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< Ancient Tomes ~ Warnings, Explanations, and Back Stabbings |
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 6:52 pm |
((okay, this is a continuation of The Midnight Shroud, which was a continuation of Undertow
Bright lights clicked on, the mere "click" of the switch screaming in Gabriel's pounding head. His eyes shot open and exposed his pupils to the blinding light.
"Unnnng....." he murmured, rolling over and finding himself laying on a particularly soft bed. The covers that clung to his body were unusually tight, constricting ease of movement. Sounds scuffled in the corners and Gabriel strained his weakened eyes to identify the source.
He was in some type of cheap motel, that explained the tight sheets. Another bed sat a few feet away, the cheap wooden nightstand between them holding only a small lamp and a Bible. A small TV, a clumsly placed dresser, a particularly loud air conditioner, and a few other items were placed around the sparse room. A futon lay on the floor between the beds, neatly made.
The sound of footsteps approached, Gabriel still desperately tried to focus his blurred vision. Two figures approached and stood over him, their arms in their pockets.
"Good evening Gabriel," a deep accented voice said softly, "it is good to see you awake."
Gabriel shot his hands over his face, expecting a barrage of blows to hail down at any moment. None came, only a gentle touch to his arm, coaxing him to drop his guard.
"We're not here to hurt you Gabriel, we saved you from the rising sun." the voice said again. It was a Mediterranean...but faint. Gabriel sat up slowly, rubbing his head. If they were going to kill there was little he would be able to do.
"Who are you?" he asked quietly, moving bloody knuckles to his eyes.
"In good time Gabriel, in good time. I have come to issue you a warning..." Gabriel's eyes shot up to the man's face. It was obscurred oddly by the shadows of the room.
"A warning....? About Los Requis?"
"No Gabriel....about your Sire. He is looking for you...and no amount of security will stop him." the voice said softly. Gabriel groaned. His Sire had abandoned him the very night of his embrace. He had never even seen his face, just the cold grip of his rain soaked hand and the chill of death as he was embraced.
"What does he want from me?" Gabriel asked, allowing his remaining blood to begin the arduous healing processes about his body.
"Quite simply Gabriel, he wants you dead."
"What?? Why?" It made no sense.
"Because Gabriel, you are his greatest shame...a Ventrue dedicated to the Camarilla." the voice said softly.
"He is Sabbat?" he asked quietly, his eyes sliding into focus. The figure behind the speaker was slightly taller, well dressed. He looked familiar....
"He is Ventrue Antitribu more specifically. He is dangerous...EXTREMELY dangerous." there was a tone of remorse in the mans voice.
"And who are you...?" Gabriel asked slowly, finally recognizing the figure behind the speaker. It was Sir William, the arrogant Directorate Agent who had stormed into Cascadia months ago.
"I am of no importance at the moment Gabriel, just be warned. He is hunting you." Gabriel nodded slowly. The figure reached into his black jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope, tossing it onto the bed next to Gabriel. "This is all the information you'll need on him Gabriel....including survellaince photos of him. Memorize his face."
Gabriel stared silently at the envelope. Within was the contents he had searched for for nearly two centuries. He picked it up slowly and popped the seal, pouring the contents onto the felt covers of the bed. A photo fell face up, his Sire's peircing eyes staring into blankness.....
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 6:57 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((nice post as usual :smile: :P
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 9:17 pm |
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((huh? isn't Gabe's sire Sorenti...?? I'm confused now...))
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 9:52 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((um Im with thorp on this one...I thought sorenti was your sire.....
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 11:15 pm |
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 1:35 am |
(( Aight kids All together 2+2=????
Im such an ass sometimes.......
It's said that death is the final truth.....[i:c4370e5e86] They lied.[/i:c4370e5e86]
[ This Message was edited by: Chaz on 2002-01-24 22:08 ]
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 3:19 am |
Endeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
((Boo-yah Gab-ola!
