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PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 5:39 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Location: your nightmaresJoined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:51 pm
Kathy walked into the room and smiled as the heady aroma of the white lillies which adorned the gold ceramic vases, assailed her senses.

"perfect " she said as she looked around the room, the once white drapes now replaced with heavy gold bracade, the folds in them falling down onto the floor around the window as if cascading as a waterfall.

"Mistress, His office says hes busy and not to be disturbed" Tobias said as he stood at the door , his eyes looking admiringly over the decorations.
The once rough wooden floor had been replaced with marble, shipped in from Italy, the polished surface acting as a mirror, as kathy walked around checking everything.

Her eyes flashed slightly at the word "busy" but was quickly replaced by a smile.
"well thats not a problem, I'll just go get him myself, he has to see this place and tonight"

Tobias nodded " shall I drive you mistress?"

"Oh no I have my own means of transport tonight, and im sure it will make him smile" she laughed as she walked to the door.


As she drove though the streets she smiled as she saw children, eager for halloween night to be upon them, already donning their costumes, their faces made up with garish makeup.

The house she had found was only small but it was to be a gift to Gabriel, she knew that he never had anytime to himself at his haven, the role of seneschal seemed to take over even his leisure time to the point that she didn't like calling him at times in fear that he would think she was putting pressure on him. Her time this week, had been spent making sure that it would be just how he would like it, even down to using her charm on one of his ghouls to let her take some of the books from his extensive library.

It was to be his retreat, a place he could retire to, without the pressures of work following him.

Kathys gloved hands eased off on the throttle as she approached his new office. It wasnt as grand as the one, he demoted himself to a lesser position, wanting to keep himself out of the spotlight.


"Im here to see Mr.Christoper Jenkins, and I will not take no for an answer"

Kathy looked politely at the new secretary, her foot tapping in time to the music that was playing softly in the background.

"He's very busy and forgive me , do you have an appointment" Sarah looked the leather clad woman up and down, her eyes wary and her finger hovering over the button to call security.

Kathy moved around to the side of the desk and flicked through his appointment book.
"well look at that , hes got noone in with him at the moment , I tell you what, let me just fill my name in and you can go tell him im here"

Kathy fluently wrote her name over the rest of the appointments for the night and replaced the pen on the desk.

"now there we are sarah, that wasnt very hard was it?"

"he said not to be disturbed and its my first night here and i dont want to get into trouble, Ive been told he gets very angry when disturbed" sarah said as she bit her lips.

"im sure he will be go tell him"

Kathy watched as the slim petite girl walked to gabes office door, her hands hesistantly rapping on the thich wood door.
"what is it ?" a rough voice shouted and sarah slipped through the door, to tell him about the woman at reception called kathy who was clad in leather biker gear.

((there ya go gabe...i do love ya :):) fancy a ride?:):) Ill let you drive if you want .....its a harley davidson road king :):)

Last edited by Estrella on Tue Oct 29, 2002 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 7:53 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
((it's wondefful! lol i'll post IC tonight, can't at the exact moment, Affie is downstairs asleep... :) oh one more thing, Gabriel is no longer the "head" of his companies. he switched to a lower job to be less conspicuous. he still runs things, but from behind the scenes, and from teh monicker "Mr. Christopher Jenkins"

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 9:44 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Location: your nightmaresJoined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:51 pm
((okies gabe ive edited it lolololol

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 01, 2002 5:21 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
"Mr. Jenkins, there's a..." the slight faulter was unusual and Gabriel set about wondering almost immediately, " to see you." Ah, an explanation, plain as day. Why Kay was so insistant on being difficult with the hired help was beyond Gabriel's comprehension. Regardless, he held down the white button for a moment and cleared his throat.

"Alright Ms. Hansen, please send her in." Within moments, Gabriel's office door swung open and Kathy's impeccable figure strode in. The forgotten feelings of hormones racing surged through Gabriel's body as he felt an almost unnatural hunger wash over him.

Her skin shone like finely polished ivory, ruby red lips parting ever so slightly, thick and ravinous. Her cool, black hair billowed down below her shoulders, playing on the mild breeze that danced about Gabriel's modest office. A tight, well tailored leather outfit clung to every forbidden portion of her succulent body.

