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Gin-ko World Walker
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 4:21 am |
Bone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
I have been away for about two months now,i knew that to leave the city would certainly NOT help me to regain the honor i had in me toward my sire Gabriel,the only image that was running through my mind was the time where ive put my knife against my sire throat by mistake,i felt like i lost my honor and i went away.
i had to go see my sire once again,at least to explain why,that is what i was going to do.
I left to go in Cascadia again.
The first thing i did was to rush my way toward his office.
>Once there<
The Ventrue guards were certainly doing their job,they asked me tons of question before i could finally pass through them.
I made my way into the shinny floor corridor that led to the Senchal office.
As i entered i kneeled on one knee bowing my head down and said `I am sorry sire , for i know i failed by pêrforming the act i did toward you , even if it was unwanted,i ask for another chance .. give me a job that can make you trust me again , give me someone to kill to prove my will to you , let me regain the honor i once had ..... please sire i ask only for this ... `
Before Gabriel could place a word i took out my knife and cut open the palm of my left hand and said `please let me prove myself .. ` i kept my head low waiting for a answer ...
_________________ Cut the sky to cry down blood. |
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 5:36 am |
The pen swooped across the bottom of the page with a flourish, the name Gabriel O'Brien signed with tact. At that moment the large double doors of Gabriel's office burst open, Jade scrambling forward and landing on her knees.
Gabriel glanced down at her as she apologized profusely for her actions, she had left town in shame and now seeked to regain her honor. Two guards appeared in the doorway, their faces carrying looks of concern. Gabriel waved them away and turned his attention back to his Childe.
"It's true," he said calmly, "you acted hastefully, embarrassing the both of us. But I do not hold it against you Childe, you are new to this. As payment, I will accept the death of a rival...see Fredrick on your way out."
Jade stood slowly and left, closing the doors behind her. Outside Gabriel's office, the walls shimmering with marble, Fredrick stood with a file in hand. He approached her and handed her the file.
"Here is your target. His name is Devasko Shmirowitz. He is a Russian Ventrue who has come to Cascadia....his business ventures conflict with Gabriel's. His address is there...as well as a surveillance photo. Remember....Ventrue Dignitas forbid this type of thing, so it's ABSOLUTELY key that you do not get caught or tell anyone about this....got it?"
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 9:16 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 9:23 pm |
((Nices posts :smile: ))
Gin-ko World Walker
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 4:05 am |
Bone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
I took the paper that the guard handed to me,as i looked at it i said " Amy restriction on this mission "
-=Guard=- " Like Mr.Gabriel said .. avoid being found at all cost. "
I noded saying " I remember that part "
I then went outside puting the document under my right arm.
I walked down the entrance stairs and headed toward my car ( black Ferrari )
i unlocked the driver door and sat in the car. I opened the folder looking at it with caution and extreme attention.
I turned on the research computer in my car and started to type the information in it,so i can build a database of everything i do,so i can keep track of my work.
Once i localised(sp) the adress i turned the engine on and drived away slowly.
(Im sowy for the crapy post =( i really wanted to post amd , ummmm i did and i hope its good
Jade aka Karmina ))
_________________ Cut the sky to cry down blood. |
Gin-ko World Walker
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 2:04 pm |
Bone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
About 15 minutes later i arrived at destination,i parked quite far away from the palace where this ventrue traitor was,so no one could notice me.
I made my way through the woods and got trough the back entrance,going inside.
Gin-ko World Walker
Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 8:47 pm |
Bone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
I entered the haven of this " Devasko Shmirowitz ",as i got inside i noticed two guards in the distance of the corridor.
I then put on black leather gloves,so i wouldnt leave any digital prints somewhere in this place,i waited that one of the guards would go away from the other one,which happened after two minutes of waiting,as the other one left to patrol the outside of the place i sneaked my way very close behind the other one,i then walked up the stairs that led to the second floor without being noticed.
As i arrived upstairs i saw a guard guarding a door,obviously the one where this Devasko is ...
The corridor was small and had no corner i could hide myself in case the guard turned to look in my direction,so ... i took out a army knife and aimed at the guard's throat ... since the guard was at the very end of the very long corridor (At least 30 meters) i aimed slowly and carfeuly at him and i threw the knife ...
The knife went through the whole corridor and peireced the guard's throat making him fell on the ground shaking while he was losing all of his blood,i smirked and walked my way to the room of Devasko.
