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<  Dusty Books  ~  A House of Cards

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 6:49 pm Reply with quote
The sun had just set on what had been an unsually warm day as the plane touched down, the flight had been long and tubluent and most of the passengers where glad to get off all except one who sat in the dark cargo hold. He looked over to where his ghoul would have sat, had he not been lying face down in the gutter outside the Paris lock up he had called home for those few weeks. The poor boy had never stood a chance of stealing the painting but that had never been the objective well not form Kaydians point of view. It had been a deversion to allow Kaydian to get a few things in order before he arrived at Cascadia, he was now the loyal man friday to Mr. Oswald a Ventrue bit player in the affairs of America. As Kaydian steped down the ramp to the city he would be calling home the warm breeze flowed over him bringing with it the hint of flowers. Kaydian couldnt help but smile at the plesent smell and wonder how much easier his life would have been if he was a Ventrue or if Mr. Oswald exisited on more than just paper.

As he made his way out into the open streets of Cascadia he banished such thoughts from his mind, it was useless to wish things wherent as they where. He needed to get on with the present and at the moment he needed to find a place to lay his head before the sun rose in the next morning. Some kindred he had heard didnt mind digging a whole in the earth and sleeping it it but such couldnt be considered fitting for a true blooded kindred or overly safe. Yes it was no doubt fine for a clanless mongrel to do but he needed something more fitting though with limited resources that was going to be difficult to achieve. First things first a place that was shielder from the sun with a ready supply of food. Once he had introduced himself and gotten the formalities over and done with he would work on the less vital aspects of his survival.

After what seemed like hours of wandering round the city which appeared to be a lacking any real design to the bewildered lasombra he finally came to what he was looking for. It must have once been a grand sight in the 60's or whenever it was in good use, now the appartment block was a shell of its former self home to those without anywhere else to go. Looking over the delaperdated building Kaydian unconsiously dug his nails into the palm of his hand drawering a thin stream of blood. If his need wasnt so great and his means so limited he would never have thought of staying in a place like this, it was fit for Brujah and Gangrels not for him. Shaking his head Kaydian cleared such thoughts from his mind, that was pride talking and pride was a luxury that he could not afford. It would keep the sun off him and all the residence would provide more than enough blood till he was able to scout out the city. Most of them where so high on drugs that they probly wouldnt even realise he was living off them. While he would have prefered a penthouse appartment this also had its advantages.

Moving round the side of the building, Kaydian waited till a man left to venture out into the night for some ill purpose Kaydian supposed. Following the man quickly he caught up with him just as he was passing an old office building, pulling the old guy into the shadows Kaydian quickly smothered him till he felt the tramps body go limp he removed his stained and dirty trench coat, putting it on disguised that he was in fact waring an expensive charcoal suit looking down there was little he could do about his shoes but then who really looked at a persons shoes anyway. Kneeling down quickly he checked that the old man was just unconscious and not dead, moving back he entered the crumberling appartment building. Barely attracting a second glance form the inhabitence that lay draped around the entrance lobby, he doubted that it would require much force of will to force them to do as he wished. Moving through until he found the basement, it was merifuly empty, which probley had something to do with the light not working and being partly flooded but that didnt matter it would be servicable. Casting one last glance around his new residence, he refused to call it home Kaydian returned back to stalking the streets of Cascadia he needed to find the lay of the land....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 5:27 pm Reply with quote
As he wandered the empty streets in the early hours of the morning Kaydian began to wonder if something terrible had happened to all the kindred of the city. The tell tale signs that should have spoken volumes to him where no where to be found, yet something in the air was telling him that he was just looking in the wrong places. A half smile crept across his lips as he contemplated searching the graveyards and crypts of the city. Almost laughing at himself for being so 'gothic novel' kindred didnt live in crypts except in the fevoured imaginagions of Irish men. No in the modern nights Kindred had a little more class and prefered night clubs and gothic mansions, well there was something to be said for the finner things in life.

A light rain started beating down on the side walk causing it to glitter as the moon beams caught the droplets giving Kaydian the impression that the streets where sprinkled with diamonds. Cursing the whether Kaydian made his way to a nearby subway station, the rain itself was less than an annoyance but he had to think of the impression he would give if he was drenched. As he made his way down the steps he looked over the form of a sleeping homeless man, the smell of spilt beer and vomit clung to the old man. In a rare moment of weakness Kaydian felt sorry at the sight of the homeless guy that would probley die from exposure on the streets of the uncarring city. Not so much for the drunk but for himself though did he feel sorry, for in his minds eye that was how all the established kindred of the city would see him. A worthless leach on society someone force to live in the places nobody else wanted and do what others wherent willing to do. As he got closer to the man, Kaydian took an involuntary step back.

It wasnt anything to do with the old guy that caused this knee jerk reaction in him but rather something written on a page of newspaper the tramp had wrapped himself in to ward off the cold. 'Bitting Bandit strikes again, killing two, Local catholic church is offering assistance to the local police.' Kneeling down Kaydian picked up the paper and took a second look at it, in someways it was a relief not only did this show him where to start his search but confirmed that there was at least some religion left in the city. Not a particularly religious man himself Kaydian still saw a use for the church and was glad that these mortals had a place to find solace from the evils that stalked the night. And by the look of the attack it appeared that sabbat where active in the city, and if that was true then the mortals would definetly be having a use for their faith even if it wasnt strong enough to hold back the evil it was still nice to have the illusion of safety till the claws and fangs finally took you.

Looking over the picture Kaydian shock his head, the closest thing he had to a lead and it was no doubt already dead. Even the Sabbat didnt like their members being given front page exposure it was considered bad for business but it gave an address that the attack had taken place in. Which gave Kaydian a place to start from a pizza joint, the thought of pizza made Kaydian fell sick as did the thought of more and more foods these days but surely the camarilla would have some interest in this attack. While mortals who lived in the sun light world would sell this story short and believe it was some freak that pretending to be a vampire which was getting more and more the case lately. Those that knew the truth knew that there were things out there that werent just playing vampires, but try and explain that to Mr. Smith with his normal job and normal life and you will find that he will go to great lengths not to believe it. The human ability for self disillusionment was impressive to say the least, all you had to do with look at the ammount of fat people out there that thought they where just big boned. Kaydian smirked yeah probley wouldnt help the poor kindred that had killed the people but in all likelihood the masqurade would survive this little breach. Placing the paper under his arm and venturing back out into the night Kaydian headed off to find the pizza joint.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 5:43 pm Reply with quote
(( some good description in there, well written, nice one :)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 3:57 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
((topping, this is good stuff. don't let it go to waste

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
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