"You look ravishing..." Gabriel whispered, immediately slipping out from behind the marble topped desk. The room itself was sizeably smaller than his previous office, and the view was considerably inferior. From the small windows that framed two walls of his office, he had mediocre views of the commercial sections of town, but thus was the price of privacy.

The walls were decorated with some trinkets and treasures of his exploits. The concious decision to leave the more suspicious items in a private collection had been exercised, but still several famous paintings and statuettes adjourned the room. Co-workers and laymen merely assumed them copies, anyone else would be taken care of in typical Ventrue fashion.

Kathy smiled, walking past Gabriel and perching on a corner of his desk, idlely shifting things about with a single finger.

"Why thank you Gabriel, how kind of you to say." as she spoke, she moved one hand up the length of her torso, stopping at the zipper, which shone seductively at the top of her faultless neck. Slowly, she unzipped it, until the top of her chest was exposed, barely revealing the ridge of her breastline. She narrowed her eyes, playing to Gabriel's inner animal. "Fancy a ride?"

Gabriel shut the ajar office door, blocking the secretary's shocked stare. He turned to Kathy and approached slowly.

"I would Kay, I really would...but I've so much to do here and...." Kathy shrugged, and pulled the zipper up. Hoisting herself off the desk she walked past Gabriel towards the door.

"Fine, no problem." She placed a single gloved hand on the door knob before Gabriel lurched forward, grasping her from behind. His hands dung desperately into her thighs, and his fangs dragged along the ridges of her leather neckguard. He let out a bemoaned gasp.

"Maybe just a.....little ride."


She led him by the hand the entire way down from his high level floor. The elevator proved particularly enjoyable, but Kathy insisted on saving their energies for later. Finally when they reached the garage level, she smiled and led him around a corner, the empty section of the parking lot inhabited only by a single Ducati motorbike, it's silvery surface shimmering in the lamplight.

Kathy mounted the bike, pulling a helmet over her head.

"Hop on..." she murmured. Gabriel chuckled in response, taking a step backwards.

"Surely you can't be ser..." the bike roared to life, displaying Kathy's earnestness of the situation clearly. Gabriel complied and positioned himself behind her. He couldn't help but wonder what she had in store as the two love-struck vampires roared off into the night, rapidly approaching the city limits.....

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 01, 2002 8:48 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Location: your nightmaresJoined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:51 pm
The air was clear and cold and a full moon hung over the hills that surrounded Cascadia. As the motorbike had climbed up through the pine forest the temperature had plummeted rapidly.

If there were compensations for the dark kiss of immortality this was the greatest Kathy mused, as they wind whistled around them, their bodies paying no heed to the cold.
They stood on the summit , their fingers entwined, watching the world of the living pass by below them.
Below the rocky outcrop on which they stood was a 50ft drop, a thick blanket of snow covering the base.

Kathy kissed Gabriel lightly on his thin cold lips and stepped away from him, her fingers slipping from his.
Walking towards the very edge , her body drunk with euphoria she looked back and at him, his face puzzled as she spread her arms and dived into space.

Plumes of white powder rose as she landed on the soft deep snow. Laying on her back she stared at the sky, the stars twinkling down through the dark night. An explosion of snow nearby her made Kathy glance over and smile as Gabriel found his feet and waded towards her.

"Kathy!" he said , his hand held out to her, a look of mild annoyance on his face.
Kathy accepted his hand and stood up knocking the snow of her leather suit as she did, her eyes looking at him.

"Have you gone mad? You could have hurt yourself, our flesh can tear and out bones can break, we heal but the pain is terrible, you know that"

"I wanted to feel what it would be like to fly and why shouldn't we take risks? We have the ability to, we are immortal, what's the fun in living our undead lives if we don't use it to its full advantage?"

Kathy twirled around in the snow, her feet kicking up plumes of the white powder, " and besides, look no harm done"

Gabriel shook his head at her more amused than annoyed at her.

"Come I've got something to show you back in town" Kathy took his arm and they began to walk down the path that wound its way through the forest. The moon shone down through the canopy of branches and Kathy sighed softly, she loved been with him like this, the blood thirst that ruled their lives briefly forgotten as were the politics of the city.

"What have you got to show me Kay? " He asked wondering what she was up to, he hadn't seen her for awhile then she just appeared as if from nowhere, he knew she had been in the city but they never seemed to bump into each other.

