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Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 2:28 am |
It had been late when Sorenti had arrived at his new haven in Cascadia. From the car he had seen the tall, iron gates that led off the road onto a gravelled drive about 120 yards long. At the end of the drive, was a roofed and pillared walkway leading up the steps to the huge iron studded door, though this was no mansion or castle. Once inside, he had little time to investigate the rooms, before being ushered downstairs into the modified cellar. The previous owner had obviously been one who lived in fear, for the cellar had been converted into an airtight, nuclear disaster shelter, complete with rooms and storage.
It was into this that Sorenti was ushered, a few of his new belongings already inside. A desk for him to work at, a telephone, several changes of clothes, lots of papers and files and a comfortable bed in a separate room. Sorenti watched as his guards hopped up onto their bunks on either side of the one entrance, then lifting La Magra from his desk, he turned and went into his bedroom. He locked the door and lay down on the bed, its softness pleasing as he relaxed into it.
Dawn had not long gone, when Sorenti awoke, he had slept fitfully, strange dreams of nobility and respect had shook him awake. With it still being early in the day, Sorenti was not surprised to see both guards still sleeping, so he quietly slipped past them and out, leaving them to their rest. He crept up the stairs to the silent house and tiptoed around the odd shaft of sunlight that broke through the old shutters. He made a mental note to get them renewed so that he could walk about freely should he not be able to sleep again.
Just as he was thinking along those lines, he heard quiet footsteps from outside the front door. Pausing to listen, he heard an odd scuffling sound and then saw something being forced under the door. Moving quickly, he yanked open the door and saw a man on his knees pushing some paper things through the gap under the door. The man fell inside at the door being opened, but Sorenti picked him up by the throat.
"What the hell are you doing?" Sorenti demanded
"J..ju..just...w.what's..yer p..problem..guv?" The man struggled to get out
Sorenti lifted him off the ground, squeezed his throat harder and asked again, the man pulling frantically at his hands and going a bright shade of blue.
"I..I..w..was j..ju..just de..deli..ver..ing..." the man gasped
Imo-rah appeared from one of the side rooms, rubbing the sleep from his eyes at the commotion.
"Sorenti sir...that's just the mailman, he delivers letters."
"Ah" Sorenti said as the man's throat caved in with a sickening crunch, his head rolling back as though he were a teddybear and his tongue lolling from his mouth.
"Oh well...not any more he isn't" Sorenti said with a smirk as he let the body drop to the floor with a crack as the head hit hard.
Imo-rah shook his head slowly with a little laugh,
"No, I guess he isn't...don't worry Sorenti, I'll get your advisor to see to the body."
"Thankyou Immy" Sorenti said with a shrug as though he couldn't care less what happened to the body.
"So...what is there to do around here in the daytime eh?" Sorenti asked
"Well...not really a lot for you sir, seeing as the sun kinda stops you a bit"
"Oh does it?" Sorenti asked as he threw Imo-rah up in the air, letting him scream before catching him right before his contact with the ground. Sorenti laughed and eventually Imo-rah did too, then the two of them set about exploring the house, sunlight permitting.
The house was a six-bedroomed affair, with the usual kitchen, dining room, lounge and study downstairs. In the study, they found some old writings hidden in an oversized bible. They were of strange events that had happened in Cascadia over the past 20 years or so. By the time the day had given up to the enveloping night, Sorenti had only just finished reading through them all.
"Hmmm...I think I shall go out into Cascadia tonight Immy, it's about time I did don't you think?"
"Certainly Sorenti sir, want me to go get your guards?"
"Nope...I feel like a walk, don't really need the guards as well, just for that...I'll go alone, it'll be fine...not as if anyone can really do me any harm is it?"
"Well, I suppose not Sorenti, but you will be careful won't you sir?"
"Oh of course Immy...I will, honestly, if I get in any trouble...I'll ring you" Sorenti replied and with that, he slipped on his jacket and vanished through the door before Imo-rah had time to respond.
Sorenti wasn't really sure where he was going, but he felt like he ought to just wander and get a feel for the place, so that's what he did. From road to road, street to street, he watched the mortal's strange behaviour and noted the odd Kindred in amongst them. He saw shops and shops, cinemas and restaurants, clubs and bars, hotels and casinos, mapping them all as best he could in his mind. After a while, he was in darker and darker streets, with fewer and fewer people, less and less traffic.
In one such street, he saw an old lady up ahead, struggling to cross the road, obviously poorly sighted and having difficulty. Reading something like this in a boy scout book, Sorenti rushed up to her, held out his arm and offered her assistance in crossing. The old woman was delighted with his offer, not really believing that there were any still around so noble. She held on tightly to his hand as Sorenti looked both ways and stepped out from the kerb.
As she began to follow, Sorenti tensed and launched her into the air, smiling with pride as her body soared clean over the entire road. He dusted his hands and felt very good about himself as her arthritis ridden body smashed into the building on the far side of the street. The impact shattered her old, fragile bones from her skull to her toes and back again. She crumpled into a heap that looked like an old leather bag with ornaments in it. Sorenti waited until her corpse settled, then he puffed his chest out and whistled a happy little tune as he sauntered along the street.
