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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  A letter to the Hierarchy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 9:54 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:54 pm
(sitting at his desk, he consideres his actions and what he is about to write. The decision has been made, and although he knows it's what he wants and it is something that needs to be done, it still weighs heavily on his shoulders.
He reaches across the desk and drawing a fresh sheet of pale cream colored parchment he begins....)

Honored Prince, Primogens, and Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen of Cascadia.

I am writing this letter so as to make you aware that I would seriously like your consideration for the position of Primogen for the Brujah Clan.
As you are already aware, I currently hold the position of Clan Whip. I would not like to stand on that record though, as in the past, personal matters prevented me from diligently fullfilling those duties as I would have liked to. Having said that, I understand that the question could be raised about what would stop that from happening if I were made Primogen.
The honest answer to that question is that I do not know. I can make a long speech to you about giving a serious dedication of my time and a load of other well worded excuses that add up to little if nothing. And frankly, I refuse to insult myself and you all as well by going through that.
I can tell you though, that if, in your collective intelligence and wisdom, you all see fit to allow me to serve my clan in this manner, I will give every ounce of possible energy that I can to working for and alongside my fellow Brujah as well as the other members and citizens of Cascadia.
Now you are probably wondering why I think I am right for or deserving of this position, and what I will do if elected to it. I will start my answer by saying two things.
One: Above all else I believe in my Clan and the blood that flows through our veins. Because of that I will make it my unlifes mission to aid our Clan in becoming worthy of and proud to bear the name of Brujah. Many consider us to be nothing more than rabble and are quick to dismiss us as 'anarchs' and trouble makers. In some cases that may well be true. But I don't particularly care what other people think of us. My goal is to make us proud of who we are and allow others of my clan to see thier full potential.
Two: I was welcomed very warmly into the Cascadian community and have found a place that I am glad to say is home. It is nice to have people to call family even if we are a trifle disfunctional.
If given the opportunity though, I would like to give something back if I can. What that is, I am unsure, I guess that would depend on what, if anything was needed of me.
That being said I will make no promises about what I will do if I become Primogen. Primarily because I am not a politician nor do I wish to be one. I do not tolerate political intrigue and games nor will I participate in them. To be honest, I would as soon fight; as opposed to mincing words with someone who finds themselves on the opposite side of an issue from me. I understand that, that does not sound like a particularly redeeming quality in a Primogen. However, I would rather be open about my true colors and feelings instead of lying and saying I am any other way. That of course is a drastic last resort, but it is an honest answer none the less.
Also, contrary to what you may believe from this long winded letter, I am normally a man of very few words. So I can tell you, that if I do take issue with something and vocalize it, you can be assured that I feel strongly about it and will stand by my convictions about it.
The one thing that I can say about myself and my character that I believe speaks volumes about who I am, is that I hold loyalty above anything else. That might sound slighty absurd given the constantly shifting nature of kindred kind, but it is the one thing that I put unending faith in.
I believe that what I have stated above conveys enough of myself and what I want to say. I ask that you consider my words and my desire to become Primogen seriously. I appreciate the time you have taken to read this and I await your input and or questions.

Sincerely Yours,
Jensill Black
Brujah Clan Whip

(He stands slowly and stretches. He looks down at the letter and smiles.
"Not a politician? sure as hell sound like one." He says aloud to himself.
Picking the letter up, he moves over to his copy machine and loads identical paper into the tray. Placing the original into the machine, he figures out how many letters he will need and presses start. When the machine is finished, he takes the warm copies and moves back over to his desk, sits, and starts placing them in envelopes of identical material to the heavy paper.
Placing his personal seal, a coiled serpentine dragon atop two cross broadswords, on each of the letters in black and silver wax, he gathers up the letters and his jacket and walks out to is Harley.
The low rumble of his bike fills the night air as he delivers each letter to where the prominent members of Cascadian society will find thier respective copy.
When he's finished, he heads towards the haven of his soon to be unlife companion to tell her the silly thing he has done.)

befor you end the thought that you can bury me
I turn out the lights so you cant see
the shadow in the dark that you can barely sieze...surrounded by the death that doesnt bleed
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 10:27 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
Offline Profile
PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 11:26 pm Reply with quote
Isis sits waiting in her garden. She waits for her beloved. He told her that he did something of great import. She looks down to see the moonlight play on the scales of her serpentine companions. She hisses lovingly at them. They twine lovingly around her slender ankles.
She looks up in time to see Jensill approaching through the portico. She smiles at him lovingly.
She walks over to him and places her arms around his neck. She gives him a deep kiss.
"So, what was the foolish thing you did tonight, dear?", Isis asks coquettishly.
"I sent letters to say that I was running for Brujah Primogen.", he answers.
"Why do you think that's foolish?", she asks,"Do you really want this?"
He scratches his head and replies, "Yeah, I guess I do."
"Well then my love, you have my full support. But then again you always have my support.", she says half-jokingly.

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