"Shhh it’s a secret you will see soon enough" she smiled secretly at him.
"I maybe should call back into work..." as the words left his mouth he felt her eyes glaring at him.
"No need, you have no appointments, I checked for you so no work, no phone calls, no emails, nothing tonight at all"

Kathy felt his arm tighten on hers and she looked up and saw a girl no more than 16 walking up the path towards them.
Her long hair was tucked firmly under a black hat she wore, her breath forming billowing clouds of steam as she exhaled.
In the time that they had been together, they had always hunted separately, perhaps it was a form of denial, to hunt together would be a conscious collusion.

A dark mutual need seemed to flow between them and as they girl approached them they stopped as one and blocked her path.

The girl froze in terror as they moved around her. Tenderly they embraced her with gentle hands, Gabriel whispering to her softly, trying to calm her down.

Kathy fed first, her fangs sinking into the soft flesh on the girls neck, looking at Gabriel she nodded,
"She’s sweet and pure"

Kathy held the girl while Gabriel fed, his eyes flashing like flames behind amber as he felt the sweet nectar flowing does his throat.

Moving behind the girl Kathy sunk her teeth into the other side of the girls neck, her hands reaching for Gabriel’s as they both fed.
This was the first time they had fed together, it was more than lust, it was a blood ritual, connecting them to the darkest side of their natures, lifting them in ecstasy and twining their souls in damnation.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 12:04 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Location: your nightmaresJoined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:51 pm
It didn't take long for gabriel's clean up crew to arrive and they stood and watched as the girls body was loaded onto the van, the black bodybag shrouding her slim body, now drained of its precious blood.

Their hunger had taken them over and only when they felt the girls pulse fade away did they break their feeding.
Gabriel touched kathy's lips and wiped a spot of blood away from the corner of her mouth.

"now Kay....what's this surprise?" he said inqusitively, his eyes bright as the fresh blood surged though his dead veins, making him feel like he was actually alive once again.

Her eyes glittered as the moon shone down on them and she took him by the hand and led him down the path to where they had left the bike.
"now if I told wouldn't be a suprise anymore ....would it?" she laughed playfully as she sat astride the bike and motioned for Gabriel to follow suit.


Gabriel watched as kathy manouvered the bike around the tight corners of the near abandoned industrial area, wondering where she was taking him.

"kay are we nearly there yet?" his eyes drifted to her leather clad behind and he moaned softly, his fingers running down her back as she slowed the bike down in front of a small brownstone building.

"gabriel public too" kathy grinned as she got off the bike her long legs finding no difficulty in dismounting it.

"I cant help it...the fresh"

"later Gabriel " she whispered as she kissed him hard on his lips, pressing her body against his.

"kay please" he moaned as she pulled away from him and began to walk down the narrow path.
"are you coming or not....I thought you wanted to see your suprise"

Gabriel sighed, knowing that he would get no peace if he didn't follow her.

Kathy stood waiting impatiently at the heavy wooden door, her fingers tapping against the doorframe.


Gabriel nodded and kathy tapped a 10 digit code into a keypad on the side of the door.

"you go's all yours...literally"

Kathy smiled and let Gabriel walk past her into the small entrance hall.

((okies gabes, its NOT repeat NOT a ventrue type haven so no marble staircases lolololol

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 12:47 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
((nicely done've captured Gabe's libido perfectly! lol well i have a busy from 6:30-3 PM again, then the gym for roughly an hour and a half...but then i have about a two hour time frame where i'll try to post. then i'm off to the bar to celebrate one of my friends (mates) 21st birthday!!

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 12:22 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Location: your nightmaresJoined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:51 pm
Gabriel stepped past kathy his hands touching her slender waist lingeringly as he slipped past her, his loning to take her there and then overwhelming him till kathy stepped side and waved him inside.

"gabe really I dont know whats come over you" she whispered as she leaned against the door and shut it.

Gabriel blushed as he looked at her then turned his gaze to the hallway, it was modest to say the least only enough room for two people to pass either side, but he smiled falsely, not wanting to displease her and slightly amazed that she would choose a place for him with such an unassuming first appearance.

"I can see the look on your face and you must understand that i didnt choose this place for you to entertain clients or other kindred in...i chose this place for you ....and me if you wish.....its totally different to what our clans would tell us to have ,and therefore it gives us some relief from the pressures of kindred society, come let me show you"

Kathy took his large hand in hers, her fingers interlinking with his as she led him out of the small hallway, passing two other doors she walked towards the pine door and kicked it open.

