlife to arrive at an end
Jones: tomany cops forgot to write tickets of a very fast mustange and a ceral murder keeps following but as of late not many cities have any body counts
Valek: Hmm I see
Valek: This can be dealt with in time...
Valek: And any ideas of starting any Kindred related business?
Jones: i despose of the bodies better now no one is wise for hte past twelve cities but they didnt like my speeding
Valek: Whatever you do, keep in mind that if you break any rules or traditions, you wont live long enough to tell the tale, thats all I have to say on this
Valek: Anyone coming with you ?
Jones: *nods*
Jones: Emily
Jones: shes my car
Valek: :: nods slowly ::
Valek: You already located an interesting haven ?
Jones: i have a room at the motel 6
Jones: (brb
Valek: :: nods slowly :: you will need to get out of there, staying near humans can only bring unwanted attention about our Kind ...
Valek: Heres a list of available havens :: puts the paper on the desk :: they are all empty, feel free to take one of them as long as you tell me where you will be
Valek: Any questions you wish to ask ?
Jones: ((the picture is of a 67 mustange gt 350

*looks at the list* i will have to look them over and get back to you tomorrow with where we are going to be
Valek: :: nods ::
Valek: (( ok
Jones: what are the rule and limited areas for feeding
Valek: Wherever there will be enough darkness to cover your act, like I said, you get caught by a mortal and you will regret it
Valek: :: hands over a scroll of the current rules and traditions ::
Valek: give it a read, always good to know them all
Jones: antd any areas off limits for feeding *nods*
Valek: No there is none
Valek: Just be careful when you feed that is all
Jones: ok and are there any other malkav in the city?
Jones: and what of their reputations?
Valek: A few, very little, they will come to you dont you worry
Valek: Just respect your elders Jones
Valek: And nothing will happen
Valek: we all for the most part have a short temper
Jones: i know this seattle didnt like me hotrodding around the freeways
Valek: The key to your survival here is to not bring to much attention around you
Valek: Do just do and youll live for centuries
Jones: i understand
Valek: That simply put everything
Jones: and is there a local supplyer that i can get blood from
Valek: You get your blood from the neck of the Kine Jones, you could get it elsewhere but for now I dont recommend it
Valek: wait a little
Jones: *nods* and my elder member of the clan is who ((cant rember the title))??
Valek: (( your char is a malk right ?
Jones: yes
Jones: )))
Valek: Mark Archer
Valek: You will need to meet with him as well
Valek: When you get the time
Jones: ... is ther anyway that i may contact him??
Jones: *nods*
Valek: (( Gotta run shortly man :( ))

:: hands the cell phone number of Archer ::
Jones: ((thats kool))
*takes the number*
thank you for your time
((did the door man taket the pen??))
Valek: (( nah he didnt
Jones: other question what is mr archer like??
Valek: You are welcome, remember my words
Valek: Like all malkavian, only this one is more dangerous, do take care in your use of words
Valek: That will be all ?
Jones: ok..... what happen to hte last person to make him or you mad??
Valek: :: opens a folder and shows picture of dismembered bodies, Kindred that obviously lacked respect or broke rules or traditions ::
Valek: Make him mad and you will see me again
Valek: I am the one to take care of a Kindred killing... Mr Archer will give me his words on how he found you
Jones: *nods looks at the picture trying to see how he was destroyed* what was used in this one??
Valek: My bare hands
Jones: thank you that was very helpful
Valek: Your welcome
Valek: That is all ?
Jones: yes and thank you again
Jones: *stands and offers his hand*
Valek: :: nods and takes out an Elysium card and hands it to jones as he slowly shakes hands :: you will need this to enter Elysium each time
Jones: *takes the card* thank you
Valek: :: nods and sits back as he looks at Jones slowly walking out of the office ::
Jones: is there anyother way in the elysium?
Valek: The only way in is form where you entered
Jones: ok thanks*nods on hte way out to check out the havens
Valek: :: nods back ::

walks out and get in the mustange and leaves to check out a haven that would be good to live in. some where away from the hookers and the pimps. lets look in the middle of nowhere and work out way in.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 6:04 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
(( The whole ICQ meeting is there, even the ooc things hehe :) ))

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 11:29 am Reply with quote
((YAY! I love it when a new fruit comes to town. Feel free yto ring me anyime as my ears are always beeping for you.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 12:56 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
((Hello.. what have we here? a new fruit for the fruit bowl?))

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 6:01 am Reply with quote
User avatarRavnosPosts: 406Location: Inside Big RedJoined: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:32 pm
((Stay away from those to Jones they like to pull fangs out...... :mrgreen:

...sleight of hand and twist of fate...
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 6:00 pm Reply with quote
(((Jonesy is not a fruit he is a nutter

he is looking for archer but hes looking for the best place to live.

the hookers are bad for his health.

*turns on the gone fishing show song*
*walks out in fishing stuff*

PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 8:03 am Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
((ooo! fruiters and nutters!! now we can all be californians ::dreams of californication:: anyway, theres an old abandoned night club in the ware house district... its occupied, but echoe wouldnt mind a roomate as crazy as he is.

erm... ZOINK
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