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 3:51 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((Great post Sorenti, wish i could jump in, but rofellos wouldnt even remember Sorenti, lol
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 3:54 am |
((lol that's ok, Sorenti wouldn't remember Rof lmao hehe :P
Thanks though man :smile:
[b:e804cbd524][i:e804cbd524] "Be careful who you're talking to.....they might just have the upper hand" [/i:e804cbd524][/b:e804cbd524][url]http://sorenti.homestead.com/main.html[/url]
[ This Message was edited by: Sorenti on 2002-01-16 21:56 ]
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 3:55 am |
((nifty post man..
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 3:55 am |
Endeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
(( ::speaks in a Godfather like accent:: That was a most excellent post senor....
A groan of tedium escapes me,
Startling the fearful.
Is this a test? It has to be,
Otherwise I can't go on.
Draining patience, drain vitality.
This paranoid, paralyzed vampire act's a little old.
[ This Message was edited by: Marcus Fidelitus on 2002-01-16 21:56 ]
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 3:58 am |
((wow thanks....hmmmm might even post the next bit tonight too mwuhahaha :grin:
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 5:11 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((Isn't he breaking the masquerade a little? LoL
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 5:59 am |
((lol you think?? hehe...though I guess if nobody saw him, he wasn't hehe))
Sorenti took the next right turn and walked along whistling, quite pleased with himself, when he heard a bit of a commotion up ahead. Quickening his step, he saw three youths that looked like they were trying to break into a jeweller's, further down the unlit road. He stood back for a while and watched them as they repeatedly threw a large brick at the window. Shaking his head, he walked right up to them,
"Just what do you think you are doing?" he asked
"Wos it to ya huh? get lost geezer!"
"No, seriously, what are you doing?" Sorenti followed
"Wot aintcha got eyes mate? we're gonna break dis window an like rob the 'kin place ain't we? now fark awf!"
Sorenti sniggered and all three looked at him with eyes like hot coals
"Ere, wot de fark ya larfin' at?"
"Well duh! Can't you see that it's armoured glass? Idiot!"
Before the lads could reply, Sorenti walked up to one who held an iron bar and took it from his hands,
"EY! giv dat bak!"
But Sorenti ignored him and drove it end first through all four corners of the window, then once through the centre,
"Right, now throw that brick, see you have to create a weakness in the temperance of the glass, give it a softspot so to speak, then it will break....now throw it!"
The youth obeyed almost too shocked to do anything but and sure enough, the window folded inwards and hung, cracks spreading out from the centre like a spider's web. All four took hold of the glass and pushed it right in, the edges finally releasing their grip on the framework.
"See? far easier" Sorenti said with a grin, started up his whistling again and continued along the sidewalk. The three youths stood mystified as they watched him leave, hardly believing either that he had helped, nor that he didn't want any of the jewels. By the time they snapped out of it and began to haul the goods from the store, Sorenti was already out of sight.
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 7:17 am |
((lol sorry, was gonna write more but eyes and hands too tired...m..must s..stay a...wake lol
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 1:19 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((oh welcome back sorenti...i think.....lol...he seems ... a bit different.. :smile:
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 2:50 pm |
(( Hmmmm I find this interesting heh heh this could be fun get a hold of me sometime I have a few ideas ))
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 7:11 pm |
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((Is the new Sorenti an idiot? Or is he on something? pot, maybe? Oh, I know, that fall when he was reawakened...he hit his head didn't he? tsk tsk tsk))
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 8:25 pm |
((lol sweet post Sor... I can picture that in my mind very clearly lmao Thats not how you do it!! THIS is how... damn kids, dont know a thing....
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 11:25 pm |
GangrelPosts: 186Location: York, England.Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:57 pm
((hope you dont mind but I couldnt resist it lol...
The wind blewdown the nearly deserted street, litter left by the kine, pushed along by it, forming small piles at the edge of the sidewalk.
Rea pulled the cloak around her as she walked back to her apartment, not really taking no notice of where she was walking, her feet seeming to carry her home automatically.
A noise made her look across the road and she stopped, and stepped into the doorway of a shop.
She held her long hair back as she looked closely at the group of youths gathered around a jewellers window, obviously intent on breaking in.
"kine, when will they learn" she muttered under her breath as she stepped out of the doorway to carry on down the street.
Something stopped her in her tracks and she slowly turned around, watching the figure approach the gang.
Rea walked across the road as if in a daze, her fingers curling around the knife that she carried in her cape, it was, it was sorenti she had heard that he had disappeared but it looked very much like he was alive and well.
her eyes widened as she listened to him telling the gang the best way to break the glass, her body rigid, unable to move,she watched as he walked off down the street as the glass shattered and the gang scrambled in through the gaping hole.
Rea released the grip on the knife and walked slowly behind sorenti, as his stride widened she increased hers to match his, her yes watching him all the time.
It was him she was sure..as she closed in on him she decided there was only one way to find out.
"Sorenti!" her sweet soft voice echoed down the street the wind carrying it to him.
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 2:02 am |
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((I'd bring Thorp in but I'm kinda hangin' wether I'm gonna take him into Gabe's thread...Thorp won't like it if Gabe's really dead...))
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