_________________ erm... ZOINK |
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 4:10 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((no no, if i remember correctly Sorenti Abopted Gabriel and took him under his wing, with a 1 or 2 point blood bond....i hope thats correct....oh yeah...i pay attention....ive beeen around long enough....
((I REALLY HOpe im right or else i sound like an ass.. :lol: )))
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 7:43 am |
((if your right then dont worry, cause I'LL sound like the ass... mind you.... thats nothing new is it?
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 7:59 am |
((Rof is right, Gabe has taken Sorenti as his Sire. it is a blood bond between them, but he is NOT Gabriel's original Sire. Sor did that about a month or so after I joined the guild.
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 3:21 pm |
(( See lookit, now Im the ass.......
mutters something about brown noses as he walks past Rof..
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 6:21 pm |
Gabriel rubbed his head once more, shaking the previous nights pains from his memory. The lead figure walked to the other side of the room, Sir Williams taking a defensive stance by the door. Gabriel wondered slightly if he was trying to keep others out or him in.
He sat up slowly on the bed, pushing the covers aside and holding the picture of his Sire in his hand. ((sorry, i'll give a description of Gabe's Sire later hehe)) It was all a bit much to be taking in this early in the night. He glanced at the clock, 6:30 PM. Hell, it was early.
Gabriel looked to the figure, who remained wrapped in his shroud of shadows.
"Alright...so you've warned me of my Sire. Now tell me who you are, I am Seneschal of this city and it is my right to..." the figure rose, stepping towards the window, hands clamped behind his back. For some odd reason Gabriel felt compelled to stop speaking, and he did so trailing off..
"Gabriel," the figure said evenly, "I'm sure in your world, your position is a wonderful accomplishment. But to narrow you mind so much as to think you hold rank over all types....it is most disappointing."
((damn ran out of time, i have to go to class, i'll finish when i get back.
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 10:54 pm |
Gabriel let out a brief sigh of defeat, studying the man, try as he might he could not peer through the darkness. For some reason he found himself not really desiring to. But there was no room for negotiations at a moment like this.
"Now listen, I can appreciate you saving me and the warning, and I ASSURE you that I will do everything in my power to reward you." The man turned from the window, looking squarely at Gabriel with deep blue eyes that peered out from the inky blanket.
"And just what power DO you have Gabriel? Really?" Gabriel grimaced, his temper beginning to rise. He let the picture float to the carpet and stood up, discreetly taking in a deep breath to puff his chest out.
"Do not dismiss me so easily. I am stronger than you think. I am no mere fledgling." Gabriel said, his tone stern and determined. A chuckle seemed to fill the room, it's origins almost untraceable. The figure stepped forward through the shadows, the darkness sliding off his features like a liquid.
Gabriel examined the man thoroughly. He was not a large gentleman, only slightly under six feet tall. His hair was a deep rich black and was cut short to his head in a fairly conservative style. His smooth sloping brow seemed almost to glide perfectly into the formation of a thin pointed nose.
His lips pursed up in a smile on his pale skin. But the eyes....the ocean blue eyes that seemed to hold so much within them. Gabriel couldn't draw away.
"So you are old are you....?" the blue eyes widened.
Gabriel tensed as his world flashed away and his mind was filled with visions, crystal clear events streaked through his mind. Green hills, the bowels of a ship, a vast empire, bloody battles, screaming victims, the blood of an elder splattered across the wall, raging fires, the end of an era.
And all at once the visions stopped, like the last remnants of a quickly fading dream, Gabriel could not recall exactly what he had seen, but the general realization was crystal clear.
"My God," Gabriel whispered, "you're a Methusalah...."
The man smiled, picking a lint ball from his cotton knit sweater and flicking it carelessly to the ground. Slowly he took a seat on the bed across from Gabriel's. He stared at him once more with those eyes...
"Gabriel....I'm not just a Methusalah," he said, "I'm your Grand-Sire."
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 10:35 am |
(( sounds like gabe is puttin on Heirs.....
getting a little big in the britches aint ya there PV.. LOL J/K
do you want me to step out of the shadows and kill everyone in the room,,,, i could do it if you want,,,,,
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