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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Undertow

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 7:49 am Reply with quote
The saturated storm clouds blanketed the night sky, blocking the glow of the moon like a stretch of trees. It all seemed so close, but like everything else, it was a lifetime away. From the roof of the abandoned building Gabriel thought he could almost touch the clouds.
He stood motionless among the Cascadian sky, the building beneath his feet lightless and dormant. An eternity below, signs blocked the entrance, large black letters stating the obvious. The Irishman sighed and finally flinched, moving to the far end of the rooftop, past the long unused vents and antennas. Removing his thick leather jacket, he took a slow and deliberate seat on the edge, the winds howling through his golden hair.
Overhead the clouds boomed once more, bathing the rooftop in an intense white flash. Gabriel sighed and glanced over his shoulder to the bustling city he had grown to love. Below, swarms of people went about their daily routines, following the same niche in and out like clockwork. The whole time hidden agendas flared behind them, hell AMONG them. They had no clue.
His mind wandered to the friends he had lost...through death or otherwise. Ezra, Liya, Mephisto, Nasenbluten, Sirrus, Sanguinius, Cosmos, Porter, the list went on and on. It seemed like too much at times...he wanted to break down, to hide himself away in a dark corner. But his love for the Cainites drove him to times his blue blood flared tempers, but he could not deny his true nature.
The sky lit up once more, and when darkness returned to the rooftop another figure stood across from Gabriel, cold dead eyes piercing the darkness. The Ventrue stood slowly, jacket still in hand. The figure made no sound, but his eyes said it all. Gabriel sighed slowly and turned around, peering over the edge of the building to the never ending streets.
"I know what you came to do." Gabriel said quietly. He was unarmed, his weapons left by his bedside at home. Celeste, the child Liya had brought him, slept peacefully in her crib. Jakob, the beautiful white dog given to him by Kathy lay quietly beneath the crib, dozing as well.
Gabriel's eyes closed as he thought of Kathy. He would miss her...she was the only woman since Melissa that he'd truly loved. He thought of his Sire as well...Sorenti...his closest ally alongside Drain. Valek....his mind clouded once more, desperately trying to hold back the flood of emotion. From behind the figure spoke.
"Rest well."
Gabriel sucked in a final breath of air and held it in his lungs. The world shook violently as the metal sliced through his back, penetrating his heart and bursting out his sternum. He released a small gasp of air as he glanced down at the protruding spear, blood awash in the air.
The streets of Cascadia twinkled with light, a thousand points of light. Where had he heard that once before? Gabriel chuckled deep within the recesses of his quickly fading mind. What an inappropriate time to wonder such a thing. If one thing was for sure, it was that life would survive, even if he did not.
The leather jacket fell from his hand, slipping over the side of the building and slowly to the ground below. Gabriel fought through the blood tears that poured from his eyes to get a glance as it danced on the breeze. He smiled slowly, finally at peace.
The figure's free hand grasped his back firmly and shoved, sending him over the edge. Gabriel did not fight, but rather embraced the free fall. The wind was probably doing damage to his skin, but it didn't matter, the nerve cells were dead. He smiled slightly as his world faded to black and he finally found peace.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 8:01 am Reply with quote
Los smiled evilly, wiping the blood from his spear. He watched as the Seneschal plumetted over the edge and to oblivion. He could feel the cold chill of death in the wet air, and he wallowed in it.
"One less Camarilla stooge..." he muttered to himself. He smiled slightly and walked back into the night...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 8:02 am Reply with quote
((Holy fuck on sticks! why Gabe why?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 11:29 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO gabeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 3:54 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy turned the engine off her porshche and got out, her long dress draping onto the cobbled courtyard as she did, a smile spreading across her face as she thought of Gabriel.
They had arranged to have dinner together and she had spent ages getting ready,and had finally chosen a red velvet long flowing dress, the bodice tightly hugged her slim waist, the necklace that he had given her at xmas, was on her neck, the cross hanging between her breast.
Frederick opened the door for her, he had heard her car pulling into the courtyard.
"Miss Kathy, Gabriel isn't here, he left awhile ago, he looked worried"
"hes not here? dont be stupid, he must be we arranged to meet here tonight for dinner"
"I know miss the chef has prepared the dinner, gabriel just went , not a word to noone which is strange" frederick said sounding worried.
Kathy walked down the corridor quickly, pushing doors open thinking that maybe gabriel was hiding somewhere.
"Ive searched miss Kathy, he's not here and ..look" Frederick stepped in front of her and pushed the door to the bedroom open.
Kathy looked around, everything seemed to be in place" what am I looking at freder...." her voice trailed off.
She walked over to the side of his bed, Sanguinius lay propped up against the cabinet.
"but he never went anywhere without it, its his protection....." her hand went to her mouth in shock she knew that he had been troubled by the disappearance of his sire, and she had been told that he was having money problems...but surely.
A whimper came from the side room and kathy walked in and smiled down at celeste.
"hello little one." kathy picked her up and rocked her,Jakob appeared at her feet , whining, wanting to be petted.
"frederick you dont valek now....he may know whats going on...but he never goes out without sang" her voice trailed off as frederick nodded , heading out of the door to call Valek.
Kathy sat on the bed and spoke quietly to celeste, trying to get her back to sleep.
"Gabriel where are you ?" kathy whispered softly to herself.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 5:55 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
:cry: :(

