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PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 1:31 pm Reply with quote
Leonardo Morgan entered the large study of his Sire Solomon King. His sire was sat behind a large desk and surrounded on all walls by large floor to ceiling bookcases. The bookcases conatined many ancient volumes of Kindred history as well as literature from the past centuarys.

Leonardo stood infront of the desk silent, awaiting his sire to speak. Solomon was busy writting a letter his hand holding a quill pen. After a several minutes Solomon had finished the letter and folded it then sealed it with wax and imprinted his seal into the melted wax.

Solomon " My Childe, i have an errand for you which requires your uptmost trust. take this letter to a friend of mine. It is not urgent and you could make a vacation out of it" a small smile crept onto the old mans face, a claer sign that this was to be no Vacation. Leonardo nodded approvingly and took the letter from his sires hand.

Leonardo "i shall see it arrives safe and secure my sire" Leonardo bowed to his sire, a sign of respect, and walked out of the study.

a thought crept over Leonardos mind, someone needs to show that old man how to use the damn internet.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 4:23 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
((curses! a new Vent just as i'm ending mine! lol nice post Valley, or should i say Morgan now?

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 4:50 pm Reply with quote
((yeah that'll be Morgan now or its gonna be weird not being called Valley now lol))

PostPosted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 8:19 am Reply with quote
The black Ferrai sped down the street passing the late night inhabitants on the city, late night shoppers,buisness men and street walkers. Leonardos haven was 10 minutes away, 5 in the Ferrai. He pressed the speed dial on his mobile phone on the dash board.

"Alfred, i have been given a pressing engagment by my sire, please make sure my things are ready for departure for tommorow evening"

"and how will sir be traveling"

"i'll be traveling in Solomons private jet"

"very well sir and what about Miss Fayth?"

Fayth was Leonardos other ghoul, a young women, very agressive, more suited to the Brujah clan than to clan Ventrue but he held her in high regard. One day she would make a very promising Kindred but not today.

"Ready her things as well, i will need some company on this trip...something to deprive the bordem"

"very well sir"

"Goodnight Alfred"

Leonardo hung up the phone just as his car pulled into the underground car park.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 11:04 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTzimiscePosts: 43Joined: Sat Jun 14, 2003 1:16 am
Fayth was down in Morgans gym training like she did every night. a figure stood in the doorway.

Fayth" Alfred what have i told you about watching me work out, you know it gets me all horny" the voice was full of sarcasm

Alfred "Miss Fayth, Morgan asks that you travel with him to Europe on a pressing buisness engagement"

Fayth "and what if MISS Fayth doesnt wanna go huh" ?

a voice came from the shadows "i'm sure miss Fayth wouldnt want to miss out on some well earned fun"

Fayth " haaah my mystery i need some what is it train,plane or automobile"

Morgan" Plane, private Jet, guraded against the sun and all the free champgne you could ask for"

a sick smile crept on Fayths face "well hun..why didntcha say"

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 3:07 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
((turns out i'm not ending Gabe after all :D so you may introduce yourself whenever you deem necessary bearing in mind he IS the Ventrue Gerousia of the greater Cascadia area.

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 3:00 pm Reply with quote
Leonardo was an hour into his flight to Cascadia. His sire Solomon had sent him on an errand. Yes and errand is what it was..something a ghoul should do not a member of clan ventrue like he was...this was so....beneath him. Fayth was laid out on the leather sofa resting her head in his lap.

"so whats the point of this trip" she said

"i dont know, get some sleep" hushed Leo

"i'm not tired...why dontcha just tell me"

"i cant...i dont even know myself"

a thought crossed his mind, he would need to meet the prince and the highest ranking Ventrue once he landed. He picked up the onboard phone and called Alfred.

"yes...Alfred...could you please get in touch with Cascadia and try to organise a meeting between myself and the Prince and the Ventrue Primogen..thank you"

"oooo so its kinda your gonna get stressed...why dont i relieve some of that stress"

Fayth slowly unzipped Morgans trousers and slowly slid to her knees.

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