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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  When the curtains close.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 6:00 pm Reply with quote
The thick stale air of the chilling night was infused with the sickening smell that was unmistakeable to anyone who had encountered such grim scenes on a regular basis. The foul stench was that of death. To Homicide Detective Colten this horrific smell and scene before him was all part of his job. It had become his life. The yellow strips of plastic had been set up by the police officers creating an encompassing barrier around the warehouse holding nothing now but death.

With a flick of his wrist the leather wallet flipped open to reveal his law enforcement credentials. The tall lean Hispanic officer’s arm raised the scene tape allowing Detective Colten easy access through the small warehouse door.

The worn and abandoned building was lined wit ha layer of grime. Empty containers and forgotten crates filled the dockside building. His eyes scanned the room taking in every detail, looking for anything unusual that would give him a lead. Just something that would give him a break in this case.

He closed his eyes tightly, sighing as he saw the two figures hovering over the crime scene. His strides were short and far apart, almost trying to delay the inevitable. As it approached he became witness once more to the tragedy before him. Resting on top of the wooden desk were immaculately folded clothes; a white blouse, tight fitting black jeans and a pair of jogging shoes. But there were no undergarments.

A chair sat in front of the desk holding a young Caucasian female. Her skin was smooth, pale and cold. Lifeless. Her young enrapturing emerald greens eyes were wide in amazement, shock or more likely horror. Her mouth wide and pleading, desperate to scream out the horror she had endured.

Her features were very feminine and almost feline. Her high cheekbones were covered in a thin layer of unblemished tight skin that protected her dainty features. Soft silky blonde hair weaved its way down the sides of her face.She would of looked beautiful if it were not for the fact that her head now rested by her own feet. Looking up at her own defiled body.

[ This Message was edited by: Dont Trace My IP Please on 2002-02-20 12:06 ]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 8:31 pm Reply with quote
Detective Colten’s eyes travelled up the victems legs that were spread wide apart in a almost inviting position. The clothes that had been taken from her body had been replaced with a dress. This long silky dress ended just above the knees and was a deep blood red colour. His eyes continued their quest up her body stopping at the gruesome site where her innocent head should of resided. On the right hand side of her neck a large amount of her flesh had been gauged out. The wound was deep and the markings around the edge of the wound resembled vicious bite marks.

“Yo Colten!”

Detective Colten’s gaze quickly shot up from the victim and to the face of his new partner, Samuel Johnson. Johnson had recently been promoted to the Homicide department of the police force and had the unfortunate luck of finding this to be his first case.

His attire was more suitable for a lawyer than a Detective. For someone to be wearing Armani suits to a crime scene they either had more money than brains or had a ‘rich kid’ upbringing. His skin complexion was pasty but his blonde hair and blue eyes amplified his handsome features.

Colten smiled briefly and nodded to Johnson before he turned his attention to the other man on the scene that was crouching down next to the body. The older man’s thinning grey hair glistened in the light of the room and the shadows concealed his weary sagging face. His clothes were hidden behind his white lab coat and crime scene gloves covered his hands.