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 6:27 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((WTF!?!!?!? NOOOO!!! Dude! Gabe, there's still time to save you! Just give the word and Thorp will be in the neighborhood, he'd find yer body and take you directly to Bats, she could fix ya up!! Just give the word! DO IT!!! WHY!?!? why!?!?))

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 8:22 pm Reply with quote
((what in the hell?? GayBe !!!!!! Helluva post, but the last part of it kinda sucks.... I think maybe you shoulde edit the whole shish kabob and plummetting off the roof part.....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 10:10 pm Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
(( Noooo!!!!!! :( :(

erm... ZOINK
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 10:41 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Frederick walked into the room quietly and a faint smile spread across his lips. Kathy was laid on the bed, celeste in the crook of her arm fast asleep.
Kathy's eyes looked at him as he entered a finger on her lips, as she carefully got up from the bed, smoothing down her now crumpled velvet dress as she stood.
"any news..does valek know where he is ?"
Frederick shook his head "he last saw him at the priomogen meeting , since then they have met very briefly to discuss the business of the city but that is all, I dont understand it miss, this is so unlike him"

kathy looked down at the floor, wondering where he had gone to or , what had happened to him. I
n new york they had both been chased by hunters, what if they had tracked them down to here, but still that wouldnt explain why he would go out without his sword.

Her bright eyes looked up " I cant sit around waiting frederick,I have to go look for him he may be in trouble, I will be back later, to sleep here if I may in case he turns up."
"Of course Miss, but where will you look ?he could be anywhere, and do you think it wise to go searching on your own?" he looked at kathy closely, a faint smirk on his face, she was a toreador, they never did care much for getting their hands dirty with blood, unless it was for pure pleasure.
kathy glared back at him " do not let appearances mislead you frederick, im not as helpless as I seem to be, keep an eye on celeste and JaKob will you, im off to look for gabriel, and dont worry I will find him...dead or alive..."
Kathy walked quickly out of gabriel's haven and got in her car, speding back into the city .

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 1:56 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((Kathy, if ya need a superior sense of smell and someone that couldn't know Cascadia better (even its nooks and crannies) don't hesitate on looking for Thorp, he'll stop whatever he's doing if he knows Gabe's missing...when he finds out what happened he's gonna be MAAAD. I'm talkin' garou-morphing, ass-kickin' POed. Thorp won't stop until Los Requis or Thorp himself are dead.))

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 12:15 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy drove fast to her haven, the wheels on the porsche spinning as she rounded the corners sharply, her eyes watching the sidewalk for any sign of Gabriel.
"Gabriel if your playing games you are so going to get it from me " she muttered under her breathe, trying to convince herself that there was some logical explanation to all of this.
The car skidded to a halt outside her haven and she ran inside quickly, unzipping her dress as she did.
"Mistress?" Tobias stared as Kathy walked to her bedroom, letting the velvet dress drop from her as she did .
" Gabriels gone missing, I have to go look for him and I cant go in that now can i ?" kathy said as she went into her bedroom and grabbed a pair of jeans, a tshirt and a denim jacket.
" missing...but I thought you was meeting him at his haven?" Tobius looked on confused as he hung up her discarded dress that she had dropped.
" yes missing...I need help...who do you think will be able to help me?"
Kathy pulled on the jeans and the tshirt and slipped on the jacket.
"well anyone mistress,but how about graventhorpe, the gangrel, I'm sure he would help and he would be good to have around just in case"
Kathy looked as she pulled her hair back into a pony tail.
"never met him...where will he be?"
Kathy walked along the corridor a pair of boots in her hand and opened the door.
"I'll put them on in the car, know where will he be?" she asked tobias.
" Ive seen him in the bar on 34th street,you could try there"
"great bye" kathy slammed the door and got in her car, driving straight to the bar, as she pulled up outside she frowned, the place looked very seedy and drunks hung around outside it.(soz thorpe but i had no idea where you would be .
Kathy locked the car and walked to the door.
"hello darling" one of the men slurred at her as she went through the door, touching her ass as she passed him.
Kathy turned around and grabbed him by his collar, her temper wearing thin.
"touch me again and I will show you real pain, now be a good boy and drink your beer"
He backed away from her slowly.
She pushed past him and looked around the bar, the lights were low and the place stunk of beer and cigarettes, a barmaid stood behind the bar, chatting to a guy, his eyes ogling her barely covered breasts.
((you here thorpe...hehehehehe