"this is the living room....yes it has some small creature comforts but not as lavish as we are used to be nevertheless they are there"

Kathy led him in and kicked her shoes off as she stepped onto the marble flooring and looked to gabe to see his reaction.
The heavy brocade drapes blew softly in the wind, making the gold candles flicker as the wind seemed to blow them out only for them to rekindle as the wind let them live again.

"what do you think?"

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 6:31 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
"I think...." Gabriel walked across the marble, his shoes rapping pleasantly. A smile drifted across his face, and he turned back to see Kathy's face drawn in anticipation. "'s wonderful Kay. Thank you."

He approached her, letting his hands drift across her waist. As the candles burned, so did his passion, as he released it in a deep kiss, the girl's blood now surging through the both of them.

"Come on Kay..." he said, the boyish grin still beaming through the dim room's cover of darkness. He slipped out of his heavy overcoat, and quickly removed his suit jacket as well. Wretching he tie off, he walked towards the back of the room, opening the sliding glass door that led to the outside.

The temperature was signaled by pillars of white steam arrising from his breath as he paced the wrap around deck of the house, staring at a descended yard below. The scenic view was gorgeous, and was intensified as Kay joined him outside.

"It's truly splendid Kathy...." he whispered, pulling his gloves from his hands and leaning on the finely polished railing. "How can I ever thank you?"

Kathy walked slowly, her hands held behind her back, a coy grin on her face. As she neared, she produced two wine glasses and a dark, unmarked bottle.

"Celebrate with me." she giggled. Feeling alive for the first time in a long time, Gabriel uncorked the ancient bottle, and was immediately intoxicated with scent of the potent blood within. "It took me awhile to find Gabriel....the blood of a virgin Elder...your clan CAN drink Kindred blood right?"

Gabriel poured the thick liquids into the wine glasses, their heresies filling him with excitement.

"We embrace one another don't we?" he said, and with that they toasted.

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 2:49 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Location: your nightmaresJoined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:51 pm
" well yes you do ...a.toast then happier times and may cascadia recover from the recent bad times and once again prosper, and of course to you and I"
Kathy lifted the delicate crystal glass to her red lips and sipped at it, gasping as she felt the potent blood slipping down her throat. Gabriel did the same as his eyes shone as he felt the elder blood surging through his veins.

Kathy reached out and steadied herself on the balcony, her body swaying slightly.

"kay are you ok?" Gabe stepped forward and held her,his arms wrapped around her waist softly.
"yes....its strong blood, Im not used to one so strong and rich, tou wouldn't think that a sip of blood would make you feel like that"

she smiled softly and touched his face with her delicate white fingers, her nails trailing over his cheek.

"come let me show you the rest of the house, its small and modest but will serve as a getaway of a sort"

"kay your playing with me ...please " he sighed as she began to walk away from im, her feet padding lightly across the marble floor.

she turned around and smiled widely at him" Moi? playing with you ? no me not ever Gabe, now come on"

she held out her hand to him and he crossed the floor, taking her small hand in his he agreed to be shown the rest of the house.


Gabe looked around the last room of the house after been shown the kitchen and the small library, his dismay at seeing there was no phoneline to the house had been evident but as kathy had said what need was there for a phoneline, her eyes once again warning him softly that this was not to become an extension of his office.

The bed took up most of the room and a doorway led to a bathroom and dressing room, other than that it was empty, large candlesticks burned brightly in the corners of the room and the white carpet was deep and soft underfoot.
"another little luxury I added " kathy said as she opened what appeared to be a writing cabinet in the corner of the room to reveal a state of the art hifi system.

"its great kay...but why? there was no need for you to do this you know, we both have havens and we can always got away if we need time to relax" gabe said as he walked across to her and flicked his fingers through the cd collection that she had amassed.

"I know we do, but everyone knows where we are if we are there and I felt we needed a place where noone knew where we were"

"so is everything to your liking then?" she asked

Gabriel nodded his eyes roaming longingly over kathy's body, the tight leather suit clinging to her every curve.

"yes very much so....but I just need one more thing of you" he said as he stepped towards her, his eyes shimmering.

"and that would be?"

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 3:01 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
((Woohoo dirty, steamy, lusty Vampire sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:P:P:P:P

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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