“What do we have here doc?”

~~~ Im not a bad person but please just don't trace my IP cus it is annoying when you go round telling everyone who i am!!! ~~~

[ This Message was edited by: Dont Trace My IP Please on 2002-02-20 14:34 ]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 8:33 pm Reply with quote
((very nice:) i like it superb writing.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 8:44 pm Reply with quote
((yup like the bunny boots said. Great post. Can't wait to find out where this one is going either

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 8:59 pm Reply with quote
((::kisses his fingers:: Bella!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 10:01 pm Reply with quote

PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 10:51 pm Reply with quote
Docter Fielding had served as the chief forensic pathologist for the city over the last twenty years. He was now entering his late forties, which was a fact his body resented. His once boyish features and well-toned body had withered away leaving a mass of sagging skin that his clothes barely managed to conceal.

His attention never left the body of the lady before him as he rose and leaned over to examine the wound to her neck. He spoke with a profound british accent.

“The MO appears identical to those of the previous bodies we have found. However…” he paused momentarily as his attention turned to the top of the neck where the head had been severed “ in these poorly lit conditions I’m unable to draw any conclusive evidence.”

Fielding’s eyes almost lit up as if he were impressed “The head was removed with such precision and accuracy. A almost clear cut” his voice was soft and hidden beneath his breath.

Colten cleared his throat exaggeratedly in a successful attempt to catch everyone’s attention. Fielding moved closer to the two detectives as he abandoned the body.

“With your permission id like to take the body back to the morgue immediately, that’s if you have everything you need?”

“Have you photographed the scene before anything was moved”
Johnson nodded his head at Colten.

“Feel free to take the body Doc. Johnson we will need Officers to maintain perimeter throughout the night. Ill be damned if we loose this case just because some Joe from the street feels the need to come in during the night and screw it all up” Colten noticed an odd smug across Johnson’s face. He shrugged it off wondering if he had tired so much of the job that he no longer found the excitement hidden inside it. “We will have forensics canvas this place first thing in the morning”

“Sure thing, L.T. Oh I also got the scene report from the C.F.O.S. Want me to handle the paperwork?”

Colten frowned slightly and tried to hide the smile that was bursting to be released. It had truly been a long time since he had met a detective with such a strong love for his job “I want the report on my desk along with any other information the forensics dig up. I want you to head up the search”

Colten made a start to move but he stopped and turned to face Fielding. “I should have the previous victims toxicology report by tomorrow. If you can find time to see me we can go over the body and try to find out whom the sicko behind this is.”

~~~ Im not a bad person but please just don't trace my IP cus it is annoying when you go round telling everyone who i am!!! ~~~

[ This Message was edited by: Dont Trace My IP Please on 2002-02-20 16:52 ]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2002 12:58 am Reply with quote
((bellicimo gabe, bellicimo :grin:

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2002 1:36 am Reply with quote
((yeah well whichever, the point is it's great! :P

PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2002 11:44 am Reply with quote
The world around him had become silent as the engine within the black Mercedes sedan became still. The door clicked locked as he closed the car door behind him. Detective Colten was now standing in the driveway of his home.

The exterior of the building was covered in a soft creamy colour that concealed the brickwork behind it. Two large bay windows perturbed from the front of the house with a large wooden door spaced evenly between the windows. Three smaller square windows lined the next floor of the house. Black slate was used to as roofing. A poorly maintained garden that was overrun with weeds ran down either side of the gravel path to the door.

Sliding his key into the Yale lock the door was released from its bounds and opened with a light squeak. The house was poorly lit and peaceful as he made his way up the stairs. Pushing aside the door directly in front of him he found himself now standing in his bedroom.

The king-sized bed before him was however occupied by the frame of his wife. His black suit jacket slid from his shoulders to the floor where it was quickly accompanied by his black trousers and white shirt. He slid into the bed next to his wife facing her back and embracing her softly in his arms. The cotton of his boxer shorts slid against the white silk of her nightgown.

Her wild dirty blonde hair washed over her face like a storm driven sea. His hand brushed the hair away from her ear as he leant over and whispered into her ear ‘I love you’. His eyes glanced to the electric clock beside him that now read 01:27 am. He sighed heavily as he closed his eyes and tried to drift to sleep.

However his mind was preoccupied and thoughts kept running through his mind. Thoughts of his family, of his wife and of his children. He was the luckiest man alive. He loved his wife more than anything else in the world. They had been happily married for 15 years and in that time she had never done anything but support him, care for him and love him. Even after all the horror and tragedy he sees in his life just coming home and looking upon her face is enough to remind him why he does what he does. Why he goes on living in this world.

And she had blessed him. Blessed him with the two most beautiful children. It saddened him to think of all the times his job had called him away from his family and how much of their life he had missed. HE could not make up for the lost time and love but he could do one thing. Make this world a better place for them to grow up in.

He sighed heavily as his eyes gave in and he drifted into sleep.

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