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 8:04 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
"Looking for a night of pleasure, hotstuff?"
Graventhorp halted and retreated 2 steps, stopping infront of the hooker.
"And what could ya offer?" He asked.
The hooker smiled and posed sexily.
"Whutever ya want honey..."
Graventhorp smiled, careful to conceal his fangs, and led the hooker to an empty alley.
"Sorry, girl, but I kinda need it.." he grumbled and lifting her from the shoulders so her neck was at the same height than his mouth, he drained her completely of vitae.
He wiped hi mouth with his coat and sniffed the air. He drew up the perfect mental map of Cascadia he had and tried to figure out his exact position.
"34th.." he mumbled. There was a bar nearby, he ahd been there before, the ale was cheap, nothing fancy at all. He smiled and exited the alley. Behind him 2 wolves devoured completely the hooker's corpse before dissapearing...awaiting to be summoned again.

The bar was just an example of the the many cheap Cascadia joints. The waitresses were, or at least had been, in their majority prostitutes. The owner was a rich drug dealer, the same guy that owned 10 similar places throughout the city. He was also known for the ownership of a cheap escort service.
Graventhorp asked for 6 bottles of the "house brew" which was nothing more than bottles filled with beer left overs, collected every night from the very bar.
Ahhh, best shite in town..., The City Gangrel thought while he drained the first bottle (a Corona bottle with a faded white tag on it, the bottles were also reused).
He slammed the empty container and raised hsi eyebrows..his nsoe cuaght an unusal scent fro the place. Toreador. He looked around and, following the drunks' gaze, spotted the source of the scent. She was not a stranger, he couldn't recall her name but he very well knew she was "The torrie gabe's fucking".
He stood up and began to walk her way, the three leftover beers stood unbothered, altough many of the present eyed them greedily, Graventhorp had a reputation.
"Whatya doin' here?" He asked non-chalantly.
The Toreador narrowed her eyes.
Thorp rolled his feral yellow eyes under his sunglasses. "Aye, but it's pronounced Grah-Vuhn-Thorp. And there's no "e" at the end, if that's how ya think it's spelled... And you are?"
"Kathy Belvadere of clan Toreador."
Thorp nodded, "I knew yer blood-scent, I'm no punk. So, what brings ye to this part of town, Kathy Belavadere of clan Toreador?"
"You...I came looking for you. I need your help, Gabriel's missing."
The City Gangrel seemed unaffected by the statement, but all his muscles tensed up.
Kathy nodded.
"He's no where to be found..."
"Well, maybe the fucker doesn't want to be found.."
"He left his haven unarmed."
There was a reaction from the Proctor this time, he clenched his fists, unknowinlgy cutting his skin with his sharp, claw-like fingernails.
"Let's go."
Kathy followed the tall figure outside.
"Hey, my car's here!" she called out as Graventhorp began walking across the street.
He turned around, without halting, and grumbled: "No car. We'll walk, it's faster."
Kathy raised her eyebrows "Faster?" she mumbled. She shrugged and followed the City Gangrel, not sure if she had chosen well, but she knew Gabriel trusted Graventhorp, so she would too.

((We'll take shortcuts, many of 'em, some a torrie wouldn't really like, lol, but Thorp'll find Gabe, or what's left of him. Your turn, maybe Thorp will want to go to a high place to sniff for Gabe...your call))

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 8:27 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
:smile: all nice posts. :smile:

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 9:00 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy followed thorp across the road, increasing her stride to catch up with him.
"well are you going to tell me how it will be quicker on foot...Im sure it will be much easier by car"
Thorp merely muttered something under his breath as he slipped into the alley.
Kathy's nose wrinkled as the pungent smell of rotting trash and the acrid smell of urine hit her.
Thorp looked back at her and smirked as he watched her trying to side step through the mounds of rubbish.
"whats wrong..fraid you might spoil your nice clean shoes?" he asked
" I told you it would be easier by car...but know you wouldn't have any of it would you ...but dont worry about me I'll keep up with you ...I have to find Gabriel" kathy replied as she kicked a bag of rubbish out of her way and put her hand across her mouth as two rats ran out of it.
"where are we going thorp..?"
kathy caught up to thorpe and walked alongside him, watching him as his eyes scanned the alleyway ahead.
The tall buildings either side towering above them, the moonlight shining down and casting shadows.
"I need to find his scent..... we need to climb " thorp said gruffly as he strode over to a fire escape and started to climb.
Kathy stood and watched as he climbed up with ease stepping up three rungs at a time. He stopped and looked back at her.
" you coming or not ?"
Kathy looked around the alley and looked up at thorp.
"yes im coming, im not staying down here"
he shrugged " do as you please" and carried on scaling the fire escape.
Kathy slowly followed him, glad that she had changed and pulled herself up onto the roof.
" any luck?" she asked as she looked at him, crouched on the edge of the building.
((sorry its not much but its hard typing 1 handed a tattoo today on my shoulder and it hurts a bit :(

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