I arrived in front of the door and i opened it slowly,i could see Devasko sleeping on a bed,i entered and closed the door silently.
I slowly reached for my back pack taking out a video camera,and turned it on,as i wanted to record my every single acts.
The camera was on and recording..
I took out a beretta and loaded it with a lethal dose of tranquiliser (sp?) with that dose it would make sleep a elephant in two seconds ...
I then shot Devasko with it in his throat two times,Devasko had only the time to wake up and sit then fell in a deep slumber ... i then attached the camera to my shoulder so it would keep recording.
I then tied up Devasko's hands and feet and i lifted him up and held him on my other shoulder as i opened the window of his room...
As i looked outside i could see that his room was right next to the Ocean , there was a cliff that was a least 200 meters high then the ocean ...
I closed my eyes and walked backwards.
Now that i had enough room to run and jump out by the window i started running and jumped out of the room ... i was now falling from 200 meters high reaching for the ocean at the bottom of it ..
I landed in the water,since the camera was water proof it kept recording.
-Few minutes after-
I arrived to my car and i putted Devasko in the trunk,i was all wet and so was Devasko since i just gotten out of the water.
I then sat in my black Ferarri and headed for my haven.
-Once in the haven-
Once i arrived in my haven i took out Devasko of the trunk and brought him to the cell area of it..
Ive put him in the cell where the sun would be able to enter and burn him eventually...
The cell had the form of a giant cylinder with some sort of metal bars blocking the top of the cylinder where the sun is entering ...
I needed to take a shower...this trip in the ocean was not relaxing ... i then went to take a shower.
-Minutes later-
As i got out of the shower i looked at my eyes and hair in the mirror,i frowned a little and took out some color changing stuff for the hair.
I bleached my hair pitch black and put green contact lens, making me look more menacing and greater in looks at the same time,i then put on only black clothes.
I went out of the bathroom and headed toward the cell section once again.
Devasko was now awake,and kept yelling " Let me out of here or you'll regret it ! "
I smirked as i turned on the surveillance(sp?) camera on,the camera was recording Devasko .. he was tied up in the cell and the sun was about to rise.
I looked at the two swords and two knife that was on the table nearby.
I opened the cell and took the two knives,and i stabbed them right in Devasko's chest,he screamed out in pain as he yelled " I dont know for who you work for but you better stop that and NOW!"
I smiled evily as i took one sword and stabbed him in his stomach this time,he screamed in pain as he started to beg me for stopping..
-=Devasko=- " You ... ::coughs:: work for Dante right ... "
I smirked as i took the other sword on the table ..
-=Devasko=- " NO!! Stop!! ... you .. you work for Gabriel O'Brien (dont know if its the good name if not im sorry = ( ) huh ? "
I smirked and point the other sword at his throat.
-=Devasko=- " I knew it ... its Gabriel right .. FUCK HIM! I dont know how much hes giving you but i offer double ! "
-=Jade=- " You cant even keep your mouth shut... "
I then stabbed Devasko right in his throat and closed the door of the cell... i took out my gun and backed up at a safe distance as i saw the sun coming in the cell room...
I shot all of my rounds on him as i said " Whoever interfer with Gabriel will die in the same way ... mess with the best die like the rest!..."
The sun was now shinning in the cell room making Devasko burn down in ashes .... the camera recorded all of that.
After i picked up all the stuff i needed ,camera and other papers i went to Gabriel's office,as i arrived there the guard stopped me obviously not recognising me due that i bleached my long hair black and putted green contact lens in my eyes.
After some explaining they lat me in.
Gabriel looked up at me as i bowed low to him and said " May i speak freely Sire?"
Gabriel replied " Feel free to do so."
I then took out the tape of the camera and put it on his desk and said " This is a recording of my every acts i performed last night"
(The tape shows everything i did in the post)
I then put a death certificate on the desk as i said " Since it might have caused problems with other kindreds or human if this Devasko had contacts i took care of making the death certificate...So no one will suspect me or you"
Gabriel noded
I then put some other papers on his desk as i said " Here is the information of his bank account and everything that he did in the last 10 years,i tought it might be of help,there is also titles of properties,whatever this Devasko owned is now yours.."
I kept my head low as i waited to hear what he would say.
_________________ Cut the sky to cry down blood. |
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 6:23 am |
(( Very nice post :smile: i like it :smile: ))
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 7:12 am |
((yup, very